Breaking News: Supreme Court Has Chosen Not To Hear Any Of The 7 Marriage Equality Cases.

Two sisters can't procreate.

Try again
Procreation was only one potential aspect of marriage, and both sisters can procreate, try again.

No they can't. Are you warped?

They would require a male

A third party

Oh, I get it , your argument for plural marriage.

I'm against plural marriage, obviously your not

You keep assuming that to procreate one must have a married partner inseminate you. That's not true. All you need is to have sex with someone of the other sex, or become artificially inseminated. As proof, I point you to the millions of single women that have babies every year.

Oh, I made no such assumption, I seem to be one of only a few that know how babies are actually made. The discussion was about marriage. You do realize that, right, and about married couples procreating within that marriage.

No same sex couplings have ever created a child. EVER.

That makes opposite sex coupling unique.

Every man, woman and child had come from those couplings. NOT A SINGLE CHILD HAD EVER BEEN PRODUCED FROM SAME SEX MASTURBATION.
First you say you understand the difference between being married and having sex and/or using artificial insemination to get pregnant. Then you prove that you don't understand the difference. Or at least that you are incapable of being honest.

Please simpleton, the argument is not that pregnancy can occur, the argument is that in the demographic group you are siding with, that pregnancy had never occurred without an outside third party, making opposite sex couples quite unique when compared to same sex couplings.

Ramble on rambling man
Procreation was only one potential aspect of marriage, and both sisters can procreate, try again.

No they can't. Are you warped?

They would require a male

A third party

Oh, I get it , your argument for plural marriage.

I'm against plural marriage, obviously your not

You keep assuming that to procreate one must have a married partner inseminate you. That's not true. All you need is to have sex with someone of the other sex, or become artificially inseminated. As proof, I point you to the millions of single women that have babies every year.

Oh, I made no such assumption, I seem to be one of only a few that know how babies are actually made. The discussion was about marriage. You do realize that, right, and about married couples procreating within that marriage.

No same sex couplings have ever created a child. EVER.

That makes opposite sex coupling unique.

Every man, woman and child had come from those couplings. NOT A SINGLE CHILD HAD EVER BEEN PRODUCED FROM SAME SEX MASTURBATION.
First you say you understand the difference between being married and having sex and/or using artificial insemination to get pregnant. Then you prove that you don't understand the difference. Or at least that you are incapable of being honest.

Please simpleton, the argument is not that pregnancy can occur, the argument is that in the demographic group you are siding with, that pregnancy had never occurred without an outside third party, making opposite sex couples quite unique when compared to same sex couplings.

Ramble on rambling man
No dumb ass.. that is your stupid ass argument. Who gives a flying eff if a guy can't get pregnant? What the hell does that have to do with with marriage? Who gives a shit if the woman can't get pregnant from her mate? What the hell does that have to do with marriage?
No they can't. Are you warped?

They would require a male

A third party

Oh, I get it , your argument for plural marriage.

I'm against plural marriage, obviously your not

You keep assuming that to procreate one must have a married partner inseminate you. That's not true. All you need is to have sex with someone of the other sex, or become artificially inseminated. As proof, I point you to the millions of single women that have babies every year.

Oh, I made no such assumption, I seem to be one of only a few that know how babies are actually made. The discussion was about marriage. You do realize that, right, and about married couples procreating within that marriage.

No same sex couplings have ever created a child. EVER.

That makes opposite sex coupling unique.

Every man, woman and child had come from those couplings. NOT A SINGLE CHILD HAD EVER BEEN PRODUCED FROM SAME SEX MASTURBATION.
you are still going on about this....Doing exactly what i said you would do.

It's called flailing. They lost, you have to expect it.

It's called warning. We lose you can't stop incest and plural marriage
who cares.....
No they can't. Are you warped?

They would require a male

A third party

Oh, I get it , your argument for plural marriage.

