Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

I wonder how many Russians were killed, and what sort of fall-out this will bring...

The lesson the Russians should have got was don't fuck with Trump. He is not the pussy that Obama was.

Here's really what the Russians should learn from Trump: Don't show him any pictures!

Until pictures were shown of the Nazi death camps nobody knew about the Holocaust, did they?

We've been bombarded with pictures of dead children in Syria from chemical weapons for the past SIX years - including when Trump was warning President Obama to stay out of Syria.

..and that asshole Obama did nothing. Trump decided it was time to stop the killing of children.

Obama was the problem. He warned Assad and then chickenshitted out. Worst Commander in Chief we ever had and now Trump is having to deal with it.
This is one of the reasons Trump surrounded himself with so many advisors with military experience. This attack could be followed with any number of actions by the U.S or none at all. Furthermore, it speaks volumes to China and the prospects that N Krea might face if China doesn't reign in their "friends".

Trump isn't a warhawk, so this is meaningful and will send a message to the world that America isn't going to be pushed around and they are going to stand on principle.

Think of Reagan and how he handled Libya when they engaged in terror. It doesn't have to lead to full scale war.
Tell that to the people where the missiles struck.

Tell Assad another chemical attack, and he and his palace are incinerated.
Per the OP:

Russia's deputy U.N. envoy, Vladimir Safronkov, warned that day of "negative consequences" if the U.S. carried out military strikes on Syria over the attack.
This could be a warning shot. Anyone remember Reagans response to Libyan terror attacks? If not for the warning from the Italian PM, Gaddafi would have perished in his own home when the U.S bombed it.

Bottom line. This asserts to the world that America is serious and will back up words with actions in 2017. Furthermore, it will be a message to their government, and/or a precursor to more launches if the U.S chooses. It is a guessing game for Assad while America decides, destroy more of their capabilities or wait and see.

With all the talk about N Korea, as well as Chinese officials in America tomorrow, this is a sign that America won't be docile anymore.

I am not supportive of war without purpose. I am also angry that other nations don't ally with America as they should when there are threatening leaders in Iran, Syria or N Korea for example. These problems are global problems and deserve at least as much focus as climate change does.

Tomahawks aren't good runway cratering devices.

If they launched 60 of them, it was to take that entire airbase out.

A small problem being there were probably Russians at the base, and Russian assets.

The next shoe to drop is are there any Russian casualties.

That's going to make things interesting.

The Russians are no match for US Naval power in the Mediterranean, so they won't try to go toe to toe with us that way. So it remains to see what they do now. If there are Russian casualties, Putin won't take it lying down.

Trump isn't remotely intelligent enough to direct military or diplomatic power at anyone, so I am curious who is making the decisions.

I hope that's the lesson. The other lesson may be just let the fucking muslims kill themselves off.

If I was President I wouldn't have done anything because I am against interventionism.

However, Trump decided that he would intervene to stop a tyrant that was gasssing children.

All of this is caused by Obama's weakness.

He destabilized the Middle East with his stupid regime change in Libya and walking away from Iraq before the county was stabilized and ISIS and Assad and Russian interventionism and all the other turmoil are the consequences.
I don't disagree this is all obies doing. I just hope this is the right thing to correct it.
As loathesome as the gas attack was, I don't think a knee jerk retaliation is the best or smartest response either.
Rep Schiff just said it was actually close to 70 missiles and that they were all targeted at one air base. That place is ashes now...

Not necessarily. Tomahawk missiles are low yield. It's unlikely that all of them hit on target , and any aircraft that were sheltered probably survived. It's actually very possible that a well armored aircraft could survive explosive impact unless it was a direct hit.
Aww fuck. Looks like we have a snowflake who knows all about tomahawk missiles. :)
I wonder how many Russians were killed, and what sort of fall-out this will bring...

The lesson the Russians should have got was don't fuck with Trump. He is not the pussy that Obama was.

Here's really what the Russians should learn from Trump: Don't show him any pictures!

Until pictures were shown of the Nazi death camps nobody knew about the Holocaust, did they?

We've been bombarded with pictures of dead children in Syria from chemical weapons for the past SIX years - including when Trump was warning President Obama to stay out of Syria.

..and that asshole Obama did nothing. Trump decided it was time to stop the killing of children.

Obama was the problem. He warned Assad and then chickenshitted out. Worst Commander in Chief we ever had and now Trump is having to deal with it.

When Britain backed out of helping President Obama, he decided to ask Congress for authorization. Congress was crickets. Why didn't Russia remove ALL of Syria's chemical weapons?
I wonder how many Russians were killed, and what sort of fall-out this will bring...

The lesson the Russians should have got was don't fuck with Trump. He is not the pussy that Obama was.

Here's really what the Russians should learn from Trump: Don't show him any pictures!

Until pictures were shown of the Nazi death camps nobody knew about the Holocaust, did they?

We've been bombarded with pictures of dead children in Syria from chemical weapons for the past SIX years - including when Trump was warning President Obama to stay out of Syria.
"Staying out of Syria" is subjective and a 'fluid' scenario... popping off a few "firecrackers" into an air strip isn't necessarily the same as boots on the ground... Every situation brings with it it's own specific circumstances.... end of story....

60 Cruise Missiles can do a lot of damage to a thirld world military. Hopefully Assad got the message that he can't continue to be an asshole without consequences.
Is it too early to start saying that Trump just did ISIS a huge favor? Hasn't the alt-right been telling us that Russia and Assad are heroes for fighting ISIS? :laugh:
As loathesome as the gas attack was, I don't think a knee jerk retaliation is the best or smartest response either.

And how many chemical attacks would you have been willing to let Assad get away with before you ahem... for lack of a better phrase... grew a pair?
Syria: US launches missile strikes near Homs – live

I will always back my President when he does the right thing.

Tell Assad you will burn his palace and him to the ground.

No chemical weapons, assholes.
I have a feeling this was a mistake, they don't know who performed the chemical attacks, they don't know that anybody died or was even injured the chemical attacks...
Haha the ignorant Trump rube grows his first brain cell!
This was the emotion, bleeding hearts cannot tolerate images of suffering kids - even though it was fake news.
Psh. In a couple years you'll be back to calling me and others a bunch of soldier hating traitors for wanting to pull our troops out of the wars in Syria, North Korea, and Iran to bring them back to safety. You'll be applauding Trump for wanting to send more over.
You obviously have not paid attention to my posts, I happened to be a libertarian. This is a mistake, it's all about emotion...

I said this in another thread...but what could this mean..another war?

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