BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

How convenient to forget even the MSM calling it Obama's Watergate........

Learn to forget.......


Cite to anyone in the MSM claimin it was Obama's Watergate? Even if they did, so what? That's not the issue, not has it ever been.

Tying the White House to the IRS abuse the only issue, always has been.


Conservatives have no interest in the facts or the truth, they couldn't care less about Lerner, this is solely about 'getting rid of Obama.'

And to that end they'll lie, twist the truth, and seek to contrive 'cover ups' where none exist.
The onus is on the IRS to provide evidence exonerating itself since it has not complied with a lawful subpoena. The onus is not on the citizens to accept speculation from a partisan political supporter of this administration.
no, the onus is on the accuser of the supposed wrong doer, ALWAYS in this nation.

That standard has been met, the cases of the groups unfairly harmed. The investigation evolved and the IRS agreed to supply the information. Then "whoops," the information has been lost in a series of hard drive crashes. At the same time, the unfortunate event of high level IRS administrators did not follow IRS procedures for safeguarding records. Now they are claiming that there was nothing wrong here.

The onus is on them to prove it since they cannot comply with their own obligations and records that should be produced according to their own procedures.

I'm sure you trust the legal system enough to gladly encourage this mess to be tried in a court of law, right? Go ahead and demand that this be done.

Prove a negative?

I think it's good to know that the IRS, the EPA, and the FEC have high level people who are not stewards of the public trust but are in fact political operatives. That sort of exposure is healthy no matter which party controls the Oval Office.

BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, they benefit more politically, from the right wing media what they obviously decided.

I honestly don't see how you Obama haters can't see this? It's plain as day....

So breaking the law doesn't matter to you. Okie dokie.

So, many of us would like to get to the bottom of this, we just don't accept mere speculation as PROOF, like you guys are so willing to do....or without information missing that is needed to become more I had inquired in my post above...

You're so concerned with getting to the bottom of this that you are advocating against the only investigation being conducted. Yeah, ok, sure.
No one has said a crime was committed, they have said inappropriate behavior of the irs's means of picking who they audit and the extra scrutiny was wrong...inappropriate etc, however there is no criminal LAW that was broken...

and there has been absolutely no evidence that this was a coordinated and directed act by anyone in management or the administration...certainly, with the over 100,000 records that have been turned over to the congress critters that they subpoena, they can show SOMETHING, ANYTHING AT ALL that shows their accusations are remotely true....

Oh, but a handful of other emails can't be recovered, it MUST BE IN THERE, where the wrong doing has taken place since it is NOT in the 100,000 documents and emails that we do have....

Call Learner to testify, give her immunity... stop the dog and pony pontificating ass shows, (what are we, at 12 hearings of nothingness so far?) they are a waste of our tax dollars, but DO A PROFESSIONAL AND THOROUGH investigation.

Did you watch yesterday's hearing? Just another day of grand's embarrassing that they are getting paid for this....

It could have been different and there could have been support by everyone, but these characters chose to be characters...loony tune characters....yet you all don't see this? That's amazing to me....
Cite to anyone in the MSM claimin it was Obama's Watergate? Even if they did, so what? That's not the issue, not has it ever been.

Tying the White House to the IRS abuse the only issue, always has been.


Conservatives have no interest in the facts or the truth, they couldn't care less about Lerner, this is solely about 'getting rid of Obama.'

And to that end they'll lie, twist the truth, and seek to contrive 'cover ups' where none exist.

Please show conservatives trying to tie this to Obama.
OTOH wouldn't it be odd if the IRS was engaged in a targeting operation (which we know they were) and the WH didnt know anything about it? Is the president devious or incompetent? The choices arent good here.
Your side's lovely propaganda, pegged her as THE investigator for the case.

You did not say that she was 1 of the many, chosen to be on the team to investigate. She was 1 person, on the entire team including the FBI members....that used her constitutional right, to support a candidate, when off duty. And you all smeared her from here to high heaven, with absolutely no support what so ever that she was not being professional and doing her job, along with all the other people on this investigative team. She was not in charge of these other people on the team of investigators charged with the task.

But you all, and your beloved right wing media, made it out to be her and her alone that was leading this investigation, that was only out to save Obama's ass.... yadahyadahyadahyadah which is simply not true. :eusa_clap: Bravo again to the lovely, honest, moral and wonderful right wingers...

