BREAKING: Federal authorities have arrested a man in Florida in connection to the suspected explosiv

Why would a Conservative in his right mind want to cause the public to sympathize with dimocrap scum? Anybody with a room-temperature IQ would know that fake bombs would do that.

This guy is either off his rocker or is a dimocrap in disguise.

I too find it highly convenient on the timing of his attacks and who they would benefit in the election in just days...also convenient his van was covered with Trump stickers....almost like "whoever" wanted to make damn sure there was no doubt whatsoever that this bomb stuff "came from the Trump camp!"...

Just all too convenient. Like it was planned.

The timing thing is going to kill the conspirators though. There's just no way an alleged conservative would time his bomb attack that would garner sympathy for his targets, right on the eve of a pivotal election. Just so damned convenient his van was covered with Trump stickers. Don't you think? I think. And most of the middle bloc of voters think too...
Breaking: One Suspect Captured in Mail Bombing Attacks The suspect was arrested near Miami Florida

Just breaking on Fox News at 11:10 am

Published 23 mins ago
Last Update 6 mins ago
[11:27 am 10/26/18]
Suspect arrested in Florida in connection with suspicious packages sent to Democrats

By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News

Suspect arrested in Florida in connection with suspicious packages sent to Democrats

If he is a left winger, people will have to move fast to see his social media..... the democrats will scrub it so fast it will make your head spin...and he will disappear down a memory black hole and it will be as if he never existed..... the last week will not have happened.....

If he is a Trump supporter, he will be covered 24/7 and you won't be able to hear his name without Trump's name following in the next few words......


Nice meme, but inappropriate, because his post was spot on. But youre an idiot, so we'll give you some leeway

I am sure that you think your fellow sheep's imagination of what 'would happen" was spot on.

But you are a mindless sheep that relies on talking points to make a post on this forum, so what you think is meaningless.
Again, we know almost nothing yet. Let us wait and see before we jump to any conclusions. Maybe we can just all agree that the person(s) responsible should be apprehended and forced to account.
we know almost nothing yet. Let us wait and see before we jump to any conclusions.
Except for his Trump bedazzled bomber van of course.

Yep. Gotta wait and see. Might be one of those Trump fanatic lefties.
Settle down champ. Just because a van with stickers on it has been taken into evidence means almost nothing. Is it unreasonable to wait until we have an actual explana
tion from the DOJ before we get the towns people ready with pitchforks?

Wise up, sport.
Doesn't matter whats on his van.

The guy needs to pay the penalty for what he's done.

What a douchebag.
"Doesn't matter whats [sic] on his van"....I'm sure you would say the same if he had Hillary and Obama stickers all over it.

Yes I would because this man has his own agenda and who knows what it is??

Hope they throw the book at his stupid ass.
Oh good! He's alive. Maybe now we can find out what the deal is.

Is that an Ice Cream truck?

Got pictures of Trump on it.

Dotard himself is supposed to speak soon, hope the media asks him about it.
Put it up when he does. I'm waiting on the press conference at 2:30

It's now being reported that he is a career Democratic staffer who was since cast out two years ago for being too extreme. He's been unemployed since. Papers found in his home indicate he multiple objectives: get revenge against what he considered to be hypocritical corporate/establishment Democrats he blamed for his plight, inspire sympathy for the Bernie Sanders/Occasio-Cortez branch of the party, and sabotage Republicans chances in the election.
I've actually been wondering how the bomber was able to acquire the addresses of top Democrats and celebrities. He had to have access to some kind of political mailing list.
Considering what his van looks like, I'm thinking he was active in the campaigns.

Yeah, I wanna watch @ 2:30.

Considering it's all stickered up, he's probably a nutbar, and another reason Mental Institutions should be reopened. (In this case, Chattahoochee.) Not sure how anyone saw Trump stickers in that blurry photo. I can't make out what they say.
1). How on earth can you tell what’s on that van in that picture? It’s so fuzzy

2) wouldn’t wisdom suggest we see that this is definitely the guy before rushing to judgment?

3) why exactly do you think it matters which “side” this guy is on?
WELL, there appears to be a decal on the van of the suspect which had the picture of a President. It was not Obama, not Clinton, Not either Bush, Nor Reagan, Carter, Nixon, LBJ, JFK, IKE, TR or FDR.

