Breaking -- Donald Agrees Not to Back Out of NAAFTA.

After I read the Washington Post story about it, it didn't seem that big of deal. Just a negotiating tactic that I doubted Mexico or Canada would have fell for and which would have did harm to our American companies that cannot shift operations on a dime.
NAFTA has been terrible for America. What the fuck does Canada or Mexico have that we want...besides our jobs back.
Just a reminder of what Trump said to get those labor votes in the Rust Belt that WON HIM THE ELECTION:

Trump said, "You go to New England, Ohio, Pennsylvania, you go anywhere you want, Secretary Clinton, and you will see devastation where manufacturing is down 30, 40, sometimes 50 percent. NAFTA is the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere but certainly ever signed in this country."

Donald Trump on Free Trade
Just a reminder of what Trump said to get those labor votes in the Rust Belt that WON HIM THE ELECTION:

Trump said, "You go to New England, Ohio, Pennsylvania, you go anywhere you want, Secretary Clinton, and you will see devastation where manufacturing is down 30, 40, sometimes 50 percent. NAFTA is the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere but certainly ever signed in this country."

Donald Trump on Free Trade

So where did he say he was personally going to repeal it?
Just a reminder of what Trump said to get those labor votes in the Rust Belt that WON HIM THE ELECTION:

Trump said, "You go to New England, Ohio, Pennsylvania, you go anywhere you want, Secretary Clinton, and you will see devastation where manufacturing is down 30, 40, sometimes 50 percent. NAFTA is the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere but certainly ever signed in this country."

Donald Trump on Free Trade

So where did he say he was personally going to repeal it?

So you think that the people who heard the above should have interpreted it to mean

'...NAFTA is the worst trade deal ever but don't get me wrong, I don't want to repeal it'.??

lol, good one.
Just a reminder of what Trump said to get those labor votes in the Rust Belt that WON HIM THE ELECTION:

Trump said, "You go to New England, Ohio, Pennsylvania, you go anywhere you want, Secretary Clinton, and you will see devastation where manufacturing is down 30, 40, sometimes 50 percent. NAFTA is the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere but certainly ever signed in this country."

Donald Trump on Free Trade

So where did he say he was personally going to repeal it?

So you think that the people who heard the above should have interpreted it to mean

'...NAFTA is the worst trade deal ever but don't get me wrong, I don't want to repeal it'.??

lol, good one.

The bottom line is that he never said what you claim he said. We're all free to interpret statements how we want to, but we aren't free to make up stuff from whole cloth.
The mega Capitalist wing of the Republican party has clearly assimilated Trump to their mega profits at our expense.

is that what it means? you don't think he's part of the "capitalist wing"?


did you really believe that he was ever not going to only take care of rich people?

you all were duped.

I didn't vote, but I supported most of Trump's ideals over the Hillary's.

Before the election I was even saying Trump might be a plant, that he might be there just to make Nationalism look as clownish as possible.
so he had a nice conversation with the leaders of china and mexico and he's sticking with NAAFTA.

Trump agrees "not to terminate NAFTA at this time", will negotiate -

the trumpsters are going to be sobbing about this one.

No wonder people like you are always so confused! You can't even get a simple 5 letter acronym accurate!
Trump agrees "not to terminate NAFTA at this time", will negotiate -

Simple request... double check before you hit the enter key!
so he had a nice conversation with the leaders of china and mexico and he's sticking with NAAFTA.

Trump agrees "not to terminate NAFTA at this time", will negotiate -

the trumpsters are going to be sobbing about this one.

Once again... you and the BIASED MSM conflate, confuse, and in other words misrepresent exactly what has happened!

Late this afternoon, President Donald J. Trump spoke with both President Peña Nieto of Mexico and Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada.
Both conversations were pleasant and productive.
President Trump agreed not to terminate NAFTA at this time and the leaders agreed to proceed swiftly, according to their required internal procedures, to enable the renegotiation of the NAFTA deal to the benefit of all three countries.
President Trump said, "it is my privilege to bring NAFTA up to date through renegotiation.
It is an honor to deal with both President Peña Nieto and Prime Minister Trudeau, and I believe that the end result will make all three countries stronger and better."
Trump won't terminate NAFTA treaty 'at this time,' will attempt renegotiation: White House

So idiots like you interpret this as BAD? This is wrong?
Obviously you dummies NEVER EVER have been involved in negotiations. Any person who has been in negotiations KNOW you make initially your requirements
and then the other party makes their. And then you negotiate!
Screen Shot 2017-04-27 at 6.48.30 AM.png
Just wait, when he announces he'll be sticking with the Paris climate accords, heads are going to start popping like pimples on a teenager's chin...
Trump said what he said.

He is now "renegotiating" a deal the which he has no power to end.

Trump is, for the moment, solidly with the people who are hurting the American manufacturing class in horrible ways.
I tried to tell people, he's not the candidate you think he is... but did they listen? Nooooo...

