BREAKING NEWS: Federal Judge grants stay on Trump's Muslim ban

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We stand for what America stands for, much of which is carved on our Statue of Liberty.

What is carved on the Statue of Liberty has nothing to do with what we stand for, which is encoded in the Constitution.

That poem was added much later, and has no authority of law.

It does not have to have the authority of the law to represent what we as a nation stand for.
It does not represent what we as a nation stand for, the NATION's majority stands for LEGAL immigration and NOT illegal immigration.

But Comrade Trump is barring LEGAL immigration from selective counties. Even Dick Cheney thinks Trumps an idiot...
Nope his ban stops legal immigration and it is in fact the very list that Obama created and used first.

That is what I said. the Liar in Chief is stopping legal immigration. He is listening to the Leninist, Steve Bamnon.
What is carved on the Statue of Liberty has nothing to do with what we stand for, which is encoded in the Constitution.

That poem was added much later, and has no authority of law.

It does not have to have the authority of the law to represent what we as a nation stand for.
It does not represent what we as a nation stand for, the NATION's majority stands for LEGAL immigration and NOT illegal immigration.

But Comrade Trump is barring LEGAL immigration from selective counties. Even Dick Cheney thinks Trumps an idiot...
Nope his ban stops legal immigration and it is in fact the very list that Obama created and used first.

That is what I said. the Liar in Chief is stopping legal immigration. He is listening to the Leninist, Steve Bamnon.
It does not have to have the authority of the law to represent what we as a nation stand for.
It does not represent what we as a nation stand for, the NATION's majority stands for LEGAL immigration and NOT illegal immigration.

But Comrade Trump is barring LEGAL immigration from selective counties. Even Dick Cheney thinks Trumps an idiot...
Nope his ban stops legal immigration and it is in fact the very list that Obama created and used first.

That is what I said. the Liar in Chief is stopping legal immigration. He is listening to the Leninist, Steve Bamnon.

Where us that a lie. He is banning immigration from selected Muslim countries. He is a 21st century Hitler.
It does not represent what we as a nation stand for, the NATION's majority stands for LEGAL immigration and NOT illegal immigration.

But Comrade Trump is barring LEGAL immigration from selective counties. Even Dick Cheney thinks Trumps an idiot...
Nope his ban stops legal immigration and it is in fact the very list that Obama created and used first.

That is what I said. the Liar in Chief is stopping legal immigration. He is listening to the Leninist, Steve Bamnon.

Where us that a lie. He is banning immigration from selected Muslim countries. He is a 21st century Hitler.
Fascist Liar...
It does not represent what we as a nation stand for, the NATION's majority stands for LEGAL immigration and NOT illegal immigration.

But Comrade Trump is barring LEGAL immigration from selective counties. Even Dick Cheney thinks Trumps an idiot...
Nope his ban stops legal immigration and it is in fact the very list that Obama created and used first.

That is what I said. the Liar in Chief is stopping legal immigration. He is listening to the Leninist, Steve Bamnon.

Where us that a lie. He is banning immigration from selected Muslim countries. He is a 21st century Hitler.
Why do think that this is a great victory ?

A judge stopped one part of the effort.

The rest is moving forward.

as well as it is a temporary order


The West is not OBLIGATED to take ANY of these people and why do they want to ONLY come to Western nations?

Severe measures need to be taken to FORCE other Middle Eastern nations to take ALL of these people, they are the same people, they have the same culture, the same religion, the same foods, they don't need to integrate.

Dubai, Qatar, Bahrain for starters should have sanctions placed on them by Washington DC to FORCE them to take these people.

Again WHY do they ONLY want to come to Western nations, they have no intention of adopting OUR values and OUR lifestyle, so why don't they go to other Middle Eastern nations instead of travelling THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of miles to come to the West.

Elections have consequences.

When the stupid shithead Moon Bats elected the Kenyan Catastrophe really dumbass Federal judges were appointed that do stupid things like this.

Hopefully the judicial system will allow Trump as much flexibility in enforcing the immigration laws of this country as they did in allowing that asshole Obama to disobey the law.

Thank goodness that Trump was elected instead of that jackass Crooked Hillary. That way over the next years many of those stupid Libtard Moon Bat Federal judges appointed by that nitwit Obama can be replaced with Conservatives so that his country can get back on the road to be great again.
History is a vast subject and no one can truly know it all. That why historians major in parts of history. Mine is Military History with a focus on Indian warfare. Indeed the Massachusetts Bay Colony fought the natives very early in their history but particularly after they recoverd from the illnesses the colonists brought with them during the first colony which prevented them from wageing as early and effective attacks as they could have, although, they did try from time to time. Nevertheless, they fought early, they fought often, and they are your kin.

