BREAKING: ISIS attacks US Base in Iraq (chemical weapons detected)

Awwwww. Our nutbags don't want to admit that ISIS has just about lost its caliphate....while the sissy negro is POTUS. What a bunch of awesome Americans we have here at USMB.

Basically...they have had their ass kicked and are now forced to resort to cowardly acts of terrorism....which....appropriately.....only scares the same idiots who can't stand that they have been marginalized.

Right, the more atrocities ISIS commits, the more it proves we are beating them. If they were not engaging in any atrocities, it would prove that we are losing.:420:
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Awwwww. Our nutbags don't want to admit that ISIS has just about lost its caliphate....while the sissy negro is POTUS. What a bunch of awesome Americans we have here at USMB.

Basically...they have had their ass kicked and are now forced to resort to cowardly acts of terrorism....which....appropriately.....only scares the same idiots who can't stand that they have been marginalized.

Right, the more atrocities ISIS commits, the more it proves we are beating them. If they were not engaging in any atrocities, it would prove that we are losing.:420:

You need ISIS to be strong. Frightening dummies is your only hope. I get it. It is sad, but I get it.
And gaining ground in the U.S.

Really? Where? Your mind?

We've had three terrorist attacks in the last week....try and keep up,lives depend on it.

They have no US territory. You are afraid of something that will never harm you. Fear is not American. Man up.

Terrorist dont hold territory ya numb nut....

You know NOTHING about ISIS. Sad. Believe me.

LoL....pretty sure you just admitted they use terrorist tactics,which by definition is not perpetrated by standing armies.
Really? Where? Your mind?

We've had three terrorist attacks in the last week....try and keep up,lives depend on it.

They have no US territory. You are afraid of something that will never harm you. Fear is not American. Man up.

Terrorist dont hold territory ya numb nut....

You know NOTHING about ISIS. Sad. Believe me.

LoL....pretty sure you just admitted they use terrorist tactics,which by definition is not perpetrated by standing armies.

So stupid. I can't help you.
I can see many posters, including the OP never read the article...

You're right. It is apparent that many on here have never read the article, otherwise they would have caught this........................

The shell was categorized by officials as either a rocket or artillery shell. After it landed on the base, just south of Mosul, US troops tested it and received an initial reading for a chemical agent they believe is mustard.
No US troops were hurt or have displayed symptoms of exposure to mustard agent.
One official said the agent had "low purity" and was "poorly weaponized." A second official called it "ineffective."
A US defense official said troops had gone out to look at the ordnance after it landed. Based on seeing what they thought was a suspect substance, two field tests were conducted.

The first test was positive and the second was negative, the official said. The substance is now being sent to a lab for further examination.

That is from the link in the OP.

Based on what they said about it, it was no longer effective, meaning that ISIL probably found a chemical shell somewhere in one of the places that they were and decided to see if it worked and fired it at US troops.

Only trouble is, chemical weapons have a limited shelf life, and after their effective date, they are pretty much inert after that.

So basically, ISIL found an inert shell, fired it in the hopes that it would work, and it didn't.
Fortunately, we are currently in the process of eliminating this menace. Have been for several years now. Maybe you should pick up a newspaper.
Yes,their scared shit of us that's why they used gas... Just where was the obumble"s red line...Wonder if they kicked sand in his face...again!
It must really burn your ass that ISISBOOMBAH has been losing territory and getting their asses kicked for over a year now. No thanks to your butt buddy Putin.

ISISBOOMBAH is down to firing duds at us. :lol:
Just breaking so take it as you will but this menace must be exterminated.

ISIS suspected of mustard attack against US, Iraqi troops -

This post illustrates why I find you so full of shit. You take the headline of an article in which the word "suspected" is used and you create a headline to suit your need for attention on this board instead of honestly quoting it.
ISIS isn't as scary if you report facts and the truth. It's hard to smear Obama when ISIS is losing.

If you are forced to admit ISIS is getting their asses handed to them, revert to Plan B: Give credit to the KGB thug who bombs hospitals and has dropped maybe eight bombs on ISIS.
Just breaking so take it as you will but this menace must be exterminated.

ISIS suspected of mustard attack against US, Iraqi troops -
So...September surprise instead of October. More GOP votes. Wonder what Watters and O'Reilly think about it? :popcorn:

My first thought is what loss of American lives might have occurred and you think about what two television talk hosts think about it. And you also probably don't think you're a tool, either
This is obviously a bogus report.
We all know there are no chemical weapons in Iraq.
They had to have gotten the mustard gas from Saddam! THEY HAD TO!

Actually, I don't think that they got it from Saddam as much as they found a shell leftover from his gassing of the Kurds.

Chem weapons deteriorate over time. And, once they pass their expiration date, they are pretty much useless. If ISIL was as dangerous as some on here think, they would have been smart enough to find one that works, rather than just take a chance on something they found without checking it out first.

The article even said this one wasn't much use.
Good news about the troops has me hopeful they're all okay. I don't ever believe too much of initial reports, stuff coming from the military and through Washington has always taken awhile to get straight (if ever).
We've had three terrorist attacks in the last week....try and keep up,lives depend on it.

They have no US territory. You are afraid of something that will never harm you. Fear is not American. Man up.

Terrorist dont hold territory ya numb nut....

You know NOTHING about ISIS. Sad. Believe me.

LoL....pretty sure you just admitted they use terrorist tactics,which by definition is not perpetrated by standing armies.

So stupid. I can't help you.

You can't refute you mean...
This is obviously a bogus report.
We all know there are no chemical weapons in Iraq.
You mean no weapons of mass destruction. You know like the ones the new York bomber was just charged with by the feds. The same feds who claim those weapons didn't exist in Iraq
Just mention the word Isis and cons start screaming and flailing their arms "the world is ending the world is ending".

Hint: it isn't.
This isnt about "the world" it's about us soldiers being gassed.

Fucking hack, stick your head back in the sand
This is obviously a bogus report.
We all know there are no chemical weapons in Iraq.
You mean no weapons of mass destruction. You know like the ones the new York bomber was just charged with by the feds. The same feds who claim those weapons didn't exist in Iraq
I can make chemical weapons with the Serrano chili peppers I grew this year, so far it has managed to cause mass destruction of my ass from eating too many...
Uh....pretty sure they've been using terrorism for quite some time now.

Yes. But now that is all they use. They have lost most of the territorial gains they made. They are depleted.

And gaining ground in the U.S.

Really? Where? Your mind?

We've had three terrorist attacks in the last week....try and keep up,lives depend on it.
Maybe we should carry white flags over to Syria and Iraq where they don't hold any territory. I nominate you to lead the surrender march.
Obama did that when Bush left
This is obviously a bogus report.
We all know there are no chemical weapons in Iraq.
You mean no weapons of mass destruction. You know like the ones the new York bomber was just charged with by the feds. The same feds who claim those weapons didn't exist in Iraq
I can make chemical weapons with the Serrano chili peppers I grew this year, so far it has managed to cause mass destruction of my ass from eating too many...

Yeah....but it's kinda hard to deliver.

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