BREAKING: Johns Hopkins & American College of Pediatricians Formerly Denounce Sex-Change Procedures

^^ Which one of those links you provided was in reaction to the announcement that happened March 21, 2016 from the OP?

Those are links to studies, Sil.

Why would they be in 'reaction' to some obscure pronouncement by a fringe right religious group posing as a Pediatric association?

You demanded explicit refutation of the points raised in the OP. I provided it. Including many of the same studies you're citing......but with the authors of those studies describing how your fringe right religious group the ACP misrepresented their work.

Ignore as you will. We both knew you were going to ignore every link you asked for anyway. The only question is what excuse you were going to make up.

The links weren't for you. They're for anyone interested in the actual data.
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^^ Which one of those links you provided was in reaction to the announcement that happened March 21, 2016 from the OP?

Those are links to studies, Sil.

Why would they be in 'reaction' to some obscure pronouncement by a fringe right religious group posing as a Pediatric association?

You demanded explicit refutation of the points raised in the OP. I provided it.

Ah we're back to temporal manipulation again I see... OK..

You cannot offer up a specific address by any other peer organization SINCE the March 21, 2016 announcement de facto by JOHNS HOPKINS & The American College of Pediatrics, which BTW only YOU and your cult are calling a "fringe group" because they won't walk lockstep with your "let us at the kiddies" dogma. What you're offering instead sounds like the following:

(Headline from 1960s) "Johns Hopkins has announced that performing lobotomies on patients for mental illness is a Machiavellian practice we no longer condone or will perform"

(Skylar says) "Yes, but we have all these publications from other groups from teh 1940s & 1950s that say lobotomies help people!!"

You have to keep up with the times Skylar. Give me a link to a CURRENT, SUBSEQUENT TO MARCH 21, 2016's announcement in the OP where another agency or group respected for their positions on medical or psychiatric health has stood in opposition to the OP.
^^ Which one of those links you provided was in reaction to the announcement that happened March 21, 2016 from the OP?

Those are links to studies, Sil.

Why would they be in 'reaction' to some obscure pronouncement by a fringe right religious group posing as a Pediatric association?

You demanded explicit refutation of the points raised in the OP. I provided it.

You cannot offer up a specific address by any other peer organization SINCE the March 21, 2016 announcement de facto by JOHNS HOPKINS & The American College of Pediatrics, which BTW only YOU and your cult are calling a "fringe group" because they won't walk lockstep with your "let us at the kiddies" dogma. What you're offering instead sounds like the following:

Obvious nonsense. The 'points' raised by the far right religious front posing as a Pediatrics association were directly addressed. Point by point , often with the very studies cited by the fringe right ACP.

In many cases you are literally ignoring your *own* sources. The very authors of the studies you cited, demonstrating that their research was flagrantly misrepresented by the far right ACP.

And you ignore your own sources. As we all knew you would. When you demanded that the points in the OP be refuted with links, everyone in the thread knew you wouldn't look at a single one of them. But ignore them universally. Even when they were your own sources.

Which is why the links weren't for you. They were for everyone else. Anyone interested in the *actual* research overwhelmingly refutes the claims of the far right ACP.

Which might explain why the ACP has about 60 members, all fringe right religious conservagives. And the American Academy of Pediatrics which explicitly contradicts the debunked 'conclusions' of the ACP.....has 62,000 members.

Ignore as you will. It doesn't matter either way. As you were never the audience for the evidence that destroy yours claims.
Ignore as you will. It doesn't matter either way. As you were never the audience for the evidence that destroy yours claims.

There's nothing yet to ignore. You haven't provided a link to any subsequent statements since March 21, 2016's OP announcement denouncing the content by a peer outfit. This is a BREAKING announcement. Did you read the title to the thread?

Again, I'm sure you could cite all sorts of outdated psyche material on "how lobotomies are good for mental patients" but the more recent and cutting edge practices would stand in complete contrast to those findings. Please find some CURRENT rebuttals to the OP. Thanks! And post a link when you find them..
Ignore as you will. It doesn't matter either way. As you were never the audience for the evidence that destroy yours claims.

There's nothing yet to ignore. You haven't provided a link to any subsequent statements since March 21, 2016's OP announcement denouncing the content by a peer outfit. This is a BREAKING announcement. Did you read the title to the thread?