I never asserted they didn't; I'm very well aware of the actions Governor Bradford - I call him Grandpa Bill - engaged in toward the native population once they ceased to be useful and became an obstacle to expansion of the colony.

I merely asserted that my ancestors found safe haven here as refugees fleeing religious persecution - of that there is no doubt. They promptly set about persecuting others for religious reasons once happily settled here, there is no denying that truth, either.

My larger point remains that we began as a country of refugees/immigrants, and it's nothing but ignorant xenophobia that compels a bunch of descendants of immigrants to support denying safe haven to refugees fleeing war-torn countries just because of the color of their skin or the religion that they practice.

Of note is the fact that none of the terrorist acts perpetrated in this country were perpetrated by people from the countries your Drumpfuhrer is attempting to ban. It's nonsensical in that regard; that he issues such a ban on Holocaust Remembrance Day when we have cause to consider the Jews we turned away who were later murdered by the Nazis is just indescribably disgusting.

Once again, an uneasy peace at best and attempted genocide at worst. Drop the ideology and look at the facts. They may have been in search of a safe haven but it was not granted to them; they had to carve it out for themselves via blood. This isn't ideology, this is factual history. Realism trumps ideology every time.

When I received my bachelors I was thinking of pursuing something along the realm of constitutional history and wrote a number of papers on constitutional disagreements and contraversies that never seemed to stay within the 25 page limit. In all of my studies I noticed a favoritism toward western immigration, and a very narrow favoritism at that. At first I came to the same concludsion. I thought it to be a racist policy. I quickly found out that they truly favored peoples that assimilated easily into their form of government in keeping with their ideas of liberty in which the law you once practiced was founded.

Throughout history peoples who made their own law founded in their own values have alway been weary of outsiders coming in and imposing opposite values not congruent with the foundations of liberty. This is why the right of return to Israel is denied. If the right of return was granted then Israel would cease to be a democracy.

Immigration policy should favor the citizens of a country in keeping with their safety, values, and laws. Peoples who do not beleive in individual liberty, have a high propensity toward violence, treat their women like garbage, and rape little children, are not in keeping with our ideas of liberty. I've been to these countries, I know these people, and I know how they act. It has nothing to do with race and everything to do with culture. Cultures have values, values are an indicator of politics, and politics dictate laws and policy. The Somali refugees in Minnesota are a perfect example of what happens when you import a group of people not congruent with the American experiment. That's not ideology, that's fact. Realism trumps ideology everytime.

You're clearly a xenophobe who is strong on ugly opinions without facts to support them.

Do you have any idea how many Muslims are in the United States? How many of them are 1st or 2nd generation Americans?

Honestly the kind of ugly opinions you hold and spew are the exact reason I don't visit here often. It makes me sick to realize how many people like you exist in this otherwise beautiful country.

Is there anything that I can do or say to keep your lying, alleged Jesuit trained Georgetown ass out of MY country, troll????

Sorry poopstain, it's just as much mine as yours.

Actually I'd argue it's more mine than yours, because I actually believe in and fight to uphold and defend the Constitution upon which our democracy is based.
Well, a Constitutional solicitor/barrister should use the proper vocabulary when mentioning our form of government. The Republic is based on the Constitution and not "our democracy" as you expressed it. You're welcome. Little for the little things what can betray you.
It is interesting to observe, that when the communist left was largely in the minority of the population, the Constitution was keenly observed by them since it ensured that the minority was protected from the majority. Now, after decades of dumbing down the populace at large, the numbers of the left and right are evening out and gradually the concept of democracy is introduced instead of the Republic and the Constitution started to become a living document.
The countries on the ban were picked by OBAMA!

The Temporary Stay that has been granted is essentially meaningless, it's only applicable to those who had already landed with a valid visa and holders of Green Cards.

The US Department of State has a right to revoke visas at any time if required for national security reasons or public safety reasons.

Also the individuals that this Temporary Stay involves (except Green Card holders) are not free to go loose on America's streets, they will be subjected to detention and placed in detention centres whilst their ENTIRE life history is completely gone over with a fine toothcomb ie. Extreme Vetting, this could take many, many, many, many months of them being locked in detention centres, also at any given time they could have their visa's revoked and deported back to where they came from.

