BREAKING: Johns Hopkins & American College of Pediatricians Formerly Denounce Sex-Change Procedures

The fact is that John Hopkins never denounced sex change operations- your entire thread is a lie.

I know you hate this, but let's examine the evidence.

1. Johns Hopkins, former leader in sex "change" operations and research suddenly stops doing them in the 1970s.

2. Johns Hopkins CHIEF psychiatrist goes out on the road telling people they stopped doing the macabre procedures because amputating healthy organs to try to cure mental illness is unethical.

3. To date, Johns Hopkins has not denounced their CHIEF psychiatrist's very public and often published assessment, signing his name as "Chief psychiatrist of Johns Hopkins" or emeritus of said.

4. Ergo, Johns Hopkins tacitly agrees that their chief psychiatrist is correct.
  1. You claimed that Johns Hopkins denounces sex change operations
  2. Johns Hopkins never denounced sex change operations
  3. You lied
  4. Again.
1. They DO! They were the leader of them and then abruptly stopped doing them in the 1970s because of ethical reasons saying they accomplish nothing but amputation of healthy organs.

2. They DID!! See #1. Ceasing any and all sex change operations when they used to lead the country on them is de facto denouncement.!

3. No, you lied.

4. Again.
  1. You claimed that Johns Hopkins denounces sex change operations
  2. Johns Hopkins never denounced sex change operations
  3. You lied
  4. Again.

2. They DID!!\.


So far all you have provided is an announcement by another organization entirely- that happens to include an employee of Johns Hopkins.

Johns Hopkins has never denounced sex change operations.

You just lied

  1. You claimed that Johns Hopkins denounces sex change operations
  2. Johns Hopkins never denounced sex change operations
  3. You lied
  4. Again.

2. They DID!!\.


So far all you have provided is an announcement by another organization entirely- that happens to include an employee of Johns Hopkins.

Johns Hopkins has never denounced sex change operations.

You just lied

. Well maybe they wouldn't announce it directly as an institution, and all because of possible retribution being brought to bear against them, so indirectly would be better than directly if they finally realized the wrong in it all, especially after following the twisted logic in which they may have agreed to early on, but then sorely regretted later.
Johns Hopkins, for a FACT stopped doing "sex change" operations in the 1970s. Before then they were the nation's leader in "sex change" operations. Their CHIEF Psychiatrist stated that the reason they stopped was because amputating healthy body parts for a non-productive outcome was against ethics. So they quit.

Indisputable, cold, hard fact. And if they still do "sex change" operations, direct me to the link. Every program at a hospital doing business has at least some chain of internet contact. A link. I'm waiting for a link Syriusly..
And who do you think you are to demand anything of me ? I made a statement, and I am sticking by it... Deal with it..
Regardless of anything, the brainwashing of children into thinking that their gender doesn't match their body somehow, is a huge unforgivable sin that will place a human beings soul into a second death situation with God himself. It would be better to place a talent around ones neck, and to sink oneself to the bottom of the ocean, than it would be to teach a child to sin.

And who, pray tell, says that the children are being 'brainwashed'?

And whose God? If you're going to use your 'god' as evidence, you'll have to be far more specific with far better evidence.

Translation: you can't back up a thing you said.

Though you did elegantly demonstrate why your ilk lost this debate in the national consciousness: you can't rationally defend your positions. All you can is fall back on the same vague 'Appeal to Authority' fallacy, pretending that you speak for god.

None of which you can actually back factually.
  1. You claimed that Johns Hopkins denounces sex change operations
  2. Johns Hopkins never denounced sex change operations
  3. You lied
  4. Again.

2. They DID!!\.


So far all you have provided is an announcement by another organization entirely- that happens to include an employee of Johns Hopkins.

Johns Hopkins has never denounced sex change operations.

You just lied

. Well maybe they wouldn't announce it directly as an institution, and all because of possible retribution being brought to bear against them, so indirectly would be better than directly if they finally realized the wrong in it all, especially after following the twisted logic in which they may have agreed to early on, but then sorely regretted later.

Or maybe they don't back the claim. What we do that they've never backed the claim. You're offering us pure speculation based on nothing.
In 1965, the Hopkins Hospital became the first academic institution in the United States to perform sex reassignment surgeries. Now also known by names like genital reconstruction surgery and sex realignment surgery, the procedures were perceived as radical and attracted attention from The New York Times and tabloids alike. But they were conducted for experimental, not political, reasons. Regardless, as the first place in the country where doctors and researchers could go to learn about sex reassignment surgery, Hopkins became the model for other institutions. But in 1979, Hopkins stopped performing the surgeries and never resumed... Hopkins Hospital: a history of sex reassignment | The Johns Hopkins News-Letter

Johns Hopkins was the pioneer and leading academic institution training gender-reassignment specialists for years. Then after finding that amputating healthy body parts was counter to the patient's long term health, they stopped doing them. Smart move. Many patients who get hacked up report in moments of quiet honesty that they are now "neither male nor female". Their angst and anxiety is not alleviated and commonly they get to add sexual numbness and urinary incontinence to their previous depression, which is still not cured.