Anyone want to guess which President?
Some of the things we know:

1. He has been investigated / arrested before
-- DNA was on file

2. Never seen 'CSI'
-- No clue about forensics / evidence or how to hide any of it

3. Stupid AND Lazy
-- Didn't know how to spell some of his target's names & too lazy to look them up

4. Sucked at being a terrorist...thankfully
-- Sent a NON-biological white powder through the mail
-- ZERO 'bombs' detonated - could not follow on-line instructions to build one - incompetent
** Will be MOCKED in prison by the other, smarter, competent terrorists

5. No Creativity
-- Reportedly drove the stereotypical 'white panel van' preferred by TV-show villains and pedophiles

This all fits very well into a conspiracy theory.

1). Happened right before the elections
2). All bombs inert, no one injured at all
3). Sloppy work, easy to find the suspect
4). White male, 50's
5). Vehicle conveniently plastered with right wing materials
6). suspect from New York

I still find this whole thing suspicious....why would he mail fake bombs to people not even up for election....RIGHT BEFORE the elections?

I say Trump should waterboard this nut and find out if he had any "encouragement"

Yes...there ARE right Wing lunatics out there as well as left wing lunatics.
These unbalanced people do not represent all, obviously.
Again, we know almost nothing yet. Let us wait and see before we jump to any conclusions. Maybe we can just all agree that the person(s) responsible should be apprehended and forced to account.
we know almost nothing yet. Let us wait and see before we jump to any conclusions.
Except for his Trump bedazzled bomber van of course.

Yep. Gotta wait and see. Might be one of those Trump fanatic lefties.
Settle down champ. Just because a van with stickers on it has been taken into evidence means almost nothing. Is it unreasonable to wait until we have an actual explana
tion from the DOJ before we get the towns people ready with pitchforks?

Wise up, sport.
What are you talking about,”wise up sport”, all I have said is jumping to conclusions at this point is premature. If he is a Trump supporter, liberal operative or someone whose pissed their latest issue of Cat Fancey hasn’t arrived yet, we do not know.
Breaking: One Suspect Captured in Mail Bombing Attacks The suspect was arrested near Miami Florida

Just breaking on Fox News at 11:10 am

Published 23 mins ago
Last Update 6 mins ago
[11:27 am 10/26/18]
Suspect arrested in Florida in connection with suspicious packages sent to Democrats

By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News

Suspect arrested in Florida in connection with suspicious packages sent to Democrats

If he is a left winger, people will have to move fast to see his social media..... the democrats will scrub it so fast it will make your head spin...and he will disappear down a memory black hole and it will be as if he never existed..... the last week will not have happened.....

If he is a Trump supporter, he will be covered 24/7 and you won't be able to hear his name without Trump's name following in the next few words......


Nice meme, but inappropriate, because his post was spot on. But youre an idiot, so we'll give you some leeway

I am sure that you think your fellow sheep's imagination of what 'would happen" was spot on.

But you are a mindless sheep that relies on talking points to make a post on this forum, so what you think is meaningless.

Pot meet kettle
Oh good! He's alive. Maybe now we can find out what the deal is.

Is that an Ice Cream truck?

Got pictures of Trump on it.

Dotard himself is supposed to speak soon, hope the media asks him about it.
Put it up when he does. I'm waiting on the press conference at 2:30

It's now being reported that he is a career Democratic staffer who was since cast out two years ago for being too extreme. He's been unemployed since. Papers found in his home indicate he multiple objectives: get revenge against what he considered to be hypocritical corporate/establishment Democrats he blamed for his plight, inspire sympathy for the Bernie Sanders/Occasio-Cortez branch of the party, and sabotage Republicans chances in the election.
I've actually been wondering how the bomber was able to acquire the addresses of top Democrats and celebrities. He had to have access to some kind of political mailing list.
Considering what his van looks like, I'm thinking he was active in the campaigns.

Yeah, I wanna watch @ 2:30.

Considering it's all stickered up, he's probably a nutbar, and another reason Mental Institutions should be reopened. (In this case, Chattahoochee.) Not sure how anyone saw Trump stickers in that blurry photo. I can't make out what they say.

I agree. Who the hell could tell what the stickers said let alone see the damned things.

He sure sounds like a nut job.
An entire thread about bumper stickers on a vehicle?

Jesus dude, get a grip
You act like it's some random unimportant vehicle. You're mad because the criminal is a Trump supporter.
It is unimportant lol
It is important because:
1) It kills the conspiracy theory spread in this message board and other places that the bomb was a hoax by a Democrat or deep state actor.
2) it is important because we must know whether Trump’s anti-media rhetoric motivated this man to mail these bombs.
3) If the bumper stickers where Hillary bumper stickers , there wouldn’t be one thread but 10, and you would be gleefully participating in them.

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