Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

We just sided with ISIS doing this, The shadow Government/ Democrats sucked him right into their Trap and he fell for it . This is what they wanted him to do . He just royally F....... up.
The second McMasters and the Deep State push out Bannon....amazing timing.

This country is totally fucked
When some of us talk about always staying ahead of the rest of the world in military capabilities, do some now see why?

Never forget that the world is only safe because of the might of those who support liberty.
Let's put a bomb on Assad in his palace. Let's let him feel the pain he dishes out. His children should suffer the pain nerve gas or barrel bombs lobed at HIM.
Who replaces him? Questions that need to be asked.
Who replaced Hitler? Did we concern ourselves so much before the fact?
This is where your Hitler references go wrong. Who replaced Gadaffi? Who replace Hussien? Are we better or worse off?
Your Hitler, not mine. I never countenanced Vietnam let alone invading Iraq. 9/11? Saudi funded and inspired, "Islam", lets look at the real enemy here. They attacked US, fact. Not the other way' round.
I have a feeling this was a mistake, they don't know who performed the chemical attacks, they don't know that anybody died or was even injured the chemical attacks...
Haha the ignorant Trump rube grows his first brain cell!
This was the emotion, bleeding hearts cannot tolerate images of suffering kids - even though it was fake news.
Psh. In a couple years you'll be back to calling me and others a bunch of soldier hating traitors for wanting to pull our troops out of the wars in Syria, North Korea, and Iran to bring them back to safety. You'll be applauding Trump for wanting to send more over.
You obviously have not paid attention to my posts, I happened to be a libertarian. This is a mistake, it's all about emotion...

I said this in another thread...but what could this mean..another war?
It's a reaction with emotion... never ends up good
This is the right thing.

Fuck Assad. Fuck the Russians. Fuck the Alt Right.
No, I have a feeling this was a big mistake…

I hate this time in the tv news where only buttheads are giving their own opinion, pisses me off..

So why would this be a mistake Rustic
Why? Well,what first of all there is no proof on who done the chemical attack if there was even a chemical attack. Second there's no proof that anyone was injured or killed. Third we can not afford this shit. Fourth we can't use the motion to determine military action. Fifth we are wading into a shit storm.... again
WTF are you smoking??
Right up until we give Syria to Russia dear heh

I wouldn't fret about the goats getting their prize just yet. A little warning to Assad and others (mostly NK) to keep their noses clean IMO.
You are not up to date on your missile information...maybe you should do some more research. They have some Tomahawk missiles now with an effective range of 1,000 nautical miles. These missiles were fired from nothing even close to that distance.

Like I said, the further the distance the more inaccurate. They were at least several hundred miles out.

In just about every long range missile salvo attack in modern history, many misfire and not all hit on target. Are you really saying that you believe all 50-60 hit on target?
This missile bombardment had three objectives...

1. punish Syria

2. call the Russians' bluff

3. warn North Korea

Of the three, my money is on (3) as being the primary rationale discussed pre-launch, behind closed doors.
We just sided with ISIS doing this, The shadow Government/ Democrats sucked him right into their Trap and he fell for it . This is what they wanted him to do . He just royally F....... up.
I have the Russian news on screen 2 live right now. The launch was done with Russian approval AND they cleared air space for it. Its looking like a Russia/America VS islam fight.
As loathesome as the gas attack was, I don't think a knee jerk retaliation is the best or smartest response either.

And how many chemical attacks would you have been willing to let Assad get away with before you ahem... for lack of a better phrase... grew a pair?

Americans weren't keen on getting involved before. In fact, the Senate voted against it. What's changed? What makes this gas attack more heinous that the ones that occurred when Obama was President?

I can't help but think this is more about Trump wanting to get some good press than him or the Republican Party actually caring about the civilians in Syria. Especially given the flat of refusal of Americans to help Syrian refugees.
Syria is not our problem, and even if it was we cannot afford it…

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