Breaking: NBC reporting Trump on the way to Walter Reed

We are at the corner of Science Street and Karma Avenue.

If this happened in March, we would all be wearing masks and social distancing since then.

Watch this goon change his position on mitigation now. Too little, too late.
Please try not to be an asshat, okay?



Your list shows how Fauci honestly kept us updated on what was learned about the virus as it was learned. Too bad we can't expect such honesty and willingness to admit you were wrong from the president.
A lot of wishful thinking going on...
CNN, NY Slimes, and the rest of the Lame Stream Media spinning up, undoubtedly already writing Trump's Obit.

Really? I haven't heard anyone say that he's going to die yet. Most of the doctors I've seen on the news said that there isn't any reason to worry right now, but if he gets put on oxygen, that is when it becomes serious.

The salient point of the book Fear by Bob Woodward was summed up in one exchange between the blob and Giuliani. After spending a day defending him on the Sunday TV shows, Rudy was taken to the woodshed by Trump for looking weak, 'You can never look weak" was what he told him.

Trump going to Walter Reed is terrible news from every standpoint--especially from a disease management standpoint.
You know this was coming.

No actually the OP and ALL like him who are AT THIS forum and on Twitter WISHING that The Donald dies, THEY are the ones who have to remember about Karma.

Unfortunately, Donald Trump is the president of the USA dealing with every issue around the country and the planet and can't afford to sit hiding in his basement 4 months at a time playing with his plastic Army soldiers.
All the networks are running special reports right now saying that Trump is heading to Walter Reed. Marine 1 just landed on the WH lawn to take him there.

Most of the current reports are saying that he's going to Walter Reed just to make sure he can be closely monitored. Apparently, he's not in serious condition yet, but they are being cautious.

There isn't really any reason to worry about him (yet), but the doctors on the news said that if he ends up being put on oxygen, THEN it will be time to worry. They also said the morbidity rate for someone Trump's age is around 15 percent.
We saw how close Boris Johnson was to dying, let's get him going on Hydroxy and bleach pronto! JK it's early enough, they'll get ahead of it.
They're cleaning the White House for the next President. Even if he survives he's not going to be healthy enough to continue.

Your ass. I bet Trump's back on the job in a couple weeks better than ever.
This is bad. Really bad.
Trump's alert and will continue to work from the hospital.

Even though he's sick, he will no doubt do more over night than Sleepy Joe will have done all week.
More than slow Joe has done in ALL HIS CAREER.

No way Trump gets serious ill or dies from this IF HUMANLY POSSIBLE TO ALL KNOWN MEDICAL SCIENCE. They will spend a billion dollars to keep Trump well. If they can't keep Trump 99.9999% well, that just goes to prove we never had a handle on this virus and not much could have been done to stop those who died.

They will treat this like any other potential threat or risk to the president: they are going to give him the medical equivalent of The Beast or Airforce One in medical protection.

They probably have snipers on the roof of the hospital with choppers circling overhead.
They are using him as a guinea pig and hoping for advertising for Regeneron most likely.

Looking for link now.

It's on Twitter, CNN:

You like other POS WANT The Donald to die. I am SURE that hearing this news gave you a sexual reaction, you sick POS. Remember: KARMA is a BITCH.

Let them show their asses. I love it. Mods had better not censor matter what they say. Make them own it forever. Free speech.
You know this was coming.

No actually the OP and ALL like him who are AT THIS forum and on Twitter WISHING that The Donald dies, THEY are the ones who have to remember about Karma.

Unfortunately, Donald Trump is the president of the USA dealing with every issue around the country and the planet and can't afford to sit hiding in his basement 4 months at a time playing with his plastic Army soldiers.

Trump spends 8-12 hours watching TV and tweeting. Then he flies to some city and screams about his problems to his supporters for a few hours.

He’s not exactly the most engaged president ever.
This is bad. Really bad.

He's the president. They would fly Trump to the hospital if he stubbed his toe. And he probably has the whole wing to himself surrounded by Secret Service. He is the Executive Branch of the US government and CEO of the US Military all wrapped up in one.

You know, the guy Joe Biden told to SHUT UP, DON'T YOU EVER STOP YER YAPPING? the other night.

Oh I realize that, but I still can't help but feel sorry for him :(
When did that start?


It was only matter of time I suppose
Will Trump walk to the helicopter - and be wearing a mask? We're waiting to see...
Make sure you post what happens.
I'm busy watching a rerun of a game show.
(I know it's a rerun because I've seen it before)

This just hot off the wire, Will! VP Pence just announced that Trump told him directly that if anything should happen to him, Trump's DYING WISH was for Amy Barrett to be confirmed to the Supreme Court! Oh, and his other dying wish? That the urn with his ashes be buried in Nancy Pelosi's FRONT LAWN. :SMILEW~130:


Most swords have 2 sides you dolts.
Will Trump walk to the helicopter - and be wearing a mask? We're waiting to see...
Make sure you post what happens.
I'm busy watching a rerun of a game show.
(I know it's a rerun because I've seen it before)

This just hot off the wire, Will! VP Pence just announced that Trump told him directly that if anything should happen to him, Trump's DYING WISH was for Amy Barrett to be confirmed to the Supreme Court! Oh, and his other dying wish? That the urn with his ashes be buried in Nancy Pelosi's FRONT LAWN. :SMILEW~130:

This is the post of the day. Well done sir.
Will Trump walk to the helicopter - and be wearing a mask? We're waiting to see...
Make sure you post what happens.
I'm busy watching a rerun of a game show.
(I know it's a rerun because I've seen it before)

This just hot off the wire, Will! VP Pence just announced that Trump told him directly that if anything should happen to him, Trump's DYING WISH was for Amy Barrett to be confirmed to the Supreme Court! Oh, and his other dying wish? That the urn with his ashes be buried in Nancy Pelosi's FRONT LAWN. :SMILEW~130:
I would have tried to get more bang for my buck than that, like maybe the entire DNC committing Harry Carry or something.

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