Breaking: NBC reporting Trump on the way to Walter Reed

Sad to see

The troubling part is we can’t count on the Trump administration to be candid or honest about the Presidents health.
This is bad. Really bad.
Trump's alert and will continue to work from the hospital.

Even though he's sick, he will no doubt do more over night than Sleepy Joe will have done all week.
More than slow Joe has done in ALL HIS CAREER.

No way Trump gets serious ill or dies from this IF HUMANLY POSSIBLE TO ALL KNOWN MEDICAL SCIENCE. They will spend a billion dollars to keep Trump well. If they can't keep Trump 99.9999% well, that just goes to prove we never had a handle on this virus and not much could have been done to stop those who died.

They will treat this like any other potential threat or risk to the president: they are going to give him the medical equivalent of The Beast or Airforce One in medical protection.

They probably have snipers on the roof of the hospital with choppers circling overhead.
We are at the corner of Science Street and Karma Avenue.

If this happened in March, we would all be wearing masks and social distancing since then.

Watch this goon change his position on mitigation now. Too little, too late.
All the networks are running special reports right now saying that Trump is heading to Walter Reed. Marine 1 just landed on the WH lawn to take him there.

Most of the current reports are saying that he's going to Walter Reed just to make sure he can be closely monitored. Apparently, he's not in serious condition yet, but they are being cautious.

There isn't really any reason to worry about him (yet), but the doctors on the news said that if he ends up being put on oxygen, THEN it will be time to worry. They also said the morbidity rate for someone Trump's age is around 15 percent.
We saw how close Boris Johnson was to dying, let's get him going on Hydroxy and bleach pronto! JK it's early enough, they'll get ahead of it.
Probably just a precaution. He's the president

What care can he receive at Walter Reed that he can't receive at the White House? NONE!

Bottom line; Wear your fucking mask and wash your fucking hands.............
Will Trump walk to the helicopter - and be wearing a mask? We're waiting to see...

Make sure you post what happens.

I'm busy watching a rerun of a game show.

(I know it's a rerun because I've seen it before)
We are at the corner of Science Street and Karma Avenue.

If this happened in March, we would all be wearing masks and social distancing since then.

Watch this goon change his position on mitigation now. Too little, too late.
Please try not to be an asshat, okay?


All the networks are running special reports right now saying that Trump is heading to Walter Reed. Marine 1 just landed on the WH lawn to take him there.
I wonder whether he'll wear a mask.
All the networks are running special reports right now saying that Trump is heading to Walter Reed. Marine 1 just landed on the WH lawn to take him there.

Most of the current reports are saying that he's going to Walter Reed just to make sure he can be closely monitored. Apparently, he's not in serious condition yet, but they are being cautious.

There isn't really any reason to worry about him (yet), but the doctors on the news said that if he ends up being put on oxygen, THEN it will be time to worry. They also said the morbidity rate for someone Trump's age is around 15 percent.
We saw how close Boris Johnson was to dying, let's get him going on Hydroxy and bleach pronto! JK it's early enough, they'll get ahead of it.
They're cleaning the White House for the next President. Even if he survives he's not going to be healthy enough to continue.

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