Breaking! Here is the phone transcript word for word between Trump and Ukraine President

He still wants to buy Javelins and he knows the "price" he has to pay. After Tramp is gone he can tell the truth.
Thank God our investigators do not lend itself to inuendo and try to make the facts fit their own agenda. At least not any more, since the swamp is getting drained. Now stick to the official transcrpt and what it actually says.
the prosecutor who was investigating the company Biden's druggie son was working for.
Biden's son was NOT being investigated, so your lie falls apart from jump!

but he was connected to who and what was being investigated
So you admit it wasn't Biden who was being investigated
The investigation into the other players began and ended BEFORE Biden came on the scene.
is that what I said???or what you interpreted
Those are the facts, what Biden was "connected" to was investigated and the investigation was stopped BEFORE Biden became "connected." So yes when you say the connection to who and what was investigated you are unconsciously saying it wasn't Biden who was being investigated because he came on the scene after the fact. Unless you are implying the TRAMP lie that Biden was being investigated all along.
There was no quid pro quo offered
It is right there in black and white at the bottom of page 2 and the top of page three, where Zelensky asks for more Javelins and Tramp says he needs a favor. QUID PRO QUO!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though

It says the following:

"We. are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. specifically we are almost. ready to buy more Javelins from ·_ the United· States for defense purposes .."
That paragraph has nothing to do with investigating Biden. It hasn't even been mentioned yet. That isn't even mentioned until a couple of pages later.
But it has everything to do with the QUID in Quid Pro Quo.
Wrong. The "cooperation" referred to has nothing to do with Biden.
It doesn't matter, it is STILL a Quid Pro Quo access to purchase Javelins for a favor.
Hmmm, no, there is no tangible connection between the javelins and investigating Biden. They are discussed in totally separate parts of the phone call.
Has Trump made any statement as to why he stopped the military aid to Ukriane?
he did, twice, he's waiting on the rest of the allies to pony up. look it up, it's out there. you all act like you know so much and you still can't use the internet. wow.

Why should I google when I can get my info from you? :abgg2q.jpg:

Actually, I wanted to hear what the latest Trumpbot lies are, that's why I asked here.
But it has everything to do with the QUID in Quid Pro Quo.
Wrong. The "cooperation" referred to has nothing to do with Biden.
It doesn't matter, it is STILL a Quid Pro Quo access to purchase Javelins for a favor.
lol Not even close. Zelensky asked for the Javelins before Trump said anything about Crowdstrike or the Bidens.
And IMMEDIATELY after Zelensky asked to buy Javelins Tramp asked for his favor. QUID PRO QUO!
There need not BE a quid pro quo (although there is). The mere "ask" is a violation of several laws and a gross abuse of power by the Executive
What laws did it violate?
Well this is going to get embarrassing......

Ukraine President released statement that Trump did not pressure him about Biden on call.
He asked a simple question. No quid pro quo. No bribery. No high crimes, which per our constitution are necessary to impeach.
whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great... so if you can look into it ...
That isn't a question. It is a request. Apparently, the fact that Trump is sending over Giuliani to help him with the "looking into it" and that it will certainly be beneficial to Trump's campaign if the Ukraine can find Biden's son and Biden guilty of something nefarious, is why the ICIG was concerned. Or maybe there is more we don't know about yet since the whistleblower himself has said NOTHING.

He prefaced it with the fact that the Mueller investigation found nothing and it began in the Ukraine. You need to read the entire conversation and gauge the tenor not just bits and pieces. To me it flowed well and he cannot command the President of Ukraine to do anything. "It would be great" means he is asking not telling. He literally said "Whatever you can do with the Attorney General"
I DID read the entire conversation, twice. The fact that the President put his request politely doesn't mean it isn't a request. And let's not forget that the military aid that had been promised to Ukraine had been stopped by Trump a few days before. Hence all the sucking up in that phone call; it, too, was part of the "tenor" of that discussion.

He never once mentioned quid pro quo. You’re drawing your own conclusions. Aka seeing what you want to see.
Why is it that when Biden withheld funds to pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor, it is considered a crime, but when Trump just did the exact same thing, it is absolutely fine?
do you have proof Trump did that ??? where is the video like Biden is seen bragging about threatening the Ukraine of Trump admitting he pressured the Ukraine !!
C'mon trumpbots!

Just admit it.

After all that's happened re: Russia interference in the 2016 election, Trump has GOT TO BE THE BIGGEST FLAMING IDIOT THAT THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN!

With yourselves as close seconds.

Ask yourself:

1. Did I vote for Trump?
2. Did I support the invasion of Iraq?

If you've answered 'yes' to both of these....

C'mon trumpbots!

Just admit it.

After all that's happened re: Russia interference in the 2016 election, Trump has GOT TO BE THE BIGGEST FLAMING IDIOT THAT THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN!

