Breaking! Here is the phone transcript word for word between Trump and Ukraine President

whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great... so if you can look into it ...
That isn't a question. It is a request. Apparently, the fact that Trump is sending over Giuliani to help him with the "looking into it" and that it will certainly be beneficial to Trump's campaign if the Ukraine can find Biden's son and Biden guilty of something nefarious, is why the ICIG was concerned. Or maybe there is more we don't know about yet since the whistleblower himself has said NOTHING.

You realize there is absolutely nothing illegal or even ethically wrong with this - right?
You realize that the former Ukraine prosecutor, that we know as a fact was fired immediately after BIDEN pressured the then Ukranian President to do so AND WITHHELD FUNDS till he did - you know this right?
You know which one is illegal and which one isn't right?
Ethically, Trump was angling for dirt on Biden, his election opponent. Once again, encouraging foreign governments' involvement in our election by providing opposition fodder. That is a campaign no-no. It is just another example of Trump's complete disregard for what is REAL respect for the American system.

The allegations you mentioned about Biden have been disproven, I think. If he did something so illegal, why hasn't he been arrested? Pretty convenient that this all comes up now that he's running for President, isn't it?

Oh fer fuks sake.....
Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
No one says he didn't push to get that guy fired. I was referring to the REASON he was pressuring Ukraine to fire him. It wasn't to stop an investigation into his son's company.

Than why was he trying to get him fired?
I mean really,why would Biden care about a prosecutor in the Ukraine?
especially enough to hold 1.5 billion. I mean. really
Wrong. The "cooperation" referred to has nothing to do with Biden.
It doesn't matter, it is STILL a Quid Pro Quo access to purchase Javelins for a favor.
lol Not even close. Zelensky asked for the Javelins before Trump said anything about Crowdstrike or the Bidens.
And IMMEDIATELY after Zelensky asked to buy Javelins Tramp asked for his favor. QUID PRO QUO!
Again, not true. President Trump thanked him for buying US goods and then asked him the favor of cooperating with the US Justice Department's ongoing investigation of Crowdstrike. It is downright anti American of you to object to foreign leaders cooperating with criminal investigations by the US Justice Department.
What does Crowdstrike have to do with Biden & Son?
Nothing. When the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine it, but hired Crowdstrike, a private cybersecurity firm, to examine it and the claim that the Russians had hacked the computer originated from Crowdstrike. No one else has ever been allowed to examine the server, so now as a part of a comprehensive investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax, the Justice Department is re-examining the circumstances and that means gathering information on Crowdstrike. President Trump asked Zelensky to cooperate with the Justice Department's investigation.
WHat is happening today.......

Trump talks to Ukraine President.... GUILTY!!! IMPEACH!!
Biden talks to Ukraine President.... TRUMP GUILTY!!
Biden admits on tape he directly used $1 Billion in tax payer funds as a bribe to have Ukraine Prosecutor fired..... TRUMP GUILTY!!
Biden's son was sitting on the board of a Ukraine multi-national company that this prosecutor was investigating.... TRUMP GUILTY!!

The ddegrere of the bullshit from Trumpettes trying to twist things is just pathetic.

Trump asked a foreign leader for political help under a threat of withholding funds.

To investigate a story that had already been widely debunked. So why ask if he did not want the UIkraine to put out a false report?

No. That's what Joe Biden did. But if you think that's something, just wait until all the details about Biden and his son's dealings with China comes out. Very soon.

Joe Biden joined other countries in requesting the removal of a prosecutor that was doing nothing to stop corruption.

Hunter Biden in it worse that Ivanka in China? Ibvanka & Trump receiving all kinds of copyrights that they could not get before Trump's election.

The investment company in question in China was not owned by Hunter Biden. He wasn't even an equity partner when Joe was VP>

Stick around, hillbilly. During the next few days, you're about to find out that it just the opposite.
Exactly right. Zelensky thanked the President for all the aid the US has been providing and said he would soon like to order more Javelins, and President Trump thanked him for buying US products asked the "favor" of cooperating with ongoing US Justice Department investigations of Crowdstrike.

And to "look into" Biden.

BOTH show a quid pro quo where none is actually required.

