Breaking: Hillary Offered Plea Bargain Deal By DOJ

So I need to ask a serious question... Why would this be considered a win against Clinton? It's no different than Comey saying she was very negligent but there was no intent so therefor she shouldn't be charged. All this would do is have her admit that she was negligent, and she would go unpunished... it's the same outcome.
I agree, it has virtually no consequences for her. It's a gift. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet she's never been charged with a crime, indicted or convicted of anything. Yet you bottoms chant LOCK HER UP, at the same time Michael Flynn was on stage committing treason.
Mueller is now pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Trump. Funny he admitted being guilty live on TV.
Imagine supporting someone this stupid!

Only because the Justice system was defective under Obama. Any decent FBI head worth his salt would have thrown Hillary under the jail and threw away the key.

17 congressional/senate investigations, one special prosecutor, investigations by the IRS into allegations of pay for play, because Judicial Watch complained.

Republicans having been making shit up about the Clintons since before Bill was President, and then getting taxpayers to pay for the smear job "investigations" finding nothing, and pretending they're guilty anyway. They go on to making up something else that's false.

And then Republicans complain that all these investigations prove she's guilty of something. It's the very definition of insanity these endless Clinton investigations.

Trust me. A Hollywood scriptwriter couldn't make up some of the shit the Clintons have gotten away with.

And the Comrade.....won't get away with it. Nothing, NOTHING happened durimg the campaign that the Comrade didn't know about, including the first Russian meeting. There were others, as we will all find out soon.
So I need to ask a serious question... Why would this be considered a win against Clinton? It's no different than Comey saying she was very negligent but there was no intent so therefor she shouldn't be charged. All this would do is have her admit that she was negligent, and she would go unpunished... it's the same outcome.
I agree, it has virtually no consequences for her. It's a gift. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet she's never been charged with a crime, indicted or convicted of anything. Yet you bottoms chant LOCK HER UP, at the same time Michael Flynn was on stage committing treason.
Mueller is now pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Trump. Funny he admitted being guilty live on TV.
Imagine supporting someone this stupid!

Only because the Justice system was defective under Obama. Any decent FBI head worth his salt would have thrown Hillary under the jail and threw away the key.

17 congressional/senate investigations, one special prosecutor, investigations by the IRS into allegations of pay for play, because Judicial Watch complained.

Republicans having been making shit up about the Clintons since before Bill was President, and then getting taxpayers to pay for the smear job "investigations" finding nothing, and pretending they're guilty anyway. They go on to making up something else that's false.

And then Republicans complain that all these investigations prove she's guilty of something. It's the very definition of insanity these endless Clinton investigations.

Trust me. A Hollywood scriptwriter couldn't make up some of the shit the Clintons have gotten away with.
Oh look... when totally humiliated and backed into a corner this fraud invokes.....
yup.... you got it...., the Clinton's. Lmao
So I need to ask a serious question... Why would this be considered a win against Clinton? It's no different than Comey saying she was very negligent but there was no intent so therefor she shouldn't be charged. All this would do is have her admit that she was negligent, and she would go unpunished... it's the same outcome.
I agree, it has virtually no consequences for her. It's a gift. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet she's never been charged with a crime, indicted or convicted of anything. Yet you bottoms chant LOCK HER UP, at the same time Michael Flynn was on stage committing treason.
Mueller is now pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Trump. Funny he admitted being guilty live on TV.
Imagine supporting someone this stupid!

Only because the Justice system was defective under Obama. Any decent FBI head worth his salt would have thrown Hillary under the jail and threw away the key.

17 congressional/senate investigations, one special prosecutor, investigations by the IRS into allegations of pay for play, because Judicial Watch complained.

Republicans having been making shit up about the Clintons since before Bill was President, and then getting taxpayers to pay for the smear job "investigations" finding nothing, and pretending they're guilty anyway. They go on to making up something else that's false.

And then Republicans complain that all these investigations prove she's guilty of something. It's the very definition of insanity these endless Clinton investigations.

