BREAKING: NAACP Takes Over Houston Polling Station, Advocates for President Obama

Fair enough, I honestly didn't pay much attention to them.

It makes me wonder even more why nobody did anything about something seemingly so serious.

Makes me wonder why the local newspaper didn't cover it. I'm wondering if it happened.
It will be sad if people make this sort of stuff

I'm not sure they did; It is just a bit strange that the local the best of my knowledge...didn't cover it in quadrennial election year. I could understand a midterm or local election but beat reporters are assigned to cover such things every 4 years.
Gee, Romney losing brings out the racist in many people does it not? Congratulations on keeping it under wraps for so long.

Sadly...we haven't come very far since 1957 with some people:

12 Angry Men - This is how you deal with prejudice. - YouTube

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to defend conservatives against accusations of racism; conservatives and republicans are for the most part not racist, but they seemingly have an inordinate number of racists among their ranks.

The anger and disappointment which will result from Romney’s loss is obviously drawing the racists out.

Thats important to remember; the words of a few do not speak the vast majority. Now is the time you'll see it to; reality is setting in.

Still, I think it would be an interesting social experiment if people were 100% anonymous as they are on this board; would they be so civil in real life? I would like to think yes but I also think that the level of civility would take a major hit. On here there are no repercussions to such blatant racism and the monumental amount of ignorance it takes to get there so displaying it as Amazed and Rabbi have is easy; these people "get off" on being hurtful.

The clip from 12 Angry Men is EXACTLY what Amazed is broadcasting... 55 years later and we're still having to deal with bigots.

How sad.

The statement for example that ‘all blacks want different rules,’ is typical and representative of the resentment many feel toward African-Americans as a suspect class, that blacks somehow expect special treatment today as a consequence of the racism and discrimination they sustained in the past.

Needless to say few if any blacks feel this way, and the tragic irony is, as has been the case for well over a half century, is blacks seek only to be treated as individuals, neither ‘special’ nor diminished.
The statement for example that ‘all blacks want different rules,’ is typical and representative of the resentment many feel toward African-Americans as a suspect class, that blacks somehow expect special treatment today as a consequence of the racism and discrimination they sustained in the past.
"Typical and representative"?

Prove it.

Degree of difficulty: Leftist stereotypes of conservatives are disallowed.
Needless to say few if any blacks feel this way, and the tragic irony is, as has been the case for well over a half century, is blacks seek only to be treated as individuals, neither ‘special’ nor diminished.
Oddly enough, it's the GOP that treats blacks as individuals. Democrats treat blacks as faceless members of a voting bloc.
Is it a serious matter when black people buck a line? And if they buck a line would it be likely for the rest of the line to object? Not necessarily.

In the Marine Corps, in long "chow" lines leading up to the mess hall, black guys would regularly buck the line to the point where the line went into the mess hall door, and they did it without a second thought. I never saw them get any resistance from the white guys there who simply acquiesced. The white Marines weren't afraid, they just didn't want to get into a hassle about it. The black guys took advantage of that indifference.

Did they make the white guys drink from separate water fountains, or get off the sidewalk when black folks passed by?

Most of us would RATHER drink from a fountain that hadn't been touched by a hate filled nigga like you Cookie.

So Cookie...did Whitey invent Aids and Crack to kill off Niggas like you?


I knew I'd get your true self to show. :clap2:
The statement for example that ‘all blacks want different rules,’ is typical and representative of the resentment many feel toward African-Americans as a suspect class, that blacks somehow expect special treatment today as a consequence of the racism and discrimination they sustained in the past.
"Typical and representative"?

Prove it.

Degree of difficulty: Leftist stereotypes of conservatives are disallowed.
Needless to say few if any blacks feel this way, and the tragic irony is, as has been the case for well over a half century, is blacks seek only to be treated as individuals, neither ‘special’ nor diminished.
Oddly enough, it's the GOP that treats blacks as individuals. Democrats treat blacks as faceless members of a voting bloc.

When you only have 7 blacks in the Republican party, how else are you going to treat them? We are a voting bloc in the Democratic Party, but we are not faceless, nor are we powerless. Ask Hillary how that rules committee vote turned out in 2008.
As to the OP, whether it’s true or not, it is nonetheless telling as to how the right perceives an African-American civil rights organization, that all such organizations have a propensity to violate the law, that it’s perceived to be a ‘left’ entity, and that the NAACP is somehow representative of all blacks is in of itself a variation on racism.

And the OP is particularly idiotic in its attempt to somehow drive voters away from Obama.
The statement for example that ‘all blacks want different rules,’ is typical and representative of the resentment many feel toward African-Americans as a suspect class, that blacks somehow expect special treatment today as a consequence of the racism and discrimination they sustained in the past.
"Typical and representative"?

Prove it.

Degree of difficulty: Leftist stereotypes of conservatives are disallowed.
Needless to say few if any blacks feel this way, and the tragic irony is, as has been the case for well over a half century, is blacks seek only to be treated as individuals, neither ‘special’ nor diminished.
Oddly enough, it's the GOP that treats blacks as individuals. Democrats treat blacks as faceless members of a voting bloc.

When you only have 7 blacks in the Republican party, how else are you going to treat them?
You sure do lie a lot.
We are a voting bloc in the Democratic Party, but we are not faceless, nor are we powerless. Ask Hillary how that rules committee vote turned out in 2008.
White liberals say you're not good enough to succeed on your own without their help.