Again, I'm sure you could cite all sorts of outdated psyche material on "how lobotomies are good for mental patients" but the more recent and cutting edge practices would stand in complete contrast to those findings. Please find some CURRENT rebuttals to the OP. Thanks! And post a link when you find them..
A fringe group of 60 hardly counts as peer reviewed anything. Neither does the opinion of a disgraced physician who's been disowned by his former colleagues in the DSM and APA. Don't you have something better to cite than conspiracy theories?
A fringe group of 60 hardly counts as peer reviewed anything. Neither does the opinion of a disgraced physician who's been disowned by his former colleagues in the DSM and APA. Don't you have something better to cite than conspiracy theories?
Do you have something better than ad hominems and diversions? Like a link to a publicized rebuttal to the pronouncement in the OP? I think there are more than 60 people at Johns Hopkins BTW..
Ignore as you will. It doesn't matter either way. As you were never the audience for the evidence that destroy yours claims.

There's nothing yet to ignore. You haven't provided a link to any subsequent statements since March 21, 2016's OP announcement denouncing the content by a peer outfit. This is a BREAKING announcement. Did you read the title to the thread?
Blithering nonsense. Your 'breaking announcement' cites studies that are up to 11 years old. Its the same old fringe right ACP pseudo-science that it offered last year. And the year before that. And the year before that.

And I'm citing your own sources contradicting you. So naturally, you ignore your own sources. Along with every other point raised in your 'breaking announcement'.

In the mean time.....your every point is refuted by overwhelming evidence that we all knew you'd ignore before you even asked for the evidence:

But where are the links to their specific refuting of what the OP's article says? Remember oh temporally-challenged one..those are past assessments. The OP's proclamation came out two days ago..

Here's the very researcher cited in your list, Dr. Steensma, finding in a follow up study looked at the intensity of dysphoria felt as a factor in persistence, it turned out that it was actually a very good predictor of which children would transition.

Factors associated with desistence and persistence of childhood gender dysphoria: a quantitative follow-up study. - PubMed - NCBI

With Dr. Steensma's follow up findings reaffirmed by other studies that found 'children who meet the clinical guidelines for gender dysphoria are as consistent in their gender identity as the general population."

Gender Cognition in Transgender Children

Here's contradiction by the DSM. dysphoria fact sheet.pdf

Here's contradiction by the American Psychological Association

Another study debunking the 'desistance' claims of the fringe right ACP:

A study refuting the claims of the fringe right ACP regarding homone blocking, finding instead a positive effect on the psychological health of said children, with no significant permanent consequences or side effects:

Young Adult Psychological Outcome After Puberty Suppression and Gender Reassignment | Articles | Pediatrics

With the Endrocrine Society in a research study of the effects of hormones on chilren with gender dysphoria found that depression and anxiety improve greatly with recognition and treatment of gender dysphoria.

With the very researcher cited above regarding 'regret rates', even the author of the study was frustrated with the way it was misrepresented. As the conclusions that are drawn by the fringe right ACP are explicitly contradicted by the study:

For the purpose of evaluating whether sex reassignment is an effective treatment for gender dysphoria, it is reasonable to compare reported gender dysphoria pre and post treatment. Such studies have been conducted either prospectively or retrospectively, and suggest that sex reassignment of transsexual persons improves quality of life and gender dysphoria.

Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden

Here's the interview where Dr. Dhejne herself personally shreds the misrepresentations of her study by people like the fringe right ACP:

Fact check: study shows transition makes trans people suicidal

And her follow up study that found that regret rates for those who had gender reassignment surgery between 1970 and 2001.....were only 2.2%. Again, this is your own source.

An Analysis of All Applications for Sex Reassignment Surgery in Sweden, 1960-2010: Prevalence, Incidence, and Regrets

With the 'regret rate' for those who had surgery between 2001-2010 only 0.3%. This too from your own source.

With regret rates of about 1% affirmed here:

Sex reassignment: outcomes and predictors of treatment for adolescent and adult transsexuals. - PubMed - NCBI

With studies showing NONE of the participants regretted their transition (that's a 0.0% regret rate)

Male-to-female transsexualism: a technique, results and long-term follow-up in 66 patients. - PubMed - NCBI

And again, 0.0% regret rate:

Long-term follow-up: psychosocial outcome of Belgian transsexuals after sex reassignment surgery

With a 2015 study finding that transitioning improves quality of life for most, with regret being quite rare:

[Effect of sex reassignment on mental well-being and quality of life]. - PubMed - NCBI

This finding reaffirmed in another 2015 study:

With yet another study confirming positive outcomes from transitioning:

Long-Term Follow-Up of Adults with Gender Identity Disorder - Springer

And another....

