BREAKING: Four Dead at Burlington Cascade Mall - Suspect Remains At Large

I think it is reaction against 'whites' to Trump's racist policies and statements against Hispanics. The more people who support Trump, the more this kind of thing is going to happen.
Nonsense. Mr. Trump was received as a dignitary with full honors when he met with the President of Mexico, what's-his-name. Hispanics love Mr. Trump and distrust Hillary immensely.

Good Grief! You write like the Lunatic talks. If Hispanics love Comrade Trump, why is he polling about 15%?

He is advocating seperating family, sp now they love him. LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE!
.....If you want enforceable gun laws, you're going to have to make them the same all across the board from state to state, and federalize them.

Yeah...............I know...............states rights and all that, but the trouble is, it's easy to buy guns in some states, and damn near impossible to buy them in others which is what makes the black market for them so lucrative. I mean, if you go from country to country, yeah, there's gonna be checks on what you're carrying. If you go from state to state? Not gonna get checked unless you get pulled over for something else (speeding, traffic violations, etc.) and the cop feels like you're doing something wrong.

The Vice channel has a cool series going on right now about the black market, and they did a show on gun running.
Translation: We need to elect Hillary so she can ban guns nationwide.

Dude, most of the things you described are already illegal. Do you think making it double illegal, even putting them on secret probation, is going to fix anything?
Maybe they could make it triple super duper illegal! That ought to work! :p
Are you sure you're not a vegetable?

With what has been going on in the world, it's not exactly a stretch for the possibility that if the perp looked Hispanic to actually be Arab.
With the crap you've been spewing it's not exactly a stretch for the possibility that if you look like a drooling retard you probably are.

Look man I don't know what your problem is.

The reports are it's a Hispanic male, correct?

All's I'm saying that when you look around and see what is going on in the world today, and what's been happening here in the U.S., I'm simply wondering if this could actually have been someone with an Arab background and another Islamic attack.

What is so unreasonable about that?

I don't have a problem. You are the one who harbors so much bigotry and xenophobia. No wonder you support Trump

You are the one here that is completely unreasonable.

Answer this please. Are there reports the shooter being sought is thought to be a Hispanic male?

The police are looking for a Hispanic male who shouted a woman's name before shooting. But nice try....
With what has been going on in the world, it's not exactly a stretch for the possibility that if the perp looked Hispanic to actually be Arab.
With the crap you've been spewing it's not exactly a stretch for the possibility that if you look like a drooling retard you probably are.

Look man I don't know what your problem is.

The reports are it's a Hispanic male, correct?

All's I'm saying that when you look around and see what is going on in the world today, and what's been happening here in the U.S., I'm simply wondering if this could actually have been someone with an Arab background and another Islamic attack.

What is so unreasonable about that?

I don't have a problem. You are the one who harbors so much bigotry and xenophobia. No wonder you support Trump

You are the one here that is completely unreasonable.

Answer this please. Are there reports the shooter being sought is thought to be a Hispanic male?

The police are looking for a Hispanic male who shouted a woman's name before shooting. But nice try....
The bottom line is that you guys don't know.
But wait, Washington just passed more gun control laws in 2014. How could this possibly happen?

Simple.................the same way it happens in IL. Gun runners go to states where it is very easy to buy guns (GA, LA, TX, etc.), and buy as many as they can get with the money they've got. They then take those guns to other states where the gun regulations are much more strict, and sell them on the black market for anywhere from 3 to 5 times more than what they paid.

If you want enforceable gun laws, you're going to have to make them the same all across the board from state to state, and federalize them.

Yeah...............I know...............states rights and all that, but the trouble is, it's easy to buy guns in some states, and damn near impossible to buy them in others which is what makes the black market for them so lucrative. I mean, if you go from country to country, yeah, there's gonna be checks on what you're carrying. If you go from state to state? Not gonna get checked unless you get pulled over for something else (speeding, traffic violations, etc.) and the cop feels like you're doing something wrong.

The Vice channel has a cool series going on right now about the black market, and they did a show on gun running.
With what has been going on in the world, it's not exactly a stretch for the possibility that if the perp looked Hispanic to actually be Arab.
With the crap you've been spewing it's not exactly a stretch for the possibility that if you look like a drooling retard you probably are.

Look man I don't know what your problem is.

The reports are it's a Hispanic male, correct?

All's I'm saying that when you look around and see what is going on in the world today, and what's been happening here in the U.S., I'm simply wondering if this could actually have been someone with an Arab background and another Islamic attack.

What is so unreasonable about that?

