BREAKING in Baltimore: Prosecutor Mosby...ASKED cops to target neighborhood where Grey was arrested!

... and then she throws them under the bus and has them arrested after they follow her orders.

Hmmm... I see trouble for that little bubble headed retard.
So, she ordered them to arrest him without probable cause, to put him in the back of a paddy wagon without restraining him but with his hands cuffed behind his back so he could not protect himself and to drive around the neighborhood, making sharp turns and sudden stops to bounce him off the walls? She did not "order" them anywhere. She does not have that authority over the police. She, along with the police command, decided to send more cops to where there was more crime. Imagine that? Doing that has absolutely nothing to do what the police did to Gray when they got there. Talk about bubble headed retards. Look in the mirror.
Stop lying, you pathetic little nipple faced board cherry. There was another person in the back that saw him BANGING HIS FUCKING HEAD.

That little black bitch is as RACIST as they come.
There was not another person who saw him do anything that could have had anything to do with his death. You lying prick.

Wow. She specifically asked for DRUG enforcement (Freddy known for that) of the specific intersection he was arrested at!!!

Defense is invoking that directive as motive for the going to call her as a witness hahaha!!!! Which makes her a witness AND the prosecutor. ...which she cant be! She'll have to recuse herself from the trial!!!

HOLY FUCK this police union lawyer is taking her ass back to law school.

These cops are going free.
He will not be permitted to call her as a witness because nothing about why the police were there is in any way relevant to the trial.

If the thing ever actually goes to trial.

However, given the highly suspect motives of the DA's office on this one...

Don't be surprised when a judge tosses the case on the scrap-heap, without ever hearing it.

Wow. She specifically asked for DRUG enforcement (Freddy known for that) of the specific intersection he was arrested at!!!

Defense is invoking that directive as motive for the going to call her as a witness hahaha!!!! Which makes her a witness AND the prosecutor. ...which she cant be! She'll have to recuse herself from the trial!!!

HOLY FUCK this police union lawyer is taking her ass back to law school.

These cops are going free.
He will not be permitted to call her as a witness because nothing about why the police were there is in any way relevant to the trial.

Her trying to suppress evidence of the fact sure is.
...Following orders by patrolling in that area. Did she order them to put him in a paddy wagon, cuffed and unrestrained and then to drive around Baltimore bouncing him around the back of the wagon? Do you people think before you post? Do you have any idea who moronic your comments are?
Goes to the trustworthiness, objectivity and vested interests of the DA's office, and, if they have dirty hands as well, then, the Defense can shred the Prosecution's case.

Any port in a storm, and the dumbass may have just served-up Christmas-in-Summertime for the Defense... an extraordinary gift, to be exploited to the hilt.

Perhaps the Voters of Baltimore will remember this, the next time she runs for office - although, after this, the next time she runs, it may be for Dogcatcher - with very uncertain prospects.
Clearly, you have never tried a case from either side. The fact that the police were in a high crime area, even if it were at her request (imagine that, a prosecutor working with police to determine where the crime is occurring so they can put their resources there) is completely irrelevant to any issue at the trial. No Judge would allow a defense attorney to try to make that an issue and no defense attorney would be stupid enough to think it would make a difference. What is relevant at trial is how Freddy Gray died; not how the police happened to be in that neighborhood.

At the behest of her husband who is on the city council of the area.
So much conflict of interest here it's ridiculous.
So, because a prosecutor's husband told her that there was a lot of crime in a particular area and she relayed that information to the police who thought it just might be a good idea to send some extra cops there, that is a conflict? I have seen more utter stupidity from you clowns in the last ten minutes that on any discussion board ever.

Care to make a bet whether or not she'll have to recuse herself from the case?
She will not recuse and will not be forced to.
...Following orders by patrolling in that area. Did she order them to put him in a paddy wagon, cuffed and unrestrained and then to drive around Baltimore bouncing him around the back of the wagon? Do you people think before you post? Do you have any idea who moronic your comments are?
Goes to the trustworthiness, objectivity and vested interests of the DA's office, and, if they have dirty hands as well, then, the Defense can shred the Prosecution's case.

Any port in a storm, and the dumbass may have just served-up Christmas-in-Summertime for the Defense... an extraordinary gift, to be exploited to the hilt.

