Breaking: FBI BACKS CIA View that Russia Intervened to Help Trump Win Election

You poor babies... you parroted the false reports that the FBI didn't agree with the CIA and other agencies... and then when it came out, that that was untrue, now the FBI is garbage again. You guys are bunch of fucking cry babies.
They don't

Ok...want some evidence?

I watched your video. All it proved is that something was sent from the USA to Russia in the Cyrillic alphabet. It presented no proof that it was information from the DNC or any Democrat.

Fake news.

Then you didn't watch the video... because the FBI knew about it and tracked it.

If you read the news, Podesta wrote an Op-Ed about this, and Lynch responded to it, that the FBI knew about the Russian hack as far back as September 2015 and didn't tell anyone in the DNC about it.
Exactly 2015. 15 months and no one knows where the hack originated

No numbnuts... can you read? It started in September 2015... and went on for months being tracked by the FBI. Jesus Christ, they even said that the hackers took days off on Russian holidays. Fucking read and watch the links or don't respond.
You poor babies... you parroted the false reports that the FBI didn't agree with the CIA and other agencies... and then when it came out, that that was untrue, now the FBI is garbage again. You guys are bunch of fucking cry babies.
They don't

Ok...want some evidence?

I watched your video. All it proved is that something was sent from the USA to Russia in the Cyrillic alphabet. It presented no proof that it was information from the DNC or any Democrat.

Fake news.

Then you didn't watch the video... because the FBI knew about it and tracked it.

If you read the news, Podesta wrote an Op-Ed about this, and Lynch responded to it, that the FBI knew about the Russian hack as far back as September 2015 and didn't tell anyone in the DNC about it.

No evidence that Russia hacked the DNC has ever been published. It's all from "anonymous sources." It's all fake news.

Is that why one of the experts that has worked on the case just fucking told you in the video how it happened and gave you evidence?

I watched your video. All it proved is that something was sent from the USA to Russia in the Cyrillic alphabet. It presented no proof that it was information from the DNC or any Democrat.

Fake news.

Then you didn't watch the video... because the FBI knew about it and tracked it.

If you read the news, Podesta wrote an Op-Ed about this, and Lynch responded to it, that the FBI knew about the Russian hack as far back as September 2015 and didn't tell anyone in the DNC about it.
Exactly 2015. 15 months and no one knows where the hack originated

No numbnuts... can you read? It started in September 2015... and went on for months being tracked by the FBI. Jesus Christ, they even said that the hackers took days off on Russian holidays. Fucking read and watch the links or don't respond.
You really are a parrot for the losers

I watched your video. All it proved is that something was sent from the USA to Russia in the Cyrillic alphabet. It presented no proof that it was information from the DNC or any Democrat.

Fake news.

Then you didn't watch the video... because the FBI knew about it and tracked it.

If you read the news, Podesta wrote an Op-Ed about this, and Lynch responded to it, that the FBI knew about the Russian hack as far back as September 2015 and didn't tell anyone in the DNC about it.

No evidence that Russia hacked the DNC has ever been published. It's all from "anonymous sources." It's all fake news.

Is that why one of the experts that has worked on the case just fucking told you in the video how it happened and gave you evidence?

I watched your video. All it proved is that something was sent from the USA to Russia in the Cyrillic alphabet. It presented no proof that it was information from the DNC or any Democrat.

Fake news.

Then you didn't watch the video... because the FBI knew about it and tracked it.

If you read the news, Podesta wrote an Op-Ed about this, and Lynch responded to it, that the FBI knew about the Russian hack as far back as September 2015 and didn't tell anyone in the DNC about it.

No evidence that Russia hacked the DNC has ever been published. It's all from "anonymous sources." It's all fake news.

Is that why one of the experts that has worked on the case just fucking told you in the video how it happened and gave you evidence?

Haha so now that it isn't unnamed sources, and actually evidence coming from a guy working on the case... that's the best you got?

You and fucking Bi-sexual, i mean bripat9643 should get married.

.I watched your video. All it proved is that something was sent from the USA to Russia in the Cyrillic alphabet. It presented no proof that it was information from the DNC or any Democrat.

Fake news.

Then you didn't watch the video... because the FBI knew about it and tracked it.

If you read the news, Podesta wrote an Op-Ed about this, and Lynch responded to it, that the FBI knew about the Russian hack as far back as September 2015 and didn't tell anyone in the DNC about it.

No evidence that Russia hacked the DNC has ever been published. It's all from "anonymous sources." It's all fake news.

Is that why one of the experts that has worked on the case just fucking told you in the video how it happened and gave you evidence?

Haha so now that it isn't unnamed sources, and actually evidence coming from a guy working on the case... that's the best you got?

You and fucking Bi-sexual, i mean bripat9643 should get married.

You really need to listen to what he says
Then you didn't watch the video... because the FBI knew about it and tracked it.

If you read the news, Podesta wrote an Op-Ed about this, and Lynch responded to it, that the FBI knew about the Russian hack as far back as September 2015 and didn't tell anyone in the DNC about it.

