BREAKING: Four Dead at Burlington Cascade Mall - Suspect Remains At Large

I am mainly thinking about the violence at his rallies and speeches. No American presidential candidate has ever engendered such violence at his functions. And I don't think it is down to the left wing protesters: if Trump didn't use the kind of crude and violenct language he uses, if he didn't use the imagery he uses, if he didn't use the kind of violent rhetoric he uses, if he didn't offend so many people with his racism and bigotry, if he didn't get people so worked up in hatred of minority groups, there would be few protesters at his functions and his people and those people would not be getting into violent confrontations. It's all down to Trump, IMO.

If he is actually elected, it will only get worse.
It's been an interesting phenomenon watching his "campaign". Yes, Trump said things that could easily be called "throwing red meat to the crowd", but those individuals are still accountable for their own actions for the same reasons mentioned before. If you want to hold Trump accountable for the actions of his supporters, then you have to do the same for those who support Hillary, Obama, Gore, etc. It's not a one-way street.

I'm sure you've noticed he's tempered his rhetoric. To some degree, I think he only said those things because 1) he likes to flap his lips and 2) he loves to be adored by a crowd/mob.
Hillary supporters are not engaging in violent protest.
According to what the gun runners said themselves, it's easier to buy a whole bunch of guns at a gun show, because they don't ask very many questions.

And yeah.................some have "straw purchasers" who buy them from the stores for them.

One of them was asked if they felt bad knowing that these guns were going to be used to kill people, he said yeah, but the money was too good.
Lemme guess, you saw that on Oprah?

Your claim is dishonest in that it is misleading. A gun show is like a flea market; there are both dealers and private sellers there. Dealers are required to have a Class III license, conduct background checks and maintain a record of sales. Private sellers are not. I can sell you a gun as a private seller and no paperwork is required. Yes, "gun runners" can go around to private sellers and there'd be no record of the transaction. However, many private sellers won't sell to a sketchy person because their name can still be tracked to that firearm if they bought it from a dealer or given it by a relative who did so.

When people like you say "gun show" (loophole) it means "ban private sales of firearms". That's what you really mean right?

There are private sellers acting as dealers due to the quantity of firearms they sell. It's against the law and I fully support enforcing that law.

Straw purchasers are also illegal, so enforce the law. There is no need to make it illegal to illegally sell firearms. That's just LWL anti-gun bullshit.

If someone is selling a lot of guns at a gun show...they can be arrested if they are caught supplying criminals....and the police can catch them using a sting operation......that is how they do it now.......and that tactic has the benefit of not bothering law abiding gun owners......

And also.....when any criminal uses those guns.....they too can be that guys point about gun shows is just stupid....
I am mainly thinking about the violence at his rallies and speeches. No American presidential candidate has ever engendered such violence at his functions. And I don't think it is down to the left wing protesters: if Trump didn't use the kind of crude and violenct language he uses, if he didn't use the imagery he uses, if he didn't use the kind of violent rhetoric he uses, if he didn't offend so many people with his racism and bigotry, if he didn't get people so worked up in hatred of minority groups, there would be few protesters at his functions and his people and those people would not be getting into violent confrontations. It's all down to Trump, IMO.

If he is actually elected, it will only get worse.
It can't be that Soros and ultra-leftwing sponsored anti-Trump protesters would have any involvement in the violence at Trump rallies, right?
I am mainly thinking about the violence at his rallies and speeches. No American presidential candidate has ever engendered such violence at his functions. And I don't think it is down to the left wing protesters: if Trump didn't use the kind of crude and violenct language he uses, if he didn't use the imagery he uses, if he didn't use the kind of violent rhetoric he uses, if he didn't offend so many people with his racism and bigotry, if he didn't get people so worked up in hatred of minority groups, there would be few protesters at his functions and his people and those people would not be getting into violent confrontations. It's all down to Trump, IMO.

If he is actually elected, it will only get worse.
It's been an interesting phenomenon watching his "campaign". Yes, Trump said things that could easily be called "throwing red meat to the crowd", but those individuals are still accountable for their own actions for the same reasons mentioned before. If you want to hold Trump accountable for the actions of his supporters, then you have to do the same for those who support Hillary, Obama, Gore, etc. It's not a one-way street.

