BREAKING: McAllen, TX declares state of DISASTER after Biden dumped 1,500 illegals with COVID last week

They should be getting vaccinated once in federal custody, for the common pandemic defense.
Should is the key word. What are the metrics on that and what are the metrics and process if they test positive? If you want to use the word “should” they should be trying to enter the country legally and go through the process of becoming citizens.
Should is the key word. What are the metrics on that and what are the metrics and process if they test positive? If you want to use the word “should” they should be trying to enter the country legally and go through the process of becoming citizens.
I believe they would try to come in legally and simply overstay their visas if they were not seeking asylum.
I believe they would try to come in legally and simply overstay their visas if they were not seeking asylum.

it is not that simply. The numbers and impact are larger than simply. The majority are from countries south of Mexico throughout Central America. When I here “asylum”, that sounds serious. Sounds like they are escaping rape, violence, murder, corruption, and economic hopelessness. Such an environment sounds like a real SHIT HOLE. Prove me wrong.
it is not that simply. The numbers and impact are larger than simply. The majority are from countries south of Mexico throughout Central America. When I here “asylum”, that sounds serious. Sounds like they are escaping rape, violence, murder, corruption, and economic hopelessness. Such an environment sounds like a real SHIT HOLE. Prove me wrong.
That is why they are seeking asylum instead of coming over on a visa and overstaying.
I am not saying that sneaking across the border was legal. I just said that they can present themselves at the border and ask for entry which is perfectly legal.

It wasn't when Trump was President. That's why they stopped coming in the first place.

BREAKING: McAllen, TX declares state of DISASTER after Biden dumped 1,500 illegals with COVID last week​

Biden’s superspreader event at the border has left McAllen, Texas declaring a state of disaster after over 1,500 illegals with COVID were dumped in their city last week.

Bill Melugin reports:

Another reporter asked Melugin how they know the illegals are infected, and he explains that a third party vendor tests them once they are dropped off in McAllen:

tell me again how this pandemic is real and not political??
and thats one big reason covid is starting to surge across the country ! the dems are importing covid !
have republican governors banned masks and vaccines ? as far as i can tell you can get vaccinated and wear a mask in republican led states .... why is Biden importing covid at the border ?

Because Democrats could care less about Americans. All they really care about is power which these illegals will eventually get them. We have 9 million jobs in this country not filled while at the same time, a near 6% unemployment rate. The commies want Americans to stay home so they could make the case we need these illegals to do some of these jobs Americans won't do, because Americans are being paid by the federal government to stay home.
Because Democrats could care less about Americans. All they really care about is power which these illegals will eventually get them. We have 9 million jobs in this country not filled while at the same time, a near 6% unemployment rate. The commies want Americans to stay home so they could make the case we need these illegals to do some of these jobs Americans won't do, because Americans are being paid by the federal government to stay home.
It is Eugenics at play here ......

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