BREAKING NEWS: Federal Judge grants stay on Trump's Muslim ban

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I have close friends who are Quakers and I know quite a bit about the religion
You claim to know "quite a bit" about a lot of things. But all I see is an uninformed and immature idealist denying reality and attacking anyone who she feels challenges her false narratives.

I grew up in a blue collar household with lots of books on the shelves; my parents valued education the way Americans used to do once upon a time. They invested in a set of encyclopedia Brittanica which I read voraciously as a child. I hold two Bachelors, a Masters, and a JD. I'm 46 years old and have served my country through public service for two decades.

But yeah, I'm immature and uninformed.
Did you vote Hillary?
I have close friends who are Quakers and I know quite a bit about the religion
You claim to know "quite a bit" about a lot of things. But all I see is an uninformed and immature idealist denying reality and attacking anyone who she feels challenges her false narratives.

I grew up in a blue collar household with lots of books on the shelves; my parents valued education the way Americans used to do once upon a time. They invested in a set of encyclopedia Brittanica which I read voraciously as a child. I hold two Bachelors, a Masters, and a JD. I'm 46 years old and have served my country through public service for two decades.

But yeah, I'm immature and uninformed.
Did you vote Hillary?

I'm gonna say, yeah.
Well, "bigskygal" avoided my questions like a Hollywood vampire avoids holy water or sunlight and that speaks volumes to me.

They like to shoot off their big mouths until they are taken to task...then all of the sudden they are at a loss for words.....which is typical.
Nope, I'm not stumped and I'm not refusing to answer. I'm just bored with the caliber of FAUX
news conspiracy theorists up at this late hour and I'm not wasting anymore of my time on y'all.

And no, I'm not going to cry or lose it - it's really kind of pathetic how important you all think you are, that you really think you have the power to even raise my BP the slightest just by exhibiting how seriously uneducated and/or lunatic you are.

After the election I was, admittedly, a bit worried for my country. But people of sense and with good hearts outnumber the redneck NeoNazi types by many millions, and your rabid celebration of this idiot pretender to the office of the Presidency is only serving to mobilize the real silent majority; between that and Trump's crazy agenda, the Republican Party is going to end up in the wilderness for generations to come.

It's actually kind of fun to watch.

I've had enough for tonight, I'd rather spend the next while reading something of much more value that what you have to offer - like the side of a cereal box.

G'night brown shirts!
Nope, I'm not stumped and I'm not refusing to answer. I'm just bored with the caliber of FAUX
news conspiracy theorists up at this late hour and I'm not wasting anymore of my time on y'all.

And no, I'm not going to cry or lose it - it's really kind of pathetic how important you all think you are, that you really think you have the power to even raise my BP the slightest just by exhibiting how seriously uneducated and/or lunatic you are.

After the election I was, admittedly, a bit worried for my country. But people of sense and with good hearts outnumber the redneck NeoNazi types by many millions, and your rabid celebration of this idiot pretender to the office of the Presidency is only serving to mobilize the real silent majority; between that and Trump's crazy agenda, the Republican Party is going to end up in the wilderness for generations to come.

It's actually kind of fun to watch.

I've had enough for tonight, I'd rather spend the next while reading something of much more value that what you have to offer - like the side of a cereal box.

G'night brown shirts!
Nite nite fascist.....
Yeah, you might wanna look up the meaning of the word fascist, and maybe read some world history while you're at it.

Or, you know, just dial up more Breitbart.
And since this EO IS unconstitutional, it WILL be turned over. Have patience, anti-American conservative
You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.

We stand for what America stands for, much of which is carved on our Statue of Liberty.

What is carved on the Statue of Liberty has nothing to do with what we stand for, which is encoded in the Constitution.

That poem was added much later, and has no authority of law.

You assholes have the nerve to call liberals un-American and now you're trying to say the Statue of Liberty's inscriptions are meaningless to our laws. Oh So just go fuck yourself.

Please relate them to the law. Take your time.

Look it up, low-information voter.

Posting 1776 in the Roman style does nothing to forward your ridiculous contention.
Go ahead, show me where any liberal said that about Obama, ever. Take your time, I'll wait.
Here's the problem though - when I post a bunch of links of progressives here on USMB, you'll proclaim they don't meet your criteria.

When I post the links of Joy Behar saying that the U.S. Constitution doesn't matter - you'll cry that doesn't count.

When I show you progressives cheering egregious violations of the constitution such as Obamacare - you'll deny it was unconstitutional.

