Breaking News: First U.S. Ebola Patient Dies

The mortality rate of this disease is very high. My prayers with his family, and I hope no one else there has contracted the disease.

Let's pray a cure is found and the spread of it ends.
Having another hissy fit?

EDIT to say this answer above was directed to Luddy Neddite ...but as the coward that he is ...he deleted his post.

I would never say that to my good friend Hossfly! :)
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NBC reported he had been down graded from serious to critical on Nightly News.
Hopefully no one else here dies, thanks to his dishonesty.
I have no regard for the guy. He was a killer.

When they sent him home with antibiotics, he should have stepped up and said more than that he'd traveled from Liberia...he should have told them that he'd handled an infected corpse. Those two days going untreated could have made the difference for him, as well as others who were exposed as a result of his release.
I wonder why American news agencies are not reporting this.

I wonder ... but I am not surprised.
Maybe the guy didn't die? The only article I can find on Reuters on the matter from today says "he's struggling to survive."

Ebola patient in Dallas struggling to survive says CDC head Reuters

OP says it was reported on Reuters -

Business Financial News Breaking US International News
But the OP is a racist abject idiot. Why would anyone take anything he says at face value?

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