BREAKING LEAK: Trump Hit with 34 Counts Related to Business Fraud!

I wonder how long before the lefties in here will show their faces, and ignore all these events AFTER this is thrown out?
Even if it isn't, and Trump is in prison, the media will report on what he's eating, reading, watching on TV, and how many dicks he had to suck that day. Then the left will be mad that he was able eat, watch TV, read anything, and have sexual relations while at the same time, bitch about quality of life for violent criminals in prison.
No no no....campaign money, was suppose to be used... Because it was campaign related, but it was not....

and the AG is NOT taking Cohen's word for it, documents that were turned over to prove it.... Whatever the it, is.... That is what is being said in our news....Cohen supplied the evidence to back him up.... because the AG did not trust Cohen.

I wish they would just tell us the exact charges already! All this speculating is truly for naught...
The hush money was to keep it from his wife. That's all Trump has to say. Cohen is a liar 6 times already. The other thing to remember is that the grand jury is not a jury in the real sense of the word. They only take the AG's information and not the person they are charging with crimes. I'd like to see the SCOTUS step in and save the people lots of time and money and look at the evidence and decide right now if there really is enough evidence. There is a definite abuse of power by the AG and there is supposed to be equal branches of government.
Cohen went to prison for exactly that. It was determined that Cohen defrauded the voters of information and skewed the election. The only difference is Cohen did it on the instructions of trump.
He went to prison for what? These are not the same conditions. Cohen went to prison for lying to the FBI. The money was not used from the campaign. It was used to keep Trump's extramarital affairs from Melanie.
The hush money was to keep it from his wife. That's all Trump has to say. Cohen is a liar 6 times already. The other thing to remember is that the grand jury is not a jury in the real sense of the word. They only take the AG's information and not the person they are charging with crimes. I'd like to see the SCOTUS step in and save the people lots of time and money and look at the evidence and decide right now if there really is enough evidence. There is a definite abuse of power by the AG and there is supposed to be equal branches of government.
He can say that, but its been shown she already knew.
He went to prison for what? These are not the same conditions. Cohen went to prison for lying to the FBI. The money was not used from the campaign. It was used to keep Trump's extramarital affairs from Melanie.
You should go back and read up on the case.
He can say that, but its been shown she already knew.
Most wives do know when their husbands are cheating on them. But, it was still hush money to hide from the wife. And, even if it were to keep it quiet during the election, that's not a crime either. Bill Clinton lied about not having sex with Monica and nothing happened to him. Hillary destroyed 30,000 emails that would have sunk her during the elections and nothing happened to her. The FBI refused to let the country know the Hunter Biden laptop was real and nothing happened to Joe Biden. Democrats and never-Trumpers are really pathetic when it comes to politics and double-standards.
Yes, and then he was acquitted.

Which is why the Feds passed on this Trump case - and a radical state DA has to resurrect it for political purposes.

Are you a total partisan hack, or just plain stupid?

I never can tell with you people.
We don't know what the indictment includes. I would be shocked if the evidence is no different than the Edward's case. Let's wait and see the charges, the evidence and how the trial plays out. If the evidence is very weak, Trump's legal team could ask for a dismissal
No one should make a conclusion on the case until it plays out.
No democrats felt Edward's indictment was a travesty. The legal system played. The ultimate facts come out and a decision was made.
The same should happen with Trump.

Trump lemmings defend every accusations of his wrong doing without any facts.
You idiots feel he can do wrong. He is your god but not most American's. Trump is another citizen, like the rest of us.

This could be one of many indictments Trump could receive. This is probably the least severe.
Trump has used money and power to avoid many prosecutions. Both criminal and civil.
Before he was President he was involved in 4000 law suits. Some brought by him, some against him. He has settled many. That is basically admitting guilt.
Kunstler nails it again.

" The New York Times enjoyed its long-delayed tantric Trumpgasm so much today that it rolled out the full-page banner headline format usually reserved for the commencement of world wars. (They took the banner down before seven o’clock this morning.) For many of the cat-ladies employed as “reporters” at the once-august paper, it was the first Trumpgasm they’ve ever experienced in a lifetime of emotional displacement, over-eating, and furious knitting of pink polyester hats for the crusade to root out patriarchal wickedness.

This fulfillment of a years-long psychodrama, starring the feared and loathed occult persona of a gold-coiffed “Daddy” figure who once presided in the political household, came at the hands of dragon-slayer Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, archetype of the many long-oppressed victims worked to death in the bilges of our slave ship of state — now turned righteous Woke deliverer of cosmic vengeance!

This oh-so-satisfying climax, of course, is brought to you by the party of hoaxes, flimflams, and mandated death shots, so it’s amusing here on the sidelines to see The Times’s op-ed writers squirm with post-coital pleasure underneath the full-page Trumpgasmic headline. The lead editorial declares: “Even Donald Trump Should Be Held Accountable”— overlooking the utter absence of accountability that has been the norm in every recent insult to the nation’s dignity from wholesale and repeat election fraud, to six years of lawless depravity in the FBI, to overt support of Antifa and BLM street havoc, to the forced, deceitful administration of deadly “vaccines.”

