Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Well, he DID say he loves war and we DID know he acts without thinking or planning.

He's going to kill a lot more innocents and he doesn't care.

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This will encourage future gas attacks by foreign fighters since it works to get us to react.
That's what worries me. The muslim brotherhood would easily kill a thousand of their own people to get the US to react. We better have our own intelligence right.
Dude...they had cruise missiles back in the Gulf War in the 90's that could literally turn 90 degree street corners and hit targets. These missiles have 1,000 pound warheads on them. You're out of your mind. :lmao:

Nope. It's practically a guarantee that at least a dozen of the missiles will go off course. The distance the missiles were fired at affects how accurate the missiles are, and these were probably fired from hundreds of miles away.

Tomahawks are in fact low yield high explosive. They are not designed for saturation bombing or taking out armored targets. . They could hit the front of an MBT and be completely absorbed due to their low penetration abilities, which is why I said a well armored aircraft could survive a hit.
The United States launched dozens of cruise missiles Thursday night at a Syrian airfield in response to what it believes was the Syrian government’s use of banned chemical weapons blamed for having killed at least 100 people on Tuesday, U.S. military officials told NBC News.

Two U.S. warships in the Mediterranean Sea fired at least 50 Tomahawk missiles intended for a single target — Ash Sha’irat in Homs province in western Syria, the officials said. That’s the airfield from which the United States believes the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad fired the banned weapons.

There was no immediate word on casualties. U.S. officials told NBC News that people were not targeted and that aircraft and infrastructure at the site, including the runway, were hit.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, have bluntly blamed Syria for the chemical weapons attack, whose victims included at least 25 children.

Read more

Watch: Trump Attacks Syria / Will Russia Respond?

Thank God Trump isn't "drawing Pink Lines in the sand" and announcing what he's going to do....
Apparently pictures of dead children work wonders with Trump. There were also plenty of pictures of dead children back when Trump was telling President Obama to stay out of Syria.

One month into his presidency 9 children were slaughtered in his failed Yemen raid. Russia should of scud the fuck out of America.
Those were terrorists children, that's what happens when You grow up in a Muslim world...

Oh shut up, you idiot.

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lol screw the Russians. This is cleaning up after Obama's traitor regime emboldening every imperialist tin pot dictator wannabe on the planet, and such demonstrations are necessary; they cost far fewer lives in the long run; not that Democrats actually care about that sort of thing, since they loves them some of that Islamo-Nazi culture.
Breaking Update!

Liberals can't say Trump is a Russian puppet now.

Per the OP - Russia was warned before the attack.
Didn't happen! The just reported that Putin was unaware of the impending attack by Donald Trump, American Patriot.
Fake news.

A backchannel was opened with Russia several days ago. Earlier today Putin said that support for Assad was not unconditional. Russia signed off on this. Russia must have another Alawite they are ready to shove into the Presidency.
Syria: US launches missile strikes near Homs – live

I will always back my President when he does the right thing.

Tell Assad you will burn his palace and him to the ground.

No chemical weapons, assholes.

Not a good move. This just continues the cycle of foreign entities meddling in the middle east. It never ends well.
Ya, I bet you really got upset when Clinton bombed the goat farm and aspirin factory during the monica drama
This is the same thing. Low level risk.
The only mistake was Obama being a coward......this just sends them a small message Trump isn't weak like Obama....weakness is deadly
Syria: US launches missile strikes near Homs – live

I will always back my President when he does the right thing.

Tell Assad you will burn his palace and him to the ground.

No chemical weapons, assholes.

Not a good move. This just continues the cycle of foreign entities meddling in the middle east. It never ends well.
Ya, I bet you really got upset when Clinton bombed the goat farm and aspirin factory during the monica drama
This is the same thing. Low level risk.
This could be a warning shot. Anyone remember Reagans response to Libyan terror attacks? If not for the warning from the Italian PM, Gaddafi would have perished in his own home when the U.S bombed it.

Bottom line. This asserts to the world that America is serious and will back up words with actions in 2017. Furthermore, it will be a message to their government, and/or a precursor to more launches if the U.S chooses. It is a guessing game for Assad while America decides, destroy more of their capabilities or wait and see.

With all the talk about N Korea, as well as Chinese officials in America tomorrow, this is a sign that America won't be docile anymore.

I am not supportive of war without purpose. I am also angry that other nations don't ally with America as they should when there are threatening leaders in Iran, Syria or N Korea for example. These problems are global problems and deserve at least as much focus as climate change does.

Tomahawks aren't good runway cratering devices.

If they launched 60 of them, it was to take that entire airbase out.

A small problem being there were probably Russians at the base, and Russian assets.

The next shoe to drop is are there any Russian casualties.

That's going to make things interesting.

The Russians are no match for US Naval power in the Mediterranean, so they won't try to go toe to toe with us that way. So it remains to see what they do now. If there are Russian casualties, Putin won't take it lying down.

Trump isn't remotely intelligent enough to direct military or diplomatic power at anyone, so I am curious who is making the decisions.
The Russians are not a problem, they knew AHEAD of time.
"NBC News reported that there was no word on casualties and that no people were allegedly targeted. Russian forces were reportedly warned ahead of time."

Source IS the Russian news....
US reported to fire ‘dozens’ of Tomahawks at Syrian military base near Homs

We find out that Russian personnel and civilians were killed, and all the aircraft were evacuated in preparation the day before. They return to the airbase the next day, because it is hard to destroy a several mile military airbase with 50 low yield explosive missiles.
Syria: US launches missile strikes near Homs – live

I will always back my President when he does the right thing.

Tell Assad you will burn his palace and him to the ground.

No chemical weapons, assholes.

Not a good move. This just continues the cycle of foreign entities meddling in the middle east. It never ends well.
Ya, I bet you really got upset when Clinton bombed the goat farm and aspirin factory during the monica drama
This is the same thing. Low level risk.

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