With the fringe right ACP's conclusions regarding the effects of hormone therapy contradicted by two more studies, both finding found that individuals who receive treatment not only are better-off than those who didn’t but are not significantly different in daily functioning than the general population:

Murad 2010 said:
Male-to-female and FM individuals had the same psychological functioning level as measured by the Symptom Checklist inventory (SCL-90), which was also similar to the psychological functioning level of the normal population and better than that of untreated individuals with GID....

Hormonal therapy and sex reassignment: a systematic review and meta-analysis of quality of life and psychosocial outcomes - Murad - 2009 - Clinical Endocrinology - Wiley Online Library

Ainsworth 2011 said:
The mental health quality of life of trans women without surgical intervention was significantly lower compared to the general population, while those transwomen who received FFS, GRS, or both had mental health quality of life scores not significantly different from the general female population.

Quality of life of individuals with and without facial feminization surgery or gender reassignment surgery. - PubMed - NCBI

The fringe right ACP is overwhelmingly contradicted by study after study, many of them the very studies cited by the ACP that were outrageously and intentionally misrepresented.

But then, that's what you get when you have a fringe right religious group trying to push their theistic agenda posing as a pediatric association. Which might explain why they've managed between 60 and 200 members in total.
A fringe group of 60 hardly counts as peer reviewed anything. Neither does the opinion of a disgraced physician who's been disowned by his former colleagues in the DSM and APA. Don't you have something better to cite than conspiracy theories?
Do you have something better than ad hominems and diversions? Like a link to a publicized rebuttal to the pronouncement in the OP? I think there are more than 60 people at Johns Hopkins BTW..

Every point raised in the OP is already rebutted. With links to literally dozens of studies. Many of them your very own sources. So you ignore them too.

Keep pretending none of it exists, we'll keep laughing. Deal?

Remember,'re not here to be convinced of anything. You're here to demonstrate how desperately, willfully ignorant you and your ilk are. So much so.....that you've ignored your own sources.

And you never did address his point: A fringe group of 60 hardly counts as peer reviewed anything.
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Regardless of anything, the brainwashing of children into thinking that their gender doesn't match their body somehow, is a huge unforgivable sin that will place a human beings soul into a second death situation with God himself. It would be better to place a talent around ones neck, and to sink oneself to the bottom of the ocean, than it would be to teach a child to sin.
Regardless of anything, the brainwashing of children into thinking that their gender doesn't match their body somehow, is a huge unforgivable sin that will place a human beings soul into a second death situation with God himself. It would be better to place a talent around ones neck, and to sink oneself to the bottom of the ocean, than it would be to teach a child to sin.
There's that aspect and just the grotesque perversion of common sense; which is I'm sure the root of the objection of Johns Hopkins to performing "sex change operations". There is no such thing in realistic fact.

You don't amputate healthy body parts in order to "heal" a broken mind. Any doctor so doing should have himself checked into a mental hospital...or a prison if doing so with the full knowledge of what he's doing violates the hippocratic oath...and he's doing it for profit..
This is very problematic for the liberals who think that boys should be teached to be girls and gender doesn't exist. (Which in itself makes as much sense as a square circle --- but being rational is not the purpose of this ideology).

For a love of god, don't chop of your penises prematurely. You might grow a pair after all, once the marxist indoctrination wears off.
Ignore as you will. It doesn't matter either way. As you were never the audience for the evidence that destroy yours claims.

There's nothing yet to ignore. You haven't provided a link to any subsequent statements since March 21, 2016's OP announcement denouncing the content by a peer outfit. This is a BREAKING announcement. Did you read the title to the thread?

Again, I'm sure you could cite all sorts of outdated psyche material on "how lobotomies are good for mental patients" but the more recent and cutting edge practices would stand in complete contrast to those findings. Please find some CURRENT rebuttals to the OP. Thanks! And post a link when you find them..
A fringe group of 60 hardly counts as peer reviewed anything. Neither does the opinion of a disgraced physician who's been disowned by his former colleagues in the DSM and APA. Don't you have something better to cite than conspiracy theories?
Do you have something better than ad hominems and diversions? Like a link to a publicized rebuttal to the pronouncement in the OP? I think there are more than 60 people at Johns Hopkins BTW..
But Hopkins never said anything? Post a statement from the institution if I'm wrong.