Perhaps the Voters of Baltimore will remember this, the next time she runs for office - although, after this, the next time she runs, it may be for Dogcatcher - with very uncertain prospects.
Clearly, you have never tried a case from either side. The fact that the police were in a high crime area, even if it were at her request (imagine that, a prosecutor working with police to determine where the crime is occurring so they can put their resources there) is completely irrelevant to any issue at the trial. No Judge would allow a defense attorney to try to make that an issue and no defense attorney would be stupid enough to think it would make a difference. What is relevant at trial is how Freddy Gray died; not how the police happened to be in that neighborhood.

I have not tried a case.

Don't really need to.

When the motives and actions of the chief prosecutor are in question and when that same chief prosecutor can be seen trying to suppress the public release of relevant information and when the court system overrides her protestations, this sets the stage for petitioning to have the case dismissed with reasonably high prospects for success.

It now seems entirely possible that the case will never even go to trial, even without plea bargaining.

Don't blame me, if the DA has dirty hands on this one.
They are not in question; gag orders are requested in most high profile cases and granted; it is unethical for a prosecutor to release evidence such as an autopsy report prior to trial; and there is not probability at all that the case could be dismissed on any of these. Some of the charges will be dismissed and some of the defendants dismissed from the case. But it will go to trial for the officer who put him in the back unrestrained and for the officer who drove the vehicle.

So are you saying it's okay for the prosecution to with hold evidence from the defense?

Wow. She specifically asked for DRUG enforcement (Freddy known for that) of the specific intersection he was arrested at!!!

Defense is invoking that directive as motive for the going to call her as a witness hahaha!!!! Which makes her a witness AND the prosecutor. ...which she cant be! She'll have to recuse herself from the trial!!!

HOLY FUCK this police union lawyer is taking her ass back to law school.

These cops are going free.
He will not be permitted to call her as a witness because nothing about why the police were there is in any way relevant to the trial.

If the thing ever actually goes to trial.

However, given the highly suspect motives of the DA's office on this one...

Don't be surprised when a judge tosses the case on the scrap-heap, without ever hearing it.
No judge could do that based on the evidence presented to the grand jury. Go find a thread where you are not completely fucking clueless about the topic.
...They are not in question; gag orders are requested in most high profile cases and granted; it is unethical for a prosecutor to release evidence such as an autopsy report prior to trial; and there is not probability at all that the case could be dismissed on any of these. Some of the charges will be dismissed and some of the defendants dismissed from the case. But it will go to trial for the officer who put him in the back unrestrained and for the officer who drove the vehicle.
If it DOES go to trial, the charges will be reduced to something like 'reckless endangerment', not some flavor of homocide. Might as well be jaywalking, in relative terms.
... and then she throws them under the bus and has them arrested after they follow her orders.

Hmmm... I see trouble for that little bubble headed retard.
So, she ordered them to arrest him without probable cause, to put him in the back of a paddy wagon without restraining him but with his hands cuffed behind his back so he could not protect himself and to drive around the neighborhood, making sharp turns and sudden stops to bounce him off the walls? She did not "order" them anywhere. She does not have that authority over the police. She, along with the police command, decided to send more cops to where there was more crime. Imagine that? Doing that has absolutely nothing to do what the police did to Gray when they got there. Talk about bubble headed retards. Look in the mirror.
Stop lying, you pathetic little nipple faced board cherry. There was another person in the back that saw him BANGING HIS FUCKING HEAD.

That little black bitch is as RACIST as they come.
There was not another person who saw him do anything that could have had anything to do with his death. You lying prick.

The other guy in the Paddymurphy..whoops,I mean paddywagon said he was bashing himself silly during the ride.
...Following orders by patrolling in that area. Did she order them to put him in a paddy wagon, cuffed and unrestrained and then to drive around Baltimore bouncing him around the back of the wagon? Do you people think before you post? Do you have any idea who moronic your comments are?
Goes to the trustworthiness, objectivity and vested interests of the DA's office, and, if they have dirty hands as well, then, the Defense can shred the Prosecution's case.

Any port in a storm, and the dumbass may have just served-up Christmas-in-Summertime for the Defense... an extraordinary gift, to be exploited to the hilt.

Perhaps the Voters of Baltimore will remember this, the next time she runs for office - although, after this, the next time she runs, it may be for Dogcatcher - with very uncertain prospects.
Clearly, you have never tried a case from either side. The fact that the police were in a high crime area, even if it were at her request (imagine that, a prosecutor working with police to determine where the crime is occurring so they can put their resources there) is completely irrelevant to any issue at the trial. No Judge would allow a defense attorney to try to make that an issue and no defense attorney would be stupid enough to think it would make a difference. What is relevant at trial is how Freddy Gray died; not how the police happened to be in that neighborhood.

