BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

But not Lois Lerner! Oh no...Lois demands that they send her damaged hard drive to a "forensic team" so that they can tell her there's no way you can recover what's on there! Who does that!!! Who wastes time with THAT when all they have to do is get the data off the back up?

You know who does that? Someone who's deliberately destroyed their hard drive who wants to make it LOOK like they've done everything they could to retrieve what was on it WITHOUT DOING THE THING THAT WOULD HAVE ACTUALLY RETRIEVED THE DATA!!!

Your hyper-partisanism has rendered you delusional and hysterical.

No one cares about your subjective, errant opinion – all that matters are facts and objective, documented evidence, not speculation, conjecture, contrivances, and lies.
Cite to anyone in the MSM claimin it was Obama's Watergate? Even if they did, so what? That's not the issue, not has it ever been.

Tying the White House to the IRS abuse the only issue, always has been.

OK so you have no citation for anyone in the MSM calling this Obama's Watergate. Got it.
Tying Obama to it is a strawman. You fail.

Yeah right, my bad, they're calling it "Worse than Watergate" I'm Outraged I tell ya, outraged!!!! :eek:
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you do realize you're the boards joke .... anyone who would use Allen West a a source has got to realize they are the dumbest poster on these boards ... I can't believe you're this stupid

Then it will be easy for you to disprove what West wrote.
Tying the White House to the IRS abuse the only issue, always has been.

OK so you have no citation for anyone in the MSM calling this Obama's Watergate. Got it.
Tying Obama to it is a strawman. You fail.

Yeah right, my bad, they're calling it "Worse than Watergate" I'm Outraged I tell ya, outraged!!!! :eek:

Oh, OK. SO please provide a cite from MSM calling it "worse than Watergate."
Since you failed to provide an evidence of your beliefs previously I can't imagine you'll come through here either. You just make stuff up.
But not Lois Lerner! Oh no...Lois demands that they send her damaged hard drive to a "forensic team" so that they can tell her there's no way you can recover what's on there! Who does that!!! Who wastes time with THAT when all they have to do is get the data off the back up?

You know who does that? Someone who's deliberately destroyed their hard drive who wants to make it LOOK like they've done everything they could to retrieve what was on it WITHOUT DOING THE THING THAT WOULD HAVE ACTUALLY RETRIEVED THE DATA!!!

Your hyper-partisanism has rendered you delusional and hysterical.

No one cares about your subjective, errant opinion – all that matters are facts and objective, documented evidence, not speculation, conjecture, contrivances, and lies.

Delusional? Who goes to all the trouble of having their hard drive sent to a "forensic team" to see if THEY can retrieve the lost data...BUT DOESN'T BOTHER TO HAVE THE DATA RETRIEVED FROM THE BACK UP TAPE? Who would do something like that? Gee, this is important stuff! Send it off to those forensic guys to see if THEY can get my data! But then when they CAN' don't even bother having it retrieved from the tape back up? REALLY? That makes sense to you?
Lois Lerner sending her hard drive to a "forensic team" is what you do when you don't HAVE a tape back-up! It's what you do when you have no other way to recover what's been lost.

I can't imagine, the world's most innovative IT group, what the IRS IT team considered themselves to be, didn't tell her they could restore her lost emails, unless she let them know, either through subtlety or otherwise, they were to remain 'lost'.
Prepare for Hurricanes, Natural Disasters by Safeguarding Tax Records
PodcastDisaster Assistance:*English*|*SpanishIR-2014-71, June 5, 2014

WASHINGTON — With the start of hurricane season this week, the Internal Revenue Service encourages individuals and businesses to safeguard their records against natural disasters by taking a few simple steps.Create a Backup Set of Records ElectronicallyTaxpayers should keep a set of backup records in a safe place. The backup should be stored away from the original set.Keeping a backup set of records –– including, for example, bank statements, tax returns, insurance policies, etc. –– is easier now that many financial institutions provide statements and documents electronically, and much financial information is available on the Internet. Even if the original records are provided only on paper, they can be scanned into an electronic format. With documents in electronic form, taxpayers can save them to the cloud, download them to a backup storage device, like an external hard drive or USB flash drive, or burn them to a CD or DVD.
But not Lois Lerner! Oh no...Lois demands that they send her damaged hard drive to a "forensic team" so that they can tell her there's no way you can recover what's on there! Who does that!!! Who wastes time with THAT when all they have to do is get the data off the back up?