As don't seem to know a thing about the hearings or the investigations. The woman that was in charge of the Justice Department investigation (who was the big Obama supporter to the tune of a six thousand dollar contribution) never testified before the Congressional committee because the Justice Department decided it would be improper for her to do so while leading an ongoing investigation. Instead they sent Ms. O'connor who was one step lower on food chain. She's the one who couldn't even come up with the name of one of the people working under her supervision on the "alleged" investigation...but at least the Committee couldn't grill HER over contributions to Obama which I guess is why Holder sent her to the Hill. God knows it wasn't because she knew anything about anything because she pretty much demonstrated she didn't know diddly about diddly! In that, Care...she reminds me an awful lot of you!

Because there are not people below her on the investigation Oldstyle, from what was said in the hearing, the other investigation committee members are level or they are ABOVE HER.

It's against the law to antagonize her or interrogate or intimmidate a career employee about their political contributions....You do understand that, right? I mean, you can see why it would be against the rules and regs and law to do this to a career employee, can't you?

Yet, you still believe donating to a political campagin is going to make a career employee, all of a sudden commit a crime by covering up another supposed crime?

Reminds me of a quote about the eternal punishment for liars...

which is not that their lies won't be believed, but that they can't believe anyone else....

I am beginning to believe these accusations by these republicans on the committee stem from their own experience of what THEY inappropriately have done in the past, thus they can't believe anyone else would not be as dishonest as them....

Ya know what, your republican representatives need to get a new schtick , their 'pompous ass act' is growing old....for the sane among us.

So the woman that the Justice Department assigns to investigate the IRS scandal happens to be a HUGE supporter of the President. Not the best way to go about reassuring people that the investigation you're starting is going to be fair and impartial but you know what...if she comes in and leads a thorough investigation I'd be fine with that. Just because someone contributes to a political entity doesn't mean they aren't capable of doing their job to investigate that entity.

But what's most disturbing about this isn't the appearance of's the actions of the people doing the investigation. How do you investigate what took place at the IRS if you don't examine the emails of the people involved? How do you investigate what took place at the IRS if you don't interview ANY of the 140 groups and individuals who charged that their rights had been violated? How do you do THAT and call it an "investigation"?

How do you see the hard drives of the players involved all mysteriously crash...see no paper backups despite their being required by law...see no attempt to recover lost data from the tape backups...see no attempt to halt a scrubbing of those tape backups so that the data is now totally do you see all of THAT and then report that you don't see anything that's criminal going on at the IRS? The woman in charge of that "investigation" isn't being castigated for contributing large sums of money to Barack Obama...she's being castigated for not doing her job.
Cite to anyone in the MSM claimin it was Obama's Watergate? Even if they did, so what? That's not the issue, not has it ever been.

Tying the White House to the IRS abuse the only issue, always has been.


Conservatives have no interest in the facts or the truth, they couldn't care less about Lerner, this is solely about 'getting rid of Obama.'

And to that end they'll lie, twist the truth, and seek to contrive 'cover ups' where none exist.

i sure would like to see you PROVE that !

no one lies better than a liarberal.., LIES is their main platform in any discussion :up:
And if you think it would be improper for Congressional investigators to "interrogate" her for the way that she carried out that investigation then we might as well never have Congressional committees investigate wrong doing in the government, Care because this particular case CRIES OUT for those involved to answer questions about how they conducted themselves during this supposed investigation. What's pathetic to me is the excuse coming from Justice that she won't be made available for questioning because the investigation is still "ongoing" while at the same time the President has declared that the investigation has been carried out and that not a "smidgeon" of corruption has been found.
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Cite to anyone in the MSM claimin it was Obama's Watergate? Even if they did, so what? That's not the issue, not has it ever been.

Tying the White House to the IRS abuse the only issue, always has been.


Conservatives have no interest in the facts or the truth, they couldn't care less about Lerner, this is solely about 'getting rid of Obama.'

And to that end they'll lie, twist the truth, and seek to contrive 'cover ups' where none exist.

Oh, I "care" about Lerner! I'd very much like to see Lois doing time behind bars for her part in this debacle. This is about as clear cut an example of obstruction of justice as there is and she's smack dab in the middle of it! I'd also like to see whoever else was in on it join Ms. Lerner in prison. Part of Richard Nixon's impeachment was for simply attempting to use the IRS against his political foes. In this case the IRS was used against the White House's political foes. If Barry knew about's an impeachable offense.
The upside to all this, liberals have no room to whine if it happens again under a conservative president. I am patient.
no, the onus is on the accuser of the supposed wrong doer, ALWAYS in this nation.

