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Its racists because you think people who support Wilson would also support KKK.

I hate the KKK and I support officer Wilson. But you - like most liberals - like to be close minded. It is ironic but most liberals I know are very narrow minded.
For Wilson to avoid indictment, there can be no question he was innocent.
They shot the boy over a box a cigars.

People walk out of home depot with $1000 power tools at least once a week at my job.

I curse you. I curse the Oathbreakers, Tyrants and Enemies of the People.

Eye for an eye, and tooth for a tooth. You deserve all that is about to happen to you.

No, he was shot because he assaulted a police officer.

Not any longer.
I was THISSSSSSSSSSS close to moving to Missouri once upon a time. Branson area. But I was afraid of the culture shock. Racism of whites against blacks and how would I deal with rednecks calling blacks the N word and the all around nastiness against blacks. Shame on me for being so fucking dumb then.

That's funny. I've lived in South Carolina for over two years now and have not once heard a white person call a black person anything. I have not once seen any overt act of racism. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I just haven't seen it. In over two years...

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