Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Let's put a bomb on Assad in his palace. Let's let him feel the pain he dishes out. His children should suffer the pain nerve gas or barrel bombs lobed at HIM.
Who replaces him? Questions that need to be asked.
Who replaced Hitler? Did we concern ourselves so much before the fact?
This is where your Hitler references go wrong. Who replaced Gadaffi? Who replace Hussien? Are we better or worse off?
Rep Schiff just said it was actually close to 70 missiles and that they were all targeted at one air base. That place is ashes now...

Not necessarily. Tomahawk missiles are low yield. It's unlikely that all of them hit on target , and any aircraft that were sheltered probably survived. It's actually very possible that a well armored aircraft could survive explosive impact unless it was a direct hit.
Aww fuck. Looks like we have a snowflake who knows all about tomahawk missiles. :)

It would appear that the Russians and Syrians received advanced warning.

But, at least he did "something".
As loathesome as the gas attack was, I don't think a knee jerk retaliation is the best or smartest response either.

And how many chemical attacks would you have been willing to let Assad get away with before you ahem... for lack of a better phrase... grew a pair?

Americans weren't keen on getting involved before. In fact, the Senate voted against it. What's changed? What makes this gas attack more heinous that the ones that occurred when Obama was President?

I can't help but think this is more about Trump wanting to get some good press than him or the Republican Party actually caring about the civilians in Syria. Especially given the flat of refusal of Americans to help Syrian refugees.
Dude...they had cruise missiles back in the Gulf War in the 90's that could literally turn 90 degree street corners and hit targets. These missiles have 1,000 pound warheads on them. You're out of your mind. :lmao:

Nope. It's practically a guarantee that at least a dozen of the missiles will go off course. The distance the missiles were fired at affects how accurate the missiles are, and these were probably fired from hundreds of miles away.

Tomahawks are in fact low yield high explosive. They are not designed for saturation bombing or taking out armored targets. . They could hit the front of an MBT and be completely absorbed due to their low penetration abilities, which is why I said a well armored aircraft could survive a hit.

Yeah and I'm saying you are wrong.
The lesson the Russians should have got was don't fuck with Trump. He is not the pussy that Obama was.

Here's really what the Russians should learn from Trump: Don't show him any pictures!

Until pictures were shown of the Nazi death camps nobody knew about the Holocaust, did they?

We've been bombarded with pictures of dead children in Syria from chemical weapons for the past SIX years - including when Trump was warning President Obama to stay out of Syria.
"Staying out of Syria" is subjective and a 'fluid' scenario... popping off a few "firecrackers" into an air strip isn't necessarily the same as boots on the ground... Every situation brings with it it's own specific circumstances.... end of story....

60 Cruise Missiles can do a lot of damage to a thirld world military. Hopefully Assad got the message that he can't continue to be an asshole without consequences.
And Assad isn't shielding 'military assets' with women and children...

I don't disagree this is all obies doing. I just hope this is the right thing to correct it.

We had no foreign policy under the Kenyan Catastrophe. That led to all the turmoil in the Middle East including ISIS and a destabilized Libya and Syria.

If it was up to me I would just let the Muslims kill one another.

However, Trump decided as the Commander in Chief that he wasn't going to allow a tyrant to continue to gas children.

He has more empathy than I do. He has a lot more courage than Obama.

He also sent a strong message to the Russians that the Kenyan was not around to fuck things up anymore.
This is the right thing.

Fuck Assad. Fuck the Russians. Fuck the Alt Right.
No, I have a feeling this was a big mistake…

I hate this time in the tv news where only buttheads are giving their own opinion, pisses me off..

So why would this be a mistake Rustic
Why? Well,what first of all there is no proof on who done the chemical attack if there was even a chemical attack. Second there's no proof that anyone was injured or killed. Third we can not afford this shit. Fourth we can't use the emotion to determine military action. Fifth we are wading into a shit storm.... again
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They hit air fields controlled by Assad, carrying out the attack McCain called for in 2012 and that Mathis wanted to carry out.
McCain's opinion is worthless. I have more faith in Mathis. If this was the right call then fine. If it was a knee jerk reaction...
McCain is usually wrong, but he was right on this. I don't know if he thought of taking out the air fields or he heard it from the military, but this is a good idea. It will tip the balance in favor of the rebels without risking a direct confrontation with Russia and without risking any American lives.
As loathesome as the gas attack was, I don't think a knee jerk retaliation is the best or smartest response either.

And how many chemical attacks would you have been willing to let Assad get away with before you ahem... for lack of a better phrase... grew a pair?

Americans weren't keen on getting involved before. In fact, the Senate voted against it. What's changed? What makes this gas attack more heinous that the ones that occurred when Obama was President?

I can't help but think this is more about Trump wanting to get some good press than him or the Republican Party actually caring about the civilians in Syria. Especially given the flat of refusal of Americans to help Syrian refugees.
On this, I think you are wrong. His NSA showed him the vids of they dying and dead kids, and it shook Trump up, very badly up. He had just voiced support four days before for Assad, and Assad proved him wrong.
Trump apparently did not tell Putin about the strike.

What kind of puppet doesn't tell his master what he is doing?
tomahawk missiles fired on Syria... this type of thing always comes back and Burns this country

I just read your post saying the innocent victims of Assads attack were children of terrorists.

You never get anything right and I don't see a long backing your opinions about this attack.

Cut your losses and just stfu.

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They hit air fields controlled by Assad, carrying out the attack McCain called for in 2012 and that Mathis wanted to carry out.
McCain's opinion is worthless. I have more faith in Mathis. If this was the right call then fine. If it was a knee jerk reaction...
McCain is usually wrong, but he was right on this. I don't know if he thought of taking out the air fields or he heard it from the military, but this is a good idea. It will tip the balance in favor of the rebels without risking a direct confrontation with Russia and without risking any American lives.
The thing about that war monger (McCain) is he wants it to go on indefinitely....

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