That standard has been met, the cases of the groups unfairly harmed. The investigation evolved and the IRS agreed to supply the information. Then "whoops," the information has been lost in a series of hard drive crashes. At the same time, the unfortunate event of high level IRS administrators did not follow IRS procedures for safeguarding records. Now they are claiming that there was nothing wrong here.

The onus is on them to prove it since they cannot comply with their own obligations and records that should be produced according to their own procedures.

I'm sure you trust the legal system enough to gladly encourage this mess to be tried in a court of law, right? Go ahead and demand that this be done.

Prove a negative?

I think it's good to know that the IRS, the EPA, and the FEC have high level people who are not stewards of the public trust but are in fact political operatives. That sort of exposure is healthy no matter which party controls the Oval Office.

So breaking the law doesn't matter to you. Okie dokie.

So, many of us would like to get to the bottom of this, we just don't accept mere speculation as PROOF, like you guys are so willing to do....or without information missing that is needed to become more I had inquired in my post above...

You're so concerned with getting to the bottom of this that you are advocating against the only investigation being conducted. Yeah, ok, sure.
No one has said a crime was committed, they have said inappropriate behavior of the irs's means of picking who they audit and the extra scrutiny was wrong...inappropriate etc, however there is no criminal LAW that was broken...

and there has been absolutely no evidence that this was a coordinated and directed act by anyone in management or the administration...certainly, with the over 100,000 records that have been turned over to the congress critters that they subpoena, they can show SOMETHING, ANYTHING AT ALL that shows their accusations are remotely true....

Oh, but a handful of other emails can't be recovered, it MUST BE IN THERE, where the wrong doing has taken place since it is NOT in the 100,000 documents and emails that we do have....

Call Learner to testify, give her immunity... stop the dog and pony pontificating ass shows, (what are we, at 12 hearings of nothingness so far?) they are a waste of our tax dollars, but DO A PROFESSIONAL AND THOROUGH investigation.

Did you watch yesterday's hearing? Just another day of grand's embarrassing that they are getting paid for this....

It could have been different and there could have been support by everyone, but these characters chose to be characters...loony tune characters....yet you all don't see this? That's amazing to me....

The crime is the obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence. When government procedures dictate a means to preserve documentation and those procedures are not followed, it's a crime.
That standard has been met, the cases of the groups unfairly harmed. The investigation evolved and the IRS agreed to supply the information. Then "whoops," the information has been lost in a series of hard drive crashes. At the same time, the unfortunate event of high level IRS administrators did not follow IRS procedures for safeguarding records. Now they are claiming that there was nothing wrong here.

The onus is on them to prove it since they cannot comply with their own obligations and records that should be produced according to their own procedures.

I'm sure you trust the legal system enough to gladly encourage this mess to be tried in a court of law, right? Go ahead and demand that this be done.

Prove a negative?

I think it's good to know that the IRS, the EPA, and the FEC have high level people who are not stewards of the public trust but are in fact political operatives. That sort of exposure is healthy no matter which party controls the Oval Office.

So breaking the law doesn't matter to you. Okie dokie.

You're so concerned with getting to the bottom of this that you are advocating against the only investigation being conducted. Yeah, ok, sure.
No one has said a crime was committed, they have said inappropriate behavior of the irs's means of picking who they audit and the extra scrutiny was wrong...inappropriate etc, however there is no criminal LAW that was broken...

and there has been absolutely no evidence that this was a coordinated and directed act by anyone in management or the administration...certainly, with the over 100,000 records that have been turned over to the congress critters that they subpoena, they can show SOMETHING, ANYTHING AT ALL that shows their accusations are remotely true....

Oh, but a handful of other emails can't be recovered, it MUST BE IN THERE, where the wrong doing has taken place since it is NOT in the 100,000 documents and emails that we do have....

Call Learner to testify, give her immunity... stop the dog and pony pontificating ass shows, (what are we, at 12 hearings of nothingness so far?) they are a waste of our tax dollars, but DO A PROFESSIONAL AND THOROUGH investigation.

Did you watch yesterday's hearing? Just another day of grand's embarrassing that they are getting paid for this....

It could have been different and there could have been support by everyone, but these characters chose to be characters...loony tune characters....yet you all don't see this? That's amazing to me....