Sorry sweetie - I don't need your approval of reality. We all sat through history and watched as progressives insisted that Obama was entitled to unlimited power. We all saw it. Your silly and absurd denial of it doesn't change it.

Sorry *sweetie* - when a Constitutional scholar of the caliber of John Roberts considers the Affordable Care Act to be fully within the powers of the government, I'm going to accept his opinion over some moron on USMessageBoard.

And no, I don't get my political analysis from Joy Behar, either.

This kind of anti-intellectualism is exactly what I find so tiring about this place. When did it become such a badge of honor in this country to be willfully ignorant? We are all the poorer for this mentality, political persuasion aside.

Kinda hard to complain about anti-intellectualism when you respond to legitimate arguments by ignoring the merits and name calling. I asked you an easy question that you refused to answer because it would demonstrate the flaws in your ideology. You never responded. The times you did respond you launched insults whilst simply contradicting me. Now I hope I don't need to explain the differrence between contradiction and argument to a lawyer but at the same time I hope I do. Ignorance of the difference reflects better than a lawyer that doesn't know the difference.
Pussy, I don't even recall which dumb question you're referring to. A few were posed by you and your pal Dale - but in trying to be polite, I just ignored them because they seemed more than a little insane to me. Yeah, I know - that's because I'm stupid & a fraud. You're a broken record. Incredibly boring, too. I'm reminded why I hardly ever read here or bother posting; i just prefer a setting where mature people debate issues of substance without feeling compelled (by their own inadequacies) to start name-calling and denigrating. Those are the rhetorical tools of toddlers, with which you are clearly very comfortable. *You* are the plain folk Mencken was talking about.

Since all the intelligent people who were posting in this thread have apparently gone to bed, I'm going to step out too and let you hurl poo at us to your little heart's content. Have fun!
Where were these people when Obama banned immigration from Venezuela?

Oh, but now that it's Trump doing it... they are in complete panic mode and attempt judicial activism.

Trump will win the case and these people will be made to look like fools, which they are. Clearly, the ban is completely constitutional.
What a shock, a judge granting Green Cards free access to steal American jobs...I'm SHOCKED!

President Trump's EO on the banning of Muslims from specific nations still stands and that EO is 100% legal under existing American law.

This existing American law:


The below is what this Federal Judge Donnelly has order a Temporary Stay to and ONLY this:

"A federal judge granted an emergency stay Saturday to temporarily allow people with valid visas who landed in the U.S. to stay in the country."

ACLU wins emergency, national stay of Trump's refugee ban

actually it is legal under a law obama penned through homeland security in 2016

the same exact countries listed then are the ones trump is enforcing today

looks like trump may have punked the leftards once again


DHS Announces Further Travel Restrictions for the Visa Waiver Program | Homeland Security
What does the ACLU have to do with non-citizens?

You say he punked the left again, as if that were hard to do.
American patriots must continue to march and protest against Trump's discriminatory aggression.

You are not American Patriots, you are Anti-American Traitors.

A Patriot puts their own nation and people first, a Patriot doesn't want potential terrorists coming into their nation to murder their own people.

You are Traitors pure and simple.
Says an uber nationalist and fascist. This is not an issue of nationalism as much as it is about religion.

The LDS Church (the Mormon) does not support it, and it is one of the most, if not the most patriotic American religions around.

LDS Church issues statement after Trump orders ban on refugees
Sounds like Trump's first legal defeat.
A 'Stay' is not a 'defeat'. It is a temporary injuction. You lose.


"A federal judge's emergency order has temporarily barred the U.S. from deporting people from nations subject to President Donald Trump's travel ban. The judge said travelers who had been detained had a strong argument that their legal rights had been violated."

It is being reported Deportations ONLY are effected, not the entire 'Ban'.
Sounds like Trump's first legal defeat.
A 'Stay' is not a 'defeat'. It is a temporary injuction. You lose.


"A federal judge's emergency order has temporarily barred the U.S. from deporting people from nations subject to President Donald Trump's travel ban. The judge said travelers who had been detained had a strong argument that their legal rights had been violated."

It is being reported Deportations ONLY are effected, not the entire 'Ban'.

and the stay only concerned a very narrow part of the EO

Trump is setting you Libs up. 3D Chess style!

1. Ban all Muslims.
2. Lib outrage!
3. Trump: Ok, I'll let these few in.
4. Libs declare victory.
5. Muslim ban stays in place. Trump has actual victory.

The Art of the Deal.
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