I'm sure you've noticed he's tempered his rhetoric. To some degree, I think he only said those things because 1) he likes to flap his lips and 2) he loves to be adored by a crowd/mob.
Hillary supporters are not engaging in violent protest.

Yeah...they are.......all the time....we have documented it here on U.S.message....
Victims knew shooter?
I think it is reaction against 'whites' to Trump's racist policies and statements against Hispanics. The more people who support Trump, the more this kind of thing is going to happen.

Shooter here illegally.
Exactly. Trump's policies and rhetoric angers people. If he is elected, he will be making half the world (if not more) angry at us and more and more of this type of thing will happen.
You're blaming this violence on someone who is running for President?
Trump is already responsible for a lot of violence and will be responsible for a lot more.


---Trump supporter shot in the leg...

Paul Jones, Trump supporter, shot at Cleveland bar during heated political debate

---Trump supporter hit with crow bar....

Man Attacked With Crowbar Over Donald Trump T-Shirt: Cops

---Female Trump supporter hit with eggs and bottle....

Female Trump Supporter Hit With Eggs, Bottles as California Protest Turns Violent — See What Was Caught on Video

SAN JOSE, Calif. (TheBlaze/AP) — A few hundred protesters are blocking traffic and some are scuffling with supporters of Donald Trump after the presidential candidate’s rally in San Jose, California.

Police were keeping their distance and not getting involved with the protesters marching in the streets outside of San Jose Convention Center on Thursday night.

One woman, a Trump supporter, was surrounded by protesters who allegedly threw eggs and bottles at her head,BuzzFeed reported.

---Moron democrats stop Trump rally in chicago..

Inside the Protest That Stopped the Trump Rally

--left wing socialist, a democrat supporter, tries to murder Trump...

Source: Man who grabbed gun wanted to kill Trump - CNN Video

---left wing democrats shut down Arizona highway to Trump rally....

'Shut Down Trump': Protesters Shut Down AZ Highway to Rally

--democrats punch Trump supporters at same rally where they threw eggs and bottles at the woman....

Punches, eggs thrown as protesters attack Trump supporters outside San Jose rally

Protests outside a Donald Trump rally in downtown San Jose spun out of control Thursday night when some demonstrators attacked the candidate's supporters.

Protesters jumped on cars, pelted Trump supporters with eggs and water balloons, snatched signs, and stole "Make America Great" hats off supporters' heads before burning them and snapping selfies with the charred remains.

Several people were caught on camera punching Trump supporters. At least one attacker was arrested, according to CNN, although police did not release much information.

---democrat mob attacks Trump motorcade and supporters....

Mainstream media ignores anti-Trump mob in Minneapolis | Fox News

A violent mob terrorized Donald Trump donors but the Mainstream Media ignored the story. It happened Friday night at a fundraiser held at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

Some of Trump’s supporters were punched and spat upon, The Hill reports. Others were pelted by garbage and taunted by the angry mob.

Click here to join Todd’s American Dispatch: a must-read for Conservatives!

The vicious thugs actually attacked elderly women. What kind of a lowlife does something like that?
Authorities say they are reconstructing the scene in their investigation, as they process the Macy’s store. Suspect entered mall without weapon.

They recovered the rifle at the mall, from kiro, via authorities, and he randomly shot victims-

About 10 minutes later the suspect came back into the store with a rifle. He fired multiple times – hitting victims in age that range from teen to senior. Identification of the victims is not being released as this time. Autopsies still need to be completed.
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I am mainly thinking about the violence at his rallies and speeches. No American presidential candidate has ever engendered such violence at his functions. And I don't think it is down to the left wing protesters: if Trump didn't use the kind of crude and violenct language he uses, if he didn't use the imagery he uses, if he didn't use the kind of violent rhetoric he uses, if he didn't offend so many people with his racism and bigotry, if he didn't get people so worked up in hatred of minority groups, there would be few protesters at his functions and his people and those people would not be getting into violent confrontations. It's all down to Trump, IMO.

