Breaking News: Supreme Court Has Chosen Not To Hear Any Of The 7 Marriage Equality Cases.

Immaterial questions, Pops, but a nice try. You can marry anyone you want, Pops, if you are single. How fortunate you are to live in this day and age.

And, yes, bigreb, of all the whinies on this Board, is second only to Yurt.

But I can't marry anyone I want.

You understand that don't you?

Or are you just stupid?

That's you, my friend: stupid. You can marry any persona you want as long as they agree. Of course, you get to be married to only one person at a time. The law is very clear about that. But if you are pro polygamy, start to work to change the law.

You are such a clown. :lol:
and right on cue, just like the whiny litttle bitch that I called him. He can't stand not having the last word, and has nothing intelligent to actually add, so he just keeps stomping his feet, and screaming "hypocrite" as if that means anything.

Wait for it. Since I replied he's gonna have to do it again. This is kind of fun...

You are not for defending peoples rights your only goal is to defend an agenda
It's quite clear with your position of anti gun.
My position isn't anti-gun; it's anti-crime. There's a difference. I'm actually pro-gun. Been thinking about getting one, myself. And welcome back to grown-up conversation. I'm so proud of you!
Most anti gunners make that claim but they always show their true colors fucking hypocrite.
And we're back to stupid.

Like I said, idiots like you think Government should tell everyone what to do, right up until it comes to you guns. That is inviolate. And you don't even recognise the irony of your stupid "hypocrite" cry.

So, explain to me sparky, what about my position makes me "anti-gun", exactly.
What do you mean your back to stupid you never left that position it follows you every where. Only a dumb ass would support Obama.
Yeah...that was you that is back to stupid. You know...personal attacks, and idiocy instead of actually discussing the topic at hand.

You, of course, will feel the need to reply with some moronic insult, since you are too childish to simply walk away when you have nothing, and absolutely "must" have the last word. I'm sure you'll understand when I just laugh at your next bit of brainless drivel, and choose to be the adult, and not respond again.

Do let us know when you would like to return to actual adult conversation.
You are not for defending peoples rights your only goal is to defend an agenda
It's quite clear with your position of anti gun.
My position isn't anti-gun; it's anti-crime. There's a difference. I'm actually pro-gun. Been thinking about getting one, myself. And welcome back to grown-up conversation. I'm so proud of you!
Most anti gunners make that claim but they always show their true colors fucking hypocrite.
And we're back to stupid.

Like I said, idiots like you think Government should tell everyone what to do, right up until it comes to you guns. That is inviolate. And you don't even recognise the irony of your stupid "hypocrite" cry.

So, explain to me sparky, what about my position makes me "anti-gun", exactly.
What do you mean your back to stupid you never left that position it follows you every where. Only a dumb ass would support Obama.
Yeah...that was you that is back to stupid. You know...personal attacks, and idiocy instead of actually discussing the topic at hand.

You, of course, will feel the need to reply with some moronic insult, since you are too childish to simply walk away when you have nothing, and absolutely "must" have the last word. I'm sure you'll understand when I just laugh at your next bit of brainless drivel, and choose to be the adult, and not respond again.

Do let us know when you would like to return to actual adult conversation.
What I said to you wasn't a personal attack it was the truth you fucking little hypocrite
All you want to protect is the liberal agenda
Fuck anyone else who have rights.
Since you seem to have a hard time understanding the concept:

What I said to you wasn't a personal attack it was the truth you fucking little hypocrite
is a personal attack, and an ad hominem. The purpose of an ad hominem is to distract from a debate by forcing your opponent to defend themselves, rather than their argument.
For the record, this is an example of another type of distraction:

All you want to protect is the liberal agenda
Fuck anyone else who have rights.
It's called a non-sequitur. Non-sequiturs are characterized by declaritive statements that allow no room for debate, and are irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

Now that you have been educated on the error of you debating style, would you like to try again?
Since you seem to have a hard time understanding the concept:

What I said to you wasn't a personal attack it was the truth you fucking little hypocrite
is a personal attack, and an ad hominem. The purpose of an ad hominem is to distract from a debate by forcing your opponent to defend themselves, rather than their argument.
For the record, this is an example of another type of distraction:

All you want to protect is the liberal agenda
Fuck anyone else who have rights.
It's called a non-sequitur. Non-sequiturs are characterized by declaritive statements that allow no room for debate, and are irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

Now that you have been educated on the error of you debating style, would you like to try again?
Truth is your enemy dumb ass.
Since you seem to have a hard time understanding the concept:

What I said to you wasn't a personal attack it was the truth you fucking little hypocrite
is a personal attack, and an ad hominem. The purpose of an ad hominem is to distract from a debate by forcing your opponent to defend themselves, rather than their argument.
For the record, this is an example of another type of distraction:

All you want to protect is the liberal agenda
Fuck anyone else who have rights.
It's called a non-sequitur. Non-sequiturs are characterized by declaritive statements that allow no room for debate, and are irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

Now that you have been educated on the error of you debating style, would you like to try again?
Truth is your enemy dumb ass.
And you have reached your quota for dumbfuckery for the day. Feel free to respond, I will just laugh, and be the adult in the room, and not respond.

