Breaking! Loretta Lynch Turns Against And Torches James Comey----Releases Official Statement

Aren't you.people exited about this? The deep state coup players are turning against one another ratting each other out. They know the gig is up.

Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Republican BS

In her statement Sunday, Lynch said: "At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC."
In the book, Comey also says Lynch asked him to call the Clinton email probe "a matter" instead of an investigation, which to him seemed to align with the Clinton campaigns use of euphemisms to avoid using the word "investigation," he wrote.
In her statement, Lynch defended her approach, saying that in her decades as a federal prosecutor, "I have never hesitated to make the hard decisions, guided by the Department of Justice's core principles of integrity, independence and above all, always doing the right thing.
"The Justice Department's handling of the Clinton email investigation under my leadership was no exception," she said. "It was led by a team of non-partisan career prosecutors whose integrity cannot be overstated and whom I trusted to assess the facts and make a recommendation -- one that I ultimately accepted because I thought the evidence and law warranted it."
Lynch, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, told NBC News last week that Comey didn't appear concerned by the decision to call Clinton investigation a "matter," saying that meeting was "like any other we had where we talked about the issues. We had a full and open discussion about it," and Comey never raised concerns.

You know that she's lying, right?
The gatewaypundit? Fake news.
Aren't you.people exited about this? The deep state coup players are turning against one another ratting each other out. They know the gig is up.

Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Republican BS

In her statement Sunday, Lynch said: "At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC."
In the book, Comey also says Lynch asked him to call the Clinton email probe "a matter" instead of an investigation, which to him seemed to align with the Clinton campaigns use of euphemisms to avoid using the word "investigation," he wrote.
In her statement, Lynch defended her approach, saying that in her decades as a federal prosecutor, "I have never hesitated to make the hard decisions, guided by the Department of Justice's core principles of integrity, independence and above all, always doing the right thing.
"The Justice Department's handling of the Clinton email investigation under my leadership was no exception," she said. "It was led by a team of non-partisan career prosecutors whose integrity cannot be overstated and whom I trusted to assess the facts and make a recommendation -- one that I ultimately accepted because I thought the evidence and law warranted it."
Lynch, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, told NBC News last week that Comey didn't appear concerned by the decision to call Clinton investigation a "matter," saying that meeting was "like any other we had where we talked about the issues. We had a full and open discussion about it," and Comey never raised concerns.

Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Comey BS

“It is entirely possible that because I was making decisions in an environment where Hillary Clinton was sure to be the next president, my concern about making her an illegitimate president by concealing the restarted investigation bore greater weight than it would have if the election appeared closer or if Donald Trump were ahead in all polls.” Comey. Either Comey or Lynch is lying. Get them under oath, send in 82nd Airborne to get their emails and paper from their attorneys
The only LIAR is that Moron TRUMP
You know trump?
I know enough about him to Girlie a RED HOT POKER UP HIS LYING ASS.....but even that is not enough for this WIMP who is destroying the USA
what is it you know? please, enlighten me. you feel your soooooo knowledgeable about the man. Please have at it. And what does it have to do with Loretta Lynch?
Aren't you.people exited about this? The deep state coup players are turning against one another ratting each other out. They know the gig is up.

Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Republican BS

In her statement Sunday, Lynch said: "At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC."
In the book, Comey also says Lynch asked him to call the Clinton email probe "a matter" instead of an investigation, which to him seemed to align with the Clinton campaigns use of euphemisms to avoid using the word "investigation," he wrote.
In her statement, Lynch defended her approach, saying that in her decades as a federal prosecutor, "I have never hesitated to make the hard decisions, guided by the Department of Justice's core principles of integrity, independence and above all, always doing the right thing.
"The Justice Department's handling of the Clinton email investigation under my leadership was no exception," she said. "It was led by a team of non-partisan career prosecutors whose integrity cannot be overstated and whom I trusted to assess the facts and make a recommendation -- one that I ultimately accepted because I thought the evidence and law warranted it."
Lynch, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, told NBC News last week that Comey didn't appear concerned by the decision to call Clinton investigation a "matter," saying that meeting was "like any other we had where we talked about the issues. We had a full and open discussion about it," and Comey never raised concerns.

I’m sure that explains the necessity of a private tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton, where Comey soon after changed the nature of the investigation. I do believe Coney was the first to put Mrs. Lynch under the bus on this. Who had the greater authority between the two? Loretta Lynch is just trying to save face as she waiting until James Comey came forward, to agree to make a statement.