You know who does that? Someone who's deliberately destroyed their hard drive and makes it want to LOOK like they've done everything they could to retrieve what was on it WITHOUT DOING THE THING THAT WOULD HAVE ACTUALLY RETRIEVED THE DATA!!!

having fun talking to yourself ? :lol::lol::lol:

He isn't, much to your consternation, I'm sure.

apparently I am to yours ...:lol::lol::lol::lol:

you do realize you're the boards joke .... anyone who would use Allen West a a source has got to realize they are the dumbest poster on these boards ... I can't believe you're this stupid

Then it will be easy for you to disprove what West wrote.

why would I do that ??? everyone knows he hasn't a ounce of truth in his whole body... it would be like wastin my time telling you how he says Obama was born in kenya ... why would i try to prove that one when we all know thats a lie too....
you do realize you're the boards joke .... anyone who would use Allen West a a source has got to realize they are the dumbest poster on these boards ... I can't believe you're this stupid

Then it will be easy for you to disprove what West wrote.

why would I do that ??? everyone knows he hasn't a ounce of truth in his whole body... it would be like wastin my time telling you how he says Obama was born in kenya ... why would i try to prove that one when we all know thats a lie too....

You're the joke, I'd vote for West for President in a heartbeat.
I have not really read this thread for a while. Are liberals......actually still.......trying to convince people with a brain......that the emails were indeed all innocently 7 computer crashes?

I have not really read this thread for a while. Are liberals......actually still.......trying to convince people with a brain......that the emails were indeed all innocently 7 computer crashes?


It's up to 8 now, with Lerner's colleague from the FEC. And yes, they are. :lol:
Then it will be easy for you to disprove what West wrote.

why would I do that ??? everyone knows he hasn't a ounce of truth in his whole body... it would be like wastin my time telling you how he says Obama was born in kenya ... why would i try to prove that one when we all know thats a lie too....

You're the joke, I'd vote for West for President in a heartbeat.

Any liberal that would not vote for West is a racist. They are all racists anyway. The black liberal racists all refer to any black man like West (who is anywhere between 10 times to 100 times more qualified than Obama) as either an Uncle Tom or a "cornball brother." While the white liberals patronize black people and they still believe and will always believe that patronizing them is not racist.

I asked on several post, in many threads what the reasons were that anyone voted for Obama. I have asked them to give me the list of these qualifications or accomplishments. I have not been provided with anything.

Me asking that question gets the left all pissed off too, cause they know they have nothing. I will ask again.....cause I enjoy kicking liberals in their mental balls. Give me the reasons anyone voted for Obama. I mean other than the superficial reasons of him being black or a democrat.

Here is the list of qualifications that conclusively shows that West is more than qualified to be a leader. When is the last time we had a leader in the white house and not a politician?

BA, Political Science, University of Tennessee
MA, Political Science, Kansas State University
MA, Political Theory and Military Operations, United States Army Command and General Staff Officer College


Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army


Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (3), Army Commendation Medal (3) one with Valor, Valorious Unit Award, Army Achievement Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon (2), National Defense Service Medal (3), Kuwait Liberation Medal, Saudi Arabia- Kuwait Liberation Medal, Army Services Ribbon, United States Army Master Parachutist Badge, United States Marine Corps Parachutist Insignia, Unites States Army Air Assault Badge, Italian Parachutist Badge, German Proficiency Award (Bronze)


Now, your turn on the reasons you felt obama was qualified to be president. Good luck in finding anything he had written, any key rulings he made, or what his grades were in college.