This Temporary Stay also ONLY pertains to those who had landed and are still in transit.

So anyone wanting to turn up from Monday, tomorrow, is fully covered by President Trump's Executive Order ie. they are shit out of luck, so they should remain where they are and not waste time and money travelling only to be either immediately detained once they've landed or be immediately deported.
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We haveto stop playingaying this stupid game with lefties. Only joint action by the secretary of state and attorney general can stop the president's order in this situation. The judge knew it. Which means she's potentially looking at impeachment and prison. The left wants war with Islam on our ground, isnt that precious.

Trump will call the troops to clear out the air ports. Hopefully before a muslim drives a truck in.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens
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We haveto stop playingaying this stupid game with lefties. Only joint action by the secretary of state and attorney general can stop the president's order in this situation. The judge knew it. Which means she's looking at impeachment and prison. The left wants war with Islam on our ground, isnt that precious.

Trump will call the troops to clear out the air ports. Hopefully before a muslim drives a truck in.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens
If the muslim drives the truck into the crowd of Soros paid protesters, it sure will save some money for Ole George....
We haveto stop playingaying this stupid game with lefties. Only joint action by the secretary of state and attorney general can stop the president's order in this situation. The judge knew it. Which means she's looking at impeachment and prison. The left wants war with Islam on our ground, isnt that precious.

Trump will call the troops to clear out the air ports. Hopefully before a muslim drives a truck in.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

As usual the Leftists are in their Alternative Universe encased in The Bubble.

And again I'll repost that President Trump's Executive Order is completely legal and is within existing American law and as such is not in violation of the American Constitution.

I have posted the below about ten times now, but of course the Leftists in The Bubble ignore it.

We haveto stop playingaying this stupid game with lefties. Only joint action by the secretary of state and attorney general can stop the president's order in this situation. The judge knew it. Which means she's looking at impeachment and prison. The left wants war with Islam on our ground, isnt that precious.

Trump will call the troops to clear out the air ports. Hopefully before a muslim drives a truck in.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

She's a Leftist and was appointed by Obama,

Ann Donnelly - Wikipedia

This one also intervened after Donnelly, again she's another Leftist and was appointed by Bill Clinton.

Leonie Brinkema - Wikipedia
It does not represent what we as a nation stand for, the NATION's majority stands for LEGAL immigration and NOT illegal immigration.

But Comrade Trump is barring LEGAL immigration from selective counties. Even Dick Cheney thinks Trumps an idiot...
Nope his ban stops legal immigration and it is in fact the very list that Obama created and used first.

That is what I said. the Liar in Chief is stopping legal immigration. He is listening to the Leninist, Steve Bamnon.

Where us that a lie. He is banning immigration from selected Muslim countries. He is a 21st century Hitler.
Your Trumpenfuhrer is doing the right thing. These 3rd world scum are unvetted. The moritorium is needed.
Go ahead, show me where any liberal said that about Obama, ever. Take your time, I'll wait.
Here's the problem though - when I post a bunch of links of progressives here on USMB, you'll proclaim they don't meet your criteria.

When I post the links of Joy Behar saying that the U.S. Constitution doesn't matter - you'll cry that doesn't count.

When I show you progressives cheering egregious violations of the constitution such as Obamacare - you'll deny it was unconstitutional.

Sorry sweetie - I don't need your approval of reality. We all sat through history and watched as progressives insisted that Obama was entitled to unlimited power. We all saw it. Your silly and absurd denial of it doesn't change it.

Sorry *sweetie* - when a Constitutional scholar of the caliber of John Roberts considers the Affordable Care Act to be fully within the powers of the government, I'm going to accept his opinion over some moron on USMessageBoard.

And no, I don't get my political analysis from Joy Behar, either.

This kind of anti-intellectualism is exactly what I find so tiring about this place. When did it become such a badge of honor in this country to be willfully ignorant? We are all the poorer for this mentality, political persuasion aside.