Comey: Then-Atty. Gen. Lynch urged that the Hillary Clinton email probe be called a 'matter,' not 'investigation'

I love how you right wingers get your panties in a knot about Lynch asking Comey to refer to the Trey Gowdy’s email witch hunt as a “matter”.

Did she ask him to deny Clinton was under investigation? No.

Did she ask him to drop the Investigation? No.

Did she ask him to “go easy” on Hillary? No.

Such is the extent of your desperation to find something shady about this discussion that you keep trying to portray this as sinister.

But Trump asking Comey to swear loyalty to him is fine. Trump asking Comey to “let Flynn go”, isn’t obstruction, and firing Comey for his refusal is no big deal.

you know the answers to these questions? again, you, a left, think you know the answers when you weren't there. amazing the knowledge you all possess.
Aren't you.people exited about this? The deep state coup players are turning against one another ratting each other out. They know the gig is up.

Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Republican BS

In her statement Sunday, Lynch said: "At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC."
In the book, Comey also says Lynch asked him to call the Clinton email probe "a matter" instead of an investigation, which to him seemed to align with the Clinton campaigns use of euphemisms to avoid using the word "investigation," he wrote.
In her statement, Lynch defended her approach, saying that in her decades as a federal prosecutor, "I have never hesitated to make the hard decisions, guided by the Department of Justice's core principles of integrity, independence and above all, always doing the right thing.
"The Justice Department's handling of the Clinton email investigation under my leadership was no exception," she said. "It was led by a team of non-partisan career prosecutors whose integrity cannot be overstated and whom I trusted to assess the facts and make a recommendation -- one that I ultimately accepted because I thought the evidence and law warranted it."
Lynch, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, told NBC News last week that Comey didn't appear concerned by the decision to call Clinton investigation a "matter," saying that meeting was "like any other we had where we talked about the issues. We had a full and open discussion about it," and Comey never raised concerns.

I’m sure that explains the necessity of a private tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton, where Comey soon after changed the nature of the investigation. I do believe Coney was the first to put Mrs. Lynch under the bus on this. Who had the greater authority between the two? Loretta Lynch is just trying to save face as she waiting until James Comey came forward, to agree to make a statement.

Comey: Then-Atty. Gen. Lynch urged that the Hillary Clinton email probe be called a 'matter,' not 'investigation'

I love how you right wingers get your panties in a knot about Lynch asking Comey to refer to the Trey Gowdy’s email witch hunt as a “matter”.

Did she ask him to deny Clinton was under investigation? No.

Did she ask him to drop the Investigation? No.

Did she ask him to “go easy” on Hillary? No.

Such is the extent of your desperation to find something shady about this discussion that you keep trying to portray this as sinister.

But Trump asking Comey to swear loyalty to him is fine. Trump asking Comey to “let Flynn go”, isn’t obstruction, and firing Comey for his refusal is no big deal.

Bears quoting:
But Trump asking Comey to swear loyalty to him is fine. Trump asking Comey to “let Flynn go”, isn’t obstruction, and firing Comey for his refusal is no big deal.


You nailed it.
none of that is true. If it were we'd know it by now don't you think? What does that have to do with Loretta telling Comey to adjust his talking points? that isn't obstruction? LOL selective judgement I see.
Aren't you.people exited about this? The deep state coup players are turning against one another ratting each other out. They know the gig is up.

Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Republican BS

In her statement Sunday, Lynch said: "At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC."
In the book, Comey also says Lynch asked him to call the Clinton email probe "a matter" instead of an investigation, which to him seemed to align with the Clinton campaigns use of euphemisms to avoid using the word "investigation," he wrote.
In her statement, Lynch defended her approach, saying that in her decades as a federal prosecutor, "I have never hesitated to make the hard decisions, guided by the Department of Justice's core principles of integrity, independence and above all, always doing the right thing.
"The Justice Department's handling of the Clinton email investigation under my leadership was no exception," she said. "It was led by a team of non-partisan career prosecutors whose integrity cannot be overstated and whom I trusted to assess the facts and make a recommendation -- one that I ultimately accepted because I thought the evidence and law warranted it."
Lynch, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, told NBC News last week that Comey didn't appear concerned by the decision to call Clinton investigation a "matter," saying that meeting was "like any other we had where we talked about the issues. We had a full and open discussion about it," and Comey never raised concerns.

Notice she didn't say she didn't discuss the investigation with wild willie on the tarmac. I guess that was a bridge too far. LMAO


There's a lot of people that want James Comey torched--not only Republicans but Democrats too. His name is "Mudd" on both sides of the isle. He is the most incompetent--abohorrent FBI director in this nations history. He broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions over the Clinton email investigation, was warned by the DOJ that he was breaking protocol, and made a decision by himself to do it anyway. During all these interviews, he makes no apologies for it, but makes excuses.

