Breaking: House Passes Amendment That Bars Obama From Sharing Secrets With Russia


Jun 20, 2012
This is the first time in presidential history this has been done and it needed to be done to Obama. Because of the open-mic fiasco early this year that caught Obama telling Russian President Medvedev he needed more 'space' and after he was elected that he would "have more flexibility" to make a deal. Not taking any chances of having our 'Missile Secrets' given away, the House inserted a Amendment in the Fiscal 2013 Defense Spending Bill which bars Obama from sharing classified missile defense technology with them. It passed yesterday 326 to 90 with bipartisan support.

What does this tell us? It tells us that we have a president that many are realizing that can't be trusted with keeping our national security intact. This is something Sheriff Joe Arpaio stated the 17th when revealing Obama's birth certificate to be a 'definitely fraudulent' at a press conference. He stated it is crucial we know who this president actually is because right now it is a national security issue and that we have a man sitting in the White House born with divided loyalties, something the founders did not want in a future president. This inserted amendment indicates 'no confidence' that our president would protect and defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic in the oath he took.

This is Fred Garvin-Male Prostitute reporting.

House bars Obama from sharing secrets with Russia
House bars Obama from sharing secrets with Russia

The Fiscal 2013 Defense spending bill that passed the House 326 to 90 with bipartisan support Thursday evening included an amendment that would prohibit President Barack Obama from making good on a deal with Russia that he appeared to hint at earlier this year.

Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio) said the amendment would bring peace of mind for those who were still suspicious about the hot-mic exchange.

“This amendment would say, ‘Mr. President, you won’t tell us what your secret deal is, but that secret deal better not include sharing classified information of the United States with the Russians about our missile defense,’” Turner said.
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This is very interesting. Even the Democrats in the House can't trust him and voted for it. Give this some thought. Congress has to pass a bill for the president not to give away classified military secrets to our enemy. What a sad, sad day it is for that.
This thread is about Congress passing a bill to stop our grand leader from giving our military secrets away to Russia!
The Pub jobs bills were garbage fool.

This is another step by the GOP into pure brainwashed idiocy. Keep it up, you're the best at disgusting Indies.
This is good news, Obama makes deals with the Russians and we get screwed What have the Russians done since we've had this new relationship Obama was telling us about ...Nothing... They screw us at every turn
This thread is about Congress passing a bill to stop our grand leader from giving our military secrets away to Russia!

You've got to excuse the liberal nut jobs, they don't know when to stop spewing the Obama talking points. Without those their mind is a blank
Wow, another wingnut scoop. Sooo, it wasn't already against the law (treason) for any president to share classified information with another nation?

Sounds like they took a little break from the war on women.
Wow. How very unnecessary.

If you have reason to charge the president with treason, then do it. Don't waste time on this stupid shit.
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The Pub jobs bills were garbage fool.

This is another step by the GOP into pure brainwashed idiocy. Keep it up, you're the best at disgusting Indies.

The Fiscal 2013 Defense spending bill that passed the House 326 to 90 with bipartisan support Thursday evening..

So you're saying no Democrats voted for this? It was not bi-partisan? That there are 326 Republicans in the house?

Wow, another wingnut scoop. Sooo, it wasn't already against the law (treason) for any president to share classified information with another nation?

Sounds like they took a little break from the war on women.

The Fiscal 2013 Defense spending bill that passed the House 326 to 90 with bipartisan support Thursday evening...

What part of bi-partisan escaped your understanding? I mean, I know you're a stone cold moron, Shitting Bull, but please...
This really is a dumbass thread, because Obama can pick up the phone anytime he wishes and call Putin or any other world leader.
I did a search on the title of the thread. The results are pretty damn funny - and tinfoil hats are involved.

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