Kinda hard to complain about anti-intellectualism when you respond to legitimate arguments by ignoring the merits and name calling. I asked you an easy question that you refused to answer because it would demonstrate the flaws in your ideology. You never responded. The times you did respond you launched insults whilst simply contradicting me. Now I hope I don't need to explain the differrence between contradiction and argument to a lawyer but at the same time I hope I do. Ignorance of the difference reflects better than a lawyer that doesn't know the difference.
Pussy, I don't even recall which dumb question you're referring to. A few were posed by you and your pal Dale - but in trying to be polite, I just ignored them because they seemed more than a little insane to me. Yeah, I know - that's because I'm stupid & a fraud. You're a broken record. Incredibly boring, too. I'm reminded why I hardly ever read here or bother posting; i just prefer a setting where mature people debate issues of substance without feeling compelled (by their own inadequacies) to start name-calling and denigrating. Those are the rhetorical tools of toddlers, with which you are clearly very comfortable. *You* are the plain folk Mencken was talking about.

Since all the intelligent people who were posting in this thread have apparently gone to bed, I'm going to step out too and let you hurl poo at us to your little heart's content. Have fun!

I'll be the first to tell anyone I'm a boring individual. Can't blame you there. I do think your yapping at too many people to keep track of who you are talking to so I'll ignore the "stupid and a fraud" comment you attributed to me. I honestly want to go get to the heart of what makes you tick on immigration. Unlike you I went to college/university and had my arguments challenged on a daily basis by the overwhelming, although much younger, student body which placed me in an uncanny position to get a real education where I was forced into groups with opposing views on a scale you have never experienced in academia. The same goes for the professors, although not younger they were extremely naive as they had never seen the real world or heals a real job outside academia.

The point is that I debated, respectfully mind you, many folks that challenged my world view. I know you aren't accustomed to this but know that I have an open mind and are accustomed to cedeing a point that I am wrong on.

In fairness my question was insane although I said as much when I asked it. The question goes toward if you have any standards on immigration at all.

Question:Suppose there is a culture that values gang rape, eating their own feces, and murdering a random member of society every Tuesday. Now let's suppose they get invaded and oppressed. Question: Would you let them in as refugees?

Now the question is rediculous because no such people exist. I get that. But would you let them in to your country?
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We haveto stop playingaying this stupid game with lefties. Only joint action by the secretary of state and attorney general can stop the president's order in this situation. The judge knew it. Which means she's looking at impeachment and prison. The left wants war with Islam on our ground, isnt that precious.

Trump will call the troops to clear out the air ports. Hopefully before a muslim drives a truck in.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

"Trump will call the troops to clear out the air ports. Hopefully before a muslim drives a truck in."

Maybe Omar Jadwat can be prevented from having a bedwetting tantrum and driving a truck in (see below for Omar Jadwat)

The Leftist Judges ruling has a few problems shall we say, such as Non American citizens DON'T have ANY Constitutional Rights under the American Constitution, the Rights guaranteed under the American Constitution pertain entirely to American citizens.

President Trump is well within the existing American law to block entry to or to detain or to deport ANY Non American citizen he wants to for security purposes.

The United States Custom Agents are ignoring this Leftist Judges ruling and are siding with President Trump's Executive Order and are enforcing it.

The below picture shows The Good Guys in black with black helmets :smile:


Customs agents ignore judge, enforce Trump’s travel ban: ACLU

"The ACLU is getting “multiple reports” that federal customs agents are siding with President Trump — and willfully ignoring a Brooklyn federal judge’s demand that travelers from seven Muslim countries not be deported from the nation’s airports.

“The court’s order could not be clearer… they need to comply with the order,” Omar Jadwat, director of the ACLU’s Immigrants Rights project, told The Post late Saturday.

“It’s enough to be a serious concern,” Jadwat said of the reports.

Jadwat and other ACLU lawyers had earlier Saturday night won an emergency stay of Trump’s deportation order from Brooklyn Federal Judge Ann Donnelly."

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Go ahead, show me where any liberal said that about Obama, ever. Take your time, I'll wait.
Here's the problem though - when I post a bunch of links of progressives here on USMB, you'll proclaim they don't meet your criteria.

When I post the links of Joy Behar saying that the U.S. Constitution doesn't matter - you'll cry that doesn't count.

When I show you progressives cheering egregious violations of the constitution such as Obamacare - you'll deny it was unconstitutional.

Sorry sweetie - I don't need your approval of reality. We all sat through history and watched as progressives insisted that Obama was entitled to unlimited power. We all saw it. Your silly and absurd denial of it doesn't change it.

Sorry *sweetie* - when a Constitutional scholar of the caliber of John Roberts considers the Affordable Care Act to be fully within the powers of the government, I'm going to accept his opinion over some moron on USMessageBoard.

And no, I don't get my political analysis from Joy Behar, either.

