BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosiv

Supposedly man registered as GREEN PARTY....former New Yorker, previously arrested for threats.....developing
Seriously....Dude looks like a lady.

Are we putting up pics of ugly guys now, or do you have a link confirming who he is.
Just tweeted by Tapper:

Jake Tapper‏Verified account @jaketapper
BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosive packages, according to multiple law enforcement sources. — CNN’s Mark Morales, Evan Perez, Shimon Prokupecz, and Brynn Gingras report

Latest news: Trump critics and CNN receive explosive devices - CNNPolitics

Federal authorities have arrested a man in connection to the suspected explosive packages, according to multiple law enforcement sources.

/——/ On Wednesday Rush predicted he’d be caught by Friday.

Gee, so what?

Did Trump know the person arrested, and maybe provided him(?) the funds and addresses needed to carry out these acts of terrorism?

Cesar Sayoc, Jr. has been identified as the person arrested.
An entire thread about bumper stickers on a vehicle?

Jesus dude, get a grip
You act like it's some random unimportant vehicle. You're mad because the criminal is a Trump supporter.
This is not a criminal who happens to be a Trump supporter.
This is a Trump supporter who has listened to Trump's many dog whistles of hate and violence and acted.
Most Trump supporters are closer to this guy than they will admit.
Supposedly man registered as GREEN PARTY....former New Yorker, previously arrested for threats.....developing

But....if that is true.....I thought the Green Party was a left wing party...right?
An entire thread about bumper stickers on a vehicle?

Jesus dude, get a grip

Bumper stickers on a vehicle owned by a domestic terrorist, asshole.

Or are you afraid to use the word terrorist now, too, since he's a Republican?
Were you so gleefully LOLOLOLing when that Liberal nutcase actually OPENED FIRE on a baseball field full of Republican congressmen? The only reason several of them weren't killed was he was a lousy shot. This toxic political environment is going to inflame the fringe elements of BOTH SIDES. I would be surprised if there isn't an assassination attempt on President Trump in the next two years. This is not about "Yay my side is winning". We are ALL LOSING.
1). How on earth can you tell what’s on that van in that picture? It’s so fuzzy

2) wouldn’t wisdom suggest we see that this is definitely the guy before rushing to judgment?

3) why exactly do you think it matters which “side” this guy is on?

Why does it matter??

Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense.

The president holds regular rallies telling his minions how evil these people are. The president plays up his respect for politicians who physically attacked their opponent and has offered to pay the legal bills of his supporters who fight his opponents.

And when a Trump supporter tries to commit acts of violence against the very people Trump has been railing against for years now, you ask "why does this matter?"

Go fuck yourself.
1). How on earth can you tell what’s on that van in that picture? It’s so fuzzy

2) wouldn’t wisdom suggest we see that this is definitely the guy before rushing to judgment?

3) why exactly do you think it matters which “side” this guy is on?

Of course it matters to the lefty loons.

If the guys does have Trump or right wing stickers on his van they view that as ammo to attack the right with.

The guy had his own agenda and who the hell can guess what that is.
1). How on earth can you tell what’s on that van in that picture? It’s so fuzzy

2) wouldn’t wisdom suggest we see that this is definitely the guy before rushing to judgment?

3) why exactly do you think it matters which “side” this guy is on?
How DARE you mention the word wisdom when there are such partisan agendas involved!
An entire thread about bumper stickers on a vehicle?

Jesus dude, get a grip
You act like it's some random unimportant vehicle. You're mad because the criminal is a Trump supporter.
This is not a criminal who happens to be a Trump supporter.
This is a Trump supporter who has listened to Trump's many dog whistles of hate and violence and acted.
Most Trump supporters are closer to this guy than they will admit.

The only people who hear "Dog Whistles" are the racist, hate filled democrats who hear regular speech and then in their confused minds, see racism in those words....
Why would a Conservative in his right mind want to cause the public to sympathize with dimocrap scum? Anybody with a room-temperature IQ would know that fake bombs would do that.

This guy is either off his rocker or is a dimocrap in disguise.

I too find it highly convenient on the timing of his attacks and who they would benefit in the election in just days...also convenient his van was covered with Trump stickers....almost like "whoever" wanted to make damn sure there was no doubt whatsoever that this bomb stuff "came from the Trump camp!"...

Just all too convenient. Like it was planned.

The timing thing is going to kill the conspirators though. There's just no way an alleged conservative would time his bomb attack that would garner sympathy for his targets, right on the eve of a pivotal election. Just so damned convenient his van was covered with Trump stickers. Don't you think? I think. And most of the middle bloc of voters think too... if the van was covered with Dem stickers, you would condemn the Dems. And now that it is covered with Trump stickers - you condemn the Dems.

Just admit matter what the evidence will blame the Dems.
An entire thread about bumper stickers on a vehicle?

Jesus dude, get a grip
You act like it's some random unimportant vehicle. You're mad because the criminal is a Trump supporter.
It is unimportant lol
It is important because:
1) It kills the conspiracy theory spread in this message board and other places that the bomb was a hoax by a Democrat or deep state actor.
2) it is important because we must know whether Trump’s anti-media rhetoric motivated this man to mail these bombs.
3) If the bumper stickers where Hillary bumper stickers , there wouldn’t be one thread but 10, and you would be gleefully participating in them.
1. NOTHING kills conspiracy theories. That's why they are called conspiracy theories.
2. If they got the right man he, and he alone, is responsible for his actions.
3. Gibberish
Did he have a sign that said "bomb maker" too? How freaking obvious do you have to be?
Trumps hate speech is closer to radical Islamic speakers than any past US President.
The minions are following what Trump tells them just like in radical Islam.

I don't think that was 2017 but I'd guess it's counted under "homophobic".

Would it have been lumped under "rightwing"?

My point. I don't trust your counting.

It's not my counting --- it's what we call a "quote". So I took a guess. You could do the same thing.

Homophobia sure isn't a 'left' thing.

Seems to be since they always go to the homophobic remarks to attack people they disagree with...

"They" who?

Wtf are you babbling about now? Did the bank decline to let you in with guns again?

You keep saying that about my bank and guns.... My bank actually lets you carry a gun, so what are you talking about?

You really need to put down the booze and the drugs, they don't mix.....

Weren't you the asshat who came whining to this board that your bank wouldn't let you in with an Uzi?

Might have been another gun nut. Y'all look alike to me. :dunno:
Regardless of his political affiliation thank God he is off the street. Some have alluded to the fact that he is another run of the mill conservative, however I find that stereotype repugnant and ignorant to say the least. When one regresses to wearing masks, rioting, building bombs, and mailing them to those they loath as the only remaining solution then they have regressed to the lowest common denominator.
The conservatives here need to make up their minds now. Do they go with "Deep state plot!", or do they go with "Lone crazy guy who doesn't represent conservatives!"? Conservatives, run back to your masters and get those official cult talking points. You wouldn't want to be out of step with the other cultists. You'd lose major cult brownie points for that.

And above all, do not apologize for running interference for your side's domestic terrorism by attempting to blame it on liberals. You're a conservative, so thuggery is your birthright, something you adore. Apologizing for your death lust is forbidden by your cult.

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