Comey states: "I must have thought at the time, since Hillary Clinton was so far ahead in the polls, I would reopen the investigation, just so I could clear her again, so she wouldn't be known as an illegitimate President once she was elected, and the news broke that there were more emails on Anthony Wieners computer. That's basically his excuse for violating the Hatch Act in the Constitution. DOJ protocol specifically states to not release any information within 60 days of an election. Comey did it within 11 days. During that time millions of Americans voted believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton, and 7 days later Comey gave birth to a nothing burger.

Asked if he would make the same decision again, his answer is yes. Comey even used a Russian alterted document to attack Hillary Clinton with. When Lyndsey Graham found out about that, he had a conniption fit right on the senate floor.
'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey's 'breach of protocol'
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election


Rod Rosenstein wrote a very critical report over that, which is what Trump originally gave for firing Comey. But no one believed that story-- which basically was that Trump fired Comey in order to protect Hillary Clinton--:auiqs.jpg:

So Trump got on National T.V. and ended up admitting that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.

Trump was right to fire Comey--there is no doubt about it. The problem is he should have done it as soon as he walked into the Oval office, and not waited until after the Russian investigation was in the news. The only gratification I got was how Comey was fired. While he was giving a speech to surrogates in San Francisco--he got to read about his firing off of a ticker tape---:auiqs.jpg:

I will not buy James Comey's book to help with him with his retirement plans. I will not read about his loyalty to this country, when he can't even follow standard DOJ protocol. Comey has an ego that matches Trump's. They both think they're KINGS, and can do anything they want without any reprocussions.

There's a much better book out there anyway.


top seller on Amazon today. Very well written, easy to follow, hard to put down. Verified by credible trusted news sources and their reporting over the last year. Reads like a nonfiction spy novel.

All that spam and not one mention of the thread topic. How much are you paid to spam the board with all the crap?

so the thread is about loretta and Comey going at each other for the most part. the left came in here to shut the thread down by trolling the thread with off topic crap. Shame the mods aren't following along.
Aren't you.people exited about this? The deep state coup players are turning against one another ratting each other out. They know the gig is up.

Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Republican BS

In her statement Sunday, Lynch said: "At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC."
In the book, Comey also says Lynch asked him to call the Clinton email probe "a matter" instead of an investigation, which to him seemed to align with the Clinton campaigns use of euphemisms to avoid using the word "investigation," he wrote.
In her statement, Lynch defended her approach, saying that in her decades as a federal prosecutor, "I have never hesitated to make the hard decisions, guided by the Department of Justice's core principles of integrity, independence and above all, always doing the right thing.
"The Justice Department's handling of the Clinton email investigation under my leadership was no exception," she said. "It was led by a team of non-partisan career prosecutors whose integrity cannot be overstated and whom I trusted to assess the facts and make a recommendation -- one that I ultimately accepted because I thought the evidence and law warranted it."
Lynch, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, told NBC News last week that Comey didn't appear concerned by the decision to call Clinton investigation a "matter," saying that meeting was "like any other we had where we talked about the issues. We had a full and open discussion about it," and Comey never raised concerns.
NBC as your
As opposed to the Gateway Pundit??????????????

Fuking hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aren't you.people exited about this? The deep state coup players are turning against one another ratting each other out. They know the gig is up.

Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Republican BS

In her statement Sunday, Lynch said: "At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC."
In the book, Comey also says Lynch asked him to call the Clinton email probe "a matter" instead of an investigation, which to him seemed to align with the Clinton campaigns use of euphemisms to avoid using the word "investigation," he wrote.
In her statement, Lynch defended her approach, saying that in her decades as a federal prosecutor, "I have never hesitated to make the hard decisions, guided by the Department of Justice's core principles of integrity, independence and above all, always doing the right thing.
"The Justice Department's handling of the Clinton email investigation under my leadership was no exception," she said. "It was led by a team of non-partisan career prosecutors whose integrity cannot be overstated and whom I trusted to assess the facts and make a recommendation -- one that I ultimately accepted because I thought the evidence and law warranted it."
Lynch, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, told NBC News last week that Comey didn't appear concerned by the decision to call Clinton investigation a "matter," saying that meeting was "like any other we had where we talked about the issues. We had a full and open discussion about it," and Comey never raised concerns.
NBC as your
As opposed to the Gateway Pundit??????????????