I have not tried a case.

Don't really need to.

When the motives and actions of the chief prosecutor are in question and when that same chief prosecutor can be seen trying to suppress the public release of relevant information and when the court system overrides her protestations, this sets the stage for petitioning to have the case dismissed with reasonably high prospects for success.

It now seems entirely possible that the case will never even go to trial, even without plea bargaining.

Don't blame me, if the DA has dirty hands on this one.
They are not in question; gag orders are requested in most high profile cases and granted; it is unethical for a prosecutor to release evidence such as an autopsy report prior to trial; and there is not probability at all that the case could be dismissed on any of these. Some of the charges will be dismissed and some of the defendants dismissed from the case. But it will go to trial for the officer who put him in the back unrestrained and for the officer who drove the vehicle.

So are you saying it's okay for the prosecution to with hold evidence from the defense?
No, you dumbass, it is not OK. Evidence is turned over to the defense during what anyone with a freaking clue about what happens in a criminal trial knows is discovery. Any evidence not turned over cannot be used by the prosecution and any exculpatory (look it up) that is not produced will result in a new trial being granted. What is not supposed to happen is for evidence to be released to the media. Until a photograph or video or report is required to be released TO THE PUBLIC, it has to be introduced into evidence at trial.
...They are not in question; gag orders are requested in most high profile cases and granted; it is unethical for a prosecutor to release evidence such as an autopsy report prior to trial; and there is not probability at all that the case could be dismissed on any of these. Some of the charges will be dismissed and some of the defendants dismissed from the case. But it will go to trial for the officer who put him in the back unrestrained and for the officer who drove the vehicle.
If it DOES go to trial, the charges will be reduced to something like 'reckless endangerment', not some flavor of homocide. Might as well be jaywalking, in relative terms.
Reckless causing another person's death is a degree of homicide. That is the most likely outcome. There is no charge of intentional killing.
...They are not in question; gag orders are requested in most high profile cases and granted; it is unethical for a prosecutor to release evidence such as an autopsy report prior to trial; and there is not probability at all that the case could be dismissed on any of these. Some of the charges will be dismissed and some of the defendants dismissed from the case. But it will go to trial for the officer who put him in the back unrestrained and for the officer who drove the vehicle.
If it DOES go to trial, the charges will be reduced to something like 'reckless endangerment', not some flavor of homocide. Might as well be jaywalking, in relative terms.
Reckless causing another person's death is a degree of homicide. That is the most likely outcome. There is no charge of intentional killing.
There will be nothing left but 'jaywalking' by the time it goes to trial - assuming that it ever does - the DA's office done screwed-the-pooch on this one. Idjits.
...isn't it true that Mosby filed an order to prevent the release of Freddie Gray's autopsy?

Yes. She filed for ALL evidence to be hidden. Today a judge overturned it. And the defense is now dripping info out.

Like this major twist. She ordered the heavy enforcement of that black area (shes racist).

And they're gonna subpoena her as a witness as a result....which means she'll have to remove herselt from the prosecution. Brilliant.
Stop proving how profoundly stupid you are. She asked for a Gag Order. It was denied on a technicality. It will be granted. She did not seek to hide any evidence; all evidence either has been or will be produced to the defense.
Goes to the trustworthiness, objectivity and vested interests of the DA's office, and, if they have dirty hands as well, then, the Defense can shred the Prosecution's case.

Any port in a storm, and the dumbass may have just served-up Christmas-in-Summertime for the Defense... an extraordinary gift, to be exploited to the hilt.

Perhaps the Voters of Baltimore will remember this, the next time she runs for office - although, after this, the next time she runs, it may be for Dogcatcher - with very uncertain prospects.
Clearly, you have never tried a case from either side. The fact that the police were in a high crime area, even if it were at her request (imagine that, a prosecutor working with police to determine where the crime is occurring so they can put their resources there) is completely irrelevant to any issue at the trial. No Judge would allow a defense attorney to try to make that an issue and no defense attorney would be stupid enough to think it would make a difference. What is relevant at trial is how Freddy Gray died; not how the police happened to be in that neighborhood.

I have not tried a case.