Lemme know when you would like to go back to having an actual discussion, like an adult, instead of just stomping your feet, and calling me names like a 4-year-old.
Immaterial questions, Pops, but a nice try. You can marry anyone you want, Pops, if you are single. How fortunate you are to live in this day and age.

And, yes, bigreb, of all the whinies on this Board, is second only to Yurt.

But I can't marry anyone I want.

You understand that don't you?

Or are you just stupid?

That's you, my friend: stupid. You can marry any persona you want as long as they agree. Of course, you get to be married to only one person at a time. The law is very clear about that. But if you are pro polygamy, start to work to change the law.

You are such a clown. :lol:

You make the mess and expect me to clean it up?

No thanks
Since you seem to have a hard time understanding the concept:

What I said to you wasn't a personal attack it was the truth you fucking little hypocrite
is a personal attack, and an ad hominem. The purpose of an ad hominem is to distract from a debate by forcing your opponent to defend themselves, rather than their argument.
For the record, this is an example of another type of distraction:

All you want to protect is the liberal agenda
Fuck anyone else who have rights.
It's called a non-sequitur. Non-sequiturs are characterized by declaritive statements that allow no room for debate, and are irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

Now that you have been educated on the error of you debating style, would you like to try again?
Truth is your enemy dumb ass.
And you have reached your quota for dumbfuckery for the day. Feel free to respond, I will just laugh, and be the adult in the room, and not respond.

Lemme know when you would like to go back to having an actual discussion, like an adult, instead of just stomping your feet, and calling me names like a 4-year-old.
No I have a long way to go to catch up to you being an obama supporter. DUMB FUCK.
The Supreme court just decided it will not hear the Same Sex Marriage cases from IN, OK, UT, VA, or WI. So that means two things.

First, since, in all of those cases, the lower court ruling was to strike down the state ban on Same Sex Marriage, that now means that Marriage Equality is now the "Law of the Land" in those 7 states.

Second, and more importantly, all of those states had a stay on their rulings until the Supreme Court acted. Well, guess what? It just did. So, the stays in all of those states are about to run out.

Bad news for the religious fanatics.

Supreme Court declines to hear gay marriages case in surprise move

It makes no difference. Marriage is between a man and a woman - it is God who unites a man and a woman in matrimony. God doesn't do same sex marriages and therefore the marriage is not a marriage. I could care less what any earthly court has to say. God makes the rules on marriage. Not man. God will have the last word on this one. You can be sure of it.
The Supreme court just decided it will not hear the Same Sex Marriage cases from IN, OK, UT, VA, or WI. So that means two things.

First, since, in all of those cases, the lower court ruling was to strike down the state ban on Same Sex Marriage, that now means that Marriage Equality is now the "Law of the Land" in those 7 states.

Second, and more importantly, all of those states had a stay on their rulings until the Supreme Court acted. Well, guess what? It just did. So, the stays in all of those states are about to run out.

Bad news for the religious fanatics.

Supreme Court declines to hear gay marriages case in surprise move

It makes no difference. Marriage is between a man and a woman - it is God who unites a man and a woman in matrimony. God doesn't do same sex marriages and therefore the marriage is not a marriage. I could care less what any earthly court has to say. God makes the rules on marriage. Not man. God will have the last word on this one. You can be sure of it.
Yeah...God has nothing to do with it. You're not talking about marriage. You're talking about a wedding ritual - and even then, only according to a particular religion. I'll leave the religious trappings of ritual to you guys. I'm only really interested in the civil contract of marriage, and all of the rights, and privileges that come with that contract. And, thanks to the federal courts, in 34 out of 50 states, that is no longer required to be gender specific.
Since you seem to have a hard time understanding the concept:

What I said to you wasn't a personal attack it was the truth you fucking little hypocrite
is a personal attack, and an ad hominem. The purpose of an ad hominem is to distract from a debate by forcing your opponent to defend themselves, rather than their argument.
For the record, this is an example of another type of distraction:

All you want to protect is the liberal agenda
Fuck anyone else who have rights.
It's called a non-sequitur. Non-sequiturs are characterized by declaritive statements that allow no room for debate, and are irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

Now that you have been educated on the error of you debating style, would you like to try again?
Truth is your enemy dumb ass.
And you have reached your quota for dumbfuckery for the day. Feel free to respond, I will just laugh, and be the adult in the room, and not respond.

Lemme know when you would like to go back to having an actual discussion, like an adult, instead of just stomping your feet, and calling me names like a 4-year-old.

Speaking of dumbfuckery, did you know that one , and only one demographic group is relied on to populate the planet?

