BREAKING! It's Over: Biden Received 'Laundered' Chinese Money Disguised As Loan Repayment

Joe had a family member repay a loan. That family member did business with a chinese company. That family member is a scumbag. But that's how the good old boy network operates. Bush should have never put Hunter on his first BOD. That was a bad recommendation huh?

So Hunter is off doing business. Much like the Trumps. So what?

Yea, what about Trump? Why does he have a Chinese bank account?

From your link:

it seems that the Trump account was set up for business purposes—either as a wholly owned foreign enterprise or as a joint venture with an unknown Chinese partner. In that case, having a bank account would be not only legitimate but also advised, Dan Harris, an experienced China business attorney, wrote in a text message

But hold on to your panties...Trump actually has a business.
I would trade Joe for Don. How about neither of them can run? Then we would both have to pick our next best. I saw Gavin for our side you'd go with who?
youre dodging the subject because you know youre wrong,,

biden has a decades old history of corruption and you guys want to play games and ignore or make piss poor excuses,,
I would trade Joe for Don. How about neither of them can run? Then we would both have to pick our next best. I saw Gavin for our side you'd go with who?
Gavin? Hell, the idea of being homeless appeals to you? Or you like the idea of free drugs?
at this point its determined it was a payoff for favors,,

but because we have a two tiered justice system its being ignored,,
What were the favors the Chinese allegedly got for the $40,000 in payoff in 2017, after Joe was no longer in office, or before he left office?

What was the alleged illegal quid pro quo that the money was paying off?
He's busted. The Usurper is a blatant crook. Not even Louisiana's former crooked democrat Governor Edwin Edwards would attempt to align himself with the communists to do something like this. He had patriotism. Biden is oblivious to patriotism.

Joe had a family member repay a loan. That family member did business with a chinese company. That family member is a scumbag. But that's how the good old boy network operates. Bush should have never put Hunter on his first BOD. That was a bad recommendation huh?

So Hunter is off doing business. Much like the Trumps. So what?

Yea, what about Trump? Why does he have a Chinese bank account?

^^^Cultists not even questioning the fact that the $40,000 Joe received is exactly 10% of the $400,000 Hunter received from this Chinese payoff.

10% for the Big we have proof.
What were the favors the Chinese allegedly got for the $40,000 in payoff in 2017, after Joe was no longer in office, or before he left office?

What was the alleged illegal quid pro quo that the money was paying off?
what was the legal reason he got the money and what strings were attached to it??
^^^Cultists not even questioning the fact that the $40,000 Joe received is exactly 10% of the $400,000 Hunter received from this Chinese payoff.

10% for the Big we have proof.
Probably a drop in the bucket what Hunter owes Joe.
The media will sit on it but they are not the influence they once were.... people go around them for news today... well smart folks do....
Unfortunately too many Americans aren't 'smart' yet. Man-on-the-street interviews reveal that far too many are still completely unaware of the corruption revealed by Hunter's laptop, emails, etc. or testimony because the MSM isn't reporting it.

They aren't aware of the severity of the border crisis or how the current administration policies has put us back into wartime situations and is threatening WWIII because the MSM isn't reporting it.

They do know their bank accounts and 401Ks have suffered mightily and they can't afford a lot of things they could afford three years ago, but they are totally unaware how current government policies have created and/or exacerbated those situations because the MSM isn't reporting it.

When the corrupt control most of the MSM, social media, search engines, even dominate most message boards, they effectively control the message. And that effectively gives them huge control over the people.

That's why this newest revelation, even if 100% true and it probably is, will yield nothing. It will quickly disappear from the public venue just like everything else this weaponized and corrupt administration does.
I'm speculating like you. You want to see more of their personal information you can't see because people have rights? Self incrimination and all. Want the FBI to raid the Delaware mansion?
you are speculating,, I am using the evidence and history of the bidens,,
I'm speculating like you. You want to see more of their personal information you can't see because people have rights? Self incrimination and all. Want the FBI to raid the Delaware mansion?
you saying their personal info is self incriminating sounds like you know wrong doing has accured,,,ie guilty of the charges
He's busted. The Usurper is a blatant crook. Not even Louisiana's former crooked democrat Governor Edwin Edwards would attempt to align himself with the communists to do something like this. He had patriotism. Biden is oblivious to patriotism.


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