Your own sources show a regret rate of about 2 to 3%. Roughly the regret rate of gastric bypass surgery.

Your own sources don't back your narrative. So you ignore your own sources.

But why would a rational person ignore what you do?

And that, friends, is where malpractice lawsuits come from. Smart move discontinuing.

That's adorable! After a literal *perfect* record of failure in predicting any legal outcome, with every prediction -without exception- that you've ever made on the law being laughably, comically,'re going to dip back into the same fetid sack of failure and offer us *another* lump of pseudo-legal gibberish?

Sil....seriously, you don't have the slightest clue how the law works. You're embarrassing yourself.
Johns Hopkins, for a FACT stopped doing "sex change" operations in the 1970s. Before then they were the nation's leader in "sex change" operations. Their CHIEF Psychiatrist stated that the reason they stopped was because amputating healthy body parts for a non-productive outcome was against ethics. So they quit.

Indisputable, cold, hard fact. And if they still do "sex change" operations, direct me to the link. Every program at a hospital doing business has at least some chain of internet contact. A link. I'm waiting for a link Syriusly..

Your thread states Breaking: John Hopkins denounces sex change procedures. John Hopkins has done no such thing. The man you're citing doesn't even work for John Hopkins. These are cold, hard facts. Yet you intentionally misrepresented them.

You lied.

You can't help but misrepresent your claims. I get the impression that there's still a part of you connected enough to reality to *want* to tell the truth. But its not strong enough to override your obsession with the LGBT community.

We'll be the voice for that part of you that still wants to tell the truth. Providing your posts with what you can't: the facts.
  1. You claimed that Johns Hopkins denounces sex change operations
  2. Johns Hopkins never denounced sex change operations
  3. You lied
  4. Again.
1. They DO! They were the leader of them and then abruptly stopped doing them in the 1970s because of ethical reasons saying they accomplish nothing but amputation of healthy organs.

That man doesn't work for John Hopkins. Nor is he a spokesperson for John Hopkins university. John Hopkins has never denounced sex change operations.

You're a liar.

2. They DID!! See #1. Ceasing any and all sex change operations when they used to lead the country on them is de facto denouncement.!

They never did.

Show us John Hopkins ever making the claim you did. You can' you're not quoting John Hopkins. You're offering us a quote from a former employee from last year. Then fallaciously claiming 'Breaking: John Hopkins denounce sex change procedure'

Nope. They never did. You're a liar.

THe question is why? I mean, its not like we can't check your claims. And you know you're lying you ass off. You certainly know we know you're lying your ass off. And you know we're going to call you on your lies. So why bother?

Is this just more of your thumbsucking? The same stupid, comforting lies you tell yourself to sooth the cognitive dissonance?
You know....:popcorn: ....I asked you for a link to the Johns Hopkins website to where they sign people up, direct people, link people, advise people or have any statements whatsoever about their alleged "sex change operation" (or any other number of names for that) at the Johns Hopkins website. You have not provided it. How hard would that be to "prove you are right" once and for all?
You know....:popcorn: ....I asked you for a link to the Johns Hopkins website to where they sign people up, direct people, link people, advise people or have any statements whatsoever about their alleged "sex change operation" (or any other number of names for that) at the Johns Hopkins website. You have not provided it. How hard would that be to "prove you are right" once and for all?

Perhaps you could show us a link of John Hopkins 'formerly' denouncing sex change procedures.

It being 'breaking news' and all.
Hope this helps Skylar


JHMN: Sexual Healing

The Hopkins sex clinic got started back in 1971, when Schmidt, who was treating a couple of patients grappling with sexual problems, consulted with psychoanalyst Jon Meyer, M.D., and other colleagues specializing in classical Freudian analysis. The group agreed that while analysis was useful, it didn’t help resolve sex problems. At just about the same moment, Masters and Johnson’s landmark research put them on the covers of Time and Newsweek, and the onset of the sexual revolution in the late ’60s sparked a wave of activism. Thus was born the Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit.

Soon after that low-key beginning, the unit found itself in the midst of a national brouhaha over one of the field’s most controversial topics—gender reassignment surgery. Hopkins’ involvement with the procedure dated to 1960, when surgeons removed both breasts from a woman who wanted to become male. Then, during the ’70s, John Money, Ph.D., now an emeritus faculty member, developed an international reputation for his pioneering studies identifying the condition of transsexualism. A Hopkins committee began to screen applicants for gender reassignment surgery, and the unit began seeing candidates through the lengthy preparation process.

