BREAKING NEWS: Federal Judge grants stay on Trump's Muslim ban

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A "Stay" doesn't defeat anything. It just gives Lawyers more time to look at things.
In this case, the whole thing is a waste oftime and money. Just another bullshit tempest in a teapot brought to you by a fucking TECH internet group.

That's what should scare ppl. Not the restrictions on free travel back and forth from seven of a total of fifty odd muslim countries.
The EO is legal and will stand. So was, and will, the judges order. Her order pertains only to those previously afforded legal entry and were subsequently denied said entry without due process. Her ruling is correct as is it's scope of application.

That said, compliance with her order does not require unfettered entry. Said individuals can be detained while each case progresses through the legal system. Detention can be at Gitmo, if the government so desires.

All that is required for compliance is that subject individuals not be deported without due process. Simple reversal of their immigration status circumvents the legal process by formally removing entry approval and thus eliminating their legal standing to bring a court case.

Nothing has been won leftists. Just a bit more paperwork.
The EO is legal and will stand. So was, and will, the judges order. Her order pertains only to those previously afforded legal entry and were subsequently denied said entry without due process. Her ruling is correct as is it's scope of application.

That said, compliance with her order does not require unfettered entry. Said individuals can be detained while each case progresses through the legal system. Detention can be at Gitmo, if the government so desires.

All that is required for compliance is that subject individuals not be deported without due process. Simple reversal of their immigration status circumvents the legal process by formally removing entry approval and thus eliminating their legal standing to bring a court case.

Nothing has been won leftists. Just a bit more paperwork.

They are making themselves more.irrelevant every second.
Here's the problem though - when I post a bunch of links of progressives here on USMB, you'll proclaim they don't meet your criteria.

When I post the links of Joy Behar saying that the U.S. Constitution doesn't matter - you'll cry that doesn't count.

When I show you progressives cheering egregious violations of the constitution such as Obamacare - you'll deny it was unconstitutional.

Sorry sweetie - I don't need your approval of reality. We all sat through history and watched as progressives insisted that Obama was entitled to unlimited power. We all saw it. Your silly and absurd denial of it doesn't change it.

Sorry *sweetie* - when a Constitutional scholar of the caliber of John Roberts considers the Affordable Care Act to be fully within the powers of the government, I'm going to accept his opinion over some moron on USMessageBoard.

And no, I don't get my political analysis from Joy Behar, either.

This kind of anti-intellectualism is exactly what I find so tiring about this place. When did it become such a badge of honor in this country to be willfully ignorant? We are all the poorer for this mentality, political persuasion aside.

Kinda hard to complain about anti-intellectualism when you respond to legitimate arguments by ignoring the merits and name calling. I asked you an easy question that you refused to answer because it would demonstrate the flaws in your ideology. You never responded. The times you did respond you launched insults whilst simply contradicting me. Now I hope I don't need to explain the differrence between contradiction and argument to a lawyer but at the same time I hope I do. Ignorance of the difference reflects better than a lawyer that doesn't know the difference.
Pussy, I don't even recall which dumb question you're referring to. A few were posed by you and your pal Dale - but in trying to be polite, I just ignored them because they seemed more than a little insane to me. Yeah, I know - that's because I'm stupid & a fraud. You're a broken record. Incredibly boring, too. I'm reminded why I hardly ever read here or bother posting; i just prefer a setting where mature people debate issues of substance without feeling compelled (by their own inadequacies) to start name-calling and denigrating. Those are the rhetorical tools of toddlers, with which you are clearly very comfortable. *You* are the plain folk Mencken was talking about.

Since all the intelligent people who were posting in this thread have apparently gone to bed, I'm going to step out too and let you hurl poo at us to your little heart's content. Have fun!

Question:Suppose there is a culture that values gang rape, eating their own feces, and murdering a random member of society every Tuesday. Now let's suppose they get invaded and oppressed. Question: Would you let them in as refugees?

Now the question is rediculous because no such people exist. I get that. But would you let them in to your country?

"no such people exist"
That was the only part of your post that is incorrect.

Yes the native cannibals of Papua New Guinea are much worse, but they are few and far between.
No one is allowed to be sent back. woohoo
It is clear that Trump is a bigoted xenophobic lunatic. Since he has emasculated the Republican Congress, the only way left to put any checks on him will be by the judiciary. Trump is a vulgar loudmouth who is running the United States like a bad movie. He has no concept of American values and his brazen admission that Christians are allowed to enter the country from some countries but not Muslims is testimony of his discrimination on grounds of religion. This must be illegal.

