Breaking News: 400 U.S. Surface To Air Missiles Taken During Benghazi Attack

The life-span on the type of SAMs they stole is about 2 years so if they have them they'll probably tip their hand by shooting at Syrian fighters.....we can only hope they don't test one off Long Island like they did before. :eusa_eh:

Test off LI? That reference is flying right over my head. Should I know what you are talking about and I'm just being stupid? :confused:

Here ya go: Filmmaker asserts new evidence on crash of TWA Flight 800 -

Oh, I remember that story. I feel better about not getting the reference now; that was only loosely related to the conversation at best. :tongue:
hummmm ! another "Fast And Furious" ??????

this filthy fucking regime gets worse by the minute..., Grrrrrrrr

where is John Wilkes Booth when he is most needed :lmao:

In my lifetime, two Presidents have been shot. People who wish for such are traitors.

obama is the traitor.

State you basis for that belief. Flapping yap without any reason at all is simply the evidence of a diseased intellect.
didn't we sell oil and scrap iron to Japan..... what happened with that???

Cheney's company, Haliburton, sold all kinds of material to Iraq right up to the point that he orchestrated the invasion.

Cheney was long removed from Haliburton company decisions before the Iraq invasion making your lie even more bizarre since they sold nothing to Iraq in the first place.....asshole. :eusa_eh:
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I enjoy stories of this nature.

The first thing I do is, see who carries the story.
In this case, it's the shitty Fox news and the shit wipe, British Daily mail newspaper.
The latter is well known for printing any old bollocks without checking as long as it grabs a headline.
The real press is hanging on to see if they're going to look like bloody idiots for printing crap.

However, I hope it is true because a good number are very likely to end up in Gaza, fucking Israeli attacks up and showing the evil fuckers in the IDF, they're likely to get killed, as they deserve when they bomb children.

Add the great fun of watching the CIA squirm when they try to explain what 400 SAMs were doing in a diplomatic enclosure.

Basically, it's probably shit but I would love it to be true.
Fuck the IDF. :)
didn't we sell oil and scrap iron to Japan..... what happened with that???

Cheney's company, Haliburton, sold all kinds of material to Iraq right up to the point that he orchestrated the invasion.

Cheney was long removed from Haliburton company decisions before the Iraq invasion making your lie even more bizarre since they sold nothing to Iraq in the first place.....asshole. :eusa_eh:

He was - however - the acting CEO a relatively short time before joining the campaign trail. Do you believe a man who is that deep within an organization will just instantly cut all ties and influence upon leaving his post?

Also, don't know about Iraq but i believe Halliburton did sell information regarding nuclear technology to Iran.
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If the IDF are reading this they are surely having a good laugh right now. - J.

Only if it isn't true.
If it is true, they'll be more than a little concerned.

However, sadly, it's probably a load of old bollocks.
hummmm ! another "Fast And Furious" ??????

this filthy fucking regime gets worse by the minute..., Grrrrrrrr

where is John Wilkes Booth when he is most needed :lmao:

In my lifetime, two Presidents have been shot. People who wish for such are traitors.

How about if someone just wings him?
He'd still be good for impeachment and prison that way.
Good old defenders of freedom and democracy.
If they don't like the elected president, call to have him murdered.

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