Trust me. A Hollywood scriptwriter couldn't make up some of the shit the Clintons have gotten away with.
And trust me a scriptwriter couldn't write a story of the family values pussy grabbing repub party that could be believed ,,,3 wives 5 kids 4000 law suits women complaining about his perverse escapades
Oh.. I thought this was a valid story.
It's from the Daily Wire..
My bad.
Carry on.
Ed Klein: Hillary's Plea Bargain @ Ed Klein: Hillary's Plea Bargain

Whoa: Justice Dept to offer Hillary a PLEA bargain — there’s just ONE catch @ Whoa: Justice Dept to offer Hillary a PLEA bargain - there's just ONE catch - Allen B. West -

And dozen s of others if one does a Google or Bing search

All far far right fake news sites.
Allen West?
Ha ha ha ha
He had to resign from the military so he wouldn't be thrown out..
that's your type of hero.

" if I can list 5 fake news sources, does it make them true?"

Ha ha ha

You retards crack me up.
I agree, it has virtually no consequences for her. It's a gift. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet she's never been charged with a crime, indicted or convicted of anything. Yet you bottoms chant LOCK HER UP, at the same time Michael Flynn was on stage committing treason.
Mueller is now pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Trump. Funny he admitted being guilty live on TV.
Imagine supporting someone this stupid!

Only because the Justice system was defective under Obama. Any decent FBI head worth his salt would have thrown Hillary under the jail and threw away the key.

17 congressional/senate investigations, one special prosecutor, investigations by the IRS into allegations of pay for play, because Judicial Watch complained.

Republicans having been making shit up about the Clintons since before Bill was President, and then getting taxpayers to pay for the smear job "investigations" finding nothing, and pretending they're guilty anyway. They go on to making up something else that's false.

And then Republicans complain that all these investigations prove she's guilty of something. It's the very definition of insanity these endless Clinton investigations.

Trust me. A Hollywood scriptwriter couldn't make up some of the shit the Clintons have gotten away with.
And trust me a scriptwriter couldn't write a story of the family values pussy grabbing repub party that could be believed ,,,3 wives 5 kids 4000 law suits women complaining about his perverse escapades
And imagine these rubes said," I'll vote for that."
So I need to ask a serious question... Why would this be considered a win against Clinton? It's no different than Comey saying she was very negligent but there was no intent so therefor she shouldn't be charged. All this would do is have her admit that she was negligent, and she would go unpunished... it's the same outcome.
I agree, it has virtually no consequences for her. It's a gift. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet she's never been charged with a crime, indicted or convicted of anything. Yet you bottoms chant LOCK HER UP, at the same time Michael Flynn was on stage committing treason.
Mueller is now pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Trump. Funny he admitted being guilty live on TV.
Imagine supporting someone this stupid!

Only because the Justice system was defective under Obama. Any decent FBI head worth his salt would have thrown Hillary under the jail and threw away the key.

17 congressional/senate investigations, one special prosecutor, investigations by the IRS into allegations of pay for play, because Judicial Watch complained.

Republicans having been making shit up about the Clintons since before Bill was President, and then getting taxpayers to pay for the smear job "investigations" finding nothing, and pretending they're guilty anyway. They go on to making up something else that's false.

And then Republicans complain that all these investigations prove she's guilty of something. It's the very definition of insanity these endless Clinton investigations.

Trust me. A Hollywood scriptwriter couldn't make up some of the shit the Clintons have gotten away with.
" Trust me."
Is that like when Trump says " believe me? "
When he says those two words it's a sure fire bet he's lying..
So I need to ask a serious question... Why would this be considered a win against Clinton? It's no different than Comey saying she was very negligent but there was no intent so therefor she shouldn't be charged. All this would do is have her admit that she was negligent, and she would go unpunished... it's the same outcome.
I agree, it has virtually no consequences for her. It's a gift. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet she's never been charged with a crime, indicted or convicted of anything. Yet you bottom feeders chant LOCK HER UP, at the same time Michael Flynn was on stage committing treason.
Mueller is now pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Trump. Funny he admitted being guilty live on TV.
Imagine supporting someone this stupid!
Puhleeze. You have no idea what Mewler is pursuing. FLynn and has not committed treason. At worst he failed to file some necessary paperwork.