No evidence that Russia hacked the DNC has ever been published. It's all from "anonymous sources." It's all fake news.

Is that why one of the experts that has worked on the case just fucking told you in the video how it happened and gave you evidence?

Haha so now that it isn't unnamed sources, and actually evidence coming from a guy working on the case... that's the best you got?

You and fucking Bi-sexual, i mean bripat9643 should get married.

You really need to listen to what he says

I listened to exactly what he said... you guys didn't.
No evidence that Russia hacked the DNC has ever been published. It's all from "anonymous sources." It's all fake news.

Is that why one of the experts that has worked on the case just fucking told you in the video how it happened and gave you evidence?

Haha so now that it isn't unnamed sources, and actually evidence coming from a guy working on the case... that's the best you got?

You and fucking Bi-sexual, i mean bripat9643 should get married.

You really need to listen to what he says

I listened to exactly what he said... you guys didn't.
The dude stated "they get in". He didn't say they got in. Dude he has no fking idea of anything. Circumstantial Hypothetical it's obvious he was careful with the words he chose
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It certainly does when they only target one
candidate and their party to attack.

It's indisputable that it gave trump an advantage and hurt Clinton more than Trump.

Then you have specific numbers ?

Otherwise it is very disputable.

It's impossible to quantify how many voters were turned off of Clinton but it's also equally impossible to to say it had no effect at all.

If you can't quantify it, then I really don't care.

The claim is meaningless.

A cold night could have had an effect.

Except a cold night isn't orchestrated by a foreign govt there, Corky.

Yes, but if a cold night exerts a great influence on an election than hacked DNC e-mails, then you might want to consider giving voters coats.

Since you don't know which is worse, your just passing gas in a wind storm.


I guess that's true when you don't consider the source or reason for the hacks.
It certainly does when they only target one
candidate and their party to attack.

It's indisputable that it gave trump an advantage and hurt Clinton more than Trump.

Then you have specific numbers ?

Otherwise it is very disputable.

It's impossible to quantify how many voters were turned off of Clinton but it's also equally impossible to to say it had no effect at all.
So you have no idea, you haven't even seen the evidence yet, so you know nothing nothing more than me all this blst for absolutely nothing! And you wanted to maintain power. See, that was noticed by voters and wanted no more of it

No one does. That's the point, dope.

If you haven't seen the evidence, then you have no case. Thanks for admitting that.

It's all around you.
You only refuses to see it.
No wonder your world is always in shambles.
Is that why one of the experts that has worked on the case just fucking told you in the video how it happened and gave you evidence?

Haha so now that it isn't unnamed sources, and actually evidence coming from a guy working on the case... that's the best you got?

You and fucking Bi-sexual, i mean bripat9643 should get married.

You really need to listen to what he says

I listened to exactly what he said... you guys didn't.
The dude stated "they get in". He didn't say they got in. Dude he has no fking idea of anything. Circumstantial A theory. it's obvious he was careful with the words he chose

Tell us some more about Clinton's server hack.
Anonymous sources have just informed me that LWNJ's are exceptionally gullible fools.....

I know this really is hard for you to understand... but it's been told to you several times,

The three biggest lies

1- the check is in the mail
2- I won't come in your mouth
3- they can't tell you exactly how they know, because if they do, then the Russians will know how they know, and then the Russians can fix it.



Why can't you just admit you don't understand how things work in the intelligence world?

We do understand. That's how we know all you leftwing douche bags are full of shit.

James Comey and Jim Clapper are political appointees. Anyone who believes a thing they say is only proving himself to be a fool and an idiot. James Comey disgraced himself when he failed to indict Hillary even though he laid out an open-and-shut case against her.

No you fuck... why would the U.S. intelligence agency tell you and Russia how we know they are hacking us? If you are really a fucking engineer, you should be able to fucking use some reasoning skills. Prove it.

What does that have to do with the fact that Comey is a Obama administration toady?

You just told us that you have no evidence to support your idiotic fake news.

You can't even write something coherent. Are you huffing paint?

I picture him and jc passing the bag and taking turns posting. :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
Then you have specific numbers ?

Otherwise it is very disputable.

It's impossible to quantify how many voters were turned off of Clinton but it's also equally impossible to to say it had no effect at all.
So you have no idea, you haven't even seen the evidence yet, so you know nothing nothing more than me all this blst for absolutely nothing! And you wanted to maintain power. See, that was noticed by voters and wanted no more of it

No one does. That's the point, dope.

If you haven't seen the evidence, then you have no case. Thanks for admitting that.

It's all around you.
You only refuses to see it.
No wonder your world is always in shambles.

The "evidence is all around us"


Let me guess what drug you are on.........yep LSD.

Gee, it's about time. :rolleyes-41:

FBI Director James B. Comey and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. have backed a CIA assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election in part to help Donald Trump win the presidency, according to U.S. officials.

