BREAKING: Democrats and Trump reach deal to save DACA

Interesting. Trump, once again, is selling out his base and all they do is try to rationalize it.
Perhaps you can share what source is claiming that the WHITE HOUSE has agreed to not build the wall?

Reading is fundamental. Remember that before you comment. I am referring to the topic "Democrats and Trump reach deal to save DACA". I have no idea what you are talking about.
Well it looks like Trump has made a deal with Democrats to save DACA. The Democrats gave up some money for border enhancements but got no money for the wall. It will be interesting to see the reaction of Trump supporters who denied Trump's promise to not deport DREAMers.

Democrats say they have deal with Trump on young immigrants
Well, it looks like you're a liar, just like Jew Weasel Schumer and Pelosi lied in their statement tonight.

From White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders tonight:


Sarah Sanders
Sarah Sanders @PressSec
While DACA and border security were both discussed, excluding the wall was certainly not agreed to.
9:21 PM · Sep 13, 2017


White House Spox Refutes Pelosi-Schumer Statement – Excluding Border Wall Not Agreed To

And an extra bonus!

No Deal? Second Trump Official Refutes Democrats' 'Misleading' Statement On DACA, Border Wall
You trust Sarah [Poor Pitiful Pearl] rather than two seasoned politicians mmm.
Of course. She's a Christian with moral values. Seasoned politicians are liars and crooks, especially the Jewish ones like Schumer.

She changed God is all, her god is now Donald.
Interesting. Trump, once again, is selling out his base and all they do is try to rationalize it.
Perhaps you can share what source is claiming that the WHITE HOUSE has agreed to not build the wall?

Reading is fundamental. Remember that before you comment. I am referring to the topic "Democrats and Trump reach deal to save DACA". I have no idea what you are talking about.

Yeah, reading is fundamental, dude.

Trump says no deal on DACA, wants 'massive' border security
Listening to a conservative talk show host (David Drucker, filling in for Hugh Hewitt): Quite a few Trump fans are PISSED.
News reporters spread fake news and people react to it....until they get the accurate facts.

This is the definition of FAKE NEWS.
I asked you for your source, got none, so I provided an alternative source with accurate information. IT was never said to have been part of the OP, lol.
I have no idea what you are babbling about but I'm talking about the OP. If you need help reading it, let me know.
OK, my participation in this discussion with you is over.

I made the mistake of thinking you were an adult. so nm.
I made the mistake of thinking you were an adult. so nm.
Thank God.
Well it looks like Trump has made a deal with Democrats to save DACA. The Democrats gave up some money for border enhancements but got no money for the wall. It will be interesting to see the reaction of Trump supporters who denied Trump's promise to not deport DREAMers.

Democrats say they have deal with Trump on young immigrants
Well, it looks like you're a liar, just like Jew Weasel Schumer and Pelosi lied in their statement tonight.

From White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders tonight:


Sarah Sanders
Sarah Sanders @PressSec
While DACA and border security were both discussed, excluding the wall was certainly not agreed to.
9:21 PM · Sep 13, 2017


White House Spox Refutes Pelosi-Schumer Statement – Excluding Border Wall Not Agreed To

And an extra bonus!

No Deal? Second Trump Official Refutes Democrats' 'Misleading' Statement On DACA, Border Wall
You trust Sarah [Poor Pitiful Pearl] rather than two seasoned politicians mmm.
Of course. She's a Christian with moral values. Seasoned politicians are liars and crooks, especially the Jewish ones like Schumer.
LOL She is a lying bitch that will be discarded in time just like Sean whenever it is convenient for the lying treasonous fat senile old clown.

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