The crime is the obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence. When government procedures dictate a means to preserve documentation and those procedures are not followed, it's a crime.
You don't know and don't have proof that they were destroyed for nefarious have no proof these hard drives were intentionally fried.

You don't know if their emails from their hard drives were destroyed along with 20-30 other hard drives of people not even related to the just don't know that these people destroyed their own hard drives.....

You have absolutely no indications that this was the are making this up, without any proof.

You don't know a whole heck of a lot, to be making the presumptions you are making...

were these 7 the only hard drives that blew up, were these 7 the only emails that were written over on their server back ups after 6 months..... was this NORMAL practice at the irs, to write over 6 month old emails, with new emails....

These are baseless accusations....without knowing if someone intentionally blew their hard drive up and intentionally had their emails removed from the back up servers and a whole slew of other accusations that have been thrown out there in the wind, they would need a cast of 100 people to have been involved in this whole meritless conspiracy the right wing has once again, conjured up. It's to the point of being just plain ridiculous, and I blame no one but these republican congress critters themselves...for not caring about this case enough, to keep their partisan grand standing and showmanship, (and loose lips that sink ships), OUT OF THE INVESTIGATION... they could have been professional, and gotten to the bottom of this long ago....but THAT is not their's plain as day.
That standard has been met, the cases of the groups unfairly harmed. The investigation evolved and the IRS agreed to supply the information. Then "whoops," the information has been lost in a series of hard drive crashes. At the same time, the unfortunate event of high level IRS administrators did not follow IRS procedures for safeguarding records. Now they are claiming that there was nothing wrong here.

The onus is on them to prove it since they cannot comply with their own obligations and records that should be produced according to their own procedures.

I'm sure you trust the legal system enough to gladly encourage this mess to be tried in a court of law, right? Go ahead and demand that this be done.

Prove a negative?

I think it's good to know that the IRS, the EPA, and the FEC have high level people who are not stewards of the public trust but are in fact political operatives. That sort of exposure is healthy no matter which party controls the Oval Office.

So breaking the law doesn't matter to you. Okie dokie.

You're so concerned with getting to the bottom of this that you are advocating against the only investigation being conducted. Yeah, ok, sure.
No one has said a crime was committed, they have said inappropriate behavior of the irs's means of picking who they audit and the extra scrutiny was wrong...inappropriate etc, however there is no criminal LAW that was broken...

and there has been absolutely no evidence that this was a coordinated and directed act by anyone in management or the administration...certainly, with the over 100,000 records that have been turned over to the congress critters that they subpoena, they can show SOMETHING, ANYTHING AT ALL that shows their accusations are remotely true....

Oh, but a handful of other emails can't be recovered, it MUST BE IN THERE, where the wrong doing has taken place since it is NOT in the 100,000 documents and emails that we do have....

Call Learner to testify, give her immunity... stop the dog and pony pontificating ass shows, (what are we, at 12 hearings of nothingness so far?) they are a waste of our tax dollars, but DO A PROFESSIONAL AND THOROUGH investigation.

Did you watch yesterday's hearing? Just another day of grand's embarrassing that they are getting paid for this....

It could have been different and there could have been support by everyone, but these characters chose to be characters...loony tune characters....yet you all don't see this? That's amazing to me....

The crime is the obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence. When government procedures dictate a means to preserve documentation and those procedures are not followed, it's a crime.

Especially when it's done in such a blatant fashion!

Everyone's hard drive crashes...

Everyone neglected to make paper copies...

Nobody retrieved the lost data from the back up tape specifically put there so that lost data could be retrieved...

Nobody thought to not scrub those back up tapes even though they contain the only remaining copies of emails from those involved and that information has been subpoenaed by the Congressional committee looking into the IRS scandal...

You could see perhaps ONE of the above happening...but for all four things to happen is laughable.
Care of course believes that all four of those things happened on their own...just a kind of unlucky run of bad luck! You know like one person getting struck by lightning 4 times walking from their car to their house!
Let's look at this're the Head of the Exempt Organizations at the IRS and your hard drive crashes would assume...all kinds of vital data on it.

So what do you do? Obviously you call up IT and tell them to send someone over to try and recover what's been lost. So far so good! The guy from IT tells you they can't recover anything off your hard drive. Well that sucks! But hey, we pay a company all kinds of money to back up our data...right? So if you were a logical sort...which we would assume someone working for the IRS WOULD'd tell the IT person to retrieve your data from the tape back up...put in onto a new hard drive and get me up and running again. WHO WOULDN'T DO THAT?
But not Lois Lerner! Oh no...Lois demands that they send her damaged hard drive to a "forensic team" so that they can tell her there's no way you can recover what's on there! Who does that!!! Who wastes time with THAT when all they have to do is get the data off the back up?