Considering we know more about John Adams education than the current president.

I am still waiting for one liberal patronizing racist to give me all of your reasons.

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I have not really read this thread for a while. Are liberals......actually still.......trying to convince people with a brain......that the emails were indeed all innocently 7 computer crashes?


It's up to 8 now, with Lerner's colleague from the FEC. And yes, they are. :lol:

I jumped out of this thread awhile ago, it is really to stupid to continue. To believe all the BS, they have to be completely blind partisan nut jobs or the most ignorant people on the face of earth. Either case you are arguing with stupid and you can't fix stupid. They are a true was of space.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
No one has said a crime was committed, they have said inappropriate behavior of the irs's means of picking who they audit and the extra scrutiny was wrong...inappropriate etc, however there is no criminal LAW that was broken...

and there has been absolutely no evidence that this was a coordinated and directed act by anyone in management or the administration...certainly, with the over 100,000 records that have been turned over to the congress critters that they subpoena, they can show SOMETHING, ANYTHING AT ALL that shows their accusations are remotely true....

Oh, but a handful of other emails can't be recovered, it MUST BE IN THERE, where the wrong doing has taken place since it is NOT in the 100,000 documents and emails that we do have....

Call Learner to testify, give her immunity... stop the dog and pony pontificating ass shows, (what are we, at 12 hearings of nothingness so far?) they are a waste of our tax dollars, but DO A PROFESSIONAL AND THOROUGH investigation.

Did you watch yesterday's hearing? Just another day of grand's embarrassing that they are getting paid for this....

It could have been different and there could have been support by everyone, but these characters chose to be characters...loony tune characters....yet you all don't see this? That's amazing to me....

The crime is the obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence. When government procedures dictate a means to preserve documentation and those procedures are not followed, it's a crime.
You don't know and don't have proof that they were destroyed for nefarious have no proof these hard drives were intentionally fried.

That's the purpose of the criminal investigation, to prove it.

You don't know if their emails from their hard drives were destroyed along with 20-30 other hard drives of people not even related to the just don't know that these people destroyed their own hard drives.....

I know they didn't follow IRS procedures for safeguarding information.

You have absolutely no indications that this was the are making this up, without any proof.

You don't know a whole heck of a lot, to be making the presumptions you are making...

I appears you are the one unfamiliar with the rules. When the IRS goes after someone for crimes, "the hard drive crashed" is never an acceptable answer.

were these 7 the only hard drives that blew up, were these 7 the only emails that were written over on their server back ups after 6 months..... was this NORMAL practice at the irs, to write over 6 month old emails, with new emails....

The normal practice was to print out all emails that meet the definition of a federal record.

Internal Revenue Manual - 1.10.3 Standards for Using Email

These are baseless accusations....without knowing if someone intentionally blew their hard drive up and intentionally had their emails removed from the back up servers and a whole slew of other accusations that have been thrown out there in the wind, they would need a cast of 100 people to have been involved in this whole meritless conspiracy the right wing has once again, conjured up. It's to the point of being just plain ridiculous, and I blame no one but these republican congress critters themselves...for not caring about this case enough, to keep their partisan grand standing and showmanship, (and loose lips that sink ships), OUT OF THE INVESTIGATION... they could have been professional, and gotten to the bottom of this long ago....but THAT is not their's plain as day.

I get it, you trust these people even when they break the rules.
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The crime is the obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence. When government procedures dictate a means to preserve documentation and those procedures are not followed, it's a crime.
You don't know and don't have proof that they were destroyed for nefarious have no proof these hard drives were intentionally fried.

That's the purpose of the criminal investigation, to prove it.

I know they didn't follow IRS procedures for safeguarding information.