Please tell me you aren't so desperate to be right that you want us to ignore the lack of a statement and pretend your heroes really are helping you.
This is very problematic for the liberals who think that boys should be teached to be girls and gender doesn't exist. (Which in itself makes as much sense as a square circle --- but being rational is not the purpose of this ideology).

For a love of god, don't chop of your penises prematurely. You might grow a pair after all, once the marxist indoctrination wears off.

I think the first thing that boys should be 'teached' is the word 'taught'.
Regardless of anything, the brainwashing of children into thinking that their gender doesn't match their body somehow, is a huge unforgivable sin that will place a human beings soul into a second death situation with God himself. It would be better to place a talent around ones neck, and to sink oneself to the bottom of the ocean, than it would be to teach a child to sin.

And who, pray tell, says that the children are being 'brainwashed'?

And whose God? If you're going to use your 'god' as evidence, you'll have to be far more specific with far better evidence.
This is very problematic for the liberals who think that boys should be teached to be girls and gender doesn't exist. (Which in itself makes as much sense as a square circle --- but being rational is not the purpose of this ideology).

For a love of god, don't chop of your penises prematurely. You might grow a pair after all, once the marxist indoctrination wears off.

I think the first thing that boys should be 'teached' is the word 'taught'.

Well, maybe in the USA. But then, not everyone is born in the USA, you racist.

Liberal tolerance at work.
And who do you think you are to demand anything of me ? I made a statement, and I am sticking by it... Deal with it..
Regardless of anything, the brainwashing of children into thinking that their gender doesn't match their body somehow, is a huge unforgivable sin that will place a human beings soul into a second death situation with God himself. It would be better to place a talent around ones neck, and to sink oneself to the bottom of the ocean, than it would be to teach a child to sin.

And who, pray tell, says that the children are being 'brainwashed'?

And whose God? If you're going to use your 'god' as evidence, you'll have to be far more specific with far better evidence.
But Hopkins never said anything? Post a statement from the institution if I'm wrong.


I've got one better. Since the article from OP is signed and co-authored by a man who identifies himself as the chief psychiatrist emeritus of Johns Hopkins, direct me to a lawsuit or a link of a formal publication where they denounce this man claiming an attachment to them still and making the proclamation that he did.

The fact is that you can't. And the reason you can't is because Johns Hopkins as a UNIT decided to discontinue gender-reassignment because they felt as a UNIT that amputating healthy organs to try to complete or cure a mental delusion is against the hippocratic oath.
In 1965, the Hopkins Hospital became the first academic institution in the United States to perform sex reassignment surgeries. Now also known by names like genital reconstruction surgery and sex realignment surgery, the procedures were perceived as radical and attracted attention from The New York Times and tabloids alike. But they were conducted for experimental, not political, reasons. Regardless, as the first place in the country where doctors and researchers could go to learn about sex reassignment surgery, Hopkins became the model for other institutions. But in 1979, Hopkins stopped performing the surgeries and never resumed... Hopkins Hospital: a history of sex reassignment | The Johns Hopkins News-Letter

Johns Hopkins was the pioneer and leading academic institution training gender-reassignment specialists for years. Then after finding that amputating healthy body parts was counter to the patient's long term health, they stopped doing them. Smart move. Many patients who get hacked up report in moments of quiet honesty that they are now "neither male nor female". Their angst and anxiety is not alleviated and commonly they get to add sexual numbness and urinary incontinence to their previous depression, which is still not cured.

And that, friends, is where malpractice lawsuits come from. Smart move discontinuing.
In 1965, the Hopkins Hospital became the first academic institution in the United States to perform sex reassignment surgeries. Now also known by names like genital reconstruction surgery and sex realignment surgery, the procedures were perceived as radical and attracted attention from The New York Times and tabloids alike. But they were conducted for experimental, not political, reasons. Regardless, as the first place in the country where doctors and researchers could go to learn about sex reassignment surgery, Hopkins became the model for other institutions. But in 1979, Hopkins stopped performing the surgeries and never resumed... Hopkins Hospital: a history of sex reassignment | The Johns Hopkins News-Letter

Johns Hopkins was the.

What Johns Hopkins wasn't doing was denouncing sex change procedures.

That was just another of your lies.

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