True story
Since you seem to have a hard time understanding the concept:

What I said to you wasn't a personal attack it was the truth you fucking little hypocrite
is a personal attack, and an ad hominem. The purpose of an ad hominem is to distract from a debate by forcing your opponent to defend themselves, rather than their argument.
For the record, this is an example of another type of distraction:

All you want to protect is the liberal agenda
Fuck anyone else who have rights.
It's called a non-sequitur. Non-sequiturs are characterized by declaritive statements that allow no room for debate, and are irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

Now that you have been educated on the error of you debating style, would you like to try again?
Truth is your enemy dumb ass.
And you have reached your quota for dumbfuckery for the day. Feel free to respond, I will just laugh, and be the adult in the room, and not respond.

Lemme know when you would like to go back to having an actual discussion, like an adult, instead of just stomping your feet, and calling me names like a 4-year-old.

Speaking of dumbfuckery, did you know that one , and only one demographic group is relied on to populate the planet?

True story
Speaking of dumbfuckery, did you know that the planet is pretty well populated?

True story.
You finally get it !

Good on you

So the argument applies to incestuous marriage.

Knew you'd come around

Oh, noes, it's the slippery slope argument.

two thing about the guys trying to do the Incest argument.

A lot of states ALREADY allow marriages between first cousins. which is like , ewwww.

No one is really arguing for repealing the laws against sex for closer relatives. You'd have to strike down THOSE laws before you get anywhere near making incestuous relationship legal.

Hey, maybe instead of saying that polygamy and incest and bestiality are j ust around the corner, maybe you homophobes should come up with a better argument against homosexuality on its own merit.
The Supreme court just decided it will not hear the Same Sex Marriage cases from IN, OK, UT, VA, or WI. So that means two things.

First, since, in all of those cases, the lower court ruling was to strike down the state ban on Same Sex Marriage, that now means that Marriage Equality is now the "Law of the Land" in those 7 states.

Second, and more importantly, all of those states had a stay on their rulings until the Supreme Court acted. Well, guess what? It just did. So, the stays in all of those states are about to run out.

Bad news for the religious fanatics.

Supreme Court declines to hear gay marriages case in surprise move

It makes no difference. Marriage is between a man and a woman - it is God who unites a man and a woman in matrimony. God doesn't do same sex marriages and therefore the marriage is not a marriage. I could care less what any earthly court has to say. God makes the rules on marriage. Not man. God will have the last word on this one. You can be sure of it.

If God does not want to recognize the marriage, he doesn't have to

But he can't force his views on the people of this country
Since you seem to have a hard time understanding the concept:

What I said to you wasn't a personal attack it was the truth you fucking little hypocrite
is a personal attack, and an ad hominem. The purpose of an ad hominem is to distract from a debate by forcing your opponent to defend themselves, rather than their argument.
For the record, this is an example of another type of distraction:

All you want to protect is the liberal agenda
Fuck anyone else who have rights.
It's called a non-sequitur. Non-sequiturs are characterized by declaritive statements that allow no room for debate, and are irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

Now that you have been educated on the error of you debating style, would you like to try again?
Truth is your enemy dumb ass.
And you have reached your quota for dumbfuckery for the day. Feel free to respond, I will just laugh, and be the adult in the room, and not respond.

Lemme know when you would like to go back to having an actual discussion, like an adult, instead of just stomping your feet, and calling me names like a 4-year-old.

Speaking of dumbfuckery, did you know that one , and only one demographic group is relied on to populate the planet?

True story
Speaking of dumbfuckery, did you know that the planet is pretty well populated?

True story.

You can thank us later if you wish
Since you seem to have a hard time understanding the concept:

What I said to you wasn't a personal attack it was the truth you fucking little hypocrite
is a personal attack, and an ad hominem. The purpose of an ad hominem is to distract from a debate by forcing your opponent to defend themselves, rather than their argument.
For the record, this is an example of another type of distraction:

All you want to protect is the liberal agenda
Fuck anyone else who have rights.
It's called a non-sequitur. Non-sequiturs are characterized by declaritive statements that allow no room for debate, and are irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

Now that you have been educated on the error of you debating style, would you like to try again?
Truth is your enemy dumb ass.
Again, you fail at debating.
You finally get it !

Good on you

So the argument applies to incestuous marriage.

Knew you'd come around

Oh, noes, it's the slippery slope argument.

two thing about the guys trying to do the Incest argument.

A lot of states ALREADY allow marriages between first cousins. which is like , ewwww.

No one is really arguing for repealing the laws against sex for closer relatives. You'd have to strike down THOSE laws before you get anywhere near making incestuous relationship legal.

Hey, maybe instead of saying that polygamy and incest and bestiality are j ust around the corner, maybe you homophobes should come up with a better argument against homosexuality on its own merit.
They can't...that's why they always switch to "polygamy and incest and bestiality".

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