I appears you are the one unfamiliar with the rules. When the IRS goes after someone for crimes, "the hard drive crashed" is never an acceptable answer.

were these 7 the only hard drives that blew up, were these 7 the only emails that were written over on their server back ups after 6 months..... was this NORMAL practice at the irs, to write over 6 month old emails, with new emails....

The normal practice was to print out all emails that meet the definition of a federal record.

Internal Revenue Manual - 1.10.3 Standards for Using Email

These are baseless accusations....without knowing if someone intentionally blew their hard drive up and intentionally had their emails removed from the back up servers and a whole slew of other accusations that have been thrown out there in the wind, they would need a cast of 100 people to have been involved in this whole meritless conspiracy the right wing has once again, conjured up. It's to the point of being just plain ridiculous, and I blame no one but these republican congress critters themselves...for not caring about this case enough, to keep their partisan grand standing and showmanship, (and loose lips that sink ships), OUT OF THE INVESTIGATION... they could have been professional, and gotten to the bottom of this long ago....but THAT is not their's plain as day.

I get it, you trust these people even when they break the rules.
they may have broken the rules in the guidelines, but they may have followed the company policy as well...meaning, all emails involving all case loads, were printed and saved as documents with the appropriate documentation of the cases....and this could be what all employees follow...we don't know that these 7 were not following their office's guidelines.... It may be they that were following what they were told and taught, regarding making email copies involved in case loads....we need to find out, what the protocol was for all employees in these offices involved and see if these 7 were doing nothing out of the ordinary with their email filings....

If the irs office's practice was not meeting the federal guidelines with their own protocol on how to handle emails, would this be Lerner's or the other 7's fault, when their entire office was doing it this way???

That would be the HEAD of the IRS's fault.

This is information that could easily be found out....why isn't anyone asking the questions instead of inserting innuendos and accusations of wrong doing and criminality by the 7 without even knowing this info?

everything is relative....

As I said before, it would be suspicious if the 7 were the only ones that only printed emails of documented IRS cases, IF NONE of the other employees did it this way and copied and printed ALL of their own starts to get smelly.

It would be suspicious if the 7 hard drives were the only hard drive crashes at the irs during the same period....but not so suspicious if there were an additional 25 other irs employees during the same period that had hard drive crashes....

We need a handle on what was going on around these people at the same order to judge fairly, the situation....
You don't know and don't have proof that they were destroyed for nefarious have no proof these hard drives were intentionally fried.

That's the purpose of the criminal investigation, to prove it.

I know they didn't follow IRS procedures for safeguarding information.

I appears you are the one unfamiliar with the rules. When the IRS goes after someone for crimes, "the hard drive crashed" is never an acceptable answer.

The normal practice was to print out all emails that meet the definition of a federal record.

Internal Revenue Manual - 1.10.3 Standards for Using Email

These are baseless accusations....without knowing if someone intentionally blew their hard drive up and intentionally had their emails removed from the back up servers and a whole slew of other accusations that have been thrown out there in the wind, they would need a cast of 100 people to have been involved in this whole meritless conspiracy the right wing has once again, conjured up. It's to the point of being just plain ridiculous, and I blame no one but these republican congress critters themselves...for not caring about this case enough, to keep their partisan grand standing and showmanship, (and loose lips that sink ships), OUT OF THE INVESTIGATION... they could have been professional, and gotten to the bottom of this long ago....but THAT is not their's plain as day.

I get it, you trust these people even when they break the rules.
they may have broken the rules in the guidelines, but they may have followed the company policy as well...meaning, all emails involving all case loads, were printed and saved as documents with the appropriate documentation of the cases....and this could be what all employees follow...we don't know that these 7 were not following their office's guidelines.... It may be they that were following what they were told and taught, regarding making email copies involved in case loads....we need to find out, what the protocol was for all employees in these offices involved and see if these 7 were doing nothing out of the ordinary with their email filings....

If the irs office's practice was not meeting the federal guidelines with their own protocol on how to handle emails, would this be Lerner's or the other 7's fault, when their entire office was doing it this way???

