Breaking! Elizabeth Warren Scrubs Website Of Native American DNA Results

Harm and foul to the actual Native Americans that were passed over because of her lie...
Blatant "cultural appropriation" is forgiven if you're a hardcore left winger.

And this wasn't just clothing or a hair style. This was about blood.

PC/Identity Politics: A one-way street only.
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She should have faced the music when it first started instead of dragging a lie around. You can hear the insincerity in her voice in everything she says, even though she says what the left want to hear, which makes her not much more trustworthy than Hillary.
Her DNA test showed she had between 0.1 percent and 1.5 percent Native American ancestry. Although not much, it shows she has SOME Native American DNA.
She lied and got a job. She's a fraud.

She merely capitalized on what her grandmother had told her. No harm, no foul.
She made up a stupid lie which has been disproven and did so to claim an advantage she otherwise did not have,

This shows low character as does her recent lie about Darren Wilson.

It also shows that the myth of white privilege is easily debunked. No one claims to be white to gain an advantage.

Harm and foul from a scummy liar
I watched Warren's faux apology for pretending to be a native American, pathetic. :icon_rolleyes: A used car salesman is more genuine.
Now that Warren is officially white does she have a chance? Is she going for the Scandinavian immigrant vote now? Will she claim to be descendent from a Viking shield maiden next?

Sorry. This was all I could come up with..


Warren college photo surfaces.


I'd hit that like a retard with a drum.

You really like kickers?
Now that Warren is officially white does she have a chance? Is she going for the Scandinavian immigrant vote now? Will she claim to be descendent from a Viking shield maiden next?
Sorry. This was all I could come up with..

Seems okay to me.

The Vikings played in Super Bowls IV, VIII, IX, and XI, but didn't win any of those four games. *sigh*

Cowboys fan myself. At least until I married a packers fan. :biggrin:

Did you know the Cowboys were recently given custody of teenage boy who was being beaten by his mother, father and grandparents? The judge awarded custody to the Cowboys because the kid claimed that they couldn't beat anybody!
I wonder what Trump's DNA would show - besides German?

What difference does that make? Is he falsely claiming to be Native American, black, or Hispanic?

Should we have a Congressional investigation into his genealogy now?

He's claiming to be an American.

He was born in the United States of America, so yeah he is American!

Let me guess and you will claim only those from Tribes can be American when there was no America when the Cherokee, Sioux and so on once filled this land...

I had one of our resident German message board invaders tell me that I was a US-American because saying I was an American was incorrect because of other types of Americans.
She is just awful.

Can you imagine if a Republican pulled that shot?
We don't have to "imagine" it. We've got Trump claiming to be Man of the Year in Michigan. You think he'll ever apologize for it?
At least Warren apologized. She took down the evidence because it was offensive to Native Americans. Yes, she overemphasized her fraction of Native blood. It doesn't make her "Native" in any real sense of the word.
Amazing! She still doesnt see the foolishness and destruction of playing identity politics.


Elizabeth Warren Scrubs Website Of Native American DNA Results
It is incredible to me how you people harp on this yet completely ignore all the retarded things Trump says on a daily basis. I guess you think he is smart, I don’t know. May god have mercy on your dumb soul.

Why they harp on it is because it shows you believe a lie by Warren and excuse it while crying about Trump lies...
Technically it’s not a lie, but I agree it was stupid and lame she said it to begin with. It still pales in comparison to all the retarded things Trump has said. You either can’t bring yourself or admit something so obvious or you are actually stupid enough to believe Trump is smart. Which is it?
Amazing! She still doesnt see the foolishness and destruction of playing identity politics.


Elizabeth Warren Scrubs Website Of Native American DNA Results
It is incredible to me how you people harp on this yet completely ignore all the retarded things Trump says on a daily basis. I guess you think he is smart, I don’t know. May god have mercy on your dumb soul.

Why they harp on it is because it shows you believe a lie by Warren and excuse it while crying about Trump lies...
Technically it’s not a lie, but I agree it was stupid and lame she said it to begin with. It still pales in comparison to all the retarded things Trump has said. You either can’t bring yourself or admit something so obvious or you are actually stupid enough to believe Trump is smart. Which is it?

More TDS which nullifies any point you were trying to make.
Harm and foul to the actual Native Americans that were passed over because of her lie...
Blatant "cultural appropriation" is forgiven if you're a hardcore left winger.

And this wasn't just clothing or a hair style. This was about blood.

PC/Identity Politics: A one-way street only.

Definitely so and it should be a disqualifier for anyone in congress or who aspires for higher office. Absolutely rdeprehensible and should be condemned by all.
Can anyone imagine what it would be like to watch/listen Warren drag her fingernails down a chalkboard every day?
Anyway it's moot. The DNC has no intention of allowing her to get the nomination.
Her DNA test showed she had between 0.1 percent and 1.5 percent Native American ancestry. Although not much, it shows she has SOME Native American DNA.

She has less Native American DNA in her than the AVERAGE AMERICAN. For someone who claims to be a Native American you sure seem okay with her stealing our culture and preventing a legitimate Native American from gaining the professorship that she STOLE. You fake POS.

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