Fuking hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gateway Pundit is not fake news like NBC.
Gateway Pundit is a charter member of FARM (Fake Alt Right Media) and is very, very biased against facts.
Aren't you.people exited about this? The deep state coup players are turning against one another ratting each other out. They know the gig is up.

Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Republican BS

In her statement Sunday, Lynch said: "At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC."
In the book, Comey also says Lynch asked him to call the Clinton email probe "a matter" instead of an investigation, which to him seemed to align with the Clinton campaigns use of euphemisms to avoid using the word "investigation," he wrote.
In her statement, Lynch defended her approach, saying that in her decades as a federal prosecutor, "I have never hesitated to make the hard decisions, guided by the Department of Justice's core principles of integrity, independence and above all, always doing the right thing.
"The Justice Department's handling of the Clinton email investigation under my leadership was no exception," she said. "It was led by a team of non-partisan career prosecutors whose integrity cannot be overstated and whom I trusted to assess the facts and make a recommendation -- one that I ultimately accepted because I thought the evidence and law warranted it."
Lynch, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, told NBC News last week that Comey didn't appear concerned by the decision to call Clinton investigation a "matter," saying that meeting was "like any other we had where we talked about the issues. We had a full and open discussion about it," and Comey never raised concerns.
Yes, we know Lynch spent an hour on an airport tarmac with Willie talking about grandchildren. It's so obvious.
Aren't you.people exited about this? The deep state coup players are turning against one another ratting each other out. They know the gig is up.

Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Republican BS

In her statement Sunday, Lynch said: "At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC."
In the book, Comey also says Lynch asked him to call the Clinton email probe "a matter" instead of an investigation, which to him seemed to align with the Clinton campaigns use of euphemisms to avoid using the word "investigation," he wrote.
In her statement, Lynch defended her approach, saying that in her decades as a federal prosecutor, "I have never hesitated to make the hard decisions, guided by the Department of Justice's core principles of integrity, independence and above all, always doing the right thing.
"The Justice Department's handling of the Clinton email investigation under my leadership was no exception," she said. "It was led by a team of non-partisan career prosecutors whose integrity cannot be overstated and whom I trusted to assess the facts and make a recommendation -- one that I ultimately accepted because I thought the evidence and law warranted it."
Lynch, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, told NBC News last week that Comey didn't appear concerned by the decision to call Clinton investigation a "matter," saying that meeting was "like any other we had where we talked about the issues. We had a full and open discussion about it," and Comey never raised concerns.
Yes, we know Lynch spent an hour on an airport tarmac with Willie talking about grandchildren. It's so obvious.
what loretta and Willie did is so normal for most average people eh?
Aren't you.people exited about this? The deep state coup players are turning against one another ratting each other out. They know the gig is up.

Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Republican BS

In her statement Sunday, Lynch said: "At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC."
In the book, Comey also says Lynch asked him to call the Clinton email probe "a matter" instead of an investigation, which to him seemed to align with the Clinton campaigns use of euphemisms to avoid using the word "investigation," he wrote.
In her statement, Lynch defended her approach, saying that in her decades as a federal prosecutor, "I have never hesitated to make the hard decisions, guided by the Department of Justice's core principles of integrity, independence and above all, always doing the right thing.
"The Justice Department's handling of the Clinton email investigation under my leadership was no exception," she said. "It was led by a team of non-partisan career prosecutors whose integrity cannot be overstated and whom I trusted to assess the facts and make a recommendation -- one that I ultimately accepted because I thought the evidence and law warranted it."
Lynch, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, told NBC News last week that Comey didn't appear concerned by the decision to call Clinton investigation a "matter," saying that meeting was "like any other we had where we talked about the issues. We had a full and open discussion about it," and Comey never raised concerns.
Yes, we know Lynch spent an hour on an airport tarmac with Willie talking about grandchildren. It's so obvious.
what loretta and Willie did is so normal for most average people eh?
Yes, of course. Almost everyone holds up airport traffic for an hour to discuss grandkids with people they hardly know.
Aren't you.people exited about this? The deep state coup players are turning against one another ratting each other out. They know the gig is up.

Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Republican BS

In her statement Sunday, Lynch said: "At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC."
In the book, Comey also says Lynch asked him to call the Clinton email probe "a matter" instead of an investigation, which to him seemed to align with the Clinton campaigns use of euphemisms to avoid using the word "investigation," he wrote.
In her statement, Lynch defended her approach, saying that in her decades as a federal prosecutor, "I have never hesitated to make the hard decisions, guided by the Department of Justice's core principles of integrity, independence and above all, always doing the right thing.
"The Justice Department's handling of the Clinton email investigation under my leadership was no exception," she said. "It was led by a team of non-partisan career prosecutors whose integrity cannot be overstated and whom I trusted to assess the facts and make a recommendation -- one that I ultimately accepted because I thought the evidence and law warranted it."
Lynch, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, told NBC News last week that Comey didn't appear concerned by the decision to call Clinton investigation a "matter," saying that meeting was "like any other we had where we talked about the issues. We had a full and open discussion about it," and Comey never raised concerns.
Yes, we know Lynch spent an hour on an airport tarmac with Willie talking about grandchildren. It's so obvious.
what loretta and Willie did is so normal for most average people eh?
Yes, of course. Almost everyone holds up airport traffic for an hour to discuss grandkids with people they hardly know.
loretta and Willie just had to, it was sooooo important to see each other's pictures and hear stories.
The liars are those who think they know what the two spoke about.

The desperation continues to grow for the alt right.
Aren't you.people exited about this? The deep state coup players are turning against one another ratting each other out. They know the gig is up.

Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Republican BS

In her statement Sunday, Lynch said: "At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC."
In the book, Comey also says Lynch asked him to call the Clinton email probe "a matter" instead of an investigation, which to him seemed to align with the Clinton campaigns use of euphemisms to avoid using the word "investigation," he wrote.
In her statement, Lynch defended her approach, saying that in her decades as a federal prosecutor, "I have never hesitated to make the hard decisions, guided by the Department of Justice's core principles of integrity, independence and above all, always doing the right thing.
"The Justice Department's handling of the Clinton email investigation under my leadership was no exception," she said. "It was led by a team of non-partisan career prosecutors whose integrity cannot be overstated and whom I trusted to assess the facts and make a recommendation -- one that I ultimately accepted because I thought the evidence and law warranted it."
Lynch, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, told NBC News last week that Comey didn't appear concerned by the decision to call Clinton investigation a "matter," saying that meeting was "like any other we had where we talked about the issues. We had a full and open discussion about it," and Comey never raised concerns.

Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Comey BS

“It is entirely possible that because I was making decisions in an environment where Hillary Clinton was sure to be the next president, my concern about making her an illegitimate president by concealing the restarted investigation bore greater weight than it would have if the election appeared closer or if Donald Trump were ahead in all polls.” Comey. Either Comey or Lynch is lying. Get them under oath, send in 82nd Airborne to get their emails and paper from their attorneys
The only LIAR is that Moron TRUMP

The Former FBI Director lying about how he ran the FBI represents a Constitutional crisis
Aren't you.people exited about this? The deep state coup players are turning against one another ratting each other out. They know the gig is up.

Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Republican BS

In her statement Sunday, Lynch said: "At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC."
In the book, Comey also says Lynch asked him to call the Clinton email probe "a matter" instead of an investigation, which to him seemed to align with the Clinton campaigns use of euphemisms to avoid using the word "investigation," he wrote.
In her statement, Lynch defended her approach, saying that in her decades as a federal prosecutor, "I have never hesitated to make the hard decisions, guided by the Department of Justice's core principles of integrity, independence and above all, always doing the right thing.
"The Justice Department's handling of the Clinton email investigation under my leadership was no exception," she said. "It was led by a team of non-partisan career prosecutors whose integrity cannot be overstated and whom I trusted to assess the facts and make a recommendation -- one that I ultimately accepted because I thought the evidence and law warranted it."
Lynch, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, told NBC News last week that Comey didn't appear concerned by the decision to call Clinton investigation a "matter," saying that meeting was "like any other we had where we talked about the issues. We had a full and open discussion about it," and Comey never raised concerns.

Notice she didn't say she didn't discuss the investigation with wild willie on the tarmac. I guess that was a bridge too far. LMAO


There's a lot of people that want James Comey torched--not only Republicans but Democrats too. His name is "Mudd" on both sides of the isle. He is the most incompetent--abohorrent FBI director in this nations history. He broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions over the Clinton email investigation, was warned by the DOJ that he was breaking protocol, and made a decision by himself to do it anyway. During all these interviews, he makes no apologies for it, but makes excuses.

Comey states: "I must have thought at the time, since Hillary Clinton was so far ahead in the polls, I would reopen the investigation, just so I could clear her again, so she wouldn't be known as an illegitimate President once she was elected, and the news broke that there were more emails on Anthony Wieners computer. That's basically his excuse for violating the Hatch Act in the Constitution. DOJ protocol specifically states to not release any information within 60 days of an election. Comey did it within 11 days. During that time millions of Americans voted believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton, and 7 days later Comey gave birth to a nothing burger.