If he is actually elected, it will only get worse.
It can't be that Soros and ultra-leftwing sponsored anti-Trump protesters would have any involvement in the violence at Trump rallies, right?
No, child. The bogeyman isn't hiding under your bed or making the villagers storm your gates. He's had many times more at his rallies and the only shit that happens is when leftists go to his rallies to create problems. Being the brain dead leftist you are you cannot assign responsibility to anything but your enemies.
Trumpettes want him to be a MUUUUSSSLLLIIMMMM, since fear is the only hope Comrade Trump has left. He needs to scare people to vote for him.

Yeah....muslim terrorism is just something he made guys are morons.....
Mob? I don't get that one. He is a New Yorker and anyone that has ever lived in the city knows a lot of people that talk like trump. It doesn't fall well on PC ears but a lot of folks are tired of the sensitive set calling the shots. They would not have fared well in tougher times.
Have you attended one of his rallies? Any political rallies?

I haven't. It takes a certain mindset to do so. Like Hillary, Trump appeals to a narrow group of like-minded individuals. Is it really a mystery why both of them tempered their message after their nominations?
Starting to get used to this....sadly.

In the 1990s we had 200 million guns in private hands....we now have 357 million guns in private hands........the gun murder rate during this period...went down 49%.........guns in the hands of law abiding people are not the problem.........failure to recognize this...and a refusal to actually address criminals instead of attacking law abiding gun owners will not solve the problem......
Individual gun murders going down, multiple killing, the crazy kind, going up. The type of gun that makes the multiple killing much easier much easier to get. And the NRA still claiming it will get all better if we get more guns out there on the street.

One thing you do ignore, is that a smaller percentage of Americans actually own guns now than in the past. And the majority of the gun purchases now are not the traditional hunting guns, but the military guns designed for the sole purpose of killing other people. A completely different mentality. are wrong.....mass public shootings are not going are just wrong......

And again, you are wrong with rifles as well...

Rifles with magazines.....killed 157 people in mass shootings 34 years.......

knives kill 1,500 people every single year........clubs kill more people than these rifles, and so do empty hands.....

But please...keep pulling lies out of your ass, just get some cream to deal with the rash.....
Starting to get used to this....sadly.

In the 1990s we had 200 million guns in private hands....we now have 357 million guns in private hands........the gun murder rate during this period...went down 49%.........guns in the hands of law abiding people are not the problem.........failure to recognize this...and a refusal to actually address criminals instead of attacking law abiding gun owners will not solve the problem......
Individual gun murders going down, multiple killing, the crazy kind, going up. The type of gun that makes the multiple killing much easier much easier to get. And the NRA still claiming it will get all better if we get more guns out there on the street.

One thing you do ignore, is that a smaller percentage of Americans actually own guns now than in the past. And the majority of the gun purchases now are not the traditional hunting guns, but the military guns designed for the sole purpose of killing other people. A completely different mentality. are wrong, the facts show you are wrong....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


2015....4 ( obama's new standard....7)

2014....2 (4)












2002 not listed so more than likely 0

















1985... not listed so probably 0


1983...not listed so probably 0

Trump is already responsible for a lot of violence and will be responsible for a lot more.
Disagreed here. If we go down the path of blaming politicians and other blowhards for the actions of nutjobs, the Al Gore is responsible for Eco-terrorists and Barack Obama is responsible for every murder committed by a black American.

Sorry, Esmeralda, but no matter how big an asshole Trump or any other politician, L or R, may be, all people are still accountable for their own actions.
I am mainly thinking about the violence at his rallies and speeches. No American presidential candidate has ever engendered such violence at his functions. And I don't think it is down to the left wing protesters: if Trump didn't use the kind of crude and violenct language he uses, if he didn't use the imagery he uses, if he didn't use the kind of violent rhetoric he uses, if he didn't offend so many people with his racism and bigotry, if he didn't get people so worked up in hatred of minority groups, there would be few protesters at his functions and his people and those people would not be getting into violent confrontations. It's all down to Trump, IMO.

If he is actually elected, it will only get worse.

