BREAKING: Four Dead at Burlington Cascade Mall - Suspect Remains At Large

Nope, we want him alive to explain why he did this.
If it was his ex-GF/wife and her friends, what further explanation do you need? Do you really think interviewing a violent ex-lover is going to bring about any earth-shattering revelations on domestic abuse?

If they were complete strangers and this was political, then the odds are he won't off himself. He's on the run and will end up in a shootout with the police.

We need an explanation to keep the Trumpettes from shouting TERRORISM!
National media hoping it is a white supremacist.....


Finding out it is another person whose skin is darker than beige.


Planning a narrative about evil guns, and box trucks.


The sheep that follow the narrative like they always do....


Rinse repeat.
Trumpettes want him to be a MUUUUSSSLLLIIMMMM, since fear is the only hope Comrade Trump has left. He needs to scare people to vote for him.
I think it is reaction against 'whites' to Trump's racist policies and statements against Hispanics. The more people who support Trump, the more this kind of thing is going to happen.
Nonsense. Mr. Trump was received as a dignitary with full honors when he met with the President of Mexico, what's-his-name. Hispanics love Mr. Trump and distrust Hillary immensely.
Trump doesn't have racist policies....he has a policy against illegal know...breaking the law by entering the country illegally......and considering he supports legal immigration....your post is just stupid.....
Mr. Trump will see to it we get quality immigrants too. Enough of this "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free; The wretched refuse of your teeming shore," bullshit.
Starting to get used to this....sadly.

In the 1990s we had 200 million guns in private hands....we now have 357 million guns in private hands........the gun murder rate during this period...went down 49%.........guns in the hands of law abiding people are not the problem.........failure to recognize this...and a refusal to actually address criminals instead of attacking law abiding gun owners will not solve the problem......
Individual gun murders going down, multiple killing, the crazy kind, going up. The type of gun that makes the multiple killing much easier much easier to get. And the NRA still claiming it will get all better if we get more guns out there on the street.

One thing you do ignore, is that a smaller percentage of Americans actually own guns now than in the past. And the majority of the gun purchases now are not the traditional hunting guns, but the military guns designed for the sole purpose of killing other people. A completely different mentality.
National media hoping it is a white supremacist.....


Finding out it is another person whose skin is darker than beige.


Planning a narrative about evil guns, and box trucks.


The sheep that follow the narrative like they always do....


Rinse repeat.
How sad.

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