I'm against plural marriage, obviously your not

You keep assuming that to procreate one must have a married partner inseminate you. That's not true. All you need is to have sex with someone of the other sex, or become artificially inseminated. As proof, I point you to the millions of single women that have babies every year.

Oh, I made no such assumption, I seem to be one of only a few that know how babies are actually made. The discussion was about marriage. You do realize that, right, and about married couples procreating within that marriage.

No same sex couplings have ever created a child. EVER.

That makes opposite sex coupling unique.

Every man, woman and child had come from those couplings. NOT A SINGLE CHILD HAD EVER BEEN PRODUCED FROM SAME SEX MASTURBATION.
First you say you understand the difference between being married and having sex and/or using artificial insemination to get pregnant. Then you prove that you don't understand the difference. Or at least that you are incapable of being honest.

Please simpleton, the argument is not that pregnancy can occur, the argument is that in the demographic group you are siding with, that pregnancy had never occurred without an outside third party, making opposite sex couples quite unique when compared to same sex couplings.

Ramble on rambling man
No dumb ass.. that is your stupid ass argument. Who gives a flying eff if a guy can't get pregnant? What the hell does that have to do with with marriage? Who gives a shit if the woman can't get pregnant from her mate? What the hell does that have to do with marriage?

You go!

Who cares if a mother/daughter couple can't get pregnant, what does that have do do with marriage?

Guess you put me in my place aye pardner?
Gotta love those men and women in black robes. don't forget they BE THE LAW OF THE LAND

New York Appeals Court To Weigh Giving Legal Rights To Chimps…
Or as the left calls them, undocumented primates.

ALL of it here:

New York Appeals Court To Weigh Giving Legal Rights To Chimps Weasel Zippers

Why haven't you answered my question? How does my family and my legal civil marriage destroy anyone else's as you claimed earlier?

I don't care if you marry your dog. I'm talking about the legalities of all this and what it is going to bring DOWN on the rest of us in this country. I know you don't give a crap about anyone else. so don't ask me again

So be specific and tell us what horrible calamities are going to befall you because gays can legally marry. Give some details, Drama Queen.
I'm afraid that Stephanie is the victim of gay marriage. Draw what conclusions you wish from that.
You keep assuming that to procreate one must have a married partner inseminate you. That's not true. All you need is to have sex with someone of the other sex, or become artificially inseminated. As proof, I point you to the millions of single women that have babies every year.

Oh, I made no such assumption, I seem to be one of only a few that know how babies are actually made. The discussion was about marriage. You do realize that, right, and about married couples procreating within that marriage.

No same sex couplings have ever created a child. EVER.

That makes opposite sex coupling unique.

Every man, woman and child had come from those couplings. NOT A SINGLE CHILD HAD EVER BEEN PRODUCED FROM SAME SEX MASTURBATION.
First you say you understand the difference between being married and having sex and/or using artificial insemination to get pregnant. Then you prove that you don't understand the difference. Or at least that you are incapable of being honest.

Please simpleton, the argument is not that pregnancy can occur, the argument is that in the demographic group you are siding with, that pregnancy had never occurred without an outside third party, making opposite sex couples quite unique when compared to same sex couplings.

Ramble on rambling man
No dumb ass.. that is your stupid ass argument. Who gives a flying eff if a guy can't get pregnant? What the hell does that have to do with with marriage? Who gives a shit if the woman can't get pregnant from her mate? What the hell does that have to do with marriage?

You go!

Who cares if a mother/daughter couple can't get pregnant, what does that have do do with marriage?

Guess you put me in my place aye pardner?
Incest is a different issue than marriage. And, no you put yourself in your place.
Oh, I made no such assumption, I seem to be one of only a few that know how babies are actually made. The discussion was about marriage. You do realize that, right, and about married couples procreating within that marriage.

No same sex couplings have ever created a child. EVER.

That makes opposite sex coupling unique.