Yeah....but the actual violence is from hilary supporters......they are actually doing real violence, including shooting people....
Mob? I don't get that one. He is a New Yorker and anyone that has ever lived in the city knows a lot of people that talk like trump. It doesn't fall well on PC ears but a lot of folks are tired of the sensitive set calling the shots. They would not have fared well in tougher times.
Have you attended one of his rallies? Any political rallies?

I haven't. It takes a certain mindset to do so. Like Hillary, Trump appeals to a narrow group of like-minded individuals. Is it really a mystery why both of them tempered their message after their nominations?
You went off on a tangent. I questioned your statement that he enjoys being adored by a mob. I haven't seen a Trump mob even once. A mob is disorderly, his crowds are anything but. The only disorder comes from enemies trying to disrupt his freedom to speak.
Trump is already responsible for a lot of violence and will be responsible for a lot more.
Disagreed here. If we go down the path of blaming politicians and other blowhards for the actions of nutjobs, the Al Gore is responsible for Eco-terrorists and Barack Obama is responsible for every murder committed by a black American.

Sorry, Esmeralda, but no matter how big an asshole Trump or any other politician, L or R, may be, all people are still accountable for their own actions.
I am mainly thinking about the violence at his rallies and speeches. No American presidential candidate has ever engendered such violence at his functions. And I don't think it is down to the left wing protesters: if Trump didn't use the kind of crude and violenct language he uses, if he didn't use the imagery he uses, if he didn't use the kind of violent rhetoric he uses, if he didn't offend so many people with his racism and bigotry, if he didn't get people so worked up in hatred of minority groups, there would be few protesters at his functions and his people and those people would not be getting into violent confrontations. It's all down to Trump, IMO.

If he is actually elected, it will only get worse.

The violent democrats at Trump rallies are paid, organized and the only ones engaging in mass violence.......
Are they sure he's Hispanic and not Arab?

Are you sure you're not a vegetable?

With what has been going on in the world, it's not exactly a stretch for the possibility that if the perp looked Hispanic to actually be Arab.
Your kind does a lot of wishful thinking. I doubt there are many Arabs in Burlington. It's a small town of only 10,000, a rural area.

There is no wishful thinking, but with the acts of terrorism committed by Muslims practically daily somewhere in the world, it's not hard to see that a Hispanic looking male could in reality be someone with an Arab background.
I'm from Washington; I'm from Seattle. I know that in the area of Burlington, there are few if any Arabs. It is indeed wishful thinking on your part that any act of violence in American is first and foremost done by an Arab, next would be illegal Mexican immigrants and blacks.

You people sicken me.

Is your desperation to have it NOT be yet another Islamic attack any better than assuming it is?
Too bad you missed the 60s! It was truly history changing.

The History of Violence on Presidential Campaign Trails

Protests Turn Violent at the 1968 Democratic National Convention
Hillary supporters are not engaging in violent protest.
Are you saying the race rioters in Charlotte are Trump supporters or apolitical?

Should President Obama be held responsible for their actions?

They are not political as far as the election. Most of them are young men, testosterone fueled, not educated or sophisticated. But they do have a real grievance as far as police brutality.

But you simply cannot link them to Hillary or Obama. Are they carrying signs saying vote for or support either one? No. They are carrying signs saying to stop police killings of their people.

Are you sure you're not a vegetable?

With what has been going on in the world, it's not exactly a stretch for the possibility that if the perp looked Hispanic to actually be Arab.
Your kind does a lot of wishful thinking. I doubt there are many Arabs in Burlington. It's a small town of only 10,000, a rural area.

There is no wishful thinking, but with the acts of terrorism committed by Muslims practically daily somewhere in the world, it's not hard to see that a Hispanic looking male could in reality be someone with an Arab background.
I'm from Washington; I'm from Seattle. I know that in the area of Burlington, there are few if any Arabs. It is indeed wishful thinking on your part that any act of violence in American is first and foremost done by an Arab, next would be illegal Mexican immigrants and blacks.

You people sicken me.

Is your desperation to have it NOT be yet another Islamic attack any better than assuming it is?
Jeeze how you people twist things. I am not desparate for anything except the truth. You are a moron. Truth.

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