Asked if he would make the same decision again, his answer is yes. Comey even used a Russian alterted document to attack Hillary Clinton with. When Lyndsey Graham found out about that, he had a conniption fit right on the senate floor.
'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey's 'breach of protocol'
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election


Rod Rosenstein wrote a very critical report over that, which is what Trump originally gave for firing Comey. But no one believed that story-- which basically was that Trump fired Comey in order to protect Hillary Clinton--:auiqs.jpg:

So Trump got on National T.V. and ended up admitting that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.

Trump was right to fire Comey--there is no doubt about it. The problem is he should have done it as soon as he walked into the Oval office, and not waited until after the Russian investigation was in the news. The only gratification I got was how Comey was fired. While he was giving a speech to surrogates in San Francisco--he got to read about his firing off of a ticker tape---:auiqs.jpg:

I will not buy James Comey's book to help with him with his retirement plans. I will not read about his loyalty to this country, when he can't even follow standard DOJ protocol. Comey has an ego that matches Trump's. They both think they're KINGS, and can do anything they want without any reprocussions.

There's a much better book out there anyway.


top seller on Amazon today. Very well written, easy to follow, hard to put down. Verified by credible trusted news sources and their reporting over the last year. Reads like a nonfiction spy novel.

All that spam and not one mention of the thread topic. How much are you paid to spam the board with all the crap?

so the thread is about loretta and Comey going at each other for the most part. the left came in here to shut the thread down by trolling the thread with off topic crap. Shame the mods aren't following along.

There's nothing I stated that isn't true in post # 39. Do you believe that Loretta Lynch had a love affair going on with Comey--when he used an altered russian email to skirt around her authority and jump out in front of congress to give a damming speech about Hillary Clinton? Do you believe that she appreciated the fact that he broke long standing DOJ protocol by releasing information within 60 days of an election, (after she warned him not to do that) and he did it anyway. She was the one that filed a DOJ complaint on Comey. In fact, if Trump hadn't of fired him, he would still be under investigation for his interference into the election. He used Loretta Lynch's name once or twice to defend what he did, now he has flip flopped on that in his book.
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ

So Hell Yeah Loretta Lynch is going to go out on the offensive of James Comey. She was his BOSS.


I wonder if now, in (rhetrospect) if Trump primary voters would have appreciated knowing about Trump's inner circle being in continual contact with Russian intelligence agents since 2015? Comey didn't have any problems talking about emails, & he had all this information coming in from Foreign intelligence agencies since 2015.---:auiqs.jpg:
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

What we had was a rogue FBI director--that broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions to make a name for himself. That's all he was about. Maybe he was eyeing the Presidency--but he has ended up being fired, and in the process he had a major hand in getting elected the most incompetent, corrupt President in this nation's history, whom he is now going to take down.

Comey should be writing this book in a prison cell as far as I am concerned.

There's a much better book out.


Last edited:

Don Ciccio: Vito Corleone? You took the name of the town. And what was your father's name?
Vito Corleone: His name was ... Antonio Andolini.
Don Ciccio: Louder, I don't hear so good.
Vito Corleone: [leans in closer] My father's name was Antonio Andolini ... and this is for you!
Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Republican BS

In her statement Sunday, Lynch said: "At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC."
In the book, Comey also says Lynch asked him to call the Clinton email probe "a matter" instead of an investigation, which to him seemed to align with the Clinton campaigns use of euphemisms to avoid using the word "investigation," he wrote.
In her statement, Lynch defended her approach, saying that in her decades as a federal prosecutor, "I have never hesitated to make the hard decisions, guided by the Department of Justice's core principles of integrity, independence and above all, always doing the right thing.
"The Justice Department's handling of the Clinton email investigation under my leadership was no exception," she said. "It was led by a team of non-partisan career prosecutors whose integrity cannot be overstated and whom I trusted to assess the facts and make a recommendation -- one that I ultimately accepted because I thought the evidence and law warranted it."
Lynch, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, told NBC News last week that Comey didn't appear concerned by the decision to call Clinton investigation a "matter," saying that meeting was "like any other we had where we talked about the issues. We had a full and open discussion about it," and Comey never raised concerns.