It's amazing how you snowflakes confuse your masturbatory fantasies with reality.

Yeah, Mueller hired all the money laundering and racketeering attorneys cause they need the work...
He hired them because they're rabid partisan dims and he's running a witch hunt.
From the linked article.

"and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree"

You people will believe anything.
and then getting taxpayers to pay for the smear job "investigations" finding nothing, and pretending they're guilty anyway. They go on to making up something else that's false.

It's even worse. Bill Clinton was impeached, charged with obstruction of justice, and perjury, and found "not guilty" of the charges.

The "not guilty" verdict is purely a political decisions. It has not legal significance other than that Slick wasn't kicked out of office.

"I wasn't convicted" is a Dim resume enhancement.
I agree, it has virtually no consequences for her. It's a gift. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet she's never been charged with a crime, indicted or convicted of anything. Yet you bottoms chant LOCK HER UP, at the same time Michael Flynn was on stage committing treason.
Mueller is now pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Trump. Funny he admitted being guilty live on TV.
Imagine supporting someone this stupid!

Only because the Justice system was defective under Obama. Any decent FBI head worth his salt would have thrown Hillary under the jail and threw away the key.

17 congressional/senate investigations, one special prosecutor, investigations by the IRS into allegations of pay for play, because Judicial Watch complained.

Republicans having been making shit up about the Clintons since before Bill was President, and then getting taxpayers to pay for the smear job "investigations" finding nothing, and pretending they're guilty anyway. They go on to making up something else that's false.

And then Republicans complain that all these investigations prove she's guilty of something. It's the very definition of insanity these endless Clinton investigations.

Trust me. A Hollywood scriptwriter couldn't make up some of the shit the Clintons have gotten away with.

And the Comrade.....won't get away with it. Nothing, NOTHING happened durimg the campaign that the Comrade didn't know about, including the first Russian meeting. There were others, as we will all find out soon.

"The first Russian thing?" What the hell is that?

Although it's absurd to believe Trump knew every single thing that happened during the campaign, nothing illegal occurred, so what difference does it make whether Trump knew or not?
From the linked article.

"and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree"

You people will believe anything.

Other articles reporting it are saying that she's most likely going to refuse the plea bargain, and subsequently be arrested.

This is the stuff wet dreams are made of. :biggrin:
So I need to ask a serious question... Why would this be considered a win against Clinton? It's no different than Comey saying she was very negligent but there was no intent so therefor she shouldn't be charged. All this would do is have her admit that she was negligent, and she would go unpunished... it's the same outcome.
I agree, it has virtually no consequences for her. It's a gift. She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Yet she's never been charged with a crime, indicted or convicted of anything. Yet you bottom feeders chant LOCK HER UP, at the same time Michael Flynn was on stage committing treason.
Mueller is now pursuing obstruction of justice charges against Trump. Funny he admitted being guilty live on TV.
Imagine supporting someone this stupid!
Puhleeze. You have no idea what Mewler is pursuing. FLynn and has not committed treason. At worst he failed to file some necessary paperwork.

It's amazing how you snowflakes confuse your masturbatory fantasies with reality.

Yeah, Mueller hired all the money laundering and racketeering attorneys cause they need the work...
He hired them because they're rabid partisan dims and he's running a witch hunt.
From the linked article.

"and is considering offering her a plea bargain if she will agree"

You people will believe anything.

Other articles reporting it are saying that she's most likely going to refuse the plea bargain, and subsequently be arrested.

This is the stuff wet dreams are made of. :biggrin:
The head case still believes his fake story.
How funny is that!

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