Breaking News: North Korea's Internet Systems Completely Go Down

Whatsoever a man sows that shall he shall reap. They did it to themselves.
North Korea must have bumped their acoustic coupler and knocked it out of the cradle.
Yeah, and just when they were beginning to master that blindingly-fast 300-baud of theirs...

They are never going to be able to complete their Amazon orders in time for Xmas now and that means that there will lots of disappointed kids...

...oh wait, they celebrate Wun Hung Lo's birthday instead!

I would be very surprised if obama had the stones to do this.
If he did it'll be the first gutsy thing he's done in six years.
So, making the call to take out Osama when commanders told him the mission had a 50/50 chance of success wasn't gutsy? Get a life.

So you call giving the word to kill a guy that had no ability to strike back gutsy? And where exactly does the 50/50 part fit in when obama wasnt even there? It's not like he was at risk.
You're some kind of pussy.....
Fuck you, dipshit. The gutsy part came from the fact that if the mission to kill OBL hadn't succeeded, he would have been hurt politically. Not to mention the risk to American lives. Since when do CICs have to be physically present at a mission in order to get recognition for its success or bkane for its failure. We all know if it had been a failure, you'd be first in kibe to put it all in him. You're some kind of ODS, half-retarded sack of shit. Get back to your TV dinner, inbred mouthbreather

Thanks for clarifying. It's all about politics with obammy,not whats right.
Some stupid MFers on the left....
So, killing obl wasn't the right decision? BTW, he didn't put politics first. If he had, he would not have given the OK to the mission. You just killed your own argument. Dumb ass
I would be very surprised if obama had the stones to do this.
If he did it'll be the first gutsy thing he's done in six years.
So, making the call to take out Osama when commanders told him the mission had a 50/50 chance of success wasn't gutsy? Get a life.

So you call giving the word to kill a guy that had no ability to strike back gutsy? And where exactly does the 50/50 part fit in when obama wasnt even there? It's not like he was at risk.
You're some kind of pussy.....
Fuck you, dipshit. The gutsy part came from the fact that if the mission to kill OBL hadn't succeeded, he would have been hurt politically. Not to mention the risk to American lives. Since when do CICs have to be physically present at a mission in order to get recognition for its success or bkane for its failure. We all know if it had been a failure, you'd be first in kibe to put it all in him. You're some kind of ODS, half-retarded sack of shit. Get back to your TV dinner, inbred mouthbreather

Thanks for clarifying. It's all about politics with obammy,not whats right.
Some stupid MFers on the left....
So, killing obl wasn't the right decision? BTW, he didn't put politics first. If he had, he would not have given the OK to the mission. You just killed your own argument. Dumb ass

I'm not the one who claimed it was a gutsy "political" move.
Ya sperm guzzler.
Thanks for clarifying. It's all about politics with obammy,not whats right.
Some stupid MFers on the left....
That is you are describing, you wanks on the far right acting all tuff and stuff.


So in your mind it's all about politics as to whether we try and free a hostage or kill a terrorist?
No surprise there....
You don't care about the Seals at all.
Well we know Biden damned sure didn't care about them. After all, he outed them and 6 months later a bunch of them were ambushed and killed.

No connection, just your words.

Unlike RR who had more than Marines killed in Lebanon.
The marines weren't on a secret covert mission like SEAL team 6 was. Biden outed them running his mouth upsetting the SEALs and their commanders. Then the Taliban located them months later and ambushed them.
That is you are describing, you wanks on the far right acting all tuff and stuff.


So in your mind it's all about politics as to whether we try and free a hostage or kill a terrorist?
No surprise there....
You don't care about the Seals at all.
Well we know Biden damned sure didn't care about them. After all, he outed them and 6 months later a bunch of them were ambushed and killed.

No connection, just your words.

Unlike RR who had more than Marines killed in Lebanon.
The marines weren't on a secret covert mission like SEAL team 6 was. Biden outed them running his mouth upsetting the SEALs and their commanders. Then the Taliban located them months later and ambushed them.
Give the links that tie that together. Typical far righty nonsense: all mouth, no teeth, you little monkey.
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Y'all can babble all you want. This is what North Korea looks like at night;


I doubt they even have an internet connection.

"He noted North Korea has a "very basic Internet" with few redundancies, only one server inside the country and one connection through China."

I have more equipment that that in my study. :rofl:
So, making the call to take out Osama when commanders told him the mission had a 50/50 chance of success wasn't gutsy? Get a life.

So you call giving the word to kill a guy that had no ability to strike back gutsy? And where exactly does the 50/50 part fit in when obama wasnt even there? It's not like he was at risk.
You're some kind of pussy.....
Fuck you, dipshit. The gutsy part came from the fact that if the mission to kill OBL hadn't succeeded, he would have been hurt politically. Not to mention the risk to American lives. Since when do CICs have to be physically present at a mission in order to get recognition for its success or bkane for its failure. We all know if it had been a failure, you'd be first in kibe to put it all in him. You're some kind of ODS, half-retarded sack of shit. Get back to your TV dinner, inbred mouthbreather

Thanks for clarifying. It's all about politics with obammy,not whats right.
Some stupid MFers on the left....
So, killing obl wasn't the right decision? BTW, he didn't put politics first. If he had, he would not have given the OK to the mission. You just killed your own argument. Dumb ass

I'm not the one who claimed it was a gutsy "political" move.
Ya sperm guzzler.
Projecting again?

Y'all can babble all you want. This is what North Korea looks like at night;


I doubt they even have an internet connection.

That's gotta be THE place to go for stargazing that isn't freezing.

But yeah, hitting their internet is payback, but then North Korea losing internet is like Greenland losing air conditioners.

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