The mere ASK is an abuse of power and a breach of campaign finance laws.
Nonsense, the US "asks" foreign governments to cooperate with US Justice Department investigations all the time. Biden clearly stated that he was demanding a quid pro quo by threatening to withhold $1 billion in Us aid if Ukraine did not immediately fire its chief prosecutor but there is absolutely no evidence that President Trump made any threats or offered any bribes.
Tramp didn't need to threaten, he ALREADY blocked the funds!
He didn't block them, he delayed them, and there is no reason to assume that was in any way connected to asking the Ukrainian government to cooperate with US Justice Department investigations.
President Trump thanked him for buying US goods and then asked him the favor of cooperating with the US Justice Department's ongoing investigation of Crowdstrike.
Looks like the investigation was over long before Tramp's favor to make up some dirt on Hillary.
DOJ: Government has independently verified CrowdStrike report blaming Russian hackers for DNC breach
By Andrew Blake - The Washington Times - Friday, June 21, 2019
The Department of Justice has corroborated a report by CrowdStrike, a private security firm hired by the Democratic National Committee, that concluded Russian hackers were responsible for breaching the DNC prior to the 2016 U.S. presidential race, federal prosecutors revealed Thursday.

Attorneys prosecuting the government’s case against Roger Stone, President Trump’s former campaign adviser, made the admission in a court filing entered in response to defense lawyers recently claiming that the Justice Department has failed to “independently verify” CrowdStrike’s findings.

“That statement is incorrect,” replied Jessie K. Liu, the U.S. Attorney for D.C.

“The government produced the CrowdStrike reports because the Indictment in this case referenced, as background, CrowdStrike’s statements about the DNC hack,” she wrote. “Stone’s statement that the government has no other evidence is not only irrelevant to this proceeding but is also mistaken. The government accordingly wishes to correct any misimpression.”
Right, Jesse Liu is the lawyer who waived several conflict of interest issues concerning Mueller's appointment on the grounds she thought him too honorable a man to allow personal interests to effect his judgement. However, if you believe she is right, you should have no objection to the Justice Department taking a second look.
So you admit there is no CURRENT "ongoing" investigation for Ukraine to "cooperate" with!
If course there is. Don't you read the news? Barr has announced that the Justice Department is examining all the people and all the actions related to the Trump-Russia hoax promulgated by the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign and widely supported by nearly all Democrats. Crowdstrike is certainly part of that.
Well apparently the CrowdStrike portion was already completed by June of THIS year, meaning Tramp's DOJ, AKA, Barr, because the government testified to the court that they independently confirmed the CrowdStrike report.
Exactly right. Zelensky thanked the President for all the aid the US has been providing and said he would soon like to order more Javelins, and President Trump thanked him for buying US products asked the "favor" of cooperating with ongoing US Justice Department investigations of Crowdstrike.

And to "look into" Biden.

BOTH show a quid pro quo where none is actually required.

The mere ASK is an abuse of power and a breach of campaign finance laws.
Nonsense, the US "asks" foreign governments to cooperate with US Justice Department investigations all the time. Biden clearly stated that he was demanding a quid pro quo by threatening to withhold $1 billion in Us aid if Ukraine did not immediately fire its chief prosecutor but there is absolutely no evidence that President Trump made any threats or offered any bribes.
Tramp didn't need to threaten, he ALREADY blocked the funds!
He didn't block them, he delayed them, and there is no reason to assume that was in any way connected to asking the Ukrainian government to cooperate with US Justice Department investigations.
So they were BLOCKED during the DELAY.
That is like Rudy's, the truth is not the truth.
President Trump thanked him for buying US goods and then asked him the favor of cooperating with the US Justice Department's ongoing investigation of Crowdstrike.
Looks like the investigation was over long before Tramp's favor to make up some dirt on Hillary.
DOJ: Government has independently verified CrowdStrike report blaming Russian hackers for DNC breach
By Andrew Blake - The Washington Times - Friday, June 21, 2019
The Department of Justice has corroborated a report by CrowdStrike, a private security firm hired by the Democratic National Committee, that concluded Russian hackers were responsible for breaching the DNC prior to the 2016 U.S. presidential race, federal prosecutors revealed Thursday.

Attorneys prosecuting the government’s case against Roger Stone, President Trump’s former campaign adviser, made the admission in a court filing entered in response to defense lawyers recently claiming that the Justice Department has failed to “independently verify” CrowdStrike’s findings.

“That statement is incorrect,” replied Jessie K. Liu, the U.S. Attorney for D.C.

