Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Crooked Hillary's solution to the turmoil in Syria was to bring millions of the Muslim refugees to the US.

Trump's solution is to kick Assad's ass.

Thank god that Crooked Hillary was not elected.
No cruise missile has ever missed.........................Bwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

As loathesome as the gas attack was, I don't think a knee jerk retaliation is the best or smartest response either.

And how many chemical attacks would you have been willing to let Assad get away with before you ahem... for lack of a better phrase... grew a pair?

Americans weren't keen on getting involved before. In fact, the Senate voted against it. What's changed? What makes this gas attack more heinous that the ones that occurred when Obama was President?

I can't help but think this is more about Trump wanting to get some good press than him or the Republican Party actually caring about the civilians in Syria. Especially given the flat of refusal of Americans to help Syrian refugees.
On this, I think you are wrong. His NSA showed him the vids of they dying and dead kids, and it shook Trump up, very badly up. He had just voiced support four days before for Assad, and Assad proved him wrong.
The whole thing was fake news, and our federal government fell for it. Lol
The only mistake was Obama being a coward......this just sends them a small message Trump isn't weak like Obama....weakness is deadly
I hope so. I also hope this is the right move.
This is a joke, why do we always have to do this shit? The whole damn thing is on emotion and we are fitted with the bill that we cannot afford.
Our lawmakers are sitting in their safe spaces tonight… lol

Liberals are in their "safe spaces" but that's what liberals do........instead of fighting they drop their weapons and surrender
Crooked Hillary's solution to the turmoil in Syria was to bring millions of the Muslim refugees to the US.

Trump's solution is to kick Assad's ass.

Thank god that Crooked Hillary was not elected.
Can't remember did she or Billy owe Assad for donations to the 'Clinton Crime Family Foundation' ????
You are not up to date on your missile information...maybe you should do some more research. They have some Tomahawk missiles now with an effective range of 1,000 nautical miles. These missiles were fired from nothing even close to that distance.

Like I said, the further the distance the more inaccurate. They were at least several hundred miles out.

In just about every long range missile salvo attack in modern history, many misfire and not all hit on target. Are you really saying that you believe all 50-60 hit on target?

They said they fired 60, and have confirmed 59 hit. They destroyed aircraft, runway, and fuel and armor depot.

They are much, much more accurate than you are saying. You need to read up more on them instead of just making these statements.

Edit: Marco Rubio even just said he is curious to see what can possibly be left of the air force base because it was a "significant" amount of missiles of the area attacked.

Yet you think a plane could take a direct hit and not destroy it. :lmao:
The only mistake was Obama being a coward......this just sends them a small message Trump isn't weak like Obama....weakness is deadly
I hope so. I also hope this is the right move.
This is a joke, why do we always have to do this shit? The whole damn thing is on emotion and we are fitted with the bill that we cannot afford.
Our lawmakers are sitting in their safe spaces tonight… lol
Sure they are. But was it the right move? That's what my concern is right now. Did we hit the right place and people? If so good job. Did we just escalate the situation? That may not be so good. I'm all for hitting people that need hit and just walking away. What I don't want is another fucked up country we have to babysit.
We just sided with ISIS doing this, The shadow Government/ Democrats sucked him right into their Trap and he fell for it . This is what they wanted him to do . He just royally F....... up.

We have hundreds of troops on the ground in Syria right now. What happens if the Russians aid Assads forces in locating them?

Trump is an unpredictable and self-contradictory loose cannon.

Trump has courage to protect children from being gassed by a tyrant. Obama was a chickenshit.
Will Trump protect Palestinian children when Israel next rages war in Gaza, I wonder.

I don't know. Ask him.

Would that be like the Kenyan Catastrophe giving millions to the Palestinians so they could buy weapons to kill Israeli children?
They said they fired 60, and have confirmed 59 hit. They destroyed aircraft, runway, and fuel and armor depot.

US intel reports are always way off after an attack. Especially in a country they have no presence in.

Remember the Yemen raid at the start of Trumps term. The pentagon said 14 terrorists were killed and no citizens. Next day we find out it was 23 civilians and 8 terrorists.
As loathesome as the gas attack was, I don't think a knee jerk retaliation is the best or smartest response either.

And how many chemical attacks would you have been willing to let Assad get away with before you ahem... for lack of a better phrase... grew a pair?
Cheerleading an airstrike from the safety of one's keyboard doesn't make anyone more masculine. Besides, Assad did not launch this chemical attack.
Crooked Hillary's solution to the turmoil in Syria was to bring millions of the Muslim refugees to the US.

Trump's solution is to kick Assad's ass.

Thank god that Crooked Hillary was not elected.
Can't remember did she or Billy owe Assad for donations to the 'Clinton Crime Family Foundation' ????

I think Crooked Hillary owed every country tin the world for donations to her money laundering scam foundation.

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