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This would all end rather quickly if police just started to kill anyone with a hoodie!
There were a lot of white women with hoodies in the crowd.

They were black, but scared WHITE!
No they were white but will probably start going with

Then they deserve the same as the THUGERY...BANG!!!
Must hurt seeing your women running toward the chocolate!! No wonder you cave apes want them dead.
This would all end rather quickly if police just started to kill anyone with a hoodie!
There were a lot of white women with hoodies in the crowd.

They were black, but scared WHITE!
No they were white but will probably start going with

Then they deserve the same as the THUGERY...BANG!!!
Must hurt seeing your women running toward the chocolate!! No wonder you cave apes want them dead.

Not my white women, they wouldn't hang out with black trash!

WTF is the fucking HOLD UP???!!!!! They're not satisfied with the amount of shit STOLEN, VANDALIZED AND BURNT DOWN YET?

Holy SHIT!
These better knock off for now and go home and get some rest else they're gonna' have a rough day at work tomorrow.
This would all end rather quickly if police just started to kill anyone with a hoodie!
There were a lot of white women with hoodies in the crowd.

They were black, but scared WHITE!
No they were white but will probably start going with

Then they deserve the same as the THUGERY...BANG!!!
Must hurt seeing your women running toward the chocolate!! No wonder you cave apes want them dead.

So what do you have to say about the great American chimp out?
Is it all you expected? Did your dreams come true?
I sure wish your kind would show up in my neighborhood.
This would all end rather quickly if police just started to kill anyone with a hoodie!
There were a lot of white women with hoodies in the crowd.

They were black, but scared WHITE!
No they were white but will probably start going with

Then they deserve the same as the THUGERY...BANG!!!
Must hurt seeing your women running toward the chocolate!! No wonder you cave apes want them dead.
We don't don't give a fuck if those 350 pound whales turn to you blacks for dick, since you're the only ones that will touch them. You can have 'em.
Secret witness #15, like #10, testified that Brown was charging Wilson!
There were a lot of white women with hoodies in the crowd.

They were black, but scared WHITE!
No they were white but will probably start going with

Then they deserve the same as the THUGERY...BANG!!!
Must hurt seeing your women running toward the chocolate!! No wonder you cave apes want them dead.
We don't don't give a fuck if those 350 whales turn you blacks for dick, since you're the only ones that will touch them. You can have 'em.
I can tell by you impassioned response thats a lie. You care very much.
Maybe we can TOAST a few of Asslaps's knuckledraggers while they burn police cars!

If you own a business in Ferguson and you've been thinking of burning it down to get the insurance money, tonights your night.

Good night all and stay safe if you live near the riots.
There were a lot of white women with hoodies in the crowd.

They were black, but scared WHITE!
No they were white but will probably start going with

Then they deserve the same as the THUGERY...BANG!!!
Must hurt seeing your women running toward the chocolate!! No wonder you cave apes want them dead.
We don't don't give a fuck if those 350 whales turn you blacks for dick, since you're the only ones that will touch them. You can have 'em.

That aint no shit!!! I've never seen anyone so proud to chase trash.
There were a lot of white women with hoodies in the crowd.

They were black, but scared WHITE!
No they were white but will probably start going with

Then they deserve the same as the THUGERY...BANG!!!
Must hurt seeing your women running toward the chocolate!! No wonder you cave apes want them dead.

So what do you have to say about the great American chimp out?
Is it all you expected? Did your dreams come true?
I sure wish your kind would show up in my neighborhood.
I didnt see any white people chimping out. I saw some Black scum looting. It was pretty much what I expected. You wouldnt want my kind in your neighborhood. Black people dont do well in trailer parks.
Ferguson erupts after officer not charged in teen's shooting

A Missouri grand jury's decision not to indict a white police officer on any charges in the fatal August shooting of an unarmed black teenager unleashed a wave of violent protests Monday night similar to what engulfed the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson in August.

Storefront windows were smashed near the Ferguson Police Department and at least two cars on the street were set on fire. Gunshots could be heard. Police responded with volleys of tear gas and flash-bang canisters.

Brown is suspected of having stolen cigars from a nearby convenience store shortly before the incident.
Ferguson erupts after officer not charged in teen apos s shooting - Baltimore Sun
Heard Wilson claim he was punched 10 times but there was very mild, almost non-existent, marks on him. Then he claimed it was 2 hits and he thought he was going to be knocked out. How did the jury let him go on such conflicting information?
You never reach into a police car and grab the back of the cops neck or go for his gun.
What does that have to do with my post? He lied or at the very least was inconsistent. How did he get off telling 2 different stories? Maybe the media got it wrong.
Read the Grand Jury decision when it becomes available.

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