34 counts? That means Stormy Daniels got 34 payments. These are all misdemeanors!

And we have this!

Since there has been no indictment disclosed by the grand jury in New York there is no way of knowing the charges, only conjecture. Next week, Trump is scheduled to be arrested, fingerprinted, photographed, and charged. Only then will we know definitely the charges he faces.

In Georgia, a grand jury is considering a number charges against Trump and others in connection with the election.

A Federal Grand Jury is investigating Jan 6 and Trump involvement.

The DOJ is still investigation Trump's handling of classified documents and obstruction.

No doubt that these investigation will uncover a lot more than we already know.
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The hush money was to keep it from his wife. That's all Trump has to say. Cohen is a liar 6 times already. The other thing to remember is that the grand jury is not a jury in the real sense of the word. They only take the AG's information and not the person they are charging with crimes. I'd like to see the SCOTUS step in and save the people lots of time and money and look at the evidence and decide right now if there really is enough evidence. There is a definite abuse of power by the AG and there is supposed to be equal branches of government.
SCOTUS will not do anything until the case has be tried and adjudicated. If SCOTUS believed the constitution or federal laws may have been violated then they would probably hear the case assuming Trump appeals which he probably will it he loses. Depending on how fast this indictment is resolved, he may well be facing federal indictments and a Georgia indictment before this one is resolved.
Kunstler nails it again.

" The New York Times enjoyed its long-delayed tantric Trumpgasm so much today that it rolled out the full-page banner headline format usually reserved for the commencement of world wars. (They took the banner down before seven o’clock this morning.) For many of the cat-ladies employed as “reporters” at the once-august paper, it was the first Trumpgasm they’ve ever experienced in a lifetime of emotional displacement, over-eating, and furious knitting of pink polyester hats for the crusade to root out patriarchal wickedness.

This fulfillment of a years-long psychodrama, starring the feared and loathed occult persona of a gold-coiffed “Daddy” figure who once presided in the political household, came at the hands of dragon-slayer Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, archetype of the many long-oppressed victims worked to death in the bilges of our slave ship of state — now turned righteous Woke deliverer of cosmic vengeance!

This oh-so-satisfying climax, of course, is brought to you by the party of hoaxes, flimflams, and mandated death shots, so it’s amusing here on the sidelines to see The Times’s op-ed writers squirm with post-coital pleasure underneath the full-page Trumpgasmic headline. The lead editorial declares: “Even Donald Trump Should Be Held Accountable”— overlooking the utter absence of accountability that has been the norm in every recent insult to the nation’s dignity from wholesale and repeat election fraud, to six years of lawless depravity in the FBI, to overt support of Antifa and BLM street havoc, to the forced, deceitful administration of deadly “vaccines.”

The indictment of an ex-president is news, big new. All the major networks including Fox are giving this story a lot of coverage. It will be interesting to see what happens next. Will he surrender himself next week or hide in his home waiting to be arrested. I would think a picture of Trump holding his handcuff hands up would go over really big with supporters.
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Well, yeah, its trump. He thrives in chaos and ratings are off the charts when he's around.
People think the Media hates Trump but in reality they love him. Trump drives ratings up, sales of newspapers, and provides late night comedians more material than all other politicians combined.
Most wives do know when their husbands are cheating on them. But, it was still hush money to hide from the wife. And, even if it were to keep it quiet during the election, that's not a crime either. Bill Clinton lied about not having sex with Monica and nothing happened to him. Hillary destroyed 30,000 emails that would have sunk her during the elections and nothing happened to her. The FBI refused to let the country know the Hunter Biden laptop was real and nothing happened to Joe Biden. Democrats and never-Trumpers are really pathetic when it comes to politics and double-standards.
It's a dumb excuse anyway. Consider this. Cohen plead guilty to tax evasion and campaign-finance violations. Everything he was guilty of was at the direction of trump.
Nothing to read up on. Cohen is a liar 6 times over. Trump did not direct or use campaign money. This is all a political witch hunt and will backfire on Democrats nationwide.
You should hold your breath for that to happen.
SCOTUS will not do anything until the case has be tried and adjudicated. If SCOTUS believed the constitution or federal laws may have been violated then they would probably hear the case assuming Trump appeals which he probably will it he loses. Depending on how fast this indictment is resolved, he may well be facing federal indictments and a Georgia indictment before this one is resolved.
All that is garbage too. The AG better get the court going fast. If it drags past the election in 2024, Trump can still run for president and he will be the Martyr and win.
It's a dumb excuse anyway. Consider this. Cohen plead guilty to tax evasion and campaign-finance violations. Everything he was guilty of was at the direction of trump.
That's what you believe but you are wrong, of course.

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