Christians vs muslims. I'll stick with the Christians. American values don't include allowing retrograde 7th century zealots to infest this country, since these muslims tolerate no other values or belief systems but their own.
It's more important than ever for Trump get some Conservative Justices on our Supreme Court. The Democrats will continue to fight against the American People.

Trump got it right on this. We shouldn't be accepting Thousands in from these very dangerous Terrorism-plagued nations. The #1 priority has to be protecting Americans. Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for trying to thwart that.
It's more important than ever for Trump get some Conservative Justices on our Supreme Court. The Democrats will continue to fight against the American People.

Trump got it right on this. We shouldn't be accepting Thousands in from these very dangerous Terrorism-plagued nations. The #1 priority has to be protecting Americans. Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for trying to thwart that.

The Leftists because of their confused moral compass cannot distinguish between right and wrong, so how can they be possibly trusted to know good from bad in people?

Because of the Leftists pathological altruism they see only good in all of these so-called refugees, because of muh feelings etc.

As such the Leftists are as much of a danger to peoples in Western nations as the Islamic terrorists are.
Let’s clear up this matter of Emperor Trump having the authority to do what he has done on this so-called “muslim ban”. The statutory language is explicit:

U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens: “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens OR ANY CLASS OF aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

The ALL CAPS words are to emphasize that he could refuse muslims from those countries as a “class” but still allow Christians.
It's more important than ever for Trump get some Conservative Justices on our Supreme Court. The Democrats will continue to fight against the American People.

Trump got it right on this. We shouldn't be accepting Thousands in from these very dangerous Terrorism-plagued nations. The #1 priority has to be protecting Americans. Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for trying to thwart that.

The Leftists because of their confused moral compass cannot distinguish between right and wrong, so how can they be possibly trusted to know good from bad in people?

Because of the Leftists pathological altruism they see only good in all of these so-called refugees, because of muh feelings etc.

As such the Leftists are as much of a danger to peoples in Western nations as the Islamic terrorists are.

Yeah, they should be looking out for Americans. I don't know what happened to that Party. Looks like the NWO Globalists have hijacked the Party. Most Americans support Trump trying to protect them. I think Democrats are gonna regret opposing this at some point. It was a reasonable common sense action to protect Americans.
The EO is legal and will stand. So was, and will, the judges order. Her order pertains only to those previously afforded legal entry and were subsequently denied said entry without due process. Her ruling is correct as is it's scope of application.

That said, compliance with her order does not require unfettered entry. Said individuals can be detained while each case progresses through the legal system. Detention can be at Gitmo, if the government so desires.

All that is required for compliance is that subject individuals not be deported without due process. Simple reversal of their immigration status circumvents the legal process by formally removing entry approval and thus eliminating their legal standing to bring a court case.

Nothing has been won leftists. Just a bit more paperwork.

DHS will continue to enforce Trump's travel ban

Published January 29, 2017

"The Department of Homeland Security issued a statement early Sunday saying that they plan on continuing to “enforce all of the president’s executive orders in a manner that ensures the safety and security of the American people.”

The DHS said the court order would not affect the overall implementation of the White House order and the court order affected a small number of travelers who were inconvenienced by security procedures upon their return.

“The president’s executive orders remain in place—prohibited travel will remain prohibited, and the U.S. government retains its right to revoke visas at any time if required for national security or public safety,” the statement said.

A federal judge issued an emergency order Saturday night temporarily barring the U.S. from deporting people from nations subject to President Donald Trump's travel ban, saying travelers who had been detained had a strong argument that their legal rights had been violated.

Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to the White House, said, "Nothing in the Brooklyn judge's order in anyway impedes or prevents the implementation of the president's executive order which remains in full, complete and total effect."

Here is the rest of the article.

DHS will continue to enforce Trump's travel ban
The EO is legal and will stand. So was, and will, the judges order. Her order pertains only to those previously afforded legal entry and were subsequently denied said entry without due process. Her ruling is correct as is it's scope of application.

That said, compliance with her order does not require unfettered entry. Said individuals can be detained while each case progresses through the legal system. Detention can be at Gitmo, if the government so desires.