Apparently you have no problem with that.
As to the OP, whether it’s true or not, it is nonetheless telling as to how the right perceives an African-American civil rights organization, that all such organizations have a propensity to violate the law, that it’s perceived to be a ‘left’ entity, and that the NAACP is somehow representative of all blacks is in of itself a variation on racism.

And the OP is particularly idiotic in its attempt to somehow drive voters away from Obama.
You seem to be reading a lot of stuff that simply isn't there.
"Typical and representative"?

Prove it.

Degree of difficulty: Leftist stereotypes of conservatives are disallowed.

Oddly enough, it's the GOP that treats blacks as individuals. Democrats treat blacks as faceless members of a voting bloc.

When you only have 7 blacks in the Republican party, how else are you going to treat them?
You sure do lie a lot.
We are a voting bloc in the Democratic Party, but we are not faceless, nor are we powerless. Ask Hillary how that rules committee vote turned out in 2008.
White liberals say you're not good enough to succeed on your own without their help.

Apparently you have no problem with that.

Nope, since the opinions of white liberals or white conservatives mean nothing to me. I make $200,000 per year, never been poor a day in my life, tested in the top 5% of every national education test I took, used the GI Bill to get my degree and I paid for my kids to go to college on my own dime. Yet I use every set-aside, quota and Affirmative Action program I can, because I can. It's payback.

P.S. My kids have never been poor and they use AA.
When you only have 7 blacks in the Republican party, how else are you going to treat them?
You sure do lie a lot.
We are a voting bloc in the Democratic Party, but we are not faceless, nor are we powerless. Ask Hillary how that rules committee vote turned out in 2008.
White liberals say you're not good enough to succeed on your own without their help.

Apparently you have no problem with that.

Nope, since the opinions of white liberals or white conservatives mean nothing to me. I make $200,000 per year, never been poor a day in my life, tested in the top 5% of every national education test I took, used the GI Bill to get my degree and I paid for my kids to go to college on my own dime. Yet I use every set-aside, quota and Affirmative Action program I can, because I can. It's payback.

P.S. My kids have never been poor and they use AA.
Payback for what? Nobody owes you anything.
I have to say, that movie was comedy gold. My favorite part was the narrator. :lol:
I got one in the mail. Haven't watched it yet. :lol:

My father-in-law sat us down to watch it while we were visiting him in Denver. When I heard some group was going to do a mass mailing of them, I couldn't believe people thought it would have any sort of impact. Especially not to actually spend money distributing it. Lucky you I guess. :thup:
You can have mine. :lol:
In my opinion the governor of Texas needs to shut that polling place down immediately.

This is yet another example of Democrats shoving the rest of us around because we're nice people who don't want to cause trouble.

If I was governor I would send the National Guard and the police there and arrest everyone wearing a NAACP shirt. I would also stop them from handing out water and that secretary in charge of that poll would be brought up on election charges.

What's the difference between this and the New Black Panther member in Philly brandishing night-sticks?

Not much.
They could call the police. I enjoyed you advocating for big government because "republicans" are too stupid to call the police though.

"The democrats are real bullies...."you have to wonder on what planet Mudwhistle lives sometimes.
Planet Desperation
Talking about Obama, pulling out Obama voters and placing them at the head of a long line?

Nope.....nothing to see here folks.:eusa_whistle:

That is the ONLY part that is seemingly illegal...pulling voters out of line. They weren't talking about Obama, they were talking about themselves going to campaign for Obama. There were no quotes about Obama policies or about voting for Obama. THAT is electioneering. Saying "I'm going to Ohio to campaign for Obama" is not Electioneering.

There is a sign that is put up every time I vote.

"Do not discuss politics or talk about any candidate"

You cannot talk in line about who you support or who you're voting for. This is like saying "Bomb" in the airport or on an aircraft. You should be removed if anyone reports that you are doing so. In this case the NAACP members were reported and nothing was done. This is grounds for legal action if not criminal charges.

That's not a law. :lol:
BREAKING: NAACP Takes Over Houston Polling Station, Advocates for President Obama
"I went to the polling supervisor and let her know that it was not appropriate that they were in the building handing out water. She ignored me. I repeated my statement. She told me that she would handle it. She did nothing. I then went to the assistant supervisor and he stood up, walked over to another table and then sat down. I then walked into the waiting room and they were reloading another dolly with more cases of water," Rockford said in a True the Vote incident report.

After handing out water and advocating for President Obama, the NAACP members started handpicking and moving people to the front of a long voting line inside the polling place according to the incident report. After multiple complaints from voters about the line cutting, Rockford received a phone call from downtown telling her to “stand down.”

“All of the sudden one of the clerks, Dayan Cohen, said that someone wanted to speak to me on the phone. It was someone from downtown. I got on the phone and she said she was from downtown and that I needed to stand down and that it was okay for the NAACP to be within 100 ft. and they could hand out water. I told her that the NAACP was inside the building, wearing the NAACP clothing and caps and were handing out water and moving people from the back of the lines to the front of the lines,” Rockford said.

At this point, NAACP members were instructed to turn their clothing inside out, which they refused to do and said they weren’t going to stop their actions inside the polling place. Their behavior and actions to move people to the front of the line continued for the rest of the evening. Texas State Representative Sylvester Turner, a former Texas NAACP leader, was also seen outside the building talking with voters.

“The NAACP basically ran this poll location and the judges did nothing about it,” Rockford said.​

Illegal. No question.

But Obama boot-lickers will see nothing wrong with it.

Well if a right wingnut blog says so it must be true.
Hey - I have an idea: why don't you and daveman bet avatars on whether the story...........never mind.

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