That would be the HEAD of the IRS's fault.

This is information that could easily be found out....why isn't anyone asking the questions instead of inserting innuendos and accusations of wrong doing and criminality by the 7 without even knowing this info?

everything is relative....

As I said before, it would be suspicious if the 7 were the only ones that only printed emails of documented IRS cases, IF NONE of the other employees did it this way and copied and printed ALL of their own starts to get smelly.

It would be suspicious if the 7 hard drives were the only hard drive crashes at the irs during the same period....but not so suspicious if there were an additional 25 other irs employees during the same period that had hard drive crashes....

We need a handle on what was going on around these people at the same order to judge fairly, the situation....

If I deed that had been the case, then how have they gotten hard copies of emails sent to others than the 7? And I feel pretty certain nara would be making a big deal of it.
You don't know and don't have proof that they were destroyed for nefarious have no proof these hard drives were intentionally fried.

That's the purpose of the criminal investigation, to prove it.

I know they didn't follow IRS procedures for safeguarding information.

I appears you are the one unfamiliar with the rules. When the IRS goes after someone for crimes, "the hard drive crashed" is never an acceptable answer.

The normal practice was to print out all emails that meet the definition of a federal record.

Internal Revenue Manual - 1.10.3 Standards for Using Email

These are baseless accusations....without knowing if someone intentionally blew their hard drive up and intentionally had their emails removed from the back up servers and a whole slew of other accusations that have been thrown out there in the wind, they would need a cast of 100 people to have been involved in this whole meritless conspiracy the right wing has once again, conjured up. It's to the point of being just plain ridiculous, and I blame no one but these republican congress critters themselves...for not caring about this case enough, to keep their partisan grand standing and showmanship, (and loose lips that sink ships), OUT OF THE INVESTIGATION... they could have been professional, and gotten to the bottom of this long ago....but THAT is not their's plain as day.

I get it, you trust these people even when they break the rules.
they may have broken the rules in the guidelines, but they may have followed the company policy as well...meaning, all emails involving all case loads, were printed and saved as documents with the appropriate documentation of the cases....and this could be what all employees follow...we don't know that these 7 were not following their office's guidelines.... It may be they that were following what they were told and taught, regarding making email copies involved in case loads....we need to find out, what the protocol was for all employees in these offices involved and see if these 7 were doing nothing out of the ordinary with their email filings....

If the irs office's practice was not meeting the federal guidelines with their own protocol on how to handle emails, would this be Lerner's or the other 7's fault, when their entire office was doing it this way???

That would be the HEAD of the IRS's fault.

This is information that could easily be found out....why isn't anyone asking the questions instead of inserting innuendos and accusations of wrong doing and criminality by the 7 without even knowing this info?

everything is relative....

As I said before, it would be suspicious if the 7 were the only ones that only printed emails of documented IRS cases, IF NONE of the other employees did it this way and copied and printed ALL of their own starts to get smelly.

It would be suspicious if the 7 hard drives were the only hard drive crashes at the irs during the same period....but not so suspicious if there were an additional 25 other irs employees during the same period that had hard drive crashes....

We need a handle on what was going on around these people at the same order to judge fairly, the situation....

So let me see if I follow your "logic" (eye-roll). It would be "suspicious" to you if ONLY the 7 hard drives of pretty much everyone involved with the IRS's Exempt Organizations Division targeting conservatives crashed but if say 25 other computer hard drives crashed among the over 100,000 IRS employees that would make that all seem plausible?

LOL...I'm guessing statistics was not a course of yours in college, Care?
And just so you know, Care...the IRS doesn't get to break laws because it's "company policy"! Those laws were put in place EXACTLY because of situations like this! The IRS is by law required to back up communications on paper and saved to computer so that if a scandal like this DOES occur those responsible can be held accountable.

This obvious attempt at destroying the communications that would show how this targeting was started...who gave the orders to proceed...and who knew about it happening is more of a crime than the targeting itself.

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