The thing is...he's hitting the reality wall.

It's just like with Jimmy Carter - came in with his merry band of outsiders gonna change Washington. But it's not just Washington - it's realizing this stuff is a shit load more complicated then it looks when you're campaigning....

I feel a bit less crazy for I too have sensed a bit of déjà vu that had me thinking back to Jimmy Carter's administration.

Oh wow.. I voted for Carter because I thought he was a smart man able to get things done. But being the micromanager that he was he tried to tell everyone how to do everything. He didn't even have a chief of staff for the first few months.
Carter promised in the 1976 campaign not to appoint a chief of staff due to what he felt was an overabundance of power concentrated in the Nixon White House.[1]
As a result, he had no Chief of Staff for the first two and half years of his term.
But Trump BELIEVES in trusting the right people in the right positions to make decisions.

The White House is giving the Pentagon greater flexibility to determine the number of U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria, in another move by President Donald Trump to shift greater power to his military leaders.

The decision will give Defense Secretary Jim Mattis the authority to send more forces into Syria, to assist U.S.-backed local troops as they move to retake Raqqa from the Islamic State group, which has used the city as a de facto capital.
News from The Associated Press

This is great example of Trump trusting people he hires to do their job or they don't he tells them "YOU'RE FIRED"!!!
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I tried to tell people, he's not the candidate you think he is... but did they listen? Nooooo...

The thing is...he's hitting the reality wall.

It's just like with Jimmy Carter - came in with his merry band of outsiders gonna change Washington. But it's not just Washington - it's realizing this stuff is a shit load more complicated then it looks when you're campaigning....

I feel a bit less crazy for I too have sensed a bit of déjà vu that had me thinking back to Jimmy Carter's administration.

Oh wow.. I voted for Carter because I thought he was a smart man able to get things done. But being the micromanager that he was he tried to tell everyone how to do everything. He didn't even have a chief of staff for the first few months.
Carter promised in the 1976 campaign not to appoint a chief of staff due to what he felt was an overabundance of power concentrated in the Nixon White House.[1]
As a result, he had no Chief of Staff for the first two and half years of his term.
But Trump BELIEVES in trusting the right people in the right positions to make decisions.

The White House is giving the Pentagon greater flexibility to determine the number of U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria, in another move by President Donald Trump to shift greater power to his military leaders.

The decision will give Defense Secretary Jim Mattis the authority to send more forces into Syria, to assist U.S.-backed local troops as they move to retake Raqqa from the Islamic State group, which has used the city as a de facto capital.
News from The Associated Press

This is great example of Trump trusting people he hires to do their job or they a "YOU'RE FIRED"!!!

One thing Trump does, he gives up then comes back from another direction. He gets what he wants.

I've used that technique myself.

Trump telephoned Justin Trudeau in regards to the softwood lumber mess, and the White House characterized the phone call as very friendly and very positive.

Trudeau said the call was neither friendly or positive, and that Canada will defend its lumber industry vigorously. After which Trump backed down on pulling out of NAFTA.

Canadians are talking about boycotting American imports in response to the lumber tariff.

NAFTA was disastrous for the middle class....can we at least agree on that?

I have always hated NAFTA. My husband returned to school after we were married to become a cabinet maker. When NAFTA came in, the entire industry moved to the US. What jobs that were left were paying minimum wage - half what my husband had been making before NAFTA.

In the City of Oshawa, just outside of Toronto, there were 20,000 auto workers working for General Motors, or their local suppliers. Those jobs now are gone, but Oshawa has recovered, and is one of the best places in Canada to go to find work.

Canada has suffered some of the same problems as the US - off-shoring, loss of manufacturing, and we took mega-hits during the 2008 Recession, but our economy bounced back quicker than yours. We didn't have a housing bubble, our banks didn't collapse because they were more regulated than US banks (no sub-prime mortgages or the derivitives that flowed from them), but we have a stronger social safety net, and that made the recovery quicker as well.

You have a housing bubble now, and it has nothing to do with nafta.
Just a reminder of what Trump said to get those labor votes in the Rust Belt that WON HIM THE ELECTION:

Trump said, "You go to New England, Ohio, Pennsylvania, you go anywhere you want, Secretary Clinton, and you will see devastation where manufacturing is down 30, 40, sometimes 50 percent. NAFTA is the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere but certainly ever signed in this country."

Donald Trump on Free Trade

So where did he say he was personally going to repeal it?
CNN is fake news. Trump isn't pulling out of NAFTA yet, because he's ready to start renegotiating it:

Trump tells Canada, Mexico, he won't terminate NAFTA treaty yet: White House

no, nutter butter. CNN is NOT fake news. THAT is the problem with trump loons. You don't know the difference between real and fake.

so you voted for a reality TV show host who is pretending to be a "populist".


Sorry, but facts are facts. CNN is fake news:


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