All that is required for compliance is that subject individuals not be deported without due process. Simple reversal of their immigration status circumvents the legal process by formally removing entry approval and thus eliminating their legal standing to bring a court case.

Nothing has been won leftists. Just a bit more paperwork.

DHS will continue to enforce Trump's travel ban

Published January 29, 2017

"The Department of Homeland Security issued a statement early Sunday saying that they plan on continuing to “enforce all of the president’s executive orders in a manner that ensures the safety and security of the American people.”

The DHS said the court order would not affect the overall implementation of the White House order and the court order affected a small number of travelers who were inconvenienced by security procedures upon their return.

“The president’s executive orders remain in place—prohibited travel will remain prohibited, and the U.S. government retains its right to revoke visas at any time if required for national security or public safety,” the statement said.

A federal judge issued an emergency order Saturday night temporarily barring the U.S. from deporting people from nations subject to President Donald Trump's travel ban, saying travelers who had been detained had a strong argument that their legal rights had been violated.

Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to the White House, said, "Nothing in the Brooklyn judge's order in anyway impedes or prevents the implementation of the president's executive order which remains in full, complete and total effect."

Here is the rest of the article.

DHS will continue to enforce Trump's travel ban
Thank you. It confirms my original post.
And when terrorists blow someone up, that judge should be tried for murder
Oh boy......more fear mongering from a fascist Trump voter.

Thats all you got?
Orlando was ok?
San bernadino?
Ft Hood?

Yeah Trumpnhited them all to take over the country, jesus you people are insane.

Hey you should go to a market in Germany,I hear they are really safe.
And when terrorists blow someone up, that judge should be tried for murder
Oh boy......more fear mongering from a fascist Trump voter.

Thats all you got?
Orlando was ok?
San bernadino?
Ft Hood?

Yeah Trumpnhited them all to take over the country, jesus you people are insane.

Hey you should go to a market in Germany,I hear they are really safe.

We should be grateful that oceans separate us from those vermin. Obama was just like the stupid European leaders. Had there been a land route here, we would be in the same state.
Non-US Citizens don't have the right to dictate US Immigration Policies. The Democrats are gonna regret fighting against American Citizens on this one. They've proven they don't care about Americans. They only care about opposing Donald Trump on everything. It's all about 'Party before Country' for them.
It's more important than ever for Trump get some Conservative Justices on our Supreme Court. The Democrats will continue to fight against the American People.

Trump got it right on this. We shouldn't be accepting Thousands in from these very dangerous Terrorism-plagued nations. The #1 priority has to be protecting Americans. Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for trying to thwart that.

The Leftists because of their confused moral compass cannot distinguish between right and wrong, so how can they be possibly trusted to know good from bad in people?

Because of the Leftists pathological altruism they see only good in all of these so-called refugees, because of muh feelings etc.

As such the Leftists are as much of a danger to peoples in Western nations as the Islamic terrorists are.

Yeah, they should be looking out for Americans. I don't know what happened to that Party. Looks like the NWO Globalists have hijacked the Party. Most Americans support Trump trying to protect them. I think Democrats are gonna regret opposing this at some point. It was a reasonable common sense action to protect Americans.

"I think Democrats are gonna regret opposing this at some point."

I'm sure that President Trump's National Security team are looking at possibly prohibiting any form of protesting at American airports and declaring such as a National Security Risk.

With that any Leftist Agitators gathering and launching an unruly protest like last night at JFK could very easily be arrested and removed and taken away.
The EO is legal and will stand. So was, and will, the judges order. Her order pertains only to those previously afforded legal entry and were subsequently denied said entry without due process. Her ruling is correct as is it's scope of application.

That said, compliance with her order does not require unfettered entry. Said individuals can be detained while each case progresses through the legal system. Detention can be at Gitmo, if the government so desires.

All that is required for compliance is that subject individuals not be deported without due process. Simple reversal of their immigration status circumvents the legal process by formally removing entry approval and thus eliminating their legal standing to bring a court case.

Nothing has been won leftists. Just a bit more paperwork.

DHS will continue to enforce Trump's travel ban

Published January 29, 2017

"The Department of Homeland Security issued a statement early Sunday saying that they plan on continuing to “enforce all of the president’s executive orders in a manner that ensures the safety and security of the American people.”