Don't really need to.

When the motives and actions of the chief prosecutor are in question and when that same chief prosecutor can be seen trying to suppress the public release of relevant information and when the court system overrides her protestations, this sets the stage for petitioning to have the case dismissed with reasonably high prospects for success.

It now seems entirely possible that the case will never even go to trial, even without plea bargaining.

Don't blame me, if the DA has dirty hands on this one.
They are not in question; gag orders are requested in most high profile cases and granted; it is unethical for a prosecutor to release evidence such as an autopsy report prior to trial; and there is not probability at all that the case could be dismissed on any of these. Some of the charges will be dismissed and some of the defendants dismissed from the case. But it will go to trial for the officer who put him in the back unrestrained and for the officer who drove the vehicle.

So are you saying it's okay for the prosecution to with hold evidence from the defense?
No, you dumbass, it is not OK. Evidence is turned over to the defense during what anyone with a freaking clue about what happens in a criminal trial knows is discovery. Any evidence not turned over cannot be used by the prosecution and any exculpatory (look it up) that is not produced will result in a new trial being granted. What is not supposed to happen is for evidence to be released to the media. Until a photograph or video or report is required to be released TO THE PUBLIC, it has to be introduced into evidence at trial.

You better tell that to the prosecutor because she's doing her damnedest to do just that.

Wow. She specifically asked for DRUG enforcement (Freddy known for that) of the specific intersection he was arrested at!!!

Defense is invoking that directive as motive for the going to call her as a witness hahaha!!!! Which makes her a witness AND the prosecutor. ...which she cant be! She'll have to recuse herself from the trial!!!

HOLY FUCK this police union lawyer is taking her ass back to law school.

These cops are going free.
He will not be permitted to call her as a witness because nothing about why the police were there is in any way relevant to the trial.

Her trying to suppress evidence of the fact sure is.
Evidence of what fact? She asked for an Order to prevent the parties and their attorney from discussing the case in public. When three cops were shot do death here five years ago, the Court issued a gag order to prevent the defendant from later claiming that his jury pool was poisoned by the prosecution and the cops talking about the case in the media. Gag orders are issued to protect the defendant's right to a fair trial.
The Baltimore Sun

HOLY SHIT!!!! 3 weeks before Freddie Grey was arrested...Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby REQUESTED for Baltimore police to TARGET the neighborhood Freddie Grey lived in!! Why??? Well....atrocious crime for one...AND...her husband is a councilman who represented that area!

WOW! Major ethical problems:

1- Racial profiling. She direcred BPD to focus on a black area. Shes RACIST right?
2- Using her power as a prosecutor to sway enforcement towards something that would benefit her husband a judge struck down the gag order she demanded. Her evidence...or lack of...will soon shine.

What a racist bitch!!! TARGETING a black neighborhood! !!?
isn't her husband a city council member? If so, is this area not part of HIS district?....
Is the State's Attorney not an elected rather than an appointed position?
Does anyone not see a gigantic conflict of interest here?.....
Needless to say, Baltimore is a wrecking train.
... and then she throws them under the bus and has them arrested after they follow her orders.

Hmmm... I see trouble for that little bubble headed retard.
no way..She's a black female elected official in a majority black city. Those factors make her virtually untouchable
Clearly, you have never tried a case from either side. The fact that the police were in a high crime area, even if it were at her request (imagine that, a prosecutor working with police to determine where the crime is occurring so they can put their resources there) is completely irrelevant to any issue at the trial. No Judge would allow a defense attorney to try to make that an issue and no defense attorney would be stupid enough to think it would make a difference. What is relevant at trial is how Freddy Gray died; not how the police happened to be in that neighborhood.

I have not tried a case.

Don't really need to.

When the motives and actions of the chief prosecutor are in question and when that same chief prosecutor can be seen trying to suppress the public release of relevant information and when the court system overrides her protestations, this sets the stage for petitioning to have the case dismissed with reasonably high prospects for success.

It now seems entirely possible that the case will never even go to trial, even without plea bargaining.

Don't blame me, if the DA has dirty hands on this one.
They are not in question; gag orders are requested in most high profile cases and granted; it is unethical for a prosecutor to release evidence such as an autopsy report prior to trial; and there is not probability at all that the case could be dismissed on any of these. Some of the charges will be dismissed and some of the defendants dismissed from the case. But it will go to trial for the officer who put him in the back unrestrained and for the officer who drove the vehicle.

