BREAKING: Kremlin says no chance of peace with Kiev after Zelensky's Washington performance

Z was wearing his Army camo BDU outfit as though he just left the battlefield to take time to fly to DC lol. Useful idiot leftists suck it all up.

I feel a teeny weeny bit of sympathy with our pint sized , coke snorting scammer .
He has got himself a $35 million mansion in Florida and a billion plus dollars stashed off-shore .

But he cannot now change the narrative because his Nazi masters will never allow that .
And the CIA will hunt him down for breaking promises if he did get over the border .
And his own military will want him suicided when they are obliterated by the winter offensive and need someone to accept terms from dear Uncle P .

No wonder he snorts himself silly every possible opportunity . .Probably only Kolomoskyi can save him which means he will have to skulk under guard probably in Cyprus or Israel .

Kremlin says no chance of peace with Kiev after Zelensky's Washington performance​

Can anyone really be surprised? It is almost like this administration is trying to do absolutely everything possible to extend this war as long, as deadly, and as costly as possible.
Can anyone really be surprised? It is almost like this administration is trying to do absolutely everything possible to extend this war as long, as deadly, and as costly as possible.
including trading in American medicare to support a foreign dictator

So will the Russians go all Hanoi with their Bombers and make Kiev a Modern Dresden ?
So will the Russians go all Hanoi with their Bombers and make Kiev a Modern Dresden ?
No, they are afraid of flying their planes over Ukraine. Except of using attack aircraft along the frontline.
I'm sure you do. That's how your mind works.

You are not Democrats anymore. And you do not realize it. Conservatism now is spewed as haters if an individual who is a parent is against the seedy side of towns and cities known as red light districts that are entrenched as the driving force in public schools with our young children the victims. I can only tell you that this is not going to be a permanent thing. The Russians and the Chinese who are competitors and who want to be number one themselves have warned us on what we are doing. Especially the Russians. China may have interfered and helped the Progs in that we now believe an 80-pound woman with muscular dystrophy can beat the shit out of a special forces buffed male. We are near totally woke. And the pressure on the men who do the real dirty work is increasing geometrically. And you are fools.
We have at least two more years of this shit. May as well get used to it.

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