Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Oh Lord, here we go ....

Here you Troll moron and in the same section also. Blind or just a moron?

Breaking News: Trump launches 60 Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Well since they were posted almost together I can assume your batteries went dead in your dildo. There are several threads on this board about the same subject.

Haaaa Haaaaa...

Somewhere in Tahiti a moron is weeping in his strategic patience diaper.
More likely sipping Mai Tai's on a beach. He'll chuckle to himself tomorrow when he reads about this and go back to enjoying that Trump and the nutjobs are not his problem anymore.
It's a symbolic gesturel so Trump can make a chest thumping Tweet and then do nothing to get rid of Assad.
I really could care less what the board thinks, I am more interested in what Putin does. Just in case, it was nice knowing you all.
The only mistake was Obama being a coward......this just sends them a small message Trump isn't weak like Obama....weakness is deadly
I hope so. I also hope this is the right move.
This is a joke, why do we always have to do this shit? The whole damn thing is on emotion and we are fitted with the bill that we cannot afford.
Our lawmakers are sitting in their safe spaces tonight… lol
They hit air fields controlled by Assad, carrying out the attack McCain called for in 2012 and that Mathis wanted to carry out.
McCain's opinion is worthless. I have more faith in Mathis. If this was the right call then fine. If it was a knee jerk reaction...
McCain is usually wrong, but he was right on this. I don't know if he thought of taking out the air fields or he heard it from the military, but this is a good idea. It will tip the balance in favor of the rebels without risking a direct confrontation with Russia and without risking any American lives.
Here's my problem. Who are the rebel's we are tipping this war to? Does anyone know?
What parts of the Geneva convention would snowflakes like enforced and what parts do they want ignored.

They didn't like Abu Ghraib, but they seem fine with chemical weapons.

Snowflake logic.

When Britain backed out of helping President Obama, he decided to ask Congress for authorization. Congress was crickets. Why didn't Russia remove ALL of Syria's chemical weapons?

Obama knew that Syria was acting badly. He warned them that they couldn't continue. That was his line in the sand. Then Obama chickenshitted out and Trump had to deal with it.

Trump didn't ask permission from Congress or the UK. He just kick Syria's ass.

The difference between a coward like the affirmation action failure and somebody that actually has convictions on holding Assad accountable for killing the children.

Stop being a partisan asshole. You should back your Commander in Chief.
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Yeah and I'm saying you are wrong.

Sure, but that doesn't make you right.

You are not up to date on your missile information...maybe you should do some more research. They have some Tomahawk missiles now with an effective range of 1,000 nautical miles. These missiles were fired from nothing even close to that distance.
tomahawk missiles fired on Syria... this type of thing always comes back and Burns this country

I just read your post saying the innocent victims of Assads attack were children of terrorists.

You never get anything right and I don't see a long backing your opinions about this attack.

Cut your losses and just stfu.

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It's what Muslims do… Fight
Trump apparently did not tell Putin about the strike.

What kind of puppet doesn't tell his master what he is doing?

The OP says Putin was warned before strike.
Unfortunately the whole 'Russia Gate' ruse is making it more difficult for Trump and Putin to find common ground on foreign military endeavors... Expect the unexpected... 'Conventional wisdom' might get turned on its head with those two... I hope it does
Fox News is probably playing their top shelf military kickass music before each segment right now. :lol:

O'REILLY: I'm feeling really randy right now! Who wants to touch it?

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