Breaking News: Supreme Court accepts Jan. 6 case that could affect Jack Smith's Trump Prosecution

"the people have a right to know if their president is a crook."
r m nixon

yea right. wait til after the election when he can pardon himself and reboot his criminal enterprise? best avoid that incredible precedent with a "speedy trial" that should have happened 2022 at the latest.
Guilty and never gets to prove innocence right rumpart?
HaHaHa, like democrat NY judge Engoron declaring Trump guilty before the trial? Hypocrite.

You do know that is not unusual? And Trump had his sister leave her judgeship (the ones the Family-Trump bought)...


President Trump’s older sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, has retired as a federal appellate judge, ending an investigation into whether she violated judicial conduct rules by participating in fraudulent tax schemes with her siblings.

The court inquiry stemmed from complaints filed last October, after an investigation by The New York Times found that the Trumps had engaged in dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud, that greatly increased the inherited wealth of Mr. Trump and his siblings. Judge Barry not only benefited financially from most of those tax schemes, The Times found; she was also in a position to influence the actions taken by her family.
Obstruction -- Trump is charged with more than that. And how any argument from the rioters and insurrectionists would affect his prosecution is up in the air at this time. But we should get Liability back here again to explain the nuances of legal nonsense he formulates in his own mind. Because as he's told us all, he doesn't care for the facts.


This statute that is so vague that it can be used by political prosecutors to persecute their opponents is not constitutional in the United Stares. The Justices should rule the statute void and quash the indictments.

Flippin total horseshit. Here is the law,

otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so” can be punished.

Fisher's argument, and he plead guilty to attacking a police officer, is that when Congress said "otherwise", well they really didn't mean "otherwise". They were only talking about documents. Rioters coming in and storming the House floor, oh that is all fine and dandy. Are you flippin kidding me?

And the Trump appointed, Trump bootlicker, Katsas claimed that the law was so broad that a peaceful protestor in the Senate gallery could be prosecuted by simply exercising his first amendment rights to free speech. Stupid. The protestor would simply be escorted out of the gallery, happens all the damn time. But if that protestor carried in a sack of killer bees, unleashed them on the Senate floor, and chased all the Senators off the senate floor, think he should be convicted of "impeding an official proceeding". Well nope, at least not in the view of Katsas, bees ain't documents.

To be honest, the federal judiciary, and especially the SCOTUS, is a damn joke at this point. Thank you Donald Trump.
Trump appointed Constitution originalists to the court. They will do the right sacred thing and shut Jack Smith's out of control lawfare down.
And if they don't they'll be corrupt or part of the deep state or scared of left wing violence. When you lose it can never be because you're wrong. :itsok:
Sure that is what you are "suggesting" is happening in the SCOTUS without any evidence---but that's what democrats do. Make summary judgements without evidence.
Democrats make their claims and then try to manufacture evidence to support their claims while ignoring everything that proves they're wrong.
ANd the debates were NOT recorded. Intentionally. What we have is a series of letters, or op-eds if you will, explaining the views of Federalists and Jeffersonian Democrats

The debates weren't recorded BECAUSE THERE WAS NO SUCH THING as a tape recorder. I mean deeyam the ignorance. But there are numerous journals, broadsides, and written documentation available to anyone willing to look. The above two a good start.

The debates weren't recorded BECAUSE THERE WAS NO SUCH THING as a tape recorder. I mean deeyam the ignorance. But there are numerous journals, broadsides, and written documentation available to anyone willing to look. The above two a good start.
But….but….but….what about cell phones??
Just remember folks, conservative justices have already decided the case in their head. The only thing to do now is find a way to justify it.

The text of the law is irrelevant.
All the evidence is already in
You do know that is not unusual? And Trump had his sister leave her judgeship (the ones the Family-Trump bought)...


President Trump’s older sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, has retired as a federal appellate judge, ending an investigation into whether she violated judicial conduct rules by participating in fraudulent tax schemes with her siblings.

The court inquiry stemmed from complaints filed last October, after an investigation by The New York Times found that the Trumps had engaged in dubious tax schemes during the 1990s, including instances of outright fraud, that greatly increased the inherited wealth of Mr. Trump and his siblings. Judge Barry not only benefited financially from most of those tax schemes, The Times found; she was also in a position to influence the actions taken by her family.
Blah, blah, blah--I don't buy the distraction whiner. You're complaining about a SCOTUS decision that hasn't happened yet, snowflake.
Just remember folks, conservative justices have already decided the case in their head. The only thing to do now is find a way to justify it.

The text of the law is irrelevant.
You could say the same thing about the liberal judges, and in fact, I'm sure some people are.
You could say the same thing about the liberal judges, and in fact, I'm sure some people are.
Reading the statute seems like a good place to start. The statute is clear but apparently we aren’t supposed to go by what the law actually says but what some justices think the people who wrote the law MEANT to say.

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