Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Syria: US launches missile strikes near Homs – live

I will always back my President when he does the right thing.

Tell Assad you will burn his palace and him to the ground.

No chemical weapons, assholes.
I have a feeling this was a mistake, they don't know who performed the chemical attacks, they don't know that anybody died or was even injured the chemical attacks...
Haha the ignorant Trump rube grows his first brain cell!
This was the emotion, bleeding hearts cannot tolerate images of suffering kids - even though it was fake news.
Psh. In a couple years you'll be back to calling me and others a bunch of soldier hating traitors for wanting to pull our troops out of the wars in Syria, North Korea, and Iran to bring them back to safety. You'll be applauding Trump for wanting to send more over.

I hope that's the lesson. The other lesson may be just let the fucking muslims kill themselves off.

If I was President I wouldn't have done anything because I am against interventionism.

However, Trump decided that he would intervene to stop a tyrant that was gasssing children.

All of this is caused by Obama's weakness.

He destabilized the Middle East with his stupid regime change in Libya and walking away from Iraq before the county was stabilized and ISIS and Assad and Russian interventionism and all the other turmoil are the consequences.
Let's put a bomb on Assad in his palace. Let's let him feel the pain he dishes out. His children should suffer the pain of nerve gas or barrel bombs or missiles lobed at HIM.
Syria: US launches missile strikes near Homs – live

I will always back my President when he does the right thing.

Tell Assad you will burn his palace and him to the ground.

No chemical weapons, assholes.
I have a feeling this was a mistake, they don't know who performed the chemical attacks, they don't know that anybody died or was even injured the chemical attacks...
Haha the ignorant Trump rube grows his first brain cell!
This was the emotion, bleeding hearts cannot tolerate images of suffering kids - even though it was fake news.
Psh. In a couple years you'll be back to calling me and others a bunch of soldier hating traitors for wanting to pull our troops out of the wars in Syria, North Korea, and Iran to bring them back to safety. You'll be applauding Trump for wanting to send more over.
You obviously have not paid attention to my posts, I happened to be a libertarian. This is a mistake, it's all about emotion...
Rep Schiff just said it was actually close to 70 missiles and that they were all targeted at one air base. That place is ashes now...

Not necessarily. Tomahawk missiles are low yield. It's unlikely that all of them hit on target (being fired from at least several hundred miles away) , and any aircraft that were sheltered probably survived.Well armored aircraft would likely only be destroyed by a direct hit.

Dude...they had cruise missiles back in the Gulf War in the 90's that could literally turn 90 degree street corners and hit targets. These missiles have 1,000 pound warheads on them. You're out of your mind. :lmao:
I wonder how many Russians were killed, and what sort of fall-out this will bring...

The lesson the Russians should have got was don't fuck with Trump. He is not the pussy that Obama was.

Here's really what the Russians should learn from Trump: Don't show him any pictures!

Until pictures were shown of the Nazi death camps nobody knew about the Holocaust, did they?

We've been bombarded with pictures of dead children in Syria from chemical weapons for the past SIX years - including when Trump was warning President Obama to stay out of Syria.
The interpretation of ... "Staying out of Syria" is subjective and a 'fluid' scenario... popping off a few "firecrackers" into an air strip isn't necessarily the same as boots on the ground... Every situation brings with it it's own specific circumstances.... end of story....
Let's put a bomb on Assad in his palace. Let's let him feel the pain he dishes out. His children should suffer the pain nerve gas or barrel bombs lobed at HIM.
Who replaces him? Questions that need to be asked.
Good. One more base in Islamo-Land rendered inoperable. More of this and the animals will be reduced to fighting and murdering with sharpened sticks. Any country that keeps re-arming the vermin, on any side, should face sanctions and blockades.

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