The DHS said the court order would not affect the overall implementation of the White House order and the court order affected a small number of travelers who were inconvenienced by security procedures upon their return.

“The president’s executive orders remain in place—prohibited travel will remain prohibited, and the U.S. government retains its right to revoke visas at any time if required for national security or public safety,” the statement said.

A federal judge issued an emergency order Saturday night temporarily barring the U.S. from deporting people from nations subject to President Donald Trump's travel ban, saying travelers who had been detained had a strong argument that their legal rights had been violated.

Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to the White House, said, "Nothing in the Brooklyn judge's order in anyway impedes or prevents the implementation of the president's executive order which remains in full, complete and total effect."

Here is the rest of the article.

DHS will continue to enforce Trump's travel ban
Thank you. It confirms my original post.

"Thank you. It confirms my original post."

Of course Pupps it also confirms what had already been stated last night on page one and has been repeatedly stated throughout this thread.

And once again it illustrates that the Leftist Moonbats have again embarrassed themselves with yet another panties wetting freakout.
And when terrorists blow someone up, that judge should be tried for murder
Oh boy......more fear mongering from a fascist Trump voter.

Thats all you got?
Orlando was ok?
San bernadino?
Ft Hood?

Yeah Trumpnhited them all to take over the country, jesus you people are insane.

Hey you should go to a market in Germany,I hear they are really safe.

We should be grateful that oceans separate us from those vermin. Obama was just like the stupid European leaders. Had there been a land route here, we would be in the same state.
Hey Dumb Billy conservative haven't ya heard oceans will not protect you conservative vermin RATS!!! We are at war with GOP war on terrorism. In war their are losses and casualties. Quit being cowards conservative America.......stand up and FIGHT in this war on TERROR of which conservatives love! So long as their love ones are not KILLED! How fucking pathetic.
And when terrorists blow someone up, that judge should be tried for murder
Oh boy......more fear mongering from a fascist Trump voter.

Thats all you got?
Orlando was ok?
San bernadino?
Ft Hood?

Yeah Trumpnhited them all to take over the country, jesus you people are insane.

Hey you should go to a market in Germany,I hear they are really safe.

We should be grateful that oceans separate us from those vermin. Obama was just like the stupid European leaders. Had there been a land route here, we would be in the same state.
Hey Dumb Billy conservative haven't ya heard oceans will not protect you conservative vermin RATS!!! We are at war with GOP war on terrorism. In war their are losses and casualties. Quit being cowards conservative America.......stand up and FIGHT in this war on TERROR of which conservatives love! So long as their love ones are not KILLED! How fucking pathetic.

Huh? :uhoh3:

The stay appears to apply nationwide, which means it can’t be implemented until further court action.


Obama appointed judge....DHS is ignoring her stay and staying on track.....I'd say nice try if it had been. Amazing how fast Soros can organize a protest. :disbelief:
It's more important than ever for Trump get some Conservative Justices on our Supreme Court. The Democrats will continue to fight against the American People.

Trump got it right on this. We shouldn't be accepting Thousands in from these very dangerous Terrorism-plagued nations. The #1 priority has to be protecting Americans. Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for trying to thwart that.

The Leftists because of their confused moral compass cannot distinguish between right and wrong, so how can they be possibly trusted to know good from bad in people?

Because of the Leftists pathological altruism they see only good in all of these so-called refugees, because of muh feelings etc.

As such the Leftists are as much of a danger to peoples in Western nations as the Islamic terrorists are.

Yeah, they should be looking out for Americans. I don't know what happened to that Party. Looks like the NWO Globalists have hijacked the Party. Most Americans support Trump trying to protect them. I think Democrats are gonna regret opposing this at some point. It was a reasonable common sense action to protect Americans.

"I think Democrats are gonna regret opposing this at some point."

I'm sure that President Trump's National Security team are looking at possibly prohibiting any form of protesting at American airports and declaring such as a National Security Risk.

With that any Leftist Agitators gathering and launching an unruly protest like last night at JFK could very easily be arrested and removed and taken away.
Oh well get ready for a Trump-GOP concocted False Flag Attack on the U.S. Also, Trump only received 60 million votes!!! Meanwhile over 160 million registered voters didn't vote for Trump!!! So what's this shit about the American people want Trump to protect them. You mean 60 million "Chicken Little" the sky is falling Trump voters are afraid of their own SHADOWS!!!!
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