“The government produced the CrowdStrike reports because the Indictment in this case referenced, as background, CrowdStrike’s statements about the DNC hack,” she wrote. “Stone’s statement that the government has no other evidence is not only irrelevant to this proceeding but is also mistaken. The government accordingly wishes to correct any misimpression.”
Right, Jesse Liu is the lawyer who waived several conflict of interest issues concerning Mueller's appointment on the grounds she thought him too honorable a man to allow personal interests to effect his judgement. However, if you believe she is right, you should have no objection to the Justice Department taking a second look.
So you admit there is no CURRENT "ongoing" investigation for Ukraine to "cooperate" with!
If course there is. Don't you read the news? Barr has announced that the Justice Department is examining all the people and all the actions related to the Trump-Russia hoax promulgated by the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign and widely supported by nearly all Democrats. Crowdstrike is certainly part of that.
Well apparently the CrowdStrike portion was already completed by June of THIS year, meaning Tramp's DOJ, AKA, Barr, because the government testified to the court that they independently confirmed the CrowdStrike report.
And as you reported, another US attorney disputed that claim.
He told the guy twice that the US has been very nice to the Ukraine.

Then he asked for a favor.

And then he says Rudy Giuliani and the attorney general will call him.

And that takes it from being a favor to a command.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these right wingers who don’t see a problem with this? After everything they put Hillary and Obama through they don’t see a problem?
He told the guy twice that the US has been very nice to the Ukraine.

Then he asked for a favor.

And then he says Rudy Giuliani and the attorney general will call him.

And that takes it from being a favor to a command.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these right wingers who don’t see a problem with this? After everything they put Hillary and Obama through they don’t see a problem?
lol The favor was to cooperate with the US Justice Department's ongoing investigation into Crowdstrike. What could possibly be wrong with asking a foreign government to cooperate with the US Justice Department's investigation? The US does that all the time.
The question remains: Did Trump promise military aid IF they could report to Trump that Biden's son did something unlawful.

Cut and paste that sentence or sentences here so we can all join you on your side.

If the Ukrainians give us the dirt on a criminal and his son and they get put behind bars, why shouldn't we give them missiles to kill Russians with? That's a win/win situation.
Crimestoppers do that all the time. Drop a dime, solve a crime. :laughing0301:
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I see you found another unknown dick to quote. Congratulations.
Eric Erickson? The main guy on

Erick Woods Erickson (born June 3, 1975) is a conservative evangelical American blogger and radio host. He hosts the radio show Atlanta's Evening News with Erick Erickson, broadcast on 750 WSB (AM), and runs the blog The Resurgent. Previously, he served as the editor-in-chief and the CEO of the conservative political blog RedState[1] and was a political contributor for CNN.

Never heard nor seen him.
He prefaced it with the fact that the Mueller investigation found nothing and it began in the Ukraine. You need to read the entire conversation and gauge the tenor not just bits and pieces. To me it flowed well and he cannot command the President of Ukraine to do anything. "It would be great" means he is asking not telling. He literally said "Whatever you can do with the Attorney General"
I DID read the entire conversation, twice. The fact that the President put his request politely doesn't mean it isn't a request. And let's not forget that the military aid that had been promised to Ukraine had been stopped by Trump a few days before. Hence all the sucking up in that phone call; it, too, was part of the "tenor" of that discussion.

He never once mentioned quid pro quo. You’re drawing your own conclusions. Aka seeing what you want to see.
Why is it that when Biden withheld funds to pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor, it is considered a crime, but when Trump just did the exact same thing, it is absolutely fine?

He never said he was withholding funds. He actually discusses with him how France and Germany don’t do their fair share. He was withholding funds until other European nations paid up. He actually ran on that rhetoric. Again you’re trying things together that should not be tied together.
He did it for what...maybe a week? Less? A few days before the phone call and then....suddenly the check is in the mail. Huh.
You could be right that it was entirely coincidental. However, if he was waiting for other nations to cough up some cash, he sure didn't do much about it, except stop the payment to Ukraine until he got the obesiance he wanted from U. Did he stop the aid to other countries as well, or was it just Ukraine? Did he try to get some buy in from other countries in NATO at their last pow wow, or was he just grumbling? That doesn't usually make money appear.
There was no quid pro quo offered, so no banana.

You go nothing.
Very possible. I'm curious why this conversation got the ICIG so concerned. There has to be more to the story, or I'm missing something. I can't see the intelligence community getting worked into a lather over a campaign violation like this. Especially after absolutely nothing was done about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russian spy/attorney. Precedent says no one gives a shit.

