Breaking: NBC reporting Trump on the way to Walter Reed

Trump was to depart the White House by helicopter late Friday for Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. The White House said the visit was precautionary and that he would work from the hospital’s presidential suite, which is equipped to allow him to continue his official duties.

Let's not bury him yet.
You know this was coming.

No actually the OP and ALL like him who are AT THIS forum and on Twitter WISHING that The Donald dies, THEY are the ones who have to remember about Karma.

Unfortunately, Donald Trump is the president of the USA dealing with every issue around the country and the planet and can't afford to sit hiding in his basement 4 months at a time playing with his plastic Army soldiers.

They hooked up the cable TV with fox so yeah, trump is working.
Earlier Friday the White House said Trump had been injected with an experimental antibody cocktail by the White House physician.
You know this was coming.

No actually the OP and ALL like him who are AT THIS forum and on Twitter WISHING that The Donald dies, THEY are the ones who have to remember about Karma.

Unfortunately, Donald Trump is the president of the USA dealing with every issue around the country and the planet and can't afford to sit hiding in his basement 4 months at a time playing with his plastic Army soldiers.

They hooked up the cable TV with fox so yeah, trump is working.

He has a shitter and Twitter to work with.
Turns out science doesn’t care what you believe.
They have a lot of good tech at the WH, but Walter Reed is next level stuff.
I can remember during Reagan military members were scared to go into Walter Reed because it was notorious for killing healthy people.
Do you see anyone laughing, you petulant child?
The rest of the world, you blind ass.

Do us a favor and start a thread with links to all the places around the world laughing cause Trump is in the hospital? You can start here by posting just one.
i am here in germany having a good time.

Gee, I can't think of many things more comforting than your being 10,000 miles away.
This is bad. Really bad.

He's the president. They would fly Trump to the hospital if he stubbed his toe. And he probably has the whole wing to himself surrounded by Secret Service. He is the Executive Branch of the US government and CEO of the US Military all wrapped up in one.

You know, the guy Joe Biden told to SHUT UP, DON'T YOU EVER STOP YER YAPPING? the other night.

Oh I realize that, but I still can't help but feel sorry for him :(
When did that start?


It was only matter of time I suppose

If The Donald dies, REMEMBER ALL this crowd of Leftists will be on the STREETS CELEBRATING.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Saddam Hussein.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Osama bin Laden.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Fidel Castro.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS Leader)

REMEMBER: They WOULD CELEBRATE the death of Donald Trump.

This is ALL EVERYONE needs to KNOW about WHAT they ARE. They are human SCUM. They are human SCUM.
Dumb fucking piece of Oange Shit has been smacked in face by huge fucking dose of Karma.

Let The Death Watch Begin. I cheering the Grim Reaper On Right Now.
This is bad. Really bad.

He's the president. They would fly Trump to the hospital if he stubbed his toe. And he probably has the whole wing to himself surrounded by Secret Service. He is the Executive Branch of the US government and CEO of the US Military all wrapped up in one.

You know, the guy Joe Biden told to SHUT UP, DON'T YOU EVER STOP YER YAPPING? the other night.

Oh I realize that, but I still can't help but feel sorry for him :(
When did that start?


It was only matter of time I suppose

If The Donald dies, REMEMBER ALL this crowd of Leftists will be on the STREETS CELEBRATING.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Saddam Hussein.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Osama bin Laden.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Fidel Castro.

Remember: They did NOT CELEBRATE the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ISIS Leader)

REMEMBER: They WOULD CELEBRATE the death of Donald Trump.

This is ALL EVERYONE needs to KNOW about WHAT they ARE. They are human SCUM. They are human SCUM.
And they kept Charlie Manson alive till he was like 100 years old in critical care.

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