Every man, woman and child had come from those couplings. NOT A SINGLE CHILD HAD EVER BEEN PRODUCED FROM SAME SEX MASTURBATION.
First you say you understand the difference between being married and having sex and/or using artificial insemination to get pregnant. Then you prove that you don't understand the difference. Or at least that you are incapable of being honest.

Please simpleton, the argument is not that pregnancy can occur, the argument is that in the demographic group you are siding with, that pregnancy had never occurred without an outside third party, making opposite sex couples quite unique when compared to same sex couplings.

Ramble on rambling man
No dumb ass.. that is your stupid ass argument. Who gives a flying eff if a guy can't get pregnant? What the hell does that have to do with with marriage? Who gives a shit if the woman can't get pregnant from her mate? What the hell does that have to do with marriage?

You go!

Who cares if a mother/daughter couple can't get pregnant, what does that have do do with marriage?

Guess you put me in my place aye pardner?
Incest is a different issue than marriage. And, no you put yourself in your place.
No it is not you are also a hypocrite.
and where in the constitution is it prohibited for a person to be a bigot?

Actually, I misspoke there. You are allowed to be a bigot. You are just not allowed to act on that bigotry. Sorry, I wasn't clear enough there.
You are a hypocrite
I know. It's so much easier to just engage in ad hominems than it is to have to actually think, isn't it?

You are dismissed.
You are a fucking piece of shit hypocrite it has nothing to do with protecting rights with you
It the protection of a god damn progressive agenda that you defend
Son of a bitch hypocrite.
and where in the constitution is it prohibited for a person to be a bigot?

Actually, I misspoke there. You are allowed to be a bigot. You are just not allowed to act on that bigotry. Sorry, I wasn't clear enough there.
You are a hypocrite
I know. It's so much easier to just engage in ad hominems than it is to have to actually think, isn't it?

You are dismissed.
You are a fucking piece of shit hypocrite...
Nothing else was needed. Ad hominems are the last attempt of the desperate when they are too stupid to formulate actual intelligent replies.

You really should go relax, and change you panties that you soiled.

Or you can continue to rant, and I'll just ignore you.

So, does anyone who is not stupid have anything they would like to add?
and where in the constitution is it prohibited for a person to be a bigot?

Actually, I misspoke there. You are allowed to be a bigot. You are just not allowed to act on that bigotry. Sorry, I wasn't clear enough there.
You are a hypocrite
I know. It's so much easier to just engage in ad hominems than it is to have to actually think, isn't it?

You are dismissed.
You are a fucking piece of shit hypocrite...
Nothing else was needed. Ad hominems are the last attempt of the desperate when they are too stupid to formulate actual intelligent replies.

You really should go relax, and change you panties that you soiled.

Or you can continue to rant, and I'll just ignore you.

So, does anyone who is not stupid have anything they would like to add?
You are a hypocrite stop whining when it's pointed out to you.
Class is over
Actually, I misspoke there. You are allowed to be a bigot. You are just not allowed to act on that bigotry. Sorry, I wasn't clear enough there.
You are a hypocrite
I know. It's so much easier to just engage in ad hominems than it is to have to actually think, isn't it?

You are dismissed.
You are a fucking piece of shit hypocrite...
Nothing else was needed. Ad hominems are the last attempt of the desperate when they are too stupid to formulate actual intelligent replies.

You really should go relax, and change you panties that you soiled.

Or you can continue to rant, and I'll just ignore you.

So, does anyone who is not stupid have anything they would like to add?
Class is over
Well, duh! That's what I told you. Class is over. You're too stupid to make an actual argument, so you resort to grying to attack your opponent. You can go back to the kiddie table now. We're done with you. and repeating the same stupid useless attack over and over doesn't make you sound any less stupid. so you might as well just stop and slither on away to lick your wounds.