So what piece of this puzzle is missing?
Who says the ICIG was "so concerned?" It seems to me that mostly partisan Dims are the only ones "concerned."
It was reported that the IG found it of serious concern and therefore reported it to the NDI
I haven't heard that.
Well, now you have. If you're not going to read ANY news whatsoever, you probably ought to limit yourself to the Food Forum.
trump went to the friggn UN and gave a speech to them all about not giving. fk I hate your kind of stupid.
What I see those here, in the media etc. engaging in what I would call "biased inference"
They look at the transcript, and honestly believe they see all manner of evil doing...even calling it "reads like a mobster novel".
That is what they see, because they are heavily influenced by their bias.
Yet, these same people will actually try to deny what is overwhelmingly obvious in the Biden video. Actually admitting, on tape, using $1 Billion of taxpayer money as a threat if they don't fire a Ukraine prosecutor. That happens to be interested in the dealings of a Ukrainian business that Biden's son sits on the board of.
You see, Democrats don't see that. Or say something asininely stupid as "there is no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden's son"... no fucking shit Sherlock... they fired the prosecutor who was beginning to look into it!! How can you have evidence without anyone looking for it?

But nevertheless..... Orange Man Bad
There's no reason to believe Trump released the full transcript.

Plus, we already know enough to know he broke the law. What does he say in the full transcript that makes you think otherwise?

This is ridiculous. Trump was right. He could shoot someone and not lose one of you.

And what does Trump do every time he breaks the law? He brings up HILLARY! OMG. I get why USMB cons do it but Trump is actually no smarter than you guys. Maybe that's why you love him.

In a rambling press conference Wednesday in which he asserted he had done nothing wrong and tried to pivot the focus to Hillary Clinton’s emails, President Donald Trump defended asking the Ukrainian president to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.
What I see those here, in the media etc. engaging in what I would call "biased inference"
They look at the transcript, and honestly believe they see all manner of evil doing...even calling it "reads like a mobster novel".
That is what they see, because they are heavily influenced by their bias.
Yet, these same people will actually try to deny what is overwhelmingly obvious in the Biden video. Actually admitting, on tape, using $1 Billion of taxpayer money as a threat if they don't fire a Ukraine prosecutor. That happens to be interested in the dealings of a Ukrainian business that Biden's son sits on the board of.
You see, Democrats don't see that. Or say something asininely stupid as "there is no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden's son"... no fucking shit Sherlock... they fired the prosecutor who was beginning to look into it!! How can you have evidence without anyone looking for it?

But nevertheless..... Orange Man Bad
He got caught. You can't explain this one away. He is going to get impeached. And this is not the only thing he will be impeached for.
I DID read the entire conversation, twice. The fact that the President put his request politely doesn't mean it isn't a request. And let's not forget that the military aid that had been promised to Ukraine had been stopped by Trump a few days before. Hence all the sucking up in that phone call; it, too, was part of the "tenor" of that discussion.

He never once mentioned quid pro quo. You’re drawing your own conclusions. Aka seeing what you want to see.
Why is it that when Biden withheld funds to pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor, it is considered a crime, but when Trump just did the exact same thing, it is absolutely fine?

He never said he was withholding funds. He actually discusses with him how France and Germany don’t do their fair share. He was withholding funds until other European nations paid up. He actually ran on that rhetoric. Again you’re trying things together that should not be tied together.
He did it for what...maybe a week? Less? A few days before the phone call and then....suddenly the check is in the mail. Huh.
You could be right that it was entirely coincidental. However, if he was waiting for other nations to cough up some cash, he sure didn't do much about it, except stop the payment to Ukraine until he got the obesiance he wanted from U. Did he stop the aid to other countries as well, or was it just Ukraine? Did he try to get some buy in from other countries in NATO at their last pow wow, or was he just grumbling? That doesn't usually make money appear.
Very possible. I'm curious why this conversation got the ICIG so concerned. There has to be more to the story, or I'm missing something. I can't see the intelligence community getting worked into a lather over a campaign violation like this. Especially after absolutely nothing was done about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russian spy/attorney. Precedent says no one gives a shit.

So what piece of this puzzle is missing?
Who says the ICIG was "so concerned?" It seems to me that mostly partisan Dims are the only ones "concerned."
It was reported that the IG found it of serious concern and therefore reported it to the NDI
I haven't heard that.
Well, now you have. If you're not going to read ANY news whatsoever, you probably ought to limit yourself to the Food Forum.
trump went to the friggn UN and gave a speech to them all about not giving. fk I hate your kind of stupid.
Not giving what?
fk I hate trying to translate your incoherent posts. You at the pub already?

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