BREAKING: Is this part of the WikiLeaks October Surprise?

I have heard from my sooper sekrit sources that there is going to be a real bombshell reveal about Clinton. It is such a gigantic bombshell, it will finish her off.

But the mainstream media won't report it.

Nothing contradictory there! :lol:
This reminds me of the hype leading up to the launch of the Segway.

"It's going to change the world forever!"
So basically, it is going to reveal stuff we pretty much have known.

Do we have a true understanding of how ridiculous the left wing voting base is?
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Supposedly this is what Assange is going to talk about and leak tomorrow. This is quite possible the "October surprise". I don't need to say that if WikiLeaks reveals this tomorrow the ramifications are huge. He's already changed the location of his press conference for safety concerns and I'd have to say this is good reason to do so.

There's a "death key" on the package so if they kill him hundreds of media outlets will have access to the documents. In other words its coming out one way or another.

We're only hours away be continued
"Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reportedly wanted to drone Wikileaks founder Julian Assange when she was secretary of state.
According to True Pundit, Clinton and the state department were under pressure to silence Assange and Wikileaks in the months before the whistleblowing site released a massive dump of 250,000 diplomatic cables from 1966 up to 2010, dubbed CableGate.

“Can’t we just drone this guy?” Clinton asked, according to unidentified state department sources."

Hillary Clinton considered drone attack on Julian Assange - report

Seems to me that Assange has good reason to change the location.
Magic Negro, hmmm, Jesus?
Nah I dont believe in Jesus, but if I did he would look like this

Yeah, I've always dug the blonde haired, blue eyed, surfer dude Jesus of Nazareth...

Charges will be pressed, someone will be charged but not who we would like.

"Charges will be pressed, someone will be charged but not who we would like."

Yes well it wasn't me, I remember that I was at my manicurist that day having my nails done :smoke:

I'm also not prone to leaking, oh wait, hold on, what was the question again? :eusa_doh:
Assange and Trump are alike in that way. They both think their announcements are world changing events. :lol:

It turns out most of the time their "bombshells" are a big yawn.
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Supposedly this is what Assange is going to talk about and leak tomorrow. This is quite possible the "October surprise". I don't need to say that if WikiLeaks reveals this tomorrow the ramifications are huge. He's already changed the location of his press conference for safety concerns and I'd have to say this is good reason to do so.

There's a "death key" on the package so if they kill him hundreds of media outlets will have access to the documents. In other words its coming out one way or another.

We're only hours away be continued

All this time we've been hearing that this "evidence" will be released, but still it's not released. This isn't a DVD, for fuck's sake. You don't set up a release date to build up demand that you can leverage into higher prices. CK, you're really a fucking idiot to believe yet more idiotic bullshit. Apparently you were asleep at the time, but Bush won in 2000. And here you want us to believe that there was some kind of grand conspiracy to put "the fix" in for Gore. If that's how they "fix" things, no need to fucking worry.
So the whole picture comes into view. Everyone was wondering why Trump was so loud and adamant about crying about a 'fixed election'. He seemed beside himself with batshittery how he harped on this and whined about it. And he did his best to sell this lie but it is a lie. He, Assange, and Putin conspired to paint this picture and then drop this 'october surprise' in an attempt to manipulate the American Presidential election in favor of Trump. It is about the same as the burning of the Reichstag in 1933. Produce a calamity so a strongman can be placed in dictatorial power.

The danger isn't Trump by himself, the danger is the Republicans in Congress. IF Trump were elected the Republicans in Congress at first would likely resist. But if they retain control of both houses they are aware of the changing demographics in the country, and they know their days of getting elected to and controlling the federal government are drawing to a close. They will view this moment, as do many fanatical conservatives, as the last time they will be in position to use power to change the Constitution, federal, and state laws to shut the Democrats out of power and enact all of their draconian garbage agenda. They in essence will finally admit this democracy does not work for them so they are going to do away with it and put an authoritarian construct in it's place where they will be able to retain control indefinitely. A coup from within. Remember, the Nazis changed all the German laws legally because they had become the government. So things like the anti Jewish laws WERE LEGAL as they were passed and enacted by the government.

Of course this is speculation on what has not transpired yet and I could certainly be wrong. In the early and mid 1930s people in Germany didn't know what Hitler was going to do, yet tens of thousands fled that country because they had a sense SOMETHING bad was coming.

This whole Trump thing has stunk from the moment it started, every sane person around the entire globe has noted this. It isn't a sentiment only a few hold, the entire world understands the parallels exhibited in this year's election to the past. So here is a Schnapp's to me being wrong and I hope I follow it up with a chaser of 'what the hell you were way off'. I'll be drunk just in time for New Year's.

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