I know...I know..
Like the little child you are, you just have to have the last word, even though you have run out of things to say that aren't stupid, so...
In 3...
Gotta love those men and women in black robes. don't forget they BE THE LAW OF THE LAND

New York Appeals Court To Weigh Giving Legal Rights To Chimps…
Or as the left calls them, undocumented primates.

ALL of it here:

New York Appeals Court To Weigh Giving Legal Rights To Chimps Weasel Zippers

Why haven't you answered my question? How does my family and my legal civil marriage destroy anyone else's as you claimed earlier?

I don't care if you marry your dog. I'm talking about the legalities of all this and what it is going to bring DOWN on the rest of us in this country. I know you don't give a crap about anyone else. so don't ask me again

So be specific and tell us what horrible calamities are going to befall you because gays can legally marry. Give some details, Drama Queen.
I'm afraid that Stephanie is the victim of gay marriage. Draw what conclusions you wish from that.

Well, I've always said that if gay marriage has any affect on your marriage, one or both of you is gay.
funny how all the states rights nonsense being touted here only comes up when we have a black president and gay people are finally getting some equal treatment.
and where in the constitution is it prohibited for a person to be a bigot?

Actually, I misspoke there. You are allowed to be a bigot. You are just not allowed to act on that bigotry. Sorry, I wasn't clear enough there.
You are a hypocrite
I know. It's so much easier to just engage in ad hominems than it is to have to actually think, isn't it?

You are dismissed.
You are a fucking piece of shit hypocrite...
Nothing else was needed. Ad hominems are the last attempt of the desperate when they are too stupid to formulate actual intelligent replies.

You really should go relax, and change you panties that you soiled.

Or you can continue to rant, and I'll just ignore you.

So, does anyone who is not stupid have anything they would like to add?

Funny, it used soiled panties

You can't make this chit up

When talking in the defense of the LGBTQLMNOPs one should avoid such descriptions, cuz it is your sides men that probably actually wear them
Last edited:
funny how all the states rights nonsense being touted here only comes up when we have a black president and gay people are finally getting some equal treatment.

Gay people had the same right to marry as straight people did.
Gotta love those men and women in black robes. don't forget they BE THE LAW OF THE LAND

New York Appeals Court To Weigh Giving Legal Rights To Chimps…
Or as the left calls them, undocumented primates.

ALL of it here:

New York Appeals Court To Weigh Giving Legal Rights To Chimps Weasel Zippers

Why haven't you answered my question? How does my family and my legal civil marriage destroy anyone else's as you claimed earlier?

I don't care if you marry your dog. I'm talking about the legalities of all this and what it is going to bring DOWN on the rest of us in this country. I know you don't give a crap about anyone else. so don't ask me again

So be specific and tell us what horrible calamities are going to befall you because gays can legally marry. Give some details, Drama Queen.
I'm afraid that Stephanie is the victim of gay marriage. Draw what conclusions you wish from that.

Well, I've always said that if gay marriage has any affect on your marriage, one or both of you is gay.

You said that?

Why you are a comic genius!
First you say you understand the difference between being married and having sex and/or using artificial insemination to get pregnant. Then you prove that you don't understand the difference. Or at least that you are incapable of being honest.

Please simpleton, the argument is not that pregnancy can occur, the argument is that in the demographic group you are siding with, that pregnancy had never occurred without an outside third party, making opposite sex couples quite unique when compared to same sex couplings.

Ramble on rambling man
No dumb ass.. that is your stupid ass argument. Who gives a flying eff if a guy can't get pregnant? What the hell does that have to do with with marriage? Who gives a shit if the woman can't get pregnant from her mate? What the hell does that have to do with marriage?

You go!

Who cares if a mother/daughter couple can't get pregnant, what does that have do do with marriage?

Guess you put me in my place aye pardner?
Incest is a different issue than marriage. And, no you put yourself in your place.
No it is not you are also a hypocrite.

Agree, they only love their argument when it works for them. When it works for other groups they disagree with, they can no longer defend it.

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