You know who does that? Someone who's deliberately destroyed their hard drive who wants to make it LOOK like they've done everything they could to retrieve what was on it WITHOUT DOING THE THING THAT WOULD HAVE ACTUALLY RETRIEVED THE DATA!!!
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But not Lois Lerner! Oh no...Lois demands that they send her damaged hard drive to a "forensic team" so that they can tell her there's no way you can recover what's on there! Who does that!!! Who wastes time with THAT when all they have to do is get the data off the back up?

You know who does that? Someone who's deliberately destroyed their hard drive and makes it want to LOOK like they've done everything they could to retrieve what was on it WITHOUT DOING THE THING THAT WOULD HAVE ACTUALLY RETRIEVED THE DATA!!!

having fun talking to yourself ? :lol::lol::lol:
It would be akin to someone driving to the fire station across town to report a fire at their neighbors when there is a fire house on the same block that they live on! Yes, you can claim that they went for "help" but they did it in such an illogical manner that you have no choice but to suspect them of something nefarious.
Lois Lerner sending her hard drive to a "forensic team" is what you do when you don't HAVE a tape back-up! It's what you do when you have no other way to recover what's been lost.
No one has said a crime was committed, they have said inappropriate behavior of the irs's means of picking who they audit and the extra scrutiny was wrong...inappropriate etc, however there is no criminal LAW that was broken...

and there has been absolutely no evidence that this was a coordinated and directed act by anyone in management or the administration...certainly, with the over 100,000 records that have been turned over to the congress critters that they subpoena, they can show SOMETHING, ANYTHING AT ALL that shows their accusations are remotely true....

Oh, but a handful of other emails can't be recovered, it MUST BE IN THERE, where the wrong doing has taken place since it is NOT in the 100,000 documents and emails that we do have....

Call Learner to testify, give her immunity... stop the dog and pony pontificating ass shows, (what are we, at 12 hearings of nothingness so far?) they are a waste of our tax dollars, but DO A PROFESSIONAL AND THOROUGH investigation.

Did you watch yesterday's hearing? Just another day of grand's embarrassing that they are getting paid for this....

It could have been different and there could have been support by everyone, but these characters chose to be characters...loony tune characters....yet you all don't see this? That's amazing to me....

The crime is the obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence. When government procedures dictate a means to preserve documentation and those procedures are not followed, it's a crime.
You don't know and don't have proof that they were destroyed for nefarious have no proof these hard drives were intentionally fried.

You don't know if their emails from their hard drives were destroyed along with 20-30 other hard drives of people not even related to the just don't know that these people destroyed their own hard drives.....

You have absolutely no indications that this was the are making this up, without any proof.

You don't know a whole heck of a lot, to be making the presumptions you are making...

were these 7 the only hard drives that blew up, were these 7 the only emails that were written over on their server back ups after 6 months..... was this NORMAL practice at the irs, to write over 6 month old emails, with new emails....

These are baseless accusations....without knowing if someone intentionally blew their hard drive up and intentionally had their emails removed from the back up servers and a whole slew of other accusations that have been thrown out there in the wind, they would need a cast of 100 people to have been involved in this whole meritless conspiracy the right wing has once again, conjured up. It's to the point of being just plain ridiculous, and I blame no one but these republican congress critters themselves...for not caring about this case enough, to keep their partisan grand standing and showmanship, (and loose lips that sink ships), OUT OF THE INVESTIGATION... they could have been professional, and gotten to the bottom of this long ago....but THAT is not their's plain as day.


And absent facts or evidence the right fabricates and propagates lies, and they repeat those lies over again in the hope they're perceived to be true.
But not Lois Lerner! Oh no...Lois demands that they send her damaged hard drive to a "forensic team" so that they can tell her there's no way you can recover what's on there! Who does that!!! Who wastes time with THAT when all they have to do is get the data off the back up?

You know who does that? Someone who's deliberately destroyed their hard drive and makes it want to LOOK like they've done everything they could to retrieve what was on it WITHOUT DOING THE THING THAT WOULD HAVE ACTUALLY RETRIEVED THE DATA!!!

having fun talking to yourself ? :lol::lol::lol:

He isn't, much to your consternation, I'm sure.

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