So are you saying it's okay for the prosecution to with hold evidence from the defense?
No, you dumbass, it is not OK. Evidence is turned over to the defense during what anyone with a freaking clue about what happens in a criminal trial knows is discovery. Any evidence not turned over cannot be used by the prosecution and any exculpatory (look it up) that is not produced will result in a new trial being granted. What is not supposed to happen is for evidence to be released to the media. Until a photograph or video or report is required to be released TO THE PUBLIC, it has to be introduced into evidence at trial.

You better tell that to the prosecutor because she's doing her damnedest to do just that.
To a brain dead clown like you, it may appear that way. To those who know what a gag order is, it does not.
The Baltimore Sun

HOLY SHIT!!!! 3 weeks before Freddie Grey was arrested...Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby REQUESTED for Baltimore police to TARGET the neighborhood Freddie Grey lived in!! Why??? Well....atrocious crime for one...AND...her husband is a councilman who represented that area!

WOW! Major ethical problems:

1- Racial profiling. She direcred BPD to focus on a black area. Shes RACIST right?
2- Using her power as a prosecutor to sway enforcement towards something that would benefit her husband a judge struck down the gag order she demanded. Her evidence...or lack of...will soon shine.

What a racist bitch!!! TARGETING a black neighborhood! !!?
isn't her husband a city council member? If so, is this area not part of HIS district?....
Is the State's Attorney not an elected rather than an appointed position?
Does anyone not see a gigantic conflict of interest here?.....
Needless to say, Baltimore is a wrecking train.
No one with a brain sees one. A council person reports to the police that his constituents complained to him about open air drug dealing. They send more police. That is how it is supposed to work. What the police do once they get there has nothing to do with them being sent.
The Baltimore Sun

HOLY SHIT!!!! 3 weeks before Freddie Grey was arrested...Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby REQUESTED for Baltimore police to TARGET the neighborhood Freddie Grey lived in!! Why??? Well....atrocious crime for one...AND...her husband is a councilman who represented that area!

WOW! Major ethical problems:

1- Racial profiling. She direcred BPD to focus on a black area. Shes RACIST right?
2- Using her power as a prosecutor to sway enforcement towards something that would benefit her husband a judge struck down the gag order she demanded. Her evidence...or lack of...will soon shine.

What a racist bitch!!! TARGETING a black neighborhood! !!?
She targeted a high crime area. That is her job. That is why the police were there. They had every right to stop Gray when he ran. What they did not have the right to do is kill him. Not sure which of the officers is mostly responsible for that, but when a person in police custody dies because he is bounced around the back of a paddy wagon when not restrained, there was malice in the heart of whoever put him there and whoever drove the vehicle. She was doing her job then and she is doing it now. Prosecuting crime. YOU have all the facts....Before the case goes to trial....Gotcha.
Hey genius....You never heard the term "malice of heart" before this mess.
You have no credibility. Keep your idiotic baseless opinions to yourself.

Wow. She specifically asked for DRUG enforcement (Freddy known for that) of the specific intersection he was arrested at!!!

Defense is invoking that directive as motive for the going to call her as a witness hahaha!!!! Which makes her a witness AND the prosecutor. ...which she cant be! She'll have to recuse herself from the trial!!!

HOLY FUCK this police union lawyer is taking her ass back to law school.

These cops are going free.

To further buttress your argument, lest liberals critique your source:

Baltimore prosecutor Marilyn Mosby apos s office asked police to target area where Freddie Gray died - Baltimore Sun
...Following orders by patrolling in that area. Did she order them to put him in a paddy wagon, cuffed and unrestrained and then to drive around Baltimore bouncing him around the back of the wagon? Do you people think before you post? Do you have any idea who moronic your comments are?
Goes to the trustworthiness, objectivity and vested interests of the DA's office, and, if they have dirty hands as well, then, the Defense can shred the Prosecution's case.

Any port in a storm, and the dumbass may have just served-up Christmas-in-Summertime for the Defense... an extraordinary gift, to be exploited to the hilt.

Perhaps the Voters of Baltimore will remember this, the next time she runs for office - although, after this, the next time she runs, it may be for Dogcatcher - with very uncertain prospects.

Whoever Baltimore police union hired...this dude is good. Hes eating her case for breakfast.
The gag order the judge will issue once it is refiled in the Circuit Court will prevent him from making such asinine comments.

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