Notice she didn't say she didn't discuss the investigation with wild willie on the tarmac. I guess that was a bridge too far. LMAO


There's a lot of people that want James Comey torched--not only Republicans but Democrats too. His name is "Mudd" on both sides of the isle. He is the most incompetent--abohorrent FBI director in this nations history. He broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions over the Clinton email investigation, was warned by the DOJ that he was breaking protocol, and made a decision by himself to do it anyway. During all these interviews, he makes no apologies for it, but makes excuses.

Comey states: "I must have thought at the time, since Hillary Clinton was so far ahead in the polls, I would reopen the investigation, just so I could clear her again, so she wouldn't be known as an illegitimate President once she was elected, and the news broke that there were more emails on Anthony Wieners computer. That's basically his excuse for violating the Hatch Act in the Constitution. DOJ protocol specifically states to not release any information within 60 days of an election. Comey did it within 11 days. During that time millions of Americans voted believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton, and 7 days later Comey gave birth to a nothing burger.

Asked if he would make the same decision again, his answer is yes. Comey even used a Russian alterted document to attack Hillary Clinton with. When Lyndsey Graham found out about that, he had a conniption fit right on the senate floor.
'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey's 'breach of protocol'
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election


Rod Rosenstein wrote a very critical report over that, which is what Trump originally gave for firing Comey. But no one believed that story-- which basically was that Trump fired Comey in order to protect Hillary Clinton--:auiqs.jpg:

So Trump got on National T.V. and ended up admitting that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.

Trump was right to fire Comey--there is no doubt about it. The problem is he should have done it as soon as he walked into the Oval office, and not waited until after the Russian investigation was in the news. The only gratification I got was how Comey was fired. While he was giving a speech to surrogates in San Francisco--he got to read about his firing off of a ticker tape---:auiqs.jpg:

I will not buy James Comey's book to help with him with his retirement plans. I will not read about his loyalty to this country, when he can't even follow standard DOJ protocol. Comey has an ego that matches Trump's. They both think they're KINGS, and can do anything they want without any reprocussions.

There's a much better book out there anyway.


top seller on Amazon today. Very well written, easy to follow, hard to put down. Verified by credible trusted news sources and their reporting over the last year. Reads like a nonfiction spy novel.

All that spam and not one mention of the thread topic. How much are you paid to spam the board with all the crap?

so the thread is about loretta and Comey going at each other for the most part. the left came in here to shut the thread down by trolling the thread with off topic crap. Shame the mods aren't following along.

There's nothing I stated that isn't true in post # 39. Do you believe that Loretta Lynch had a love affair going on with Comey--when he used an altered russian email to skirt around her authority and jump out in front of congress to give a damming speech about Hillary Clinton? Do you believe that she appreciated the fact that he broke long standing DOJ protocol by releasing information within 60 days of an election, (after she warned him not to do that) and he did it anyway. She was the one that filed a DOJ complaint on Comey. In fact, if Trump hadn't of fired him, he would still be under investigation for his interference into the election. He used Loretta Lynch's name once or twice to defend what he did, now he has flip flopped on that in his book.
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ

So Hell Yeah Loretta Lynch is going to go out on the offensive of James Comey. She was his BOSS.


I wonder if now, in (rhetrospect) if Trump primary voters would have appreciated knowing about Trump's inner circle being in continual contact with Russian intelligence agents since 2015? Comey didn't have any problems talking about emails, & he had all this information coming in from Foreign intelligence agencies since 2015.---:auiqs.jpg:
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

What we had was a rogue FBI director--that broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions to make a name for himself. That's all he was about. Maybe he was eyeing the Presidency--but he has ended up being fired, and in the process he had a major hand in getting elected the most incompetent, corrupt President in this nation's history, whom he is now going to take down.

Comey should be writing this book in a prison cell as far as I am concerned.

There's a much better book out.


I thought the boss was supposed to just sit back and take the abuse. Isn't that what you all are saying on Trump talking back at comey. which is it? does the boss have a right or not?
Sure- I don't mind Lynch being on record refuting the Republican BS

In her statement Sunday, Lynch said: "At no time did I ever discuss any aspect of the investigation with anyone from the Clinton campaign or the DNC."
In the book, Comey also says Lynch asked him to call the Clinton email probe "a matter" instead of an investigation, which to him seemed to align with the Clinton campaigns use of euphemisms to avoid using the word "investigation," he wrote.
In her statement, Lynch defended her approach, saying that in her decades as a federal prosecutor, "I have never hesitated to make the hard decisions, guided by the Department of Justice's core principles of integrity, independence and above all, always doing the right thing.
"The Justice Department's handling of the Clinton email investigation under my leadership was no exception," she said. "It was led by a team of non-partisan career prosecutors whose integrity cannot be overstated and whom I trusted to assess the facts and make a recommendation -- one that I ultimately accepted because I thought the evidence and law warranted it."
Lynch, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, told NBC News last week that Comey didn't appear concerned by the decision to call Clinton investigation a "matter," saying that meeting was "like any other we had where we talked about the issues. We had a full and open discussion about it," and Comey never raised concerns.