This kind of anti-intellectualism is exactly what I find so tiring about this place. When did it become such a badge of honor in this country to be willfully ignorant? We are all the poorer for this mentality, political persuasion aside.

Kinda hard to complain about anti-intellectualism when you respond to legitimate arguments by ignoring the merits and name calling. I asked you an easy question that you refused to answer because it would demonstrate the flaws in your ideology. You never responded. The times you did respond you launched insults whilst simply contradicting me. Now I hope I don't need to explain the differrence between contradiction and argument to a lawyer but at the same time I hope I do. Ignorance of the difference reflects better than a lawyer that doesn't know the difference.
Pussy, I don't even recall which dumb question you're referring to. A few were posed by you and your pal Dale - but in trying to be polite, I just ignored them because they seemed more than a little insane to me. Yeah, I know - that's because I'm stupid & a fraud. You're a broken record. Incredibly boring, too. I'm reminded why I hardly ever read here or bother posting; i just prefer a setting where mature people debate issues of substance without feeling compelled (by their own inadequacies) to start name-calling and denigrating. Those are the rhetorical tools of toddlers, with which you are clearly very comfortable. *You* are the plain folk Mencken was talking about.

Since all the intelligent people who were posting in this thread have apparently gone to bed, I'm going to step out too and let you hurl poo at us to your little heart's content. Have fun!

Question:Suppose there is a culture that values gang rape, eating their own feces, and murdering a random member of society every Tuesday. Now let's suppose they get invaded and oppressed. Question: Would you let them in as refugees?

Now the question is rediculous because no such people exist. I get that. But would you let them in to your country?

"no such people exist"
That was the only part of your post that is incorrect.
We haveto stop playingaying this stupid game with lefties. Only joint action by the secretary of state and attorney general can stop the president's order in this situation. The judge knew it. Which means she's looking at impeachment and prison. The left wants war with Islam on our ground, isnt that precious.

Trump will call the troops to clear out the air ports. Hopefully before a muslim drives a truck in.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

"Trump will call the troops to clear out the air ports. Hopefully before a muslim drives a truck in."

Maybe Omar Jadwat can be prevented from having a bedwetting tantrum and driving a truck in (see below for Omar Jadwat)

They are ignoring this Leftist Judges ruling and are siding with President Trump's Executive Order and they already are enforcing it.

View attachment 109354

Customs agents ignore judge, enforce Trump’s travel ban: ACLU

"The ACLU is getting “multiple reports” that federal customs agents are siding with President Trump — and willfully ignoring a Brooklyn federal judge’s demand that travelers from seven Muslim countries not be deported from the nation’s airports.

“The court’s order could not be clearer… they need to comply with the order,” Omar Jadwat, director of the ACLU’s Immigrants Rights project, told The Post late Saturday.

“It’s enough to be a serious concern,” Jadwat said of the reports.

Jadwat and other ACLU lawyers had earlier Saturday night won an emergency stay of Trump’s deportation order from Brooklyn Federal Judge Ann Donnelly."

I don't understand why Law Enforcement would side with a man who sides with THEM.
We haveto stop playingaying this stupid game with lefties. Only joint action by the secretary of state and attorney general can stop the president's order in this situation. The judge knew it. Which means she's looking at impeachment and prison. The left wants war with Islam on our ground, isnt that precious.

Trump will call the troops to clear out the air ports. Hopefully before a muslim drives a truck in.

8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens

"Trump will call the troops to clear out the air ports. Hopefully before a muslim drives a truck in."

Maybe Omar Jadwat can be prevented from having a bedwetting tantrum and driving a truck in (see below for Omar Jadwat)

They are ignoring this Leftist Judges ruling and are siding with President Trump's Executive Order and they already are enforcing it.

View attachment 109354

Customs agents ignore judge, enforce Trump’s travel ban: ACLU

"The ACLU is getting “multiple reports” that federal customs agents are siding with President Trump — and willfully ignoring a Brooklyn federal judge’s demand that travelers from seven Muslim countries not be deported from the nation’s airports.

“The court’s order could not be clearer… they need to comply with the order,” Omar Jadwat, director of the ACLU’s Immigrants Rights project, told The Post late Saturday.

“It’s enough to be a serious concern,” Jadwat said of the reports.

Jadwat and other ACLU lawyers had earlier Saturday night won an emergency stay of Trump’s deportation order from Brooklyn Federal Judge Ann Donnelly."

I don't understand why Law Enforcement would side with a man who sides with THEM.

Yes it's shocking, too too shocking :omg:
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