With yourselves as close seconds.

Ask yourself:

1. Did I vote for Trump?
2. Did I support the invasion of Iraq?

If you've answered 'yes' to both of these....

It astounds me how all the douchebag morons who had no problem with the Hillary campaign hiring foreign spies, including Russians, to manufacture dirt on Trump are so incensed about this nothing burger.
C'mon trumpbots!

Just admit it.

After all that's happened re: Russia interference in the 2016 election, Trump has GOT TO BE THE BIGGEST FLAMING IDIOT THAT THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN!

With yourselves as close seconds.

Ask yourself:

1. Did I vote for Trump?
2. Did I support the invasion of Iraq?

If you've answered 'yes' to both of these....


You should look in the mirror. Cringe and then STFU. How dare you judge other people based on your own morals and principles?
So showing you a video that clearly shows Biden bragging about getting a prosecutor fired that had the dirt on Hunter is mocking you?
The video in no way shows the prosecutor had the dirt on Hunter, that is just your insane editorializing!

Than why'd he get him fired?
Because he WASN'T investigating corruption, the exact opposite of what Tramp and the lying scum Right have been claiming!

So the guy who was investigating Hunter mysteriously gets fired for no reason?
Whew! So glad this mess didn't involve the Clinton's!

Better fired than Arkancided no doubt.
C'mon trumpbots!

Just admit it.

After all that's happened re: Russia interference in the 2016 election, Trump has GOT TO BE THE BIGGEST FLAMING IDIOT THAT THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN!

With yourselves as close seconds.

Ask yourself:

1. Did I vote for Trump?
2. Did I support the invasion of Iraq?

If you've answered 'yes' to both of these....

It astounds me how all the douchebag morons who had no problem with the Hillary campaign hiring foreign spies, including Russians, to manufacture dirt on Trump are so incensed about this nothing burger.
The fact that they supported Hillary tells the whole story.
It is right there in black and white at the bottom of page 2 and the top of page three, where Zelensky asks for more Javelins and Tramp says he needs a favor. QUID PRO QUO!

Zelensky: We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the US

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though

It says the following:

"We. are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. specifically we are almost. ready to buy more Javelins from ·_ the United· States for defense purposes .."
That paragraph has nothing to do with investigating Biden. It hasn't even been mentioned yet. That isn't even mentioned until a couple of pages later.
But it has everything to do with the QUID in Quid Pro Quo.
Wrong. The "cooperation" referred to has nothing to do with Biden.
It doesn't matter, it is STILL a Quid Pro Quo access to purchase Javelins for a favor.

Javelins and the favor were mutually exclusive.
C'mon trumpbots!

Just admit it.

After all that's happened re: Russia interference in the 2016 election, Trump has GOT TO BE THE BIGGEST FLAMING IDIOT THAT THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN!

With yourselves as close seconds.

Ask yourself:

1. Did I vote for Trump?
2. Did I support the invasion of Iraq?

If you've answered 'yes' to both of these....


It says the following:

"We. are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. specifically we are almost. ready to buy more Javelins from ·_ the United· States for defense purposes .."
That paragraph has nothing to do with investigating Biden. It hasn't even been mentioned yet. That isn't even mentioned until a couple of pages later.
But it has everything to do with the QUID in Quid Pro Quo.
Wrong. The "cooperation" referred to has nothing to do with Biden.
It doesn't matter, it is STILL a Quid Pro Quo access to purchase Javelins for a favor.

Javelins and the favor were mutually exclusive.

That is what I think about your posts. All of them, ed.
President Trump thanked him for buying US goods and then asked him the favor of cooperating with the US Justice Department's ongoing investigation of Crowdstrike.
Looks like the investigation was over long before Tramp's favor to make up some dirt on Hillary.
DOJ: Government has independently verified CrowdStrike report blaming Russian hackers for DNC breach
By Andrew Blake - The Washington Times - Friday, June 21, 2019
The Department of Justice has corroborated a report by CrowdStrike, a private security firm hired by the Democratic National Committee, that concluded Russian hackers were responsible for breaching the DNC prior to the 2016 U.S. presidential race, federal prosecutors revealed Thursday.

Attorneys prosecuting the government’s case against Roger Stone, President Trump’s former campaign adviser, made the admission in a court filing entered in response to defense lawyers recently claiming that the Justice Department has failed to “independently verify” CrowdStrike’s findings.

“That statement is incorrect,” replied Jessie K. Liu, the U.S. Attorney for D.C.

“The government produced the CrowdStrike reports because the Indictment in this case referenced, as background, CrowdStrike’s statements about the DNC hack,” she wrote. “Stone’s statement that the government has no other evidence is not only irrelevant to this proceeding but is also mistaken. The government accordingly wishes to correct any misimpression.”

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