Notice she didn't say she didn't discuss the investigation with wild willie on the tarmac. I guess that was a bridge too far. LMAO


There's a lot of people that want James Comey torched--not only Republicans but Democrats too. His name is "Mudd" on both sides of the isle. He is the most incompetent--abohorrent FBI director in this nations history. He broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions over the Clinton email investigation, was warned by the DOJ that he was breaking protocol, and made a decision by himself to do it anyway. During all these interviews, he makes no apologies for it, but makes excuses.

Comey states: "I must have thought at the time, since Hillary Clinton was so far ahead in the polls, I would reopen the investigation, just so I could clear her again, so she wouldn't be known as an illegitimate President once she was elected, and the news broke that there were more emails on Anthony Wieners computer. That's basically his excuse for violating the Hatch Act in the Constitution. DOJ protocol specifically states to not release any information within 60 days of an election. Comey did it within 11 days. During that time millions of Americans voted believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton, and 7 days later Comey gave birth to a nothing burger.

Asked if he would make the same decision again, his answer is yes. Comey even used a Russian alterted document to attack Hillary Clinton with. When Lyndsey Graham found out about that, he had a conniption fit right on the senate floor.
'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey's 'breach of protocol'
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election


Rod Rosenstein wrote a very critical report over that, which is what Trump originally gave for firing Comey. But no one believed that story-- which basically was that Trump fired Comey in order to protect Hillary Clinton--:auiqs.jpg:

So Trump got on National T.V. and ended up admitting that he fired Comey over the Russian investigation.

Trump was right to fire Comey--there is no doubt about it. The problem is he should have done it as soon as he walked into the Oval office, and not waited until after the Russian investigation was in the news. The only gratification I got was how Comey was fired. While he was giving a speech to surrogates in San Francisco--he got to read about his firing off of a ticker tape---:auiqs.jpg:

I will not buy James Comey's book to help with him with his retirement plans. I will not read about his loyalty to this country, when he can't even follow standard DOJ protocol. Comey has an ego that matches Trump's. They both think they're KINGS, and can do anything they want without any reprocussions.

There's a much better book out there anyway.


top seller on Amazon today. Very well written, easy to follow, hard to put down. Verified by credible trusted news sources and their reporting over the last year. Reads like a nonfiction spy novel.

All that spam and not one mention of the thread topic. How much are you paid to spam the board with all the crap?

so the thread is about loretta and Comey going at each other for the most part. the left came in here to shut the thread down by trolling the thread with off topic crap. Shame the mods aren't following along.

There's nothing I stated that isn't true in post # 39. Do you believe that Loretta Lynch had a love affair going on with Comey--when he used an altered russian email to skirt around her authority and jump out in front of congress to give a damming speech about Hillary Clinton? Do you believe that she appreciated the fact that he broke long standing DOJ protocol by releasing information within 60 days of an election, (after she warned him not to do that) and he did it anyway. She was the one that filed a DOJ complaint on Comey. In fact, if Trump hadn't of fired him, he would still be under investigation for his interference into the election. He used Loretta Lynch's name once or twice to defend what he did, now he has flip flopped on that in his book.
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
'None of it makes much sense': Experts are baffled by Comey's use of a fake Russian document to skirt the DOJ

So Hell Yeah Loretta Lynch is going to go out on the offensive of James Comey. She was his BOSS.


I wonder if now, in (rhetrospect) if Trump primary voters would have appreciated knowing about Trump's inner circle being in continual contact with Russian intelligence agents since 2015? Comey didn't have any problems talking about emails, & he had all this information coming in from Foreign intelligence agencies since 2015.---:auiqs.jpg:
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

What we had was a rogue FBI director--that broke long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occasions to make a name for himself. That's all he was about. Maybe he was eyeing the Presidency--but he has ended up being fired, and in the process he had a major hand in getting elected the most incompetent, corrupt President in this nation's history, whom he is now going to take down.

Comey should be writing this book in a prison cell as far as I am concerned.

There's a much better book out.


why do you feel the need to supposed how people feel? is that you, or is that a DNC requirement to live by? Seriously, who are you to supposed what a trump supporter feels? are you jealous?

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