Comey’s support for the CIA’s conclusion suggests that the leaders of the three agencies are in agreement on Russian intentions, contrary to suggestions by some lawmakers that the FBI disagreed with the CIA.

“Earlier this week, I met separately with (Director) FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” CIA Director John Brennan said in a message to the agency’s workforce, according to U.S. officials who have seen the message.
Rest here: FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election

So where is this "assessment," douche bag? What was hacked? How did it affect the election? We keep hearing about it, but the public has never seen it. So far it's just so much fake news.

Also, the CIA and the FBI don't agree on the motive:

FBI and CIA give differing accounts to lawmakers on Russia’s motives in 2016 hacks

Are these "fake news" too? :laugh2:

FBI backs CIA report on Russian interference: report
FBI flips – now backs CIA report on Russian interference
FBI Backs CIA Report on Russian Interference: Report
FBI backs CIA findings that Russia tried to help Trump win election
FBI agrees with CIA assessment that Russia intervened to help Trump win White House
FBI flips – now backs CIA report on Russian interference | Tea Party USA
Report: FBI Backs CIA View That Russia Intervened In U.S. Election

Yes, they are all fake news. Check your sources. They all said Trump had no chance of winning the nomination or of winning the general election.

Oh, ok, well I'm glad to have you on record saying that WND, TheHill, IssueHawk, Politico, TeaPartyUSA, and Fox News are "fake news" outlets. lol


Wrong, idiot. WND, Fox News, The Hill and TeaPartyUSA merely quote the story published by the Washington Post. Issue Hawk cites The Hill which cites the Washington Post. All stories rely on anonymous sources.

Basically what he have here is a daisy chain of fake news. That's how leftwing propaganda works. On outlet publishes some horseshit lies, and then all the others cite in and endless chain of fake news.

What does independently confirmed mean to you?

Haha so now that it isn't unnamed sources, and actually evidence coming from a guy working on the case... that's the best you got?

You and fucking Bi-sexual, i mean bripat9643 should get married.

You really need to listen to what he says

I listened to exactly what he said... you guys didn't.
The dude stated "they get in". He didn't say they got in. Dude he has no fking idea of anything. Circumstantial A theory. it's obvious he was careful with the words he chose

Tell us some more about Clinton's server hack.
Listen to Comey he was involved in that news not me!
No you fuck... why would the U.S. intelligence agency tell you and Russia how we know they are hacking us? If you are really a fucking engineer, you should be able to fucking use some reasoning skills. Prove it.

What does that have to do with the fact that Comey is a Obama administration toady?

You just told us that you have no evidence to support your idiotic fake news.

You can't even write something coherent. Are you huffing paint?

It's perfectly coherent to everyone who isn't a moron like you.

You keep telling yourself that champ.


What is that photo supposed to indicate?

Stay gold Ponyboy!

Yes, they are all fake news. Check your sources. They all said Trump had no chance of winning the nomination or of winning the general election.

Oh, ok, well I'm glad to have you on record saying that WND, TheHill, IssueHawk, Politico, TeaPartyUSA, and Fox News are "fake news" outlets. lol


Wrong, idiot. WND, Fox News, The Hill and TeaPartyUSA merely quote the story published by the Washington Post. Issue Hawk cites The Hill which cites the Washington Post. All stories rely on anonymous sources.

Basically what he have here is a daisy chain of fake news. That's how leftwing propaganda works. On outlet publishes some horseshit lies, and then all the others cite in and endless chain of fake news.

What does independently confirmed mean to you?

"Independently confirmed" coming from you means that it hasn't been independently confirmed.

Then you have specific numbers ?

Otherwise it is very disputable.

It's impossible to quantify how many voters were turned off of Clinton but it's also equally impossible to to say it had no effect at all.
So you have no idea, you haven't even seen the evidence yet, so you know nothing nothing more than me all this blst for absolutely nothing! And you wanted to maintain power. See, that was noticed by voters and wanted no more of it

No one does. That's the point, dope.

If you haven't seen the evidence, then you have no case. Thanks for admitting that.

It's all around you.
You only refuses to see it.
No wonder your world is always in shambles.

What's all around me is leftwing butthurt, fake news and propaganda. There is no actual evidence of anything leftwing douche bags claim about the election.
Why can't you just admit you don't understand how things work in the intelligence world?

We do understand. That's how we know all you leftwing douche bags are full of shit.

James Comey and Jim Clapper are political appointees. Anyone who believes a thing they say is only proving himself to be a fool and an idiot. James Comey disgraced himself when he failed to indict Hillary even though he laid out an open-and-shut case against her.

No you fuck... why would the U.S. intelligence agency tell you and Russia how we know they are hacking us? If you are really a fucking engineer, you should be able to fucking use some reasoning skills. Prove it.

What does that have to do with the fact that Comey is a Obama administration toady?

You just told us that you have no evidence to support your idiotic fake news.

You can't even write something coherent. Are you huffing paint?

I picture him and jc passing the bag and taking turns posting. :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:

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