Controversy over sex-change surgery at Hopkins raged, both in the media and inside the institution. “This was taking place at a very conservative place and in a highly charged atmosphere,” Schmidt recalls. “It’s pretty rough surgery; some people consider it mutilating. And, of course, the scientific side of it is pretty damn weak.”

Finally, in 1979, the unit’s then-director, Meyer, published a study questioning certain benefits of the surgery that helped convince the Hopkins hierarchy to eliminate its sex reassignment program entirely. But that early foray into gender reassignment here has maintained a long media shelf life. Before a recent case conference, Strand passed around a copy of a New Yorker essay containing a sex-change joke punctuated with a reference to Hopkins; it was published last May, nearly two decades after the Hospital last performed such surgery.

To psychiatrist Wise, who’s been with the sex unit since 1974, its strength lies in a set of practices poles away from the New Yorker portrayal. Not being “buffeted about” by all the societal changes of the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s on issues like gender dysphoria is one of the qualities that makes this group stand out, he says. Without looking beyond mainstream America, the unit’s been able to see thousands of men and women through deep sexual conflicts.

Hope this helps Skylar


JHMN: Sexual Healing

The Hopkins sex clinic got started back in 1971, when Schmidt, who was treating a couple of patients grappling with sexual problems, consulted with psychoanalyst Jon Meyer, M.D., and other colleagues specializing in classical Freudian analysis. The group agreed that while analysis was useful, it didn’t help resolve sex problems. At just about the same moment, Masters and Johnson’s landmark research put them on the covers of Time and Newsweek, and the onset of the sexual revolution in the late ’60s sparked a wave of activism. Thus was born the Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit.

Soon after that low-key beginning, the unit found itself in the midst of a national brouhaha over one of the field’s most controversial topics—gender reassignment surgery. Hopkins’ involvement with the procedure dated to 1960, when surgeons removed both breasts from a woman who wanted to become male. Then, during the ’70s, John Money, Ph.D., now an emeritus faculty member, developed an international reputation for his pioneering studies identifying the condition of transsexualism. A Hopkins committee began to screen applicants for gender reassignment surgery, and the unit began seeing candidates through the lengthy preparation process.

Controversy over sex-change surgery at Hopkins raged, both in the media and inside the institution. “This was taking place at a very conservative place and in a highly charged atmosphere,” Schmidt recalls. “It’s pretty rough surgery; some people consider it mutilating. And, of course, the scientific side of it is pretty damn weak.”

Finally, in 1979, the unit’s then-director, Meyer, published a study questioning certain benefits of the surgery that helped convince the Hopkins hierarchy to eliminate its sex reassignment program entirely. But that early foray into gender reassignment here has maintained a long media shelf life. Before a recent case conference, Strand passed around a copy of a New Yorker essay containing a sex-change joke punctuated with a reference to Hopkins; it was published last May, nearly two decades after the Hospital last performed such surgery.

To psychiatrist Wise, who’s been with the sex unit since 1974, its strength lies in a set of practices poles away from the New Yorker portrayal. Not being “buffeted about” by all the societal changes of the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s on issues like gender dysphoria is one of the qualities that makes this group stand out, he says. Without looking beyond mainstream America, the unit’s been able to see thousands of men and women through deep sexual conflicts.


That's not John Hopkins Medical Center denouncing anything. Show us the link to John Hopkins 'formerly' denouncing sex change operations.

And are you literally trying to claim that a study from 1979 is 'breaking news'?

That's a publication from Johns Hopkins saying that because there is no science to support it, they stopped doing gender reassignment. A publication is a formal statement, idiot.

Not going to make another post proving to you that the JOHNS HOPKINS PUBLICATION, Winter 1999 is in fact the Johns Hopkins Publication, Winter 1999. You either read and accept that they published the fact they no longer do sex change operations or you live with your head in the sand.

If you bleed out this page trying to bury the article and it's link, I'll repost it, as always.

Last edited:
That's a publication from Johns Hopkins saying that because there is no science to support it, they stopped doing gender reassignment. A publication is a formal statement, idiot.

That's not John Hopkins. That's not a quote from John Hopkins. That's not John Hopkins denouncing sex change operations. That's not 'breaking'. That's not even 'formerly'.

Show us a link to John Hopkins where they 'formerly' denouncing sex change operations.
Is it hard for you to click the link in post #294 Skylar?

I did. That's not John Hopkins 'formerly' denouncing sex change operations. That's not even 'breaking'......being an article from the 90s.....referencing a study from the 70s.

Show us a link to John Hopkins where they 'formerly' denouncing sex change operations.

Ohhhhh....but Obama and the LGBT community is going to be pissed and come after them!


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