Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Now all you retard lefties that were screaming for war with Russia are upset? Ir better yet explain how if Trump is Putin's bitch why he would attack a Russian Ally?
Stria is not an ally of Russia but a client state. Putin will be furious.
So remind us how Trump is in Putin's pocket again?
This is precisely why Putin will be furious. He wanted Trump in the Oval Office because he was afraid that Clinton would do something like this. Putin believed that "America First" meant the United States was to leave Russia to do as it wanted in the Middle East and Europe.
Yes, the US knew exactly where the chemicals originated from.

Burn Assad to the ground.
Goddammit! Can we not stay out of another war until we bring all the people home from the last one?

Or maybe stay out of wars altogether?
I wonder how many Russians were killed, and what sort of fall-out this will bring...

The lesson the Russians should have got was don't fuck with Trump. He is not the pussy that Obama was.

Here's really what the Russians should learn from Trump: Don't show him any pictures!

Until pictures were shown of the Nazi death camps nobody knew about the Holocaust, did they?
Syria: US launches missile strikes near Homs – live

I will always back my President when he does the right thing.

Tell Assad you will burn his palace and him to the ground.

No chemical weapons, assholes.
I have a feeling this was a mistake, they don't know who performed the chemical attacks, they don't know that anybody died or was even injured the chemical attacks...
Haha the ignorant Trump rube grows his first brain cell!
This was the emotion, bleeding hearts cannot tolerate images of suffering kids - even though it was fake news.
What fake news? It was the fact, no way around.

Now if you are saying Trump reacted to the vids, by the Great Nut Sack, I hope so!
I wonder how many Russians were killed, and what sort of fall-out this will bring...

The lesson the Russians should have got was don't fuck with Trump. He is not the pussy that Obama was.

Here's really what the Russians should learn from Trump: Don't show him any pictures!

Until pictures were shown of the Nazi death camps nobody knew about the Holocaust, did they?

We've been bombarded with pictures of dead children in Syria from chemical weapons for the past SIX years - including when Trump was warning President Obama to stay out of Syria.
This could be a warning shot. Anyone remember Reagans response to Libyan terror attacks? If not for the warning from the Italian PM, Gaddafi would have perished in his own home when the U.S bombed it.

Bottom line. This asserts to the world that America is serious and will back up words with actions in 2017. Furthermore, it will be a message to their government, and/or a precursor to more launches if the U.S chooses. It is a guessing game for Assad while America decides, destroy more of their capabilities or wait and see.

With all the talk about N Korea, as well as Chinese officials in America tomorrow, this is a sign that America won't be docile anymore.

I am not supportive of war without purpose. I am also angry that other nations don't ally with America as they should when there are threatening leaders in Iran, Syria or N Korea for example. These problems are global problems and deserve at least as much focus as climate change does.
That cowardly incompetent pussy Obama drew a line in the sand and then chickenshitted out and children were gassed and Trump had to deal with the problem.

Obama was way over his head being President and everything he did was weak and screwed up.

Back up and keep your facts straight. A week ago Trump was good with Assad, remember?
US signals openness to Assad staying put
US signals openness to Assad staying put -
Trump is an unpredictable and self-contradictory loose cannon.
Rep Schiff just said it was actually close to 70 missiles and that they were all targeted at one air base. That place is ashes now...

Not necessarily. Tomahawk missiles are low yield. It's unlikely that all of them hit on target (being fired from at least several hundred miles away) , and any aircraft that were sheltered probably survived.Well armored aircraft would likely only be destroyed by a direct hit.
And there's no proof where/who The chemical attacks came from and the children affected by this, where is the proof?

This is not a Perry Mason episode where the killer jumps up and says I did it. The fact is Syria and Russia are the only ones capable of using chemical weapons. Russia's lame excuse for the attack is proof of who is responsible. You would not admit the truth if Assad said he did it.

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