BREAKING: Judicial Watch Files $30 Million Wrongful Death Lawsuit against U.S. Government on Behalf of Ashli Babbitt’s Husband and Estate

WATCH THE VIDEO, asshole, there is contiguous video of the entire episode linked in a thread here of her in the hall talking to capitol cops until she was unexpectedly shot, it even shows her dying in her own blood. Do tell me just what she was doing that warranted death when not a single other shot was fired that day even at the people tearing down the police barricades and breaking into the building.

HERE IT IS, Motherfucker, here is the complete video of her dying, starting at 44:00 minutes in. Go ahead, tell my why this dear woman who served her country in the military and fought for our country as a patriot deserved and needed to die that day:

This jackass Byrd with a history of unstable behavior could have just as easily fired a round into the ceiling as a warning. He gave no warning. There were no weapons but his. I hope the Babbit family hounds that coward balless cocksucker to partitions flames and take everything he hold dear.

Unneccessary shot period. At least 6 armed police behind her. While she stuck her head through she was not a lethal threat.

Get a non rigged jury...Judicial Watch gonna rip them a new one in court.

Simple case. Was she a lethal threat when shot. Nope.

1-16.200 - DEADLY FORCE​

  1. Law enforcement officers and correctional officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person.
    1. Deadly force may not be used solely to prevent the escape of a fleeing suspect.
    2. Firearms may not be discharged solely to disable moving vehicles. Specifically, firearms may not be discharged at a moving vehicle unless: (1) a person in the vehicle is threatening the officer or another person with deadly force by means other than the vehicle; or (2) the vehicle is operated in a manner that threatens to cause death or serious physical injury to the officer or others, and no other objectively reasonable means of defense appear to exist, which includes moving out of the path of the vehicle. Firearms may not be discharged from a moving vehicle except in exigent circumstances. In these situations, an officer must have an articulable reason for this use of deadly force.
    3. If feasible and if to do so would not increase the danger to the officer or others, a verbal warning to submit to the authority of the officer shall be given prior to the use of deadly force.
    4. Warning shots are not permitted outside of the prison context.
    5. Officers will be trained in alternative methods and tactics for handling resisting subjects, which must be used when the use of deadly force is not authorized by this policy.
    6. Deadly force should not be used against persons whose actions are a threat solely to themselves or property unless an individual poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others in close proximity.
[updated July 2022]

The lawsuit further states:

Lt. Byrd, who is a USCP commander and was the incident commander for the House on January 6, 2021, shot Ashli as she raised herself up into the opening of the right door sidelight.… Not one member of Congress was in the lobby, which was guarded by multiple armed police officers. Additional armed police officers were in the hallway outside the lobby and/or on the adjoining stairway. Ashli could not have seen Lt. Byrd, who was positioned far to Ashli’s left and on the opposite side of the doors, near an opening to the Retiring Room, a distance of approximately 15 feet and an angle of approximately 160 degrees. Sgt. Timothy Lively, one of the armed officers guarding the lobby doors from the hallway, later told officials investigating the shooting, “I saw him . . . there was no way that woman would’ve seen that.” Lt. Byrd, who was not in uniform, did not identify himself as a police officer or otherwise make his presence known to Ashli. Lt. Byrd did not give Ashli any warnings or commands before shooting her dead.
WATCH THE VIDEO, asshole, there is contiguous video of the entire episode linked in a thread here of her in the hall talking to capitol cops until she was unexpectedly shot, it even shows her dying in her own blood. Do tell me just what she was doing that warranted death when not a single other shot was fired that day even at the people tearing down the police barricades and breaking into the building.

HERE IT IS, Motherfucker, here is the complete video of her dying, starting at 44:00 minutes in. Go ahead, tell my why this dear woman who served her country in the military and fought for our country as a patriot deserved and needed to die that day:

This jackass Byrd with a history of unstable behavior could have just as easily fired a round into the ceiling as a warning. He gave no warning. There were no weapons but his. I hope the Babbit family hounds that coward balless cocksucker to partitions flames and take everything he hold dear.

I see her being helped up to climb thru the broken window.....the cowards lifting her making her the sacrificial lamb for their MAGAt riot. Were you there? Did you answer the call of your orange jesus?
She shouldn't have been the only one shot. The reason why so many officers were injured was because they were too gentle.
Well, fire hoses and rubber bullets used early on might have saved a few MAGAt lives.
Unneccessary shot period. At least 6 armed police behind her. While she stuck her head through she was not a lethal threat.

Get a non rigged jury...Judicial Watch gonna rip them a new one in court.

Simple case. Was she a lethal threat when shot. Nope.

Was it justified to shoot her? No. Is there any way to win that argument when she was breaking into the Capital Building? No.
Temporarily locked for thread cleanup.

This thread is going off the rails with flaming and off topic comments.

When it is reopened, stay on topic and stop the flaming or the next step will be thread bans.
Reopened after removing multiple off topic posts and personal attacks.

This exercise will not be repeated, so please stay on topic.

Thank you.
She's a tragic symbol -- perhaps THE tragic symbol -- of what the Big Orange Lie has caused.

The only lie here is that there is no lie at all. The 2020 election was improper and illegal, proven on a hundred different levels. It was illegal for several states to certify their counts. There was massive amounts of Zuckerbucks dumped into helping to corrupt the election through dozens of shadow organizations. All of the irregularities and illegalities were immediately covered up. There was widespread effort both by government and media alike to suppress and discount all questions into the election. Nearly all court challenges went dismissed, discounted and uninvestigated. Then three years ago today when Biden's illegal, criminal coup enterprise looked to be shoehorned through unchallenged, a bunch of groups and people met in Washington to protest it.

Ray Epps repeatedly worked for 24 hours to try to incite the crowd. That is all on video. Then the inept cap. police, who admitted they were set up and unprepared laid down the final aggression: they began the reverse of crowd control violating many laws firing rounds of rubber bullets and smoke/gas grenades into the crowd improperly, most of which came back to gas themselves instead.

There were no warnings given, the crowd saw none of the signs, and now inflamed by both Epps and the police, they advanced in when the police moved back into the building to get away from their own gas, and the rest is history. Three people died outside of health and stress related events, a handful of people broke entrance into the building, while police allowed the rest in until finally, an unarmed woman was shot and murdered for no good reason by an unhinged coward.

24 minutes after it all started, Trump issued his first of three tweets urging people to back down. Lots of people went inside and for the most part were peaceful while a few were destructive to minor property, delaying the unholy procedure for a few hours.

Joe Biden's election began with a crime-filled takeover of our election system, his certification came on the death of several others, his inauguration occurred on the blood-soaked steps where a woman lied dead, and the past three years since have been an unmitigated assault on the very underpinnings of this once great country.

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