I don't have a problem. You are the one who harbors so much bigotry and xenophobia. No wonder you support Trump

You are the one here that is completely unreasonable.

Answer this please. Are there reports the shooter being sought is thought to be a Hispanic male?

The police are looking for a Hispanic male who shouted a woman's name before shooting. But nice try....

I haven't heard that. I asked a ways back if there was a connection between the shooter and the victims.

As for my "try", without knowing the whole story my question of whether the shooter could have been someone of an Arab background was quite rational and logical considering the state of things in this country.
In the latest news conference they did not mention ethnicity, just stated a male, late teens, early 20's wearing black shirt and shorts. Also have no leads as to motive at this point

RAW: Press conference on Cascade Mall shooting in Burlington, WA
link with video of press conference

Are they sure he's Hispanic and not Arab?

Are you sure you're not a vegetable?

With what has been going on in the world, it's not exactly a stretch for the possibility that if the perp looked Hispanic to actually be Arab.
With the crap you've been spewing it's not exactly a stretch for the possibility that if you look like a drooling retard you probably are.

Look man I don't know what your problem is.

The reports are it's a Hispanic male, correct?

All's I'm saying that when you look around and see what is going on in the world today, and what's been happening here in the U.S., I'm simply wondering if this could actually have been someone with an Arab background and another Islamic attack.

What is so unreasonable about that?
So how in the hell does this guy walk into the mall without a gun....then start shooting? There aren't any gun stores in the mall. They better do some deep digging to find out how that happened.
You made a statement, I responded to it, with my opinion on the issue.

WTF is wrong with you?
you responded with why is it racist bring up control and i told why it is, now you can accept that or fuck off i dont really care


Are you claiming that MENTIONING the possibility that he is hispanic is explaining why "bringing up" border control is racist?

That does NOT make you case that "bringing up border control" is racist.

Which, btw, was YOU bringing it up.

Anywhoo, if the shooter was from another nation, than having "controled borders" would have saved the lives of those 5 Americans, 4 of them women.

Do you think that wanting to protect the lives of Americans is racist if the shooter is hispanic?
what makes you think hes from another country? is it because your racist?

You are the one that brought up the border, you moron.

I was agreeing that we should control the border, because that is something I believe regardless of where this shooter came from.

This is for you.

damn those memes are annoying you cant demand to be taken seriously and post silly memes

Says the moron who seems to think that I'm racist because he brought up borders.
You made a statement, I responded to it, with my opinion on the issue.

WTF is wrong with you?
He is clearly a MF race baiter!
you have white lives matter in your sig and you accuse people of being a race baiter? fuck are you gonna accuse me of being in the KKK next?
Is white lives matter racist? Tell us why. Last chance.
youve obvioulsy rehearsed a speech as to why its not, you tell me maybe you can link me to your blog on stormfront?
No! You called me a racist for having white lives matter in my sig line. Now explain to the forum why white lives matter is racist!

He can't. The lies that are needed to make that "case" are to complex for him to remember.
So how in the hell does this guy walk into the mall without a gun....then start shooting? There aren't any gun stores in the mall. They better do some deep digging to find out how that happened.
Occam's Razor; he worked there and had stashed the gun previously.
What if he was white? would you still be upset or would you be cheering him on?
Americans are cool with mass shootings by white people. 80 people in a movie theater or a room full of second graders? Who gives a shit?

That is an insanely moronic thing to say.
Pretty much spot on, tho.....if it doesn't affect us personally, we don't really care. Sandy Hook proved that.

No, no it did not.
So how in the hell does this guy walk into the mall without a gun....then start shooting? There aren't any gun stores in the mall. They better do some deep digging to find out how that happened.
Occam's Razor; he worked there and had stashed the gun previously.

really? and you know Suspect is still at large and authorities don't know much of anything yet about the shooter other than a young Hispanic/Latino, his motive, or anything else. It's still under investigation according to local news outlets
Obama's time in office has been fraught with turmoil. One terrorist attack after another, one mass shooting after another, massive rioting, looting, burning and anarchy in the streets. This has been a most unpleasant eight years. I will be glad when he's gone.
Were you asleep during Bush's 8 years. The country was attacked.
Obama's time in office has been fraught with turmoil. One terrorist attack after another, one mass shooting after another, massive rioting, looting, burning and anarchy in the streets. This has been a most unpleasant eight years. I will be glad when he's gone.
Were you asleep during Bush's 8 years. The country was attacked.

That was a surprise attack and then Bush took action.

Obama does not have that excuse and his actions have been to make the problem(s) worse.

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