Breaking! Elizabeth Warren Scrubs Website Of Native American DNA Results

Lakota, there is no point defending Elizabeth Warren. She has no chance of getting elected President.

I would defend anyone under similar circumstances. I know many people who simply rely on what their ancestors have told them about their heritage. Don't you?

Similar circumstances? You mean another liberal caught in a lie.

What lie?

Sigh....WTF, are you not paying attention?
Her DNA test showed she had between 0.1 percent and 1.5 percent Native American ancestry. Although not much, it shows she has SOME Native American DNA.
And they used a database from Mexico and Central America ...

Guess that makes her 1/1024th MEXICAN!!!

Put down the firewater and read the article...

The guy that did the DNA test states that he used a database from Mexico and Central America...
The real problem with Elizabeth Warren's DNA test: Geneticists
A liberal has been outed as a big fat phony, there's a shocker. Warren reminds me of Hillary claiming she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, you know being born 5 years before there was a Sir Edmund Hillary. lol
Her DNA test showed she had between 0.1 percent and 1.5 percent Native American ancestry. Although not much, it shows she has SOME Native American DNA.
She lied and got a job. She's a fraud.

She merely capitalized on what her grandmother had told her. No harm, no foul.
Shes a liar, a cheat and a crook. She knows it, the rest of us know it and you know it too so stop with the BULLSHIT.
Amazing! She still doesnt see the foolishness and destruction of playing identity politics.


Elizabeth Warren Scrubs Website Of Native American DNA Results

Cats do the same thing: They take a big steaming crap on the floor then try to cover it up with the rug, like it's not even there.

Except Warren's stinks more.
A liberal has been outed as a big fat phony, there's a shocker. Warren reminds me of Hillary claiming she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, you know being born 5 years before there was a Sir Edmund Hillary. lol
Or Rachel Dolezal turning black!!!:2up:
Her DNA test showed she had between 0.1 percent and 1.5 percent Native American ancestry. Although not much, it shows she has SOME Native American DNA.
She lied and got a job. She's a fraud.

She merely capitalized on what her grandmother had told her. No harm, no foul.
Shes a liar, a cheat and a crook. She knows it, the rest of us know it and you know it too so stop with the BULLSHIT.

Well, DICK, you're entitled to your opinion. So am I...
A liberal has been outed as a big fat phony, there's a shocker. Warren reminds me of Hillary claiming she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, you know being born 5 years before there was a Sir Edmund Hillary. lol
Or Rachel Dolezal turning black!!!:2up:

I'm surprised the resident leftists even try defending these phonies. They must enjoy being mocked.
Her DNA test showed she had between 0.1 percent and 1.5 percent Native American ancestry. Although not much, it shows she has SOME Native American DNA.
What percentage Injun are you?

This thread is not about me. Thanks for the racist epithet.

Here come Slackjawta to the rescue to defend his sister fake injun.

Why be racist about it?
Why not?
I wonder what Trump's DNA would show - besides German?

What difference does that make? Is he falsely claiming to be Native American, black, or Hispanic?

Should we have a Congressional investigation into his genealogy now?
She is just awful.

Can you imagine if a Republican pulled that shot?
You elected Trump

Can you imagine if a Democrat said they preferred those who were not captured over POWS?
Mocked a Disabled Man?
Bragged about grabbing women by the pussy?
Her DNA test showed she had between 0.1 percent and 1.5 percent Native American ancestry. Although not much, it shows she has SOME Native American DNA.
She lied and got a job. She's a fraud.

She merely capitalized on what her grandmother had told her. No harm, no foul.
She got a job based on a lie. That's harm to those of us who believe in telling the truth.

Little white girls aren't allowed to dress as Moana for Halloween, but Warren gets away with 1/1024th?
I wonder what Trump's DNA would show - besides German?

What difference does that make? Is he falsely claiming to be Native American, black, or Hispanic?

Should we have a Congressional investigation into his genealogy now?

If Trump were proven to